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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    punkincowgurl got a reaction from Txcowgurl in Help plz Acid blocker   
    Thanks Fiddleman
  2. Like
    punkincowgurl got a reaction from erp in feb 2013 sleevers weigh in   
    Sleeved 2-5-13 SW:314 Dos:307 CW:223
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    punkincowgurl reacted to BryBro63 in Help plz Acid blocker   
    When I spoke to my surgeon as well as my primary doctor, Gas-X seems to be the one of choice. This is OTC, and it's safe to use on a daily basis if needed.
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    punkincowgurl reacted to CowgirlJane in Sleeve Myths   
    A good list, and I guess my comments are more clarifying rather than disagreeing.
    On the topic of exercise - you are right that plenty of people lose just fine without it. I think that you will be a little sad though to find when you get to goal that you have lost so much muscle mass that you can eat so little in maintenance. Exercise does not really cause you to lose weight so much as it increases your fitness/ups your metabolism/preserves lean muscle to make life time maintenance more realistic.
    Most of us DON'T NEED plastic surgery. In my case, even after losing 160# I didn't have skin rash or any medical need for plastics. Heck, Spanx or other decent Shapewear kept things together for me just fine. I wanted plastics because it was important to me to look "normal". I truly believe that it will help me with the mental/emotional aspects of long term maintenance. Plastics were really really hard but I am glad I did it. I would also say that people at the beginning of their journey shouldn't even think about all this. As time went on, i got more and more comfortable with the excess skin and if I had not been able to do plastics - I would have been okay with that too.
    The honeymoon period is real... but it is debatable how long it lasts. I lost about 100# my first 6 months. Took me another 8 months to lose the next 50 - so it took me 14 months to lose 150# to goal. I stabilized and maintained that 150# loss before I decided to lose 10 more. I was well over 18 months out and it wasn't that hard to lose those 10. It is very true though that the fastest weight loss/least hunger occurs in those early months so TAKE ADVANTAGE. It also means that you shouldn't give up just because you are more than 6-12 months out - it is still possible!
    As far as eating - eating the right things is so important, but so is Portion Control. The idea is to learn to eat to absence of hunger, not until full. That was a foreign concept to me, but has really paid off! I still after all this time, eat off smaller plates and use appetizer sized utinsils at home.
    One thing you don't mention is the head trip that this whole journey is for many of us. Some get depression, some find their whole worlds turned upside down.... others maybe a smaller impact. Be prepared for major ups and downs though. As that fat sheds, hormones are released which can cause mood swings. You may find that friends and family get tired of hearing about your weight loss, you may find many things out about your relationships during this journey. Don't make big decisions if you can avoid it if you are going through that wild emotional ride.
    Mostly... keep your eye on the prize - life at a healthier weight, enjoying doing things you could only dream of when obese. It is so worth it!
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    punkincowgurl reacted to NMJG in Sleeve Myths   
    Howdy folks. I've noticed a lot of newbies coming onboard recently (welcome!) and some misinformation getting posted. As I learned a lot from vets who posted wise words when I was pre-surgery and early in my journey, I wanted to share the knowledge and dispel some of the inaccurate info I'm seeing posted. Please feel free to add your own info, and as always, there will be exceptions to the info below - there always are! I'm sure I will be flamed by someone who eats McDonalds and pizza day in and day out, never gets their Protein in and drinks vente vanilla lattes every morning and still loses 4 lbs. a week. For the rest of us, this is written to help folks set appropriate expectations about their sleeve. Good luck to all of us on this amazing journey.
    Myth #1: The sleeve will do it for you and you have to work at making it fail.
    Nope, not true. Even though you will have restriction, you still have to deal with some increase in sleeve capacity that happens over time and the effect of sliders (foods that reduce in your stomach and don't fill you up, like popcorn and chips....) and the calories in liquids (ah Brownie Frappucinos...). So, while the sleeve is an amazing tool and the restriction will help you sooo much, you still have to follow basic rules of sleeve eating in order to have continued success in the long run. The stats for VSG are around 60% excess weight loss. Think of that as an average of some people losing 100% of excess weight, some losing little or none, some only losing half before they stop, and some losing great and then gaining it back.
