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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Tigermouse74 reacted to ziggypbang in Recently Lost a Best Friend Because of My Decision to Get Bariatric Surgery   
    This is so sad! She's so totally twisted up in her eating disorder issues that she refuses to be educated about your obesity-related health issues. Obesity itself is a deadly disease. Perhaps if you had cancer she would be more supportive in your seeking a cure? Bizarre and toxic! Have to let this one go for now. I'm very sorry for the hurt you are experiencing. WLS one of the best decisions I've ever made!
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    Tigermouse74 reacted to Babbs in Recently Lost a Best Friend Because of My Decision to Get Bariatric Surgery   
    I don't even know where to start. What does your "friend" say about overweight people who need to do the surgery for health reasons (like me)?. I am almost 47 years old, and the weight has quite frankly taken a toll on my health as of late. My mom died at the young age of 69 due to heart failure after a heart attack. I am now hypertensive and pre diabetic. I am not doing this to "look pretty". I am not doing this because I hate myself. I am not doing this because I can't accept my fat and want to fit into what society thinks is acceptable. I am not doing this because I'm "fatphobic". Quite frankly, I'm doing this TO SAVE MY LIFE. It's time we do away with the politically correct bullshit of "fat acceptance" and start telling the TRUTH about what it does to your body to be overweight. I am having the surgery BECAUSE I love myself. Period.
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    Tigermouse74 reacted to InfiniteButterfly in Recently Lost a Best Friend Because of My Decision to Get Bariatric Surgery   
    Your 'friend'...and I use the term loosely...isn't much of a friend. Her post is all about her. She has zero right to tell you how to live your life or how to live in your body. You need to do what's right for you, and drop the deadweight (her). She's not much of a friend if she can't accept that this is for your health.
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    Tigermouse74 reacted to Jack in Recently Lost a Best Friend Because of My Decision to Get Bariatric Surgery   
    I've lost friends over stuff a lot less important than my own personal health care decisions.
    And for a strident list of pseudo intellectual garbage that is wrong both in premise as well as fact, your time will be far better utilized by attending to the rigors of healthy living than somebody's list of fantasies.
    Cheers on your journey.
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    Tigermouse74 reacted to keish_lorraine in Recently Lost a Best Friend Because of My Decision to Get Bariatric Surgery   
    At the risk of sounding a bit brash...f**k your "friend". She sounds as if she's dealing with her own "fat acceptance" issues. You don't need those kind of people in your life. She's selfish. She created a whole blog post about YOUR surgery and made it about HER feelings. She doesn't care about you. She was never a friend. Cut that dead weight loose now. You'll feel much lighter when you do.
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    Tigermouse74 reacted to beeteroo in Foods that make you barf! Literally.   
    Man I have the same problem.
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    Tigermouse74 reacted to PowerUp in June 9th Sleeve - Looking for friends!   
    June 5th surgery. 4th day of PRE-Op diet. I've had my ups and downs adjusting and I do miss certain foods. I may have more ups and downs, but I'm staying true to the plan.
    For me the first day was easy, but the second was bad. I had these awful hunger rumblings on and off. What I noticed though, is that I could wait it out and the discomfort would go away. I actually noticed that this discomfort didn't seem to match if I had food in my stomach or not. It was like this general feeling that was coming in waves. But once I knew I could get through it, everything seemed a little easier. What can feed(pun intended) that discomfort is when I fixated on foods that I miss.
    In order to not feed into that discomfort, I found that I needed to distract myself. So now I have a few tricks that I use - really for me it's a matter of switching my focus onto some other task other than food. Also my support system helps. This forum helps. Reminding myself why I'm doing this helps.
  8. Like
    Tigermouse74 got a reaction from mentalistfan in Focusing on my 13 pounds left to lose..   
    Hi there. Sound's like you're doing everything right to achieve your goals. Congratulations on your amazing success so far!
    I have not been sleeved yet (June 16th for me ), You are exactly the kind of inspiration I needed today. The closer the date get's the more I question my decision, then just as I get cold feet, some wonderful person like you shares their journey and I remember why I want this for myself too. So thank you!
  9. Like
    Tigermouse74 got a reaction from mentalistfan in Focusing on my 13 pounds left to lose..   
    Hi there. Sound's like you're doing everything right to achieve your goals. Congratulations on your amazing success so far!
    I have not been sleeved yet (June 16th for me ), You are exactly the kind of inspiration I needed today. The closer the date get's the more I question my decision, then just as I get cold feet, some wonderful person like you shares their journey and I remember why I want this for myself too. So thank you!
