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miss meliss

LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by miss meliss

  1. Have you been banded yet? I love my band, it works!

  2. Who's your Doctor?

  3. Hi Kenzie! I did Lockheed insurance and it was Aetna. I had no problem getting approved. I did call the insurance daily once my Dr. submitted my forms. Sometimes "Nicely" nagging helps! I found that my information was sent to the wrong department and Aetna was very nice correcting it immedately. It could have taken weeks for them to realize it on thier own! As much as I hated waiting the 3-4 months.... I was better educated and have had much better success than my friend who self paid. I can't tell you how much I hated waiting... but I am glad I did. Christmas update! I ate a little of everything i love and I have not gained a pound!!! Ususally I am up 15 pounds since Thanksgiving. The band Works!! I love it!! I was wearing 22/24 jeans and I got a pair of Levi 8's for Christmas... that is ridiculous!

  4. Have you gotten a date yet? Don't hesisate to call and nag your insurance!! I did and I got a date in less than a week. As of today I have lost 99lbs... I am soooo close to 100!

  5. Hey Kenzie!

    Nice to meet you and I am glad to help! I know when I was at your stage I wanted to find women my age to see if it really was working... and it does. I've been over wieght my whole life and obese for the last 17 years. I had given up hope :sad:. As of today I have lost 99lbs!! The band is working better than I dreamed!! The 3 monthes will go by quickly. The things I learned during the 3 monthes have really helped me out. My friends who did self pay with no couseling have not had the success that I (and others with couseling) have seen. I assumed that insurance was stalling, however, I learned a lot during that time. Please let me know if you have any questions or just want to vent!!

  6. Hey C-Girl!

    One can't have too many friends. Did you just get banded? How are you doing!

  7. I have the 10cc too. I beleive I am between 6-7cc's. On my 2nd fill I got an unfill (could not swallow my own spit!). Then in August I went in and had a 3rd fill and have not had one since. I knew I needed a fill when a small portion meal didn't keep me full more than 3 hrs. As I am now.. I can not over eat in volumn. I can still eat too much sweets but a small piece of chicken and 1/4 cup veg. will hold me for hours. Seems to me you are loosing good now. I would go ahead and reschedule your visit for a later date. That way if all of a sudden you are hungry a lot you will already have an appointment.

  8. I love our doctor's office. I have several friends & family members who have the band and our doctors support team, after the band, is by far the best! Dr. Slicko looks somewhere between a mad scienctist and a male model and he is great with a needle. Good luck, and thanks for the kind words. The band is great, you'll be glad you did it!!:biggrin:

  9. I had Aetna and I did the 90 day wait too! You will be surprise how quick it goes. I got my surgry date within a week after completing the 90 trial. If you have any questions don't hesistate to ask! You are already gorgeous...you will be small and gorgeous soon!! I had my surgry in May and I have lost 88 lbs...and I am much older!! It will be a snap for you!

  10. Hey Girl!

    Thanks for the kind words! I have motivated my husband a bit to exercise. But mostly I am being a healthier cook for the whole family. I do love my band!! But, it has taken some of the fun out of eating. I am afraid I was having too much fun eating!! How long have you been banded?

  11. How are you feeling?

  12. Thanks for the nice picture comments! I would love to be friends... one can't have to many friends!:biggrin:

    I bet is cold where you are. Today was sunny and 65 here. When did you get the band?

  13. Final Continued...

    Follow the diet your doctor recommends! Low carbs avoid sweets if it isn't your birthday or a holiday. Be aggressive with your fills!!! The sooner you get good restrictions the sooner you will start losing weight!

    I hope I haven't written too much! I hope this helps and please email me for any questions you have during this process. I was lucky. I had an older sister get this 4 years ago. A younger sister get it a couple of weeks after me and a co-worker who had it a week before me. I have a wonderful support group and have sought out most questions! Good Luck, don't worry!! .... Melissa

    The website would not allow me to post this in one block. Sorry!

  14. Continued....

    3. I love my band!! My success has really been much better than I dared to hope! I have been heavy my entire life. I have been obese since my early thirties (infertility meds). I was a happy chunky chick, a happy, active obese stay at home mom and then my mid forties happend:scared2:. I became diabetic, high cholestrol and high blood pressure. At first I thought I was cheating by considering Weight loss surgry. But, I could not lose more than the same 10-15 pounds over and over. I had to diet to not gain weight!

    In 8 monthes I have lost 80 pounds, ate out with friends, gone on vacations, and bought reg. sized clothes for the 1st time since my 20's!! This has been the best descision!! My blood sugar and cholsetrol are normal and the doctor is weening me off of blood pressure medicine!! No more nervousness about theater seats and boothes in restuarants.

  15. Continued...

    2. The week after surgry will be okay. I allowed myself to become dyhydrated and had bad headaches and nausa for a couple of days. Once I started sipping water I felt fine..tired.. but fine. The liquid diet is no big deal. It is a short time and personally I didn't want to eat anything big. Keep sugar free jello, soups & and protien drinks around! As surgries go ... this one is no big deal. The incisions were no big deal.. not much pain at all. It felt more like really sore muscles from too many sit ups. Just don't get to active before your doctor tells you!

  16. Continued...Maybe the one that inspired you to have the band surgrey!! When you first see the scales move down you will be excited. But sometimes weeks pass and their isn't much of a number loss. These pictures will keep you inspired. When I lost my 50 pounds, I knew I felt better and I was excited about losing this weight. However, I was still a plus size and it is difficult to see the difference. I know that sounds strange but I never really saw how big I was and I am now shocked at the difference I see. So when I get stuck at weight for a long time I can look at my before pictures and then at my now pictures and it makes me feel soooo good. Sometimes when my weight isn't changing I am still losing inches. I do really recommend you taking that before picture. Some place in your house where you can repeat the pose in a couple of monthes ... to get a good comparison. It will help inspire you thru the tough times!

  17. Hi Marty!

    Thank you for a the sweet things you said. I am very lucky and I do have a wondeful family, I am blessed.

    1. Don't be afraid of pictures. Lord knows I have 100's that I hate. But as much as you might hate seeing yourself now, your kids love the way you look and will want memories of the times they are with you now. I also recommend taking a picture now as a benchmark of the progress that you be making. Also, look around for the absolutely worst picture you can find of yourself.

  18. Thanks for the kind words! I am also just outside of DFW. I live in the Burleson area. That is where that great field of Bluebonnet were, between Joshua & Grandbury. Your lookin good! ... Melissa

  19. Hey! Just for the record..... amandainsicily is my younger sister/stalker!

  20. I am doing much, much better! Last night I co-hosted (with 3 other couples) a crawdaddy party. One of the couples is orginally from south of New Orleans. It was in the Porters backyard and I was hoping just make an apperance. We boiled about 200 pounds of mudbugs (big ones!) and had about 50 people come. Not only did I stay for the whole party I ended up singing on a Microphone several times with dance moves (completely sober) and being around a lot of my favorite foods and not eating or feeling sorry for myself. I was exhausted by the end of the night and I could not sit up straight but after sleeping in the next day I was fine. I did bring home a large bag of crawdads to peel and freeze for when I get to use my teeth again!!

    Seriously..... you do need to start doing your pre-op diet. You can eat just about anything you want after a few weeks, so settle down!

  21. :scared2: Okay...........

    How are you? I am fine. We must keep in touch.......I'm scared :scared:

  22. You are my first "Friend" on the internet :smile2: ..... you not some wacko internet stalker, are you :scared2:

  23. I hope the hottness of my photo does not disturb you :tt2:

  24. So......... did you thank Alex?

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