    Myth #2: When you have the sleeve you can eat "whatever you want" or "like a normal person," (whatever that is).
    Nope. Unless "whatever you want" includes lots of protein and vegetables and other healthy foods, it's unlikely you will be able to eat whatever you want with no limitations and have the sleeve do it all for you. While we all have exceptional days here and there where we don't eat what's best for us, overall you will be following protein first, vegs second, and carbs third forever. Are there exceptions to this rule? Sure, there are some people who are exceptions and go back to eating fast food, junk food, and sodas every day and keep the weight off, but not many and they certainly are not the majority on this board, at least. Why set yourself up for failure? Learn good habits early on.
    Myth #3: Everyone must follow 1200 calories a day (or whatever amount) or they will go into "starvation" mode.
    You are not on a regular diet. You are on a medically supervised plan that works in conjunction with major surgery, and most plans utilze VLC (very low calorie) eating plans. I see people here think they can't do on 500 calories a day and use "starvation mode" as an excuse to eat more, then before you know it they are writing in asking for help because they haven't lost in 5 months. Does "starvation mode" exist? I don't know, and some people do drop weight after adding an extra 100 calories a day, but don't go hogwild with the concept of starvation mode. Trust in your nutritionist or find a nutritionist that you can trust. And remember that many people (especially older, postmenapausal or sedentary people) can only maintain on 1200 or 1000 calories a day and will stop losing if they take this advice to eat more. On the other hand, if you are 22 years old and very active, you will probably do just fine with a higher calorie count, but again, everyone is different.
    Myth #4: You have to eat X amount of protein, carbs, fats, etc.
    Nope. The nutritional guidelines vary from doctor to doctor. Everyone wishes they were the same and it would sure make it easier, but doctors and nutritionists differ. Those in Centers of Excellence have a long track record that they base their recommendations on, and others use published research. Sometimes it seems like our nuts just pull stuff out of the air. Some doctors are very strict and others give vague guidelines with few or no limitations. What to do? If you trust your doctor and nutritionist, then stick with their plan. If you are getting results, stick with your plan. You hired them for their expertise, so trust what they say. If you don't trust your doctor/nut, then move to a different practice if you can and find someone you can trust. Almost everyone agrees that protein is very important for sleeve patients (one thing to agree on!) but what that magic number is ...open to debate. You will see everything from 60 grams of protein a day to 100 or more. And you will see people who can't get it all in and get by on 40 grams a day with no problems. That's why it is important to stick to the plan you trust and works for you. Many people here vary on how many grams of protein, fat, carbs, Fiber, 5:2, Atkins, yadayadayada. What is right for you may not be right for someone else.
    Myth #5: You can stop your hair from falling out with Vitamins, protein, etc.
    Not really. You can probably help it with vitamins and Biotin and making sure you get in all your protein, but many people do all this and still lose hair. It is the body's natural response to the extreme stress you have put it in with surgery and severely limited calories. A few people don't lose their hair, others lose anywhere from a little to a lot and some resort to wigs. Eventually it grows back, but even that timetable varies from person to person.
    Myth #6: Once the honeymoon (6 months) is over you will stop losing.
    Not really. As vets can attest to, your first 6 months are your best window of opportunity and your doctor will expect you to lose a significant portion of weight in that time. However, if you stick with (or return to) your basic plan of firm protein first, vegs second, carbs third and lots of Water, you can get back to losing (and it's still easier than if you did not have the sleeve). You may not lose like you did in Month Two, but you will still lose. Some doctors say your window of opportunity is 18 months out from surgery. They vary on this, too.
    Myth #7: You have to exercise.
    Not really. Lots of people don't and still lose. However, exercise will give you much better results and most importantly, you will be much healthier. Also, if you start building good exercise habits now it will make keeping the weight off much easier in the long run. So, even if it's just a walk around the block, start moving your body around.
    Myth #8: You will need plastic surgery when it's over.
    Maybe, maybe not. Depends on your age (a lot), how much you had to lose, where you carry your weight, how much you exercise and type of exercise, genetics, if you've born children, etc. A lot of people do need plastic surgery, but a surprising number don't.
    Myth #9: If you eat "bad" food it will make you sick.
