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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    blondiebabs reacted to NYCkindofgirl in Introductions & important question - surgery without support   
    Hi Eric, You need to look at your own motivation first. Are you doing this for the right reasons? Once you are clear on why you are having surgery, then you need to look at the timing. Is this the right time for you? When you are clear that this is the right solution at the right time you can TRY to explain it to your partner. People who have never had to lose weight or only had a small amount to lose can't really understand the frustration of dieting for the "morbidly obese". If you need to talk, please feel free to send me a PM with your phone number. I'm sure there are many people here who will be happy to help support you emotionally!
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    blondiebabs reacted to JerseyCityGal in Introductions & important question - surgery without support   
    All my immediate family are deceased. I have some half-siblings that were not raised with me and I have no contact with them. I'm an introvert so I don't I don't exactly have a social circle, and I'm fairly isolated at work. I have one really good friend who lives about 1,000 miles away. That's pretty low support, lol. Yet I have no doubt whatsoever I can and will do this. It's for me, so I can and will do it for me.
    You have to remember that at the end of the day, it's your body. It's your "home", where your soul lives. It's up to you to do right by it, no matter what anyone else is offering up. YOU have to be supportive of it and take of it and care of it no matter what.
    I'm a really independent person, so that probably helps a lot, but even so ... you have to get your mindset to a place where you aren't approaching this with fixed assumptions, ie "people want me to fail". Maybe some of them do. If that's true, you can clean house when the time comes, but don't let that hold you back from doing what's best for you. There is a difference between good concern (This surgery sounds dangerous. I'm afraid for you.) which can be dealt with by providing facts and information and ulterior motives or whatever "Let's put it off for another year!" (We already did that and I didn't lose an ounce.).
    Maybe you will lose a couple of friends and have to find some new and more supportive ones or maybe they will adapt to the situation. Just don't stay fat and unhappy to keep other people comfortable. That's not being fair to yourself.
  3. Like
    blondiebabs reacted to janeta16 in Non-NSAIDs Pain Relievers   
    Oh my I have very bad menstrual cramps and love my Motrin don't know what I will do.
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    blondiebabs reacted to gottagonow in Non-NSAIDs Pain Relievers   
    I was told not to take them but to talk to your surgeon if you need them infrequently. The surgeon's orders put me back on BCPs as soon as the surgery was complete.
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    blondiebabs reacted to Georgia Pritchett in Non-NSAIDs Pain Relievers   
    I had to give up nsaids a couple of years ago because of kidney damage. It is difficult with fibro, Migraine, and tension headaches but I did make it. You can get Tylenol with caffeine and no aspirin which does help my tension headaches. Aspirin free excedrin. And I have a script for tramadol, too.
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    blondiebabs reacted to mrshall617 in Non-NSAIDs Pain Relievers   
    I take Excedrin Migraine for bad headaches (I take something else for actual migraines) and I won't be able to take that anymore - ever, according to my nurse and surgeon. I'm also wondering what I'll be able to take instead - I don't believe the surgery will alleviate my headache issue since I've had them since I was in my teens and before I was heavy. My surgery is Wed 6/18! My nurse told me to check with my neurologist to see if I could take tramadol instead. It's a script because it's a narcotic. I haven't called about it yet, I'll call on Monday and see what the neurologist says.
    I haven't found anything that works for my bad knees - I'm looking forward to losing this weight so my knee pain is relieved!!!
    I'm so glad you started this thread - this is one of my biggest concerns! I'll keep following to see if anyone else has something OTC that works as well as Excedrin Migraine for headaches!!!
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    blondiebabs reacted to #9grammy in Non-NSAIDs Pain Relievers   
    I use a cream called Volteran Gel. When I use this I'm not suppose to take my Celebrex. I wonder if that is the cream/gel everyone is talking about.
    I too will have to be off my Celerex which I've been taking for many years
  8. Like
    blondiebabs reacted to JeanZ_RN in Non-NSAIDs Pain Relievers   
    I was taking a prescription NSAID (Feldene) consistently before my sleeve surgery, for osteoarthritis pain in several joints and in my lower back. I stopped it before surgery, per surgeon's orders, and took Tylenol or, rarely, prescription narcotics when I had to have something.
    Immediately after the surgery I was delighted to find that my aches and pains were GONE. I don't know why (maybe endorphins?), but that low-to-moderate level nagging pain in my joints and lower back was no there. That lasted several months. When the aches gradually returned, they were at first less bothersome than pre-op, which I attributed to weight loss. Now, at 7 mos out, they're back to pre-surgery intensity but they're more episodic instead of constant.
    My surgeon said I can take my Feldene now, but only intermittently. When the aches get to me I take it for a couple of weeks, then stop for at least a few weeks. He said to wait until I'm at least a full year post op before I take it consistently again.
    The benefits of this particular NSAID are that I only have to take it once a day, and there are at least two strengths: 10 mg and 20 mg. Celebrex would be another good choice.
    Please note that anytime that anyone (WLS or no) takes an NSAID they should always always always take it with food.
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    blondiebabs reacted to Sleeveless in seattle in Non-NSAIDs Pain Relievers   
    Why no birth control pills? My surgeon ok'd those at 1 week post op.
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    blondiebabs reacted to Gammy10 in Non-NSAIDs Pain Relievers   
    Yes, @@KSTUZ we can do this! I do not like getting those cortisone shots either! We will feel so much better once we shed some of this extra weight. My ortho doctor says for every pound I lose, it takes 4 pounds of pressure off my joints. Now, that has to make a difference in how we feel.
    Thank you @@blondiebabs ! I hope to be posting from the losing bench soon!
