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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    hrhlaurie got a reaction from swedishfish1020 in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    I take tiny little bites of gummy vitamins and I chew them to mush. I found popsicles were not a good thing today. From the first bite my stomach started to gurgle in protest so we will not be trying any more frozen treats for awhile!
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    hrhlaurie reacted to Debi Amador in Thursday Fun--Does your sleeve have a nickname?   
    I call mine Justin, cause it is "bringing skinny back" LOL!
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    hrhlaurie reacted to VSG-Neki in Thursday Fun--Does your sleeve have a nickname?   
    I love it!! LOL
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    hrhlaurie reacted to Beachbum2017 in Thursday Fun--Does your sleeve have a nickname?   
    Frankenbelly....coz sometimes it's a monster!!
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    hrhlaurie reacted to StrawberryPolly in Surgery Glue on Incision   
    As far as nutrition....the only instructions I received was to make sure I have 64 oz of liquid a day. First week was clear liquids...went back to doc for check up. Diet was changed to full liquids: creamed Soups (liquefied and strained)thinned with skim milk, CarbMaster (Kroger) yogurt,protein drink ( no amount given). I go back on June 9 th (4 weeks out from surgery) and I will be put on pureed and possibly soft foods. My doctor seems to be more cautious with adding foods then most but I trust that he know what is best for his patients. I am doing really good, I feel good and am walking 1 mile in the morning...1 mile at night and have added walking in my Water aerobics class. I have no problem with energy or hunger. I pray a lot and trust the Lord will get me through this.
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    hrhlaurie reacted to StrawberryPolly in Surgery Glue on Incision   
    I was sleeved May 5th and was "glued" back together..... 6 small incisions. My instructions were...no baths, no soaking in Water. Shower with the water on my back. I could wash my chest and let the water flow from my shoulders. Pat my stomach area dry. No rubbing or scrubbing...No picking at the glue. 3 weeks and 4 days later, my incisions had dried up, scabs had come off...no open areas at all and I was allowed to go back to my water aerobics class. I hope this has helped.
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    hrhlaurie reacted to Monte0828 in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    I am down 10 lbs since pre op. Pretty common to gain during surgery and hospital stay due to fluids used. I've seen most loss last 2 days, believe my body has finally rid of all the extra Fluid. It's a race not a sprint all will come in time!
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    hrhlaurie reacted to Monte0828 in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    Howdy all! Post op day 6 and went to my first day of new job. Swelling of abdomen down soreness very limited. The occasional chest pain then burp when swallowing still on purée of 2 more weeks. Increasing Fluid intake. Learning to make Protein Shake with Greek yogurt , powder and skim milk making it 48 grams of Protein. Used about 5 oz of fluid to ensure I could sip it down timely. No pain meds at all needed. Closest to normal today so far. It DOES get better day by day!
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    hrhlaurie got a reaction from devint in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    Only down 2 pounds but I'm sure it will pick up. I'm not hungry so I'll be happy with all of my little victories. I do need to take something for a bm and get in more steps. How far are you all walking less than a week after surgery?
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    hrhlaurie got a reaction from skinnygirlwithin in This is for the plus size fashionistas...   
    I found a lot of nice plus sized clothes at dress barn. They have larger clothes on one side of the store and normal clothes on the other. My goal is to go back and shop on the other side and say so long to the plus sized clothes.
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    hrhlaurie got a reaction from Lindsay_W89 in problem with drinking water?   
    I can't do any iced drink or popsicles or even Jello. The cold immediately makes my new frankenbelly gurgle alarmingly in reaction. Room temperature is best right now.
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    hrhlaurie got a reaction from Nicci829 in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    Sleeved on the 29th and on the 30th I was miserable with stitches pain, nausea, general discomfort and feeling that anything I swallowed would come back up. I seriously questioned my sanity and why I had volunteered for this condition. On Sat I felt a little better and when they sent me home I took my percocet and tried to get all of my Water in. My Protein drink is lagging and im only getting 2 ounces in at a time so I'll try to do more tomorrow.
    I slept better last night than I thought I would. I was mostly on my side but tipped forward with a spare pillow supporting my stomach area. I was so glad to be back in my own bed and sleeping all night without bp checks. This morning I got up and showered and we went to church and I never imagined I'd be feeling well enough to be out so soon. Ive been taking walks around the block but today I added walking at church, rest and Protein Drink at lunch, then went shopping in a couple of stores. I got tired and getting in and out of the car is slow going but I got in several steps so that's good.