    Nope. While there are some folks who have very delicate tummies (and in the early months there are lots of delicate tummies), in the long run most people can get pretty much anything down.
    Myth #10: Sleevers don't dump.
    Nope. Sleevers can dump, it just isn't nearly as common as RnY folks. Dumping (aka Gastric Emptying) is just food hitting your intestines too quickly, causing really yucky stomach discomfort, weakness, lightheadedness, flushing, cramps, nausea, explosive diarrhea, and other fun symptoms. It can hit immediately or several hours after eating. Most sleevers never get it, but some do. You'll know it if you do.
  6. Like
    punkincowgurl got a reaction from smithpy in Recommitment   
    I'm in need to get back on track I've fallen off big time since the holidays. SD: 2-5-13
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    punkincowgurl reacted to Madam Reverie in Oh, do please shut up!   
    Okay, I'm a fairy patient kind of girl. If i see someone in need, I will duly assist in any way possible. That is my nature.
    However, there are limits to this...
    Something is really getting on my proverbial mammary glands and I just have to put it out there... Before I 'go to town' on someone....
    What am I referring to?
    The indomitable, self-indulgent, totally out of proportion whinging on this website.
    What kind of whinging, I hear you cry?! Well, it's not the general and often valid complaints, concerns and outpourings of confusion related to WLS. Which, lets face, it, we all have for time to time... Or even the posts that deviate from being WLS related and are either observations on life or genuine cries for help.
    It's the 'OMG, I ate some fresh air!!!!! <swing your head back whilst placing your wrist on your forehead in a swooning fashion>
    'I am going to have to flagellate myself for the rest of my natural born life because I ate a cracker with cheese spread on it!'
    'I ate a mouthful of cream-cheese frosting, I hate myself' - then cue the over-exaggerated 'depression' and attention-seeking mewing because someone, in a 'moment of madness' <raises an eyebrow> didn't reach for a Protein shake or Quest bar.
    Now, before I get lambasted for not being 'sympathetic' and being told in a lofty and self-righteous way that 'not everyone is as strong as other people and they just need some gentle encouragement'.. What I am going to say to that right now and up front is 'BALLS!'
    So someone ate something with 15g of carbs, 11g of sugar and little Protein. SO WHAT?!!! If you're clever enough to work out that these aren't good nutritional ratios, then you're smart enough to know that you shouldn't be eating it. So get some perspective, be objective, dust yourself off and carry on. Don't take up my visual space with your whinges that do no more than to advertise your bordering on infantile attention seeking ways...
    If you make a habit of making bad food choices when you know the nutritional values - then frankly, you're an idiot. If you're having serious addiction issues - then that's a WHOLE different ball game and there's not a person on the planet that won't do all they can (within the limits of this medium and geography) to help.
    Just to those who want to curry sympathy and 'collect' platitudinous pats on the back for being self-indulgent whinge-bags - over very little - all I have to say is just hope I don't come across those particular posts. The response won't be pretty.....
    And for the smug ones who are undoubtedly going to say 'Well, you don't have to read them.. You can just skip past them..tra-la-la-la' I say BALLS to that too. Attention seekers have a habit of making their topic titles sound very 'life or death'. Having the concept of 'duty of care' bashed into my head for years, I feel obliged to read them. But no sooner do I get to the second sentence, I discover its been written by 'one of those types' and the rage subsequently builds...
    So my rant to 'those types' and in summary is;
    Do, please, and before I turn green, shut up!!!
    <and relax...>
  8. Like
    punkincowgurl got a reaction from ladybug's journey in Sleevers over 300lbs?   
    I was sleeved 2-5-13.. Height 5:3 DOS: 307 and today I am 224.. Slow but I am in this game of a healthier me for life.
  9. Like
    punkincowgurl reacted to Chelenka in FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved   
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my fellow February 2013 sleevers! What an exciting year this has been! So much change but also, of course, some struggles too. May your New Year be filled with joy, continuing weight loss success, improved health and happiness!
  10. Like
    punkincowgurl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in ? For VETS.. Have you lost after the honey moon phase?   
    Lol!!! Thanks it's good to know.. Yes it is like being married! Hard!! But do-able.. With a lot of twist n turns.. At least in my case ( marriage & weight loss).. Thanks!
