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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by MissME

  1. Weight loss this last month was slow. Luckily I lost 4 lbs last week. Hopefully the stall is over.

    1. majones_orl


      I'll take 4, that is still good.

  2. Down 125lbs as of today. I am feeling a lot better after my appendectomy. The last part of my incision is finally closed! I donated three more pairs of dress slacks after realizing that they were 20/22 and I am now a size 16! Goodbye saggy baggies!

    1. Dragonsmate


      kudos on the weight loss-fantastic! Glad you are feeling better :)

    2. pupichupi


      Congrats!!! Doesn't donating cloths feel so good!!! I love it!!!

  3. Down 120lbs!! Woot woot. Still recovering from my Appendectomy but the weight has just fallen off the last week.

    1. Zoey716


      Woot! Woot!! 120lbs??!! Go you!! Hope you are feeling better from your appendectomy!!

    2. pupichupi
  4. So, I didn't have A UTI. My Appendix Ruptured and I had Emergency Surgery on Thursday night. My Gastric Sleeve Surgeon Dr. Sasse did my appendix and abscess removal. I was so relieved that he stepped right up an said he would do my surgery since I have such confidence in his ability. I feel so much better. The situation was just so weird since I have no fever or throwing up at all. I just have the urge to use the restroom and abdominal pain. I am doing really well Post Op. I am hoping I will be able to go home tomorrow. I have to postpone my Disneyland trip next week. I am just going to take my time to recover from this. One more bummer is that they did an ultra sound on my gallbladder at the ER when they were trying to diagnose me and I have gallstones. So I will probably have to have that out at some time too. I am just trying not to let self be overwhelmed. So grateful that I called Dr. Sasse and went back to the ER when I did.

    1. BeagleLover


      Yikes! Glad it's over and done with.

    2. MissME


      Me too. Losing the 110 lbs made surgery a lot easier this time too and this was open not laproscopic. I have like 30 staples.


    3. pupichupi


      Glad your ok and your recovering good!!!

  5. Doped up on Lortab. I have the UTI from HELL. I can't wait to feel better.

    1. LindafromFlorida


      so sorry. God Bless,

    2. MissME


      Thanks Linda! :)

    3. Zoey716


      Hope you feel better soon!!!

  6. So, I am back in school studying for my AA in Graphic Design. I will finish up next June. I am very excited! Working Full time and taking two classes every 5 weeks would not be possible without WLS. I have regained my self confidence and can do attitude. It is so nice not to feel defeated all of the time!

    1. Domika03


      Good for you! Keep up the great work, congrats!!!

  7. I DID IT! I hit the half way mark! 100lbs since 2/3/14! *Happy Dance!*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mrs.RRn
    3. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      All of you hard work and sacrifice are paying off.

    4. MissME


      Thank you everyone! :) I feel terrific!

  8. Looks like my two week stall has ended with a 3lb weight loss over night. I now weigh the weight listed on my Drivers License.

    1. ProudGrammy


      glad stall ended! i see you've lost 98 lbs!!! OMG - keep up the good job - CONGRATS

    2. MissME


      Thank you!! I am so close to that 1st 100lbs! It is only the half way point for me while it is the finish line for others. I am so grateful to be where I am though. I lost a whole runway model.

    3. AuriP


      The runway model thing made me laugh. Although that is kind of sad, to have to be that tall and skinny at the same time is just as bad as being obese. The majority of society doesn't look at it that way though. We all know that the majority of them have to work superhard to stay that thin.

      Congrats on the loss of a whole runway model!

  9. Those recipes both sound excellent! I will give them a try. I don't like it when my sleeve is upset! :)

  10. Last night I had the worst case of the slimies ever. My tummy was sore until this morning. All from too dry chicken

    1. pupichupi


      Yeah thats why if the kids want chicken I won't eat it unless it's is very moist!!! I made Chicken Marsala last night and OMG it was so good, google Easy make Chicken marsala, and I believe the website was cook.com and I put it over quinoa, which is really good for you too, and even my kids were like OMG mom this is so great, and my fiance, he was just loving it, he had seconds. lol and he is a picky eater!!!

    2. BigGirlPanties


      I have been making rolled chicken breasts...pound out the breasts and sear... then put in spinach, ricotta, and whatever seasonings you like, roll and bake... my husband likes his with tomato sauce and mozzarella on top :) YUM

    3. pupichupi


      @BigGirlPanties that does sound yummy, I will have to try that one!!!

  11. So today I had some Honey Treat Yogurt with Reeses. It was my first slip up and I immediately regretted. My brain and my sleeve are in agreement, never doing that again.

    1. pupichupi


      umm sounds yummy but I know what would happen to me too!!! lol, I had some granola cereal the other day and man that was good!!! I didn't have any issues either, which felt good!!!

  12. Two hours in the pool this afternoon and going back for more this evening. I love summer.

  13. Finally made it to the gym and worked out on the Elliptical and Stationary bike. I am kicking up my work outs big time.