    I think I'm the only one who didn't do a leak test, or at least none when I was awake. Im getting Vitamins in but find the gummies easier than the harder chewable. I don't like anything too sweet right now.
    Personal victory moment: yesterday my husband grilled and made dinner for oldest daughter and her kids. He grilled pork chops, cut up a watermelon, and put together some side dishes. It all smelled and looked really good but I had no hunger pains and no desire to eat any of it. I love having no hunger pains, ever! No food appeals to me right now and my life is liquids!
    Found a new, wonderful water; watermelon flavored Hint Water. Just a bit of watermelon flavor but not overwhelming and not sweet so tastes better to me. Im planning to ride this liquid stage longer than they recommended since it isn't as hard as I thought it would be so I'm not going to rush foods.
    I haven't weighed yet and will probably check weight once a week so I don't make myself crazy with little daily ups and downs.
    So glad you all are on here too so we can compare notes and encourage each other. The day after surgery I was clinging to my docs reassurance that it would get better.
  13. Like
    hrhlaurie got a reaction from swedishfish1020 in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    I take tiny little bites of gummy vitamins and I chew them to mush. I found popsicles were not a good thing today. From the first bite my stomach started to gurgle in protest so we will not be trying any more frozen treats for awhile!
  14. Like
    hrhlaurie got a reaction from Nicci829 in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    I'm doing well also, surgery was 29th but day of surgery and yesterday was rough. Not a lot of gas pain except my stomach rumbling and churning. I'm on liquids for a week and then I can try some pureed food. I'm walking better but I had no energy the first few days and slept constantly. Today is first time I could watch some tv. It really hurts to get in and out of bed and chairs but I expected that with stitches.
    Yesterday, when I felt so awful, I questioned just why I did this to myself. But it gets better and today I am so glad I am on this journey to weight loss.
    Going home in a few and may hang out in the recliner for a few days.
    Glad everyone is doing well.
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    hrhlaurie reacted to Mencinas in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    My surgery is today! Just found this thread, I'd like to join the new 'losers' club!!
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    hrhlaurie got a reaction from Nicci829 in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    Had my surgery today and mostly slept all day, literally just closing my eyes and dropping off in the middle of a conversation. I've had ice chips and sips of tea and Water. I have the button for pain but haven't had to use it too much, just when I turn over in the bed or when I sit up. My doc came by and said surgery went great. He tries to suck gas back out when he's done so that was nice.
    First time up to pee and was shaky, burped and had to sit down while gas passed. Now I'm drinking chicken broth from what I always thought were Jello shot plastic cups. Working on 1 little cup and we'll see how that goes.
    Hope you all are doing well!
    Laurie in CO
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    hrhlaurie got a reaction from thesuse2000 in What a strange trip this is - surgery 5-29   
    Surgery today and I slept on and off all day afterwards. I had some incision and gas pain but expected it. I used my pain pump sometimes and even managed to stand up and walk to the toilet but then the gas shifted and I felt nauseous and pain and had to sit. I managed to wall around the room a bit more amd the gas pain isn't too bad. My doc suctions it back out after surgery to try and minimize impact but I still burp frequently.
    Now I'm sipping chicken broth from a small, plastic shot glass and will rest again before it's time to drink.
    The ice chips and warmed blankets are life- savers.
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    hrhlaurie got a reaction from DarbiMolly in What a strange trip this is - surgery 5-29   
    I bought more approved drinks and lots of different Protein powders. Met with doc today and we are good to go- checkin at 7 for 9 am surgery MST. Cant believe this day is here!
  19. Like
    hrhlaurie got a reaction from GottaDoSomethin' in What a strange trip this is - surgery 5-29   
    Every day I think about my surgery and alternate between relief that it is almost here and doubt that I'm doing the right thing. I tell myself that cutting away most of a perfectly normal organ is no big deal and the surgery is pretty routine by now. Then I wonder what my new normal will feel like once I get through my recovery period. I think that is the part that causes the most anxiety for me; who will I be once the majority of the weight loss is past and the novelty has worn off? Will I have some kind of normal life or will I never feel like myself again? Does anyone else feel like this?
    Then I kick myself because I've been working towards this surgery since last Nov so I'm going to make it work and try not to worry about possible future anxiety. I dont know if anyone else did this, but during my 6 months of supervised weight loss, I didn't take it seriously at first, and considered it just part of the hoops I had to jump through for insurance. I gained a few pounds here and there and got a serious warning after the surgery class at the hospital where they told us that weight gain at this time could be grounds for a denial. I began my diet and managed to drop 10 pounds by my final doctor appt but I was worried before that weigh-in.
