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    shazbah68 got a reaction from kelliv in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Hi I'm just day 5 pre-op with the sleeve. I like you bridesmaid,was fast tracked!! Went in 1 day for consult came out same day booked in for op 2 weeks from then!
    I'm glad it was fast when I think back....the ore-op diet was a killer but I dropped 6kg in less than 2 weeks. Lots of headaches and fatigue but before I knew it was D-DAY....... Went into sunnybank private hospital with Dr daoud at 7am was in operating theatre by 9.45 and out by 11am.....everything went well. I went into ICU for 1 night then into surgical ward for the 2nd night.......neither was very comfortable I won't lie! ICU cared a lot more about the individual but I was left very very unimpressed with the surgical wards nursing of me,but that's another story.Home was where my real healing has started and continues........I'm coping really well with fluids....a little struggle swallowing just enough not to hurt lol....my advice on week 1?? Don't rush and just 'sip sip sip'
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    shazbah68 reacted to Bec101 in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Wow someone else who had Dr Daoud!!!! I too was very unimpressed with the surgical ward nursing. Only 1 was good the others were OMG!
    Glad to hear ur doing well. Yep just sip sip sip!!
  3. Like
    shazbah68 reacted to JonB in average hospital stay?   
    I had surgery a week ago Monday morning. Nothing but ice chips the rest of the day. Upper G.I. (leak test) early on Tuesday, then liquids (chicken broth, sugar-free Jello, crystal lite) the rest of the day. Released on Wednesday morning. So, two nights!
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    shazbah68 reacted to theskinnybridesmaid in Attention ! Australian Sleevers   
    Wow, what a fabulous and supportive online community.
    I'm 28 and live in Brisbane. I am booked in at Greenslopes hospital on 11th April with Dr Hatzifotis. It's been a bit of a whirl wind as I only had my initial consultation with him 2 weeks ago (a good whirl wind).
    My younger sister is getting married in November and it just happens that the three other bridesmaids are possibly the smallest framed girls in Australia.. Along with my size 8 bride-to-be sister.
    I am determined to not look too out of place in the wedding photos.
    I have loved reading your journeys and appreciate you all being so upfront and honest. I'm sure I will be able to do that eventually.
    Looking forward to chatting and sharing my journey
    Instagram: theskinnybridesmaid
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    shazbah68 reacted to deb1405 in Melbourne Sleevers?   
    I am in Melbourne Australia. I had my surgery last Monday 12th November (afternoon surgery) in recovery by 4.45pm, back to my room by around 8.15 ( purely because of busy staff and time) I was attached to my "best friend" morphine button, relief on demand... Oh wow, what a wonderful thing. Every time I could feel the deferred shoulder pain start to emerge, I push the button - almost instant relief!
    Day 2 (Tuesday) still on saline drip for fluids, having trouble taking anything, even Water, so ice cubes were it. I was up and walking first thing, feeling not to badly, Until my breaky tray appeared. This was not good, this was a set back as it made me feel quite nauseous. Anti nausea Medication for this seemed to work a little. Nothing to "eat or drink" for Tuesday.
    Day 3 (Wednesday) up and about again, still definitely not fussed with the meal trays, but trying harder to get the fluids in via ice blocks and water and flat lemonade, going along ok. The morph button (IV) was removed today, a sad parting, but probably for the best. The shoulder pain was controlled by some IV panadole, not quite as good, but hey, it worked eventually. The IV needle in my wrist area, was quite sore, so it was removed as I still had another IV in further up my arm, that wasn't being used. This one would not flush clear, so it was also removed. HOORAY, I was free!!!! Wednesday night was a "nightmare" in my room, so much noise from the staff and incoming new patients (at 11-35PM!!) the rest of the night, I was in a very disturbed sleep.
    Day 4 ( Thursday) My doctor was in quite early on this day, suggesting I could go home! THIS WAS MUSIC TO MY EARS!! I was originally told it would prob be Friday! I was out of there by 9.45am , on my way home! Trying to keep up my fluids, resting ( in a quiet environment) was going well. I tried the solvable panadole, but just couldn't get it down. So I used a heat pack to relieve the shoulder pain when it happened. No more pain relief. Getting in more fluids each day. sleeping better. I was on the road to recovery.
    Day 5 (Friday) Today, I had some very watery Soup, - a full cup, sipped from a teaspoon over the course of the whole day. I never felt hungry at any time. Fluids going in much better today. Shoulder pain subsiding. Headaches disappearing, as I was more hydrated.
    Day 6 (Saturday) much the same as Friday, only, I able to get more fluids in. Flat lemonade, cup of tea and today I vitamised a can if chicken and veg soup, which I watered down with boiling water. This went down well. Any Soups or heavier fluids I am taking, do take me forever to get down, but that doesn't bother me. I'm just happy to be able to do this without any bad affects. Oh and I also started to have frosty fruit icy poles today too, these are good!
    Day 7 (Sunday) one week down and 3kgs (approx 6.6lbs) down, since my surgery. Total lost since I saw my doctor to book this date (9th oct 2012) - 10 kgs (22lbs) ... No need for painkillers ! I AM VERY HAPPY with how this is going! LOOKING FORWARD TO THE FUTURE, TO HAVE A LONG AND HEALTHY ONE, to enjoy my beautiful granddaughter and family. This was a very good decision to make.
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    shazbah68 reacted to Used2b575lbs in Before And After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Photos   
    Before weightloss

