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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    tlynn4love reacted to worm2872 in First Day After Surgery   
    Sammi, Congrats! and I am glad to hear you are doing well. As Vicki said, take it slow and follow the process. You will have good days and bad days but overall each day gets better. Im about 7 weeks out and feel really good. Just don't push yourself! :-) Wishing you a speedy reocvery!
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    tlynn4love reacted to Vicki Loichinger in First Day After Surgery   
    Sammi You are doing awesome. Just keep doing what you are doing, just don't overdo. your body has been through major surgery so rest when you need to., But walking the halls is so good. And sip sip sip. Wishing you the very very best and so glad you were able to let us know how you are doing,. Gentle hugs.
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    tlynn4love reacted to SammiSiren in First Day After Surgery   
    Yesterday was my surgery and it went really well, the surgeon was in and out in 45 minutes and there were no complications. My stomach is sore but I'm not really nauseous. I've been taking walks around the hospital and I just started my sips of Water. Today I meet with my surgeon to discuss after care, my psychologist and my dietician, just for an overview. I can't wait to go home and lay with my kitty.
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    tlynn4love reacted to douchewafflebear in I am selfish...possibly for the first time in my life.   
    Dr.’s have said to me - but you gotta do it for “X” - usually they mention the kids - as if guilt would guilt me into weight loss - If I didn’t do anything up to now for ME - this is for ME and ME ALONE - yes - I LOVE THEM TO PIECES - but they don’t motivate me - I motivate ME.
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    tlynn4love reacted to Alexandria Hashagen in I am selfish...possibly for the first time in my life.   
    I have said that 2013 was MY year. I chose to have this surgery for ME as well. And being a mom of 3 and a wife, and always doing for someone else, I deserve to do something just for me.
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    tlynn4love reacted to worm2872 in I am selfish...possibly for the first time in my life.   
    Good for both of you!!
    You have to do this for yourself and no one else. It is such a personal and emotional experience. I hope my hubby finds me more attractive but it is me, and me alone that has to live with the choice I made. So far, it was the right choice.
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    tlynn4love reacted to Dawnolson in I am selfish...possibly for the first time in my life.   
    I hear ya! I am doing it for my health and to feel better about myself. My husband will hopefully be happy too! Lol
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    tlynn4love reacted to douchewafflebear in I am selfish...possibly for the first time in my life.   
    Humor me.

    do it for you
    you and you alone.
    doing all of this for someone else makes it about someone else.

    nothing pisses me off more - since I was a very young kid - feeling like I “needed” to loose weight for someone else...for society - for a certain clothing - for a “look” - for prom, for graduation, for college, for that job, the engagement, the wedding dress, the pictures, the honeymoon, the pregnancy, the kids, because the TV says I should, because PEOPLE Magazine says I should, all the time for someone or something else - I am doing this for ME...NOT for my husband...NOT for my kids...I’m doing this for ME...and me alone...this is year of ME. Sure they get the byproduct of my ME-NESS...and they get to enjoy the new ME but not for one second am I doing all of this for anyone but ME.