  11. Like
    punkincowgurl reacted to E2013 in Today's the day!   
    Sorry I am just updating this thread. Surgery went great. My time in the hospital was smooth. Couldn't have asked for a better experience. Yesterday I started taking Tylenol during day and pain medicine just at night. My husband took great care of me and I was sad to see him go back to work yesterday. My kids are picking up the slack and being wonderful helpers.
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    punkincowgurl reacted to mistysj in and we have the bird!   
    I'm confused. Turkey is a great source of Protein. You probably don't need to worry about protein in your side dishes if you are having turkey.
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    punkincowgurl reacted to Fiddleman in Guys I need your help!   
    Back when I was struggling myself with electrolyte imbalance, I found pedialyte to be a good product to restore the electrolyte imbalance. There is a grape flavor in addition to a couple of flavors. You should be cable to find some at a drugstore like bartell drugs or walgreens. I have not seen it at standard grocery stores, but maybe that has changed.
  14. Like
    punkincowgurl reacted to Katcloudshepherd in My journey thus far--this is a long post but I hope it helps someone.   
    My journey started several years ago when I went through the entire process of approval for lap band surgery in 2009. I had reached the point where I was actually going to schedule the surgery. However, I went to one of the surgeon's "support group" meetings. At that meeting, the facilitator, asked 5 to 6 times: "If you know anyone who is interested in the surgery, PLEASE put them in contact with me." The people who were at the "support group" only talked about ways that they could get around their lap band. One person said she wanted a taco and would chew it and spit it out without swallowing it. I thought, this is more of a recruitment and this "support group" is doing nothing to help deal with the head issues that caused me to be morbidly obese.
    Fast Forward to 2013 when my A1C went .1 over the allowed parameters. With a strict regimen of dieting and exercise, I got it right at the upper limit. I DIDN'T lose any weight. My knees have become bone on bone, I have a herniated disc and a slipped disc in my low back. I had reached the point where just walking and moving were increasingly painful.
    In my job, I was in an investigator position for the FDA. It required me to have to stand and observe food manufacturers in operation. This could be for hours and my knees and back could not take it. THANK GOD a co-worker retired and because prior to becoming an investigator, I was in that type of position, my employer allowed me to transfer to that position. I also THANK GOD that my employer did that. If not for that, I may very well have lost my job.
    So towards the middle of 2013 I was seriously researching WLS. I graduated from Wayland Baptist University with BS in business so I thoroughly researched each WLS option. I choose the VSG so my digestion would not be re-routed and I would not have the malabsorption issues that comes from the other forms of weight loss surgery.
    I had my VSG on 12/11/13. The pain from the CO2 in the shoulders immediately following surgery was the worst pain I had ever experienced in my life. I have never had children, so I don't have that to compare it to. My children are of the 4 legged variety, two small dogs. My husband has been as supportive as he can be. He is a 100% disabled veteran. We met when we were both in the military. HIs disability started after we had been married for 8 years.
    I followed all the recommendations on this website for after surgery. I walked, walked, walked every chance I could when I was on IV fluids. I sipped, sipped, sipped, walked, peed, walked, peed……..once I was able to drink Water. Yes, it hurt to walk and move BUT I knew I HAD to. The more I walked, the more the gas seemed to leave my body.
    I lost 10.5 pounds on the pre-op diet, of course I started it as soon as I was approved and scheduled for surgery which was about 4 weeks out. I didn't stick to it strictly until I was in the two weeks prior to the surgery.
    I had my 1st week post op appointment yesterday. I followed the liquid diet post op to a "T" and I got all my Water in and walked as much as I possibly could. I started to get knee and back pain and went round and round with my bariatric surgeon, my orthopedic doctors to try and get some relief. I didn't know, I NEEDED TO KEEP MY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER, (PCP), in the loop as to what was going on. I'm so very BLESSED to have insurance where I don't have to go THROUGH my PCP. However, your PCP is supposed to be your hub for all your prescriptions in that situation. I was finally able to get Voltarin, a topical NSAID from my knee doc and so far it has helped. Still have to use Tylenol and Tylenol with a narcotic at night.