  11. Like
    blondiebabs reacted to #9grammy in Introductions & important question - surgery without support   
    Try taking you partner or a friend with you to support groups, nut, even the doctor. I took my fiancé who was against me doing th, he said it was to drastic of a way to lose weight. Drastic or not I'd been reading up on it for months and I was having it done. I think he's come around now, at least I hope so. I haven't asked him.
    I take him to all appointments with me, he and I are retired so we can do this together. He asked questions at the nut support group and at my nut meeting. Maybe you can try taking your partner with you.
    Good Luck
  12. Like
    blondiebabs reacted to Cupcake in Introductions & important question - surgery without support   
    Hi I believe you can do this if you decide your health and happiness must come first before anyone . If you lost a friend then they were not truly a friend because friends want you to be happy and healthy. Don't let their disapproval stop you from being healthy and robbing you of years of happiness as well as healthy good luck my friend .
  13. Like
    blondiebabs got a reaction from BeagleLover in Introductions & important question - surgery without support   
    I've been told by the majority of my friends in the past that I should not get weight loss surgery, so I'm not even talking to them about it now that I have decided to do it because I do not need that kind of negativity. I listened to everyone else for too many years and tried without success to do it on my own. I only have 3 people supporting me in my real life, I love the support here. I think if you have the resolve that you are doing this for your health and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about it, then you can succeed.
    Your health is what is most important no matter what anyone thinks about how you chose to get there. You will have tons of cheerleaders here.
  14. Like
    blondiebabs got a reaction from Gammy10 in Non-NSAIDs Pain Relievers   
    @@KSTUZ YES M'AM! We will rock it!
  15. Like
    blondiebabs reacted to KSTUZ in Non-NSAIDs Pain Relievers   
    I was hoping it was only pre op. BUT, like u said listing some weight off these poor bones should help. I was diagnosed with duodenitis after my endo too. That's how much I lived on them. Time to change EVERYTHING THO! So I can DO THIS!! Right tt?!?!
  16. Like
    blondiebabs reacted to Gammy10 in Non-NSAIDs Pain Relievers   
    I was told never to take them again. Also, no birth control pills (which grandmas don't need those! ha!). I know losing weight will help immensely. I think I will call on Monday and ask about the cream. My surgery is next week, and I am so psyched about that!
  17. Like
    blondiebabs reacted to NothingUpMySleeve in Introductions & important question - surgery without support   
    My husband was supportive but everyone else really wasn't. Standard "you're not that big" or "you'll just gain it back" type stuff. I felt kind of alone.
    Well, I did it anyway and I'm damn glad. The food prep is no biggie. My husband ended up deciding to do it, too, after he saw my success.
    I was a self-pay in Mexico but my surgeon has an online support group. I log on every single day for encouragement. Six months out, I have a healthy bmi, some nice muscle, and I can buy cute small clothes (I know this last point is prob not as big a deal to guys, but still...)
    You can do this.
  18. Like
    blondiebabs got a reaction from BeagleLover in Introductions & important question - surgery without support   
    I've been told by the majority of my friends in the past that I should not get weight loss surgery, so I'm not even talking to them about it now that I have decided to do it because I do not need that kind of negativity. I listened to everyone else for too many years and tried without success to do it on my own. I only have 3 people supporting me in my real life, I love the support here. I think if you have the resolve that you are doing this for your health and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about it, then you can succeed.
    Your health is what is most important no matter what anyone thinks about how you chose to get there. You will have tons of cheerleaders here.
  19. Like
    blondiebabs got a reaction from BeagleLover in Long term results   
    Keep that attitude and you will be doing fabulous!
  20. Like
    blondiebabs got a reaction from BeagleLover in Long term results   
    I'm not really talking to people about it because I already know that is the kind of feedback I am going to get, people love to share horror stories. Not everything is going to work for everyone, and people who do not continue to live a healthy lifestyle are not going to succeed.
  21. Like
    blondiebabs got a reaction from BeagleLover in Introductions & important question - surgery without support   
    I've been told by the majority of my friends in the past that I should not get weight loss surgery, so I'm not even talking to them about it now that I have decided to do it because I do not need that kind of negativity. I listened to everyone else for too many years and tried without success to do it on my own. I only have 3 people supporting me in my real life, I love the support here. I think if you have the resolve that you are doing this for your health and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about it, then you can succeed.
    Your health is what is most important no matter what anyone thinks about how you chose to get there. You will have tons of cheerleaders here.
  22. Like
    blondiebabs got a reaction from BeagleLover in Feeling like my "partner" doesnt get it   
    That is kind of like when I had to have heart surgery and quit smoking my X-husband would not quit smoking around me, and would even fire up in the vehicle right next to me and get po'd if I'd roll the window down. Unfortunately some people do not know what it means to have a little compassion and to be supportive. He could eat his junk and keep it out of your face.
    As far as cooking dinner it should not be expected of you, especially if you work and help support the home financially too. I'm assuming in your vows you did not say that you swear to be his mother for the rest of your life.
    Good luck, I hope that he comes around, keep your chin up and being strong and doing what is good for you! =) Try to find a way to make his lack of empathy give you strength and determination to carry on.
  23. Like
    blondiebabs got a reaction from ABT78 in Made the decision but now I am terrified.....   
    I received the same kind of kick-back from one of the friends that I told, basically my opinion about it is its not their life so we shouldn't let their fears hold us back. Plus people who do not know the struggle really do not understand. This website and the people here who bravely post their stories have really helped me with a lot of my fears and anxieties about the process.
  24. Like
    blondiebabs reacted to SeriJ in Progress!   
    Still have over 100 lbs to go but I feel happy so far

  25. Like
    blondiebabs reacted to mharris3719 in Long term results   
    Great info y'all. Thanks. I feel better and knowing this is my tool for my new life that will be all about better choices is how I think I will succeed long term.

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