  10. Like
    Tigermouse74 got a reaction from mentalistfan in Focusing on my 13 pounds left to lose..   
    Hi there. Sound's like you're doing everything right to achieve your goals. Congratulations on your amazing success so far!
    I have not been sleeved yet (June 16th for me ), You are exactly the kind of inspiration I needed today. The closer the date get's the more I question my decision, then just as I get cold feet, some wonderful person like you shares their journey and I remember why I want this for myself too. So thank you!
  11. Like
    Tigermouse74 got a reaction from mentalistfan in Focusing on my 13 pounds left to lose..   
    Hi there. Sound's like you're doing everything right to achieve your goals. Congratulations on your amazing success so far!
    I have not been sleeved yet (June 16th for me ), You are exactly the kind of inspiration I needed today. The closer the date get's the more I question my decision, then just as I get cold feet, some wonderful person like you shares their journey and I remember why I want this for myself too. So thank you!
  12. Like
    Tigermouse74 reacted to Ginger Snaps in What's Your Exercise Program   
    Does your gym have personal trainers? I just joined one about 6 weeks ago and bought a package of personal trainer appointments and it's really been a great experience. They sit down and ask you about your goals and limitations and then help develop a plan just for you.
    I consider that money spent as an investment in my health, just like the surgery.
    Best wishes!
  13. Like
    Tigermouse74 got a reaction from mentalistfan in Focusing on my 13 pounds left to lose..   
    Hi there. Sound's like you're doing everything right to achieve your goals. Congratulations on your amazing success so far!
    I have not been sleeved yet (June 16th for me ), You are exactly the kind of inspiration I needed today. The closer the date get's the more I question my decision, then just as I get cold feet, some wonderful person like you shares their journey and I remember why I want this for myself too. So thank you!
  14. Like
    Tigermouse74 reacted to Carlotta1 in Focusing on my 13 pounds left to lose..   
    Now that I am just below bmi of 30..I am on track to lose those 13 pounds. I set my goal weight above the recommended 25 bmi by about 10 pounds. I vow to continue with:
    Drinking 6-8 glasses of h2o
    Recording my food in my fitness pal..
    Exercising 5 days a week
    Measuring my foods
    Getting proper rest
    Stay away from people who do not have a positive attitude.
    Check with my stomach to determine if I am head hungry.
    Deal with my head hunger by determining the cause and taking action to resolve my head hunger.
    Stop eating when I feel comfortable with what I just ate.
    So happy with my sleeve.
  15. Like
    Tigermouse74 reacted to Breaking Red in Who do I tell? Is it ok to only tell a couple people?   
    I don't think it's about being completely honest or lying. You have a human right to. Have your own PERSONAL BUSINESS. You are ALLOWED to keep what ever you want private. You get decided what that is, no one else does.
    Why is someone's weight loss public property? Why do I have to divulge whether or not I had wls simply because someone asked me?
    If you don't feel comfortable don't make it public. Tell whomever you feel most comfortable with or tell no one. It is your right and neither decision is wrong. Do what's right for you.
    I've seen comments that you will lose credibility if you decide to divulge later on. Again I find that wrong. Again you have the right to take the time to go thru this HUGE life altering change. Family, friends, coworkers don't get to define that timeline for you. And if they feel slighted or bent out of shape, I would say you're better off without them. That person is more concerned about themselves than you.
    Do people ask you your salary? Your husband's penis size? Do you feel compelled to answer? That's how personal I find whether or not someone should ask if I had wls. But..... That's me. Others scream it from the rooftops and that's great for them.
    You should never let other people define your personal boundaries and you should never feel pressured in telling. Nor should guilt be your guide.
    I told my BF, daughter and BFF. That's it. Whether I tell anyone else is so far down the road it isn't on my radar. If a coworker or casual friend forced the question my reply is simply 'I've been working with a nutritionist, working out and watching my diet' If they feel the need to push it then the response is 'I can't believe you would ask a question like that'
  16. Like
    Tigermouse74 got a reaction from georgeserlis in BEST THING I EVER DONE   
    That's awesome George! Thank you for sharing your story. You've done so well!!!
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    Tigermouse74 reacted to AZDesertRose76 in Gym-related NSV   
    So I haven't weight trained since my VSG on January 8, because I didn't want to do it until I'd gotten clearance at my three-month post-op checkup, which was last week. (I've been swimming and walking for exercise since surgery, but no weight training.) I got clearance from my surgeon to resume weight training last week, so I went to the YMCA (where I work out) today.