    At my 1st week post op appointment----I lost a stagering 15 pounds. I have to give credit to my cousin who drove all the way to Texas from Michigan to stay and help care for me. She kept reminding me to sip, sip, sip. She heated my broth, made me Jello and kept at it. I cannot express my gratitude to her and I feel I can NEVER repay her for what she is doing for me.
    That's where I am now. I hope in this long post, I have provided some information which may be valuable to someone.
  15. Like
    punkincowgurl reacted to southernsoul in Epic fail?   
    These are not the words of somebody who "sucks". Please try to keep on recognizing what a great job you have done & continue to do, and be proud of yourself. Don't tear yourself down, or it will be just that much harder to believe that you deserve the good choices you're making. GG is right (cuz she smart like dat)...we can only control our own behaviors & follow the plan, and that's not the same as controlling when & how much weight comes off. Hang in there, sweetie!
  16. Like
    punkincowgurl reacted to Arts137 in Epic fail?   
    I agree with Gamegirl...
    Just "Do" the program and the scale will follow, no matter how long it takes!
    And they might have been been disappointed at themselves. Don't you take that monkey!!!
  17. Like
    punkincowgurl reacted to PdxMan in Creamy Stage Day 1   
    Having a bad day? Where did I cast judgement? You must be judging yourself and feeling guilty because at no time did judge anyone. Yes, I judged a potato as not having the bang for it's real estate buck, but that's it. I was talking to the OP. They asked me what I thought about mashed potatoes. I gave my opinion.
    Check yourself.
    Of course, always follow your medical team's suggestion. If you have a list of suggested foods and are following it, then I'd say you are good to go.
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    punkincowgurl reacted to TamaraS in Increased water+protein= 11pound this week!   
    I have had a rough time making the numbers I wanted after surgery. During the all liquids phase I did excellent with my weightloss but it slowed drasticly after I started foods again. I had trouble making it to 64 ounces of Water and meeting the protien recomendations. a little overa week ago I was desperate when I gained 4 lbs in my fourth month so I decided to consume 120+ ounces of water and go over my daily recomended Protein requirments. I lost 11lbs this week!!! I was really affraid I wouldn't lose any more weight but my hope is renewed =) Just wanted to share and encourage anyone who isn't drinking enough water or getting enough protein!
  19. Like
    punkincowgurl reacted to awifeinmichigan in Welcome   
    Hello. My journey began in February of this year. 317 lbs is the largest I have been in my entire life and I was not happy about it. I am presently in pre-op and am now down to 307. My surgery date is Sept. 23rd and it can not get here fast enough!! Good luck ladies and keep me updated on your process. I would love to Celebrate everyone in their process.
  20. Like
    punkincowgurl reacted to Evolving in Sleevers over 300lbs?   
    It's getting there-- I'm at 199-200 now bouncing-- started at 319!

  21. Like
    punkincowgurl reacted to HoosierGirl in ? For VETS.. Have you lost after the honey moon phase?   
    Oh good! If you are still losing inches, you are definitely on track! Damn the scale....
  22. Like
    punkincowgurl got a reaction from HoosierGirl in ? For VETS.. Have you lost after the honey moon phase?   
    Thanks! To answer some of your questions... 1. Not as of late... I have an appointment coming up in a few weeks. 2. I don't own a bike but I do have an elliptical. As per doc he doesn't want much bearing on that knee. I'm not hungry per say on days I didn't excersise. I love my dance classes... I hate my elliptical it got boring real quick. I used it when I first started out. Now that I don't get out of breath so quick I love to dance.. 3. Yes I am still losing inches.. Not as much as earlier but I am still losing..
  23. Like
    punkincowgurl reacted to Ms.AntiBand in ? For VETS.. Have you lost after the honey moon phase?   
    With any weight loss its always harder to lose the closer you are to goal. Its tougher after honeymoon phase, but very doable with a decent lifestyle change NOT diet pills. . Thats idiotic and getting back to the unhealthy rut we all want to leave in the past
  24. Like
    punkincowgurl reacted to E2013 in Today's the day!   
    Sitting in the hospital waiting room, waiting to be called. See y'all on the other side!
  25. Like
    punkincowgurl got a reaction from Ballermom in ? For VETS.. Have you lost after the honey moon phase?   
    I like that!

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