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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    caroline2 reacted to ElginChris in November buddies where are you?   
    Well its done !!! I am fatigued and sore but no real pain. Now watching the Bears kick sone Packer butt!!!
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    caroline2 reacted to metamme in November buddies where are you?   
    I was approved by Anthem took less than two months surgery November 11
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    caroline2 got a reaction from gmanbat in Scheduled 11/22. GERD/hernia help   
    I had a swallow test done, but that was about 4 months ago. I think I will go ahead and call the center. I appreciate your response.
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    caroline2 got a reaction from jslern in Scheduled 11/22. GERD/hernia help   
    I have been experiencing symptoms of acid reflux for the past few weeks. I did not know what it was. I spoke with a few nurses I work with last night and they said it sounds like acid reflux and possible hernia.
    The symptoms I have been experiencing are a sour stomach, tongue feels weird, almost like it is burned and prickly, throat burns and sore, lump in throat and almost every time I lay down I throw up.
    Have any of you experienced this?
    Do I need to call my surgeons office? Afraid if I do that surgery will be postponed....on other hand, I'm afraid if I don't let them know it might be cancelled.
    This is stressing me out. I appreciate any advise about this.
    Thank you!
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    caroline2 reacted to gamergirl in Omg! Omg! I just fit into a size 14 dress!   
    My husband can't stop shopping online for me. I have no idea why but clothes keep appearing at the house. So he bought me two tiny looking size 14 dresses. I wanted to let him see how they were still waaaay too small for me. I love dresses but they didn't look good with the excess weight so I was very nervous.

    But they fit!

    And even though I say it myself, dang I look good in them! I have to admit, I didn't recognize myself in them. I didn't realize I am "small" enough to fit into them.

    I used to read about others who said they didn't realize they were in a smaller size and it made no sense to me. Today I understood that.

    I'm exactly three months out today (sx aug 2nd), 39 lbs down and in another pound I'll be half-way to goal. I've gone from an 18w or 20 to a misses 14.

    For those of you who stress about stalls(I.e., me too)? Just know that in 3 months I've had 3 stalls that lasted 12 days, 12 days, and 15 days respectively. So out of 90 days, I spent 39 days stalled. And still got these results overall.

