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About Hugatime

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    Intermediate Member
  1. Hugatime

    Surgery was yesterday!

    Great job Mike!!!! The leak test isn't too bad. The next few days you will be sore, especially on the left side. Day 3 was my worst day. Day 5 was the day it all started to improve. Improvement seems to become rapid once you get home. Today begins your new life, my friend!!! Just some tips - walk as much as possible to relieve the gas pains (they are the worst part) Use your breath measurer 10 times per hour to remove the flem from your lungs! Don't swallow what you hack up, even if it's minor. It can make you vomit. Try not to sneeze Sip slowly. Gulps are gone. Lot of liquids and Proteins will give you a much faster recovery!!! You've got this!!!!!!
  2. Hugatime

    9 days post op!

    Good luck Mike! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!
  3. The drain is nothing to worry about. I didn't feel anything at all when they removed it. No pain. Each person is different, but mine was easy. The catheter was unpleasant though, especially for guys. Good times!!!!
  4. The word no WLS patient wants to hear (Gasp!!!) I've hit this bad boy head on this week and have stalled my weight loss. I'm averaging 3-4 miles walking a day. At first, I thought that I was building muscle, because the inches were shredding. Getting on the scale today though, and seeing the same 3 numbers staring me in the face (they're giggling at me, too!), I had to revisit my diet and see if I could find where the breakdown is. A big mistake on my part was not keeping a food journal. So I had to go by memory, meal after meal. I'm so focused on Protein and liquid, that I'm not really looking at my caloric in-take. Oops. It looks like that is the problem too. Not enough calories!!!! (Am I the only one who finds that comical?) So I'm upping my calories today to get me around 750-850. I've been averaging about 550, so this should send my body the message that we aren't starving. I'm also going to really try to stick to a food schedule better and eat every 2.5-3 hours to keep that metabolic fire burning. My big 2 week post op weigh in is Thursday and I'll post my results! Fired up!!!!
  5. Hugatime

    9 days post op!

    Pain level has gone down. I get a burst of energy every once in a while but then my brain reminds me I just had major surgery. Ditto here on the burst. But the burst is getting so much better with each day. I knocked a 5 mile walk out this evening (paid for it when I got home by crashing!!!). I've also hit the dreaded week 2 plateau in my loss. This is the week where you stop burning Fluid and start replacing fat with muscle. Don't get discouraged if it happens to you. The inches are still melting!!!!
  6. Hugatime

    9 days post op!

    Congrats on the 14lbs!!! The loose stool is pretty common. Some of the Protein Shakes are horrible. I like the Premier Protein 11 oz. they pack 30g of protein per serving and I can get them down in about 15 minutes. What I've found is I have pin point tightness when I sit at a 90 degree angle.
  7. Hugatime

    9 days post op!

    Very nice!!! How is your pain level and energy?
  8. Hugatime

    9 days post op!

    Thanks all!!! I've been reading a lot of posts from this forum and have really found a ton of value here.
  9. Hello all! I recently had RNY GB (6/11/14). Feeling great so far! I'm 34 and before surgery, I tipped the scales at a studly 346lbs. After weighing in this morning, I'm at 295!!! I had a "castaway" moment where I looked back at the island (300+lbs for over a decade) and just began to choke up. My surgeon was the great Dr. Marema, in St Augustine, Fl. I had no complications and was out of the hospital the next day (not typical apparently). In my opinion, the most important part of all of this was the prep. I had 3 weeks and in that 3 weeks I made the tough decision not to be a slave to food and to exercise, exercise, exercise! I ended up losing 30lbs pre-op by following the phase II diet and walking. For anyone having this or any other WLS, I strongly recommend preparing your body any way that you can, so that your recovery can be as seamless as possible. With it being day 9, the only discomfort I'm having is to the left of my abdomen (muscle wall incisions). It takes a few weeks to truly heal up, I'm told. All other pain subsided for me by post op day 4. My meal regimen has been pretty blah, and this surgery will not discontinue your head hunger or cravings I'm finding, but it does make me full and my pouch keeps me wanting to be honest (or suffer the consequences!!). I wanted to join this forum to discuss my journey and the journey's of others, so if I can answer any questions from anyone considering this surgery, please don't hesitate to Let me know!! Thanks all!!! Matt

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