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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About tiffnichole76

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  1. tiffnichole76

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    I understand where you are coming from. My grandmother had a stroke and her dementia escalated and the stress of that, work and life in general as taken the focus off my weight loss. I haven't gained but I'm not losing and not really trying. Thanks for all the recent post, every time I get an updated message from this thread it reminds me of our far I've come. I've spent an hour reading through some of our old messages and its inspired me to stay the course and not just settle for 170 pounds. 145 is my goal and I need to get up, get out and get to work on these last 25 pounds. I'd love to have my goal in by this time in May. Thanks again for all the encouragement. Again, continued success to all, especially my fellow June sleevers.
  2. tiffnichole76

    Emotional Journey

    Hey! Band to sleeve revision surgery date June 25th, slowly losing. Finally down 35 pounds. I've reached the 170's haven't seen that since high school. 35-40 pounds to go....
  3. tiffnichole76

    Slow weight loss?

    Went to the doctor today to get my blood pressure checked and some blood work done, I'm finally in the 180's!!!! Haven't seen the 180's in 15 years. Also, I fit a size large dress and I've been using the ketone strips and finally I'm back in fat burning mode. Thank everyone for your encouragement.
  4. tiffnichole76

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    Awesome! Congrats!
  5. tiffnichole76

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    I'm so thankful for this site. I've learned so much, been encouraged and finally feel like I'm not the only one. It will get better for those of us losing more slowly. Keep the faith. I have a goal for my next doctors appointment. Thanks to everyones encouragement I got back in the walking trail this morning.....I also got the ketone strips to monitor my body in a different way. I tool measurements before I started walking.....about 5 weeks prior to surgery......plan to remeasure today, those numbers should really boost my confidence. My clothes are getting loser. And I went window shopping today, tried on the next size down and it fit........so instead of binging on desserts like I used to when I felt down about my weight.....I treated myself to 75% off clearance at Maurice's.
  6. tiffnichole76

    Slow weight loss?

    Hilarious! I appreciate it, just got to Walmart to pick em up.
  7. tiffnichole76

    Slow weight loss?

    Thank you so much! I'll get some today.
  8. tiffnichole76

    Slow weight loss?

    @@freezepop Thank you! Exactly what are ketone strips as and how should they be used?
  9. tiffnichole76

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    I'm still on soft foods as well and there isnt a lot of choices. I'm hoping I can eat the chicken. I plan to chew it 100+ times before swallowing. The greens beans are fine, I ate some a week ago.
  10. tiffnichole76

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    @Nina51@fezik23 I've stalled as well.....been at the same weight for two weeks. I eat applesauce or yogurt for breakfast, have two premier protein shakes for60 grams protein and drink water and gatorade. Everyone is saying I need to eat more but I'm sick and tired of soup an just don't have a desire to eat. I'm getting down about it.....so much so that I haven't walked for the past 4 days. Trying to overcome and get back to being positive. I grabbed some green beans and a lean piece of grilled chicken to take to work today.....I hope I can eat a little bit of it.
  11. tiffnichole76

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    @ Contact your doctors office, mine prescribed a stomach acid blocker and it works wonders.
  12. tiffnichole76

    Slow weight loss?

    This is encouraging to read. I was so excited! Walking daily and ready to do everything the doctor said.......well its tough when the pounds come off slowly or stall.....I've been sitting at the same weight for two weeks. Super depressing but I'm a little encouraged after ready this thread.
  13. @@sma102205 How's your weight loss going now? Its still very slow for me.....actually I've stalled for two weeks. Trying not to get discouraged.
  14. tiffnichole76

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    Good feedback. For some of us the weight loss is slower, but just think..... Your skin won't be saggy and hopefully the weight will stay off. I'm a revision patient so I was already expecting slower weight loss. I'm fine until someone who knows I had surgery ask, ho much have ya lost. Ugggh......I just keep walking, drinking protein shakes, water and counting calories with my fitness pal. Eventually the weight will cone off.....how can it not with such restricted calories. Focus on what your doctor and nutritionist said and try not to weigh yourself for awhile. It'll get better.

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