  14. I hope Jake Worthington wins The Voice tonight! All 3 of his songs were in the top 10. *crosses fingers*

  15. This weekend I swam up a storm. It was pretty amazing since I love to swim but I just stopped due to body image issues. Now that I am losing weight to HELL with those issues. I feel so good. Down 88 lbs total, 50 since surgery 3/12/14. Life is good.

    1. pupichupi


      Awesome, great job!!! I want to start swimming too, but no where to go???

  16. So, I am back in 'normal' jeans. That is that I don't have to wear elastic waisted jeans in order to be comfortable. I am so glad I kept my clothes. It is more encouragement to be able to fit into things again.

    1. joatsaint


      Congrats on such a great NSV! This past week, I finally realized I could get into 36 inch waist pants - after years of wearing 42's. :-)

    2. ProudGrammy


      amazing not having to shop plus size

      84 lbs lost!!! keep it up (or down) LOL

  17. So it has been a very slow two weeks of weight loss but I am down another 5 lbs and have met my goal to be in the 200s again! Today I am cleaning out all the clothes that I am swimming in and donating them. I hope that weight loss will pick up again. I have to push exercise into high gear!

    1. pupichupi


      Thats fantastic MissME!!! I too had to go through cloths and donate, I got rid of a lot and now I am in my summer cloths, and I am finding some of these don't fit too well either? I am at almost 8 weeks post surgery and down 34 lbs in total post surgery. I too need to get my butt in gear with more exercise!!!

  18. I am down 74 lbs since February 3rd! I feel amazing! I can wear clothes I haven't worn in 5 years. VERY EXCITED!

    1. StephanieRR


      Congrats!!! That's fabulous!!! You're rockin' it!!!

    2. Carlotta1


      Same hear.. Eating my clothes that I saved in my other closets ..such a nice feeling.

    3. pupichupi
  19. I am feeling so much better. My incision site has been good for about a week. Glad that the pain has subsided. I have added more foods. Refried beans, mozerella, canned tuna... Still trying to eat slower so I don't feel yucky. At least there is more of a variety though.

    1. pupichupi


      Yeah, so happy for you!!! It feels good to be able to eat!!! Do you like chili? I made chili yesterday with kidney beans which is a great source of protein, and ground turkey!!! It came out so good!!! This is a keeper!!!

  20. Haven't seen an update from you in a while. I hope that you are doing better! :)

  21. My inciision sites are looking better but I still have muscle pain at the main site. It's been a challenge working with that pain in my side. This weekend I stayed in bed trying to give it a rest. I hope things will be okay when I am back at work tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MissME


      My stomach looks more hollow on the incision side and laying on it is just weird. Today I had some pain and the incisions burned a little. I am back to work. Eating is not going so well. I am so tired of eating the same old soft stuff. I wish I could find something high in protein that I can eat over and over again. Glad you are doing better. :)

    3. pupichupi


      Egg Whites!!! You can do it in different ways too? You can scramble them, you can take the egg yolk out and boil just the white in one of those eggie things? You can fry the egg white with no oil in a non stick pan? you can make a fratada out of it and add mushrooms or spinich to it, you can make an omlet out of egg whites with whatever you like in your omlets? I add chedder cheese. I love it!!! I could eat eggs forever????

    4. MissME


      I will try eggs again. They made me sick scrambled with cheese last week. I just ate some tuna shashimi. It is so soft and went down well but its expensive. :(


  22. I was very sore after my surgery on 3/12. I had to ice my main incision several times because it was so sore. That helped a lot. I found myself looking at the message boards and thinking 'How are these people so pain free and doing to much after surgery?' I just chalk it up to everyone is different. Right now I am 10 days out and I still have some pain at the main incision site but I was able to spend most of the date out and about. I am hoping that I will be much better by Monday when I go back to work.

    1. Bandista


      Hi there, glad you're feeling better -- healing is so individual. It's great you are listening to your body and taking the time you need. Congratulations on this big decision for your healthy future!

  23. Day 4 post op. I am feeling good. My main incision is swollen and I am still gassy but every day I am a little better.

    1. Mikee57


      Congrats MissMe...each day gets better

  24. Today I am VERY paranoid. I have to work right up until Wednesday and my job is customer facing. Today a lady with a cold came up to my window and was blowing her nose and coughing. Now I'm scared that I will get a cold before my surgery. :( I really really hope this doesn't happen. I think I may take tomorrow off to prevent me from losing my mind with worry.

    1. BellaHugz


      Take a good Probiotic's quickly!

    2. Carlotta1


      Do what u feel u have to do. :)


  25. 3 Days until my surgery date! I am excited to begin this new chapter in my life.

    1. ChristmasJanet
    2. lthueme


      Awesome! Let us know how your surgery went

    3. RJ'S/beginning


      congrats to you..Let us know how you are doing..K

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