    The YMCA has a computer system called ActivTrax that will generate weight-training workouts for you so you don't work the same muscles all the time or get bored, and I wanted to have a trainer re-evaluate my ActivTrax weight stats before I just went back at it willy-nilly.
    I did the re-evaluation today, and I am right where I was before surgery. The last time I weight trained must have been December sometime, but I guess the swimming helped keep my muscles strong, because the trainer didn't have to adjust any of my weight levels. I can pick right back up where I left off. I am so happy I haven't lost any strength. I love weight training (cardio bores me but I do it anyway), and I am just tickled pink that I can still do what I was doing pre-op.
  18. Like
    Tigermouse74 reacted to georgeserlis in BEST THING I EVER DONE   
    Hi my name is George I am 34 years old, I had sleeve surgery done on 4th November 13 (6 months ago) . I weighted 180kgs 2 weeks prior to surgery and now 125kgs and still loosing. I walk everyday 40 mins, clothes fit better , self confidence is higher. Life is so much easier with less weigth!! I currently loose between 700 grams and 1.5 kgs per week. It is very important to watch what you eat now and don't go back to old habits( witch I'm sure we all know about) . If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask!!

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    Tigermouse74 reacted to Nevermind in Gas-X strips in Australia?   
    People say use Gas X strips, but it's a total myth. The gas you are trying to expel after surgery is in your chest cavity, not in your new tummy. The absolute ONLY way to get rid of it is to walk.
    Good luck.
  20. Like
    Tigermouse74 reacted to Recycled in Gas-X strips in Australia?   
    I got the strips and they did nothing. I preferred the tabs. They chew up and go down just fine and seemed to work better.
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    Tigermouse74 reacted to beeteroo in Gas-X strips in Australia?   
    I used them and they were helpful for me. You can just as easily get another medication with simethicone in it. Maalox makes one. They even have liquid formulations for kids. Just look for simethicone as an active ingredient.
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    Tigermouse74 reacted to Teachamy in Gas-X strips in Australia?   
    If you can't get the strips, other types of Gas X will be fine. BTW, did you try Amazon?
  23. Like
    Tigermouse74 reacted to skinnygirlwithin in EASY WAY OUT!   
    I will be 5 months on May 11th, so far to my face I have only had one person say that to me, it took everything I had not to punch her in the face,.. she is stupid & ignorant because she made a stupid uneducated comment like we all have done in our life...
    Look I know this isn't the easy way out and really don't care what anyone else says... I didn't do it for them, I did it for me, and that is the only opinion that I care about anymore (well and my husbands LOL)
    All of us "sleevers" know what we have had to go through to get here, WE ALL KNOW this wasn't the easy way - it was the only way... this is what WE had to do to get healthy. And if our family/friends/coworkers don't understand it, that fine - they don't have to cause its not their life... we all have had to deal with the negativity of being over weight... now we are being judged for trying to get healthy - people are just so ignorant... I am down ALMOST 75 lbs... I couldn't be happier!! I am fitting into clothes that haven't fit in 10 years... easy or not... NO ONE can take that away from me... Cause I wont let anyone have that power over me ever again - I wish you all the happiness in the world with your new tummy!!! your sleeve family will be here judgment free! (because we all took the easy way HAHHAHA!!!)
  24. Like
    Tigermouse74 reacted to Recycled in EASY WAY OUT!   
    C'mon......it's just the idea of people not understanding the whole story that is really bugging us about that "Easy" crack.
    In truth, losing the weight is easier than any efforts I made before......not to mention I'm actually changing my lifestyle and eating healthy this time.
    OK, OK..... I know there is the whole "life risking" surgery thing and recovery pain and mini meals and no gulping and tenny bites and chewing endlessly and loss of taste and and and. Plus there is still that reality that I have to change my eating habits to eat less......and healthy and exercise and take Vitamins and pretty much everything that any other weight loss would entail........So where is the easy part.
    Who cares what anybody says or thinks. You not going to change their minds or way of thinking.
    All I care about is reaching my goal and regaining my health and my life. Convincing others of how I got there is of no consequence. When someone comments to me about the Easy way out.....I just say....."Yep, I shoulda done it years ago"
  25. Like
    Tigermouse74 reacted to Bigmommatojacob in Popped stitches or incisions, jp drain site, leaks and possible infection....   
    You need to call your dr after hour number now.

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