    Before Surgery

    6 Months After Surgery

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    shazbah68 reacted to ShayLove in Pre op diet   
    I'm about to break on this diet. I can't take it I want to eat something.
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    shazbah68 reacted to gohelpyourself in Pre op diet   
    I KNOW!!!! It's like you can actually FEEL digestion occurring. Eeek
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    shazbah68 reacted to Madam Reverie in I thought this was a good thing   
    I know this is going to be tough, because you have all this excitement and new found zest for life.. But in order to minimise the reactions.. which appear to be all negative... you're going to have to limit how much you squeal and bounce around with excitement.
    If you can stand in your husbands shoes: Is he overweight himself? Is he seeing these massive changes and wondering how he fits in to this any more? Is he being a bit childish and resentful, because nothing this exciting is happening to him? Is his ego taking a bit of a bashing? Is he fundamentally fearful he's going to lose you and resentful that YOU are the one who changed your family's dynamic?
    Your children's shoes: Are they just bored to tears of hearing about it? Are they, too, a bit miffed that they haven't got anything this exciting going on in their lives? Are they feeding off the negativity coming from your husband because they, too, might recognise that YOU are the one who changed what they knew and upset the applecart because of the change in family dynamic?
    You have every right to want to sing from the hill tops - but a little appreciation of how they are viewing things, might be useful. It might not change their opinions - but by talking to them gently, attempting to understand their position, you might be able to temper your enthusiasm for your new path (which might make them feel like you're leaving them behind) and try and find ways to integrate them and make things more inclusive.
    Humans don't like change. None of us do. When we choose to make a change in the form of this surgery, we're already 3/4 of the way to embracing all the good things that happen. Rarely we look at all the potential negatives. I would hazard a guess your husband is resentful. Your kids are bored and reacting to your husbands negativity. The friends are probably a little jealous of the excitement in your life, because they don't have the same in theirs. It would be interesting to hear if your friends are there to support you in your current difficulties with your husband.... But, and before you try broaching that subject with them...
    All of this boils down to people who are sitting their thinking 'what about me?'. I know this is crapadoodle, because everyone feels they have the right to be happy and the right to be supported and damnit, the right to be excited! Sadly, most people are a little bit selfish and whilst they're seeing you happier by the day, they're not feeling so happy. They probably feel that they need more of your attentions and sympathies for their circumstances..
    Try talking to all of them. Don't mention your surgery at all. Ask them how THEY are doing. If they become animated and engaged, you know that was the problem. If they don't, then you might be looking for something else. With the husband? You might want to tread carefully with that one and not mention the surgery for a while... As awful as it sounds, do a bit of ego soothing for him and see if this garners a positive reaction. If it does.. Then you know what it was.
    Sad as it is, you might have to keep your excited Carlton Banks dancing in your smaller trousers in your room, just to yourself and for a little while. Just until the waters are calmed and their reserves of emotional generosity are topped up enough to give you what you are after and what you fundamentally deserve.
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    shazbah68 reacted to KeeWee in I thought this was a good thing   
    I hate to see this so often and I haven't even had the surgery yet but when I speak of it with a smile, I'm surprised how quickly others can wipe it right off my face!! Don't let them determine ur pride...stay happy, you've done a great thing!
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    shazbah68 reacted to mtnhomeeee in Pre op diet   
    I woke up this morning with the "headache" and he shakes on day 2. These Optifast shakes are horrid I wish they would use the Premeir Shakes those are good. Now to fill up on liquids.
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    shazbah68 reacted to vanceheather5 in Pre op diet   
    Hi I am in day 4 of my pre op diet. I am scheduled feb 10th for my gastric sleeve. I am wondering if there are some filling recipes anyone has found for the pre op. I'm starving!

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