    So grateful for the sleeve today. I have a thankful heart. Thanks for listening to me dance about with happiness
  6. Like
    caroline2 got a reaction from Butterthebean in November fitness challenge   
    You guys are an inspiration. My surgery is in 3 weeks. I look forward to being able to exercise. Right now, walking more than 10 minutes is exhausting. I also have COPD and asthma, which I am hoping improves after weight loss.
  7. Like
    caroline2 got a reaction from Butterthebean in November fitness challenge   
    You guys are an inspiration. My surgery is in 3 weeks. I look forward to being able to exercise. Right now, walking more than 10 minutes is exhausting. I also have COPD and asthma, which I am hoping improves after weight loss.
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    caroline2 reacted to gamergirl in November fitness challenge   
    Okay +2 mile and +30 s plank for total of 3 miles and 56 seconds of planking
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
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    caroline2 got a reaction from Butterthebean in November fitness challenge   
    You guys are an inspiration. My surgery is in 3 weeks. I look forward to being able to exercise. Right now, walking more than 10 minutes is exhausting. I also have COPD and asthma, which I am hoping improves after weight loss.
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    caroline2 got a reaction from No game in don't screw up or else?   
    I try to get advice/opinions/thoughts from members of this site who have had surgery and been successful. I really do not think I'm qualified to hand out advice, as my surgery is 3 weeks away. I have posted to treads about which I have experience....protein shakes, insurance hoops, etc. Just my thoughts. I wish success to all!
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    caroline2 reacted to McButterpants in This diet is very tough   
    I'm just starting Day 4 of my pre-op diet.
    Days 1 and 2 sucked - bad. Yesterday was better and today is even better. I'm feeling like I have more energy.
    I'm allowed 2 shakes (w/ like 4 strawberries) and one meal (lean meat and colorful veggies).
    I cheated on Halloween by having an extra shake because I was about ready to put my head in the bowl of candy. I knew I wouldn't stop at one, so I didn't give myself the opportunity.
    Suggestions to those that are going to start on your two week plan - try replacing one meal per day with a shake for a while. That will help you when you have to do your pre-op plan. I also suggest getting off caffeine and refined sugars. I did that 4 weeks prior to surgery.
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    caroline2 reacted to JenniferNicole in This diet is very tough   
    Kizm..... It really depends on your physicians directions. I.m on day 12 of a 14 day pre op diet. I was allowed 2 Protein Shakes daily, Soup as 1meal, and sf Jello, sf pudding, ff cottage cheese or ff Greek yogurt. I have not cheated AT ALL. It's a miracle!!!! And honestly been really difficult, but it will be so worth it!!! Plus, I'm down 18 lbs, and start 2 days of Clear Liquids only tomorrow. Come on Monday!
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    caroline2 reacted to Seela in This diet is very tough   
    I'm am almost two weeks post op. The pre op diet just plain sucks! You go through a major detox generally feel like crap, super emotional and at time down right mad! After surgery even if tour still on Liquid Protein and Water it's easier in some ways and harder in others. Personally I just can't wait to start feeling normal again.
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    caroline2 reacted to Kyrie in This diet is very tough   
    I'm only on day three of my two week pre-op diet from hell, and I think I'm going to go on a homicidal rampage. I'm on nothing but liquids, all I have around here that I can eat is some nasty chicken broth and Tomato Soup that I have to strain first which is more trouble than it's worth. I'm dizzy and weak and have a terrible headache.
    And there's one of those fun-sized hershey's bars from when my brothers went trick or treating... I'm starting to wonder how bad cheating ONCE could possibly be...
    Buuuut, I refuse to sabatoge my own happiness. I mean, what's two weeks of hunger compaired to a lifetime of health, right?
    And I've already lost 8 pounds in three days!
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    caroline2 reacted to unbesleevable1 in This diet is very tough   
    I am closing in on surgery Monday morning. I've been on the pre op diet for, oh I donno, like 18 days? It has all run together. Dragged on, and also gone by fast. I've lost my mind, raged, stormed off, had homicidal dreams, and had fights with people on the internet. I cheated exactly 3 times with 1. a double cheese burger 2. 2 donuts and 3. an oatmeal cookie. I have fantasized about tomatoes, learned that pickles have no calories, and could right a dissertation on how Jello is NOT food. I have come to terms with my weaknesses, and realized I am stronger than I think. I have lost 13 lbs and my pants are falling off. This is the hardest thing I have done in a long time, maybe ever. Oh, and I also quit smoking on top of all that. Well, it is going to be worth it. #SkinnyArmy!!!
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    caroline2 reacted to sleevinIT in November buddies where are you?   
    Yea i feel like as the days go by....my anxiety levels raise a bit..i just keep thinking about next year this time im gonna be a whole diffrent me. Honestly girl idk what to expect.. what are my relationships gonna be like with my friends and family...i havent told anyone not even my boyfriend/bestfriend of 3 yrs...idk how or if i wanna...currently though he isnt in brooklyn but when he comes back ill look diff. Ill be.transforming before his eyes...where fam is concerned they are very judgemental i had a cousin who had some type of bariatric surgery and hasnt told a soul but everyone.knows and been talking about her so much she stop coming around and eventually moved....you should follow my journey though ill do the same ill be starting a youtube channel soon....so look out for that...anywhoooo good luck mama!!
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    caroline2 reacted to newlife281013 in Regrets   