    Now I'm 3 days in to my pre-surgery diet and I got a bit of a late start due to work travel. I missed the first 3 days of my diet but have been determined to make it up since the goal is to have a less fatty liver so no cheating during these 7 days. I thought this would be harder but I'm doing pretty well I think. I can't take some of my Vitamins but I'm not as hungry as I thought I'd be. I think I've sort of psyched myself into this liquids and one small meal zone so that food isn't really an issue for now. Feels like that could change any time but I'll take my victories where I find them. Went to dinner with my family last night, an italian place, but I was up to the challenge. I would rather get creative with menu choices than tell my husband no dinners out. We all needed this time to hang out together. I ordered a half-size spinach salad with grilled chicken and skipped the bread and I felt great and salad was good. After surgery I'm taking two weeks off from eating out at restaurants but pre-surgery I have more menu options.
    I think this is the point where some might be tempted to cancel surgery because weight loss is going well. Did anyone cancel their surgery less than a week out? This must be diet amnesia because I'm sure we've all been on diets where we lost and gained it back. I know that I couldn't sustain this forever on my own and would invent a reason not to continue with a diet (vacation, stress at work, travel, family issues, etc) I think the success of this surgery is that we don't have to worry about weak willpower and failure. I'm lucky that I don't really have a sweet tooth but I'll probably have a pizza or burrito attack at some point. Right now, I'm living on every type of low or no sugar drinks and Atkins shakes. I like the Atkins shakes but I need to remember to order the powders? utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein for after surgery...
    What sustains me are the success stories here where so many have lost weight and feel great. All of the medical statistics in the world can't compete with these real-life stories and I thank you all for sharing. I'm trying to keep up with this tradition and promise full disclosure along the way. My pre-op appt. is this Wed and surgery Thurs. Strangly, after reading other stories, I'm most worried about the gas pains! I wonder how soon after surgery I can drive and will feel like going out. I haven't seen many details so would love to hear what I might expect.
    I'm hoping for another significant weight loss this Wed and will share my experience. To those just starting out, hang on, it's a bit of an emotional roller coaster!
  20. Like
    hrhlaurie got a reaction from Nicci829 in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    Had my surgery today and mostly slept all day, literally just closing my eyes and dropping off in the middle of a conversation. I've had ice chips and sips of tea and Water. I have the button for pain but haven't had to use it too much, just when I turn over in the bed or when I sit up. My doc came by and said surgery went great. He tries to suck gas back out when he's done so that was nice.
    First time up to pee and was shaky, burped and had to sit down while gas passed. Now I'm drinking chicken broth from what I always thought were Jello shot plastic cups. Working on 1 little cup and we'll see how that goes.
    Hope you all are doing well!
    Laurie in CO
  21. Like
    hrhlaurie got a reaction from Nicci829 in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    Had my surgery today and mostly slept all day, literally just closing my eyes and dropping off in the middle of a conversation. I've had ice chips and sips of tea and Water. I have the button for pain but haven't had to use it too much, just when I turn over in the bed or when I sit up. My doc came by and said surgery went great. He tries to suck gas back out when he's done so that was nice.
    First time up to pee and was shaky, burped and had to sit down while gas passed. Now I'm drinking chicken broth from what I always thought were Jello shot plastic cups. Working on 1 little cup and we'll see how that goes.
    Hope you all are doing well!
    Laurie in CO
  22. Like
    hrhlaurie got a reaction from DarbiMolly in What a strange trip this is - surgery 5-29   
    I bought more approved drinks and lots of different Protein powders. Met with doc today and we are good to go- checkin at 7 for 9 am surgery MST. Cant believe this day is here!
  23. Like
    hrhlaurie got a reaction from SliminDownThick in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    I check in tomorrow at 7am also for 9am surgery, but am MST. Saw my doc today and he said he sucks most gas back out and so we'll see how I am tomorrow. Good luck to our group on the 29th. Now I need to go read the thread, "what to pack for the hospital"
  24. Like
    hrhlaurie got a reaction from SliminDownThick in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    I check in tomorrow at 7am also for 9am surgery, but am MST. Saw my doc today and he said he sucks most gas back out and so we'll see how I am tomorrow. Good luck to our group on the 29th. Now I need to go read the thread, "what to pack for the hospital"
  25. Like
    hrhlaurie reacted to par1959 in May 28-31st Sleeve Week!   
    Out of surgeryout of surgeryo

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