    Hi I'm new here. I followed this site pre op and did post once cause I was scared. I had surgery on Monday 28th Oct 2013 and was sent home on The Wednesday. I have to be honest my body does not deal with anaesthetic well and I am allergic to morphine so recovery was a shiet to deal with (only panadol thru IV). I retched until Late Tuesday night and did not have my swallow test till Wednesday. I am grateful to the fantastic nursing staff who looked after me without prejudice rubbed my back and kept me focused. I have a spinal problem and loosing weight will help me, not being able to excersise caused more weight gain along with the bad food choices that comforted my constant back pain which only got worse the heavier I got. I have had great support from my 19 yr old son and my brother. I did regret in the first 3 days doing this but each day has gotten easier, and I am determine to make my life better. I weighed in at 121kg (266lb) and 152cm (5ft). 4 week preop diet I only lost 4 kg. I went in optimistic but worried this would not work for me and some how I would be a failure. Today is day is day five and I weigh 113kg (249lb). Eating is not easy each day I manage a little more (I'm actually not hungry but I do dream about a big chicken and salad sandwich lol). Realistically that is just my head talking and I know this because my stomach says there is no room in here for anything but that tablespoon of Soup you just had now get up and walk it off (walking also helps with the reflux along with the reflux pill in the morning). My days are filled with several activities to span out the day and not think about food, a glass of warm Water (sipped slowly) to start the day. A walk around the house with my old faithful dog. Take my pills, sip a Protein Drink another walk around the house. Have a scroll on FB and do a crossword or puzzle while sipping another glass of water. Another walk around the house with doggy (she thinks I'm crazy). Watch 30 mins of TV and have a hydro lite ice block. Another walk around the house. More puzzles (keep the mind active so it does not dwell on misery). lunch, walk, TV. Catch up with my son and what he has done for the day. Another walk more water. Blah blah blah. The advantages at the moment. I am not spending any money cause I can't go out right now and food purchases are minimal. Saving for the clothes I will have to buy (how exciting). My doggy is getting extra attention. As for friends I have one great friend who has supported me from the start no questions, and the ones that I have lost I figure they were not friends anyway. Be positive, always start the day as a new one, not a roll over of yesterday and don't be afraid to ask for help. My new daily mantra 'if you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always got'. Change it up. My yard is not big but I try to look at something different in the garden every time I go out there and appreciate being here and knowing that the better my health the more I will see of my son's life. Well done to everyone's daily achievements before we know it we will be enjoying our new bodies, buying off the rack CHEAP clothes and laughing because the meal out was only a starter that cost $8, a seat on the bus or train was easier to sit in. Good luck everyone
  18. Like
    caroline2 got a reaction from lsu2868 in November fitness challenge   
    I'm tired just reading this thread. My workout today was shopping. I get so tired doing just about anything. My surgery is 11/22. I'm really hoping after I get a few pounds off exercise will be doable.
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    caroline2 reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Getting Rid of Clothes   
    Take the plunge..Have faith in your decision to make yourself better..This is not going to be a failed diet...This is your life from now one...Break out of the old and Celebrate the new you that is now emerging....Come on do it!!!!
  20. Like
    caroline2 got a reaction from Kay York in Eating out   
    Refried Beans?
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    caroline2 reacted to teamskinny_keea in starting bad habits   
    Hey i did somewhat ok i woke up late but o havent had no junk food in 3days its hard i didnt feel good yesterday
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    caroline2 reacted to RJ'S/beginning in starting bad habits   
    Refined sugar is not a natural substance for our bodies to ingest. So when we eat it it becomes an addiction like drugs. The more we eat of it the more we want it and are less satisfied with complex carbs.
    If you want to get the rest off and you find you are eating the wrong Snacks you may think about detoxing yourself again...That means no sugar and you will feel withdrawal..It will be uncomfortable for sure...
    Removing the sugar from your house or other tempting Snacks helps a lot.....Some people don't have a problem with sweets or junk food...If you do that is your nemesis....
    Switch your snacks to nuts and fruit 1/4 of a cup...Get the Protein in first at meals...It will start to settle down I promise...You will be back on the journey in no time..
    Remember that this is a journey not a sprint.....
    Turn your love for food into a goal of only eating the very best of anything..read labels and count protein..It can get as challenging as giving up sugar....But so worth it! You can do this...Today is a new day and it is yours for the taking.....
  23. Like
    caroline2 reacted to caligirl3 in November buddies where are you?   
    APPROVED BY INSURANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First submission, and it was approved a week later. I called every day! Now just waiting for the hospital scheduler to call and set up my surgery date, and get my pre-op labs taken care of! SO EXCITED TO BE SLEEVED IN 2013!
    I'm still hoping to get sleeved in November, but it may be December... We shall see...
  24. Like
    caroline2 reacted to PdxMan in Pretty sure I f***ed up the sleeve. No leak, but I might as well have never gotten it.   
    Wow ... soooo ... a lot of harsh reactions here, for sure. Before posting something harsh, reflect on your own demons and struggles. Have you ever struggled with depression or had the feeling that you just didn't care what happens to you?
    The OP may be dealing with some depression. This is such a difficult thing as denial, rage, self-loathing, apathy and well, depression sets in. It can be difficult to see the forest for the trees. The denial of responsibility creates a vicious circle where the person spirals downward. Not recognizing this and seeking helps further aggravates the issues.
    To the OP, think about it. What is the worst thing that can happen if you reach out for help?
    What is the best thing that could happen?
    The truth lies somewhere in between, but it only starts when you reach out for help. You recognize this and have taken the first step by posting here.
    Take the next step.
  25. Like
    caroline2 got a reaction from simplyfedup in Sleeved on 12-12-12.....Down 70lbs with pics   
    You are beautiful! Both before and after. I cannot ever imagine looking that tjin. My surgery is in three weeks. Thanks for sharing....very inspirational!

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