    LOVE ME.
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    tlynn4love reacted to raquelrdgz in Houston   
    Well if you had asked me while I was in the hospital if I'd do it again I would of said "helllll NO" but now that the pain is gone i say I would- (I think that's how I also ended up with 3 kids;) )
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    tlynn4love reacted to TinyMamiOf3kids in Houston   
    I'm not from Houston but I love reading these juicy conversations
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    tlynn4love reacted to Montage in Getting My Business Done.   
    So it's the 9th Jan, and I am going to have my scope done today.
    This is going to be interesting. My Gastroscopy is at 13:30 and the Receptionist who did the booking said I cannot eat or drink since midnight. That's 13.5hrs of nothing to drink,not even Water. Is that common?I think I'm gonna dehydrate.
    Anyone else had this procedure?
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    tlynn4love reacted to Vicki Loichinger in Getting My Business Done.   
    you are jumping through those hoops like champ. be here before you know it. Does feel good to get those things done and checked off doesn't it!!
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    tlynn4love reacted to WLS2013 in Hi! My 1st Post   
    Just joined tonight! So much good information and advice on here! I am thrilled I found this :-) still lots to read.
    I am just starting my WLS journey! So far I have had first appointment with my surgeon and had my endoscopy procedure this past Friday. Next week I see the dietitian for the first time and the psych doctor. I look forward to posting and sharing information and experiences!
    Happy New Year 2013!
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    tlynn4love reacted to charrison27 in No Soda   
    My nut said if you must have a soda, pour it in a glass, stir until there are no more bubbles, then leave it sit overnight. Too much work, if you ask me.
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    tlynn4love reacted to renee in Sipping all day ?   
    Thank you bigmike, jodimc, and Debbiebydesign. That's what I figured I'd have to do, leave it at the nurses station or something and just try to stop by every chance I get.
    I kind of like the flask idea but I can totally see someone turning me in thinking I'm drinking alcohol on the job!!!!! There are always SO many eyes on us nursing students!!
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    tlynn4love reacted to Debbiebydesign in one month away today   
    Thank you all...I just feel the need to get on with this. I feel kind of like at the end of pregnancy...let's get the messy part over and get on with the good stuff.
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    tlynn4love reacted to Debbiebydesign in one month away today   
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    tlynn4love reacted to Catgyrl68 in Just got submitted for insurance approval...AAH!   
    Vicki - I heard back exactly a week after my paperwork was submitted. I go to preop on Thursday, and my surgery is set for 1/18!! So fricken excited, it's not even funny. My apartment is all clean, and fridge and cupboards emptied of "bad food". Thank goodness I start liquid diet on Friday.
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    tlynn4love reacted to Debbiebydesign in one month away today   
    I was approved at the beginning of December for surgery February 7. My doctor was super booked- 10 weeks out.
    Today marks the start of my one month countdown and it's also my birthday. The wait to get moving is wearing on me. Too much time to think, worry about complications, doubt myself...support groups were even cancelled for this month. I was kind of happy at first, not having Christmas be my first challenge out of the gate. Now that all the holidays are over, I just want to move on. Two months after getting a date is too long.
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    tlynn4love reacted to kristy3k in bad day yesterday   
    Mami is right. This feeling does pass. Once you are done mourning the loss of food in your life it gets better. Just like those that get upset when their family eats in front of them. We all need to remember this is truly a loss of something that has comforted us for years... never sassed back and just was always there for us. Remember we chose to have this surgery to take back control of our lives. Find your joy in things other then food. You can do this.
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    tlynn4love reacted to Akc313 in Getting to a place where i'm proud!   
    I stalled for a while at 285 for like Weeks. But I had fallen down the stairs and hurt my tail bone so I didn't exercise for three Weeks as it was painful. This week I finally got back on track and glad to say I've lost a total of 52lbs!! Finally brought me a pair of Jeans today.. I'm a size 16!!!! Haven't seen that since high school..

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    tlynn4love reacted to OleHippieGal in Dec 31st surgery, hey I am ok   
    I feel good, I am doing what they told me to do. using those medicine cups to drink my Protein Drinks and my Water. sip sip till all 5 are gone and fill back up and repeat. thought I would be able to have my SF Popsicles and SF Jello, but not yet. able to start taking my Vitamins, and my normal prescription meds I took before the surgery, everything seems to be ok. haven't taking anymore pain meds. I had to get that anesthesia out of my system. so 2 days post op I am fine

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    tlynn4love reacted to mrsblues in Hi, I'm new.   
    Welcome everyone! The support you find on this site will be so useful. It prevented me from calling the doctor's office with what I'm sure they consider "mundane questions." You will find people in all different phases of recovery which will help you to know what to "expect." We have some who have had more than a hiccup in their recovery and our thoughts and prayers go out to them. The information isn't meant to scare you---just to inform. Remember we are just a small smattering of the overall surgery patients that are out there. Overall you will find that many do quite well, and when they don't they can rely on us for the support. This journey has so much to offer!
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    tlynn4love reacted to kparadisek in Progress   
    You look great! I'm loving the sexy black dress! I also like the idea of no scale but I know me I'm going to want to way myself every couple of weeks. Maybe I'll use my wii fit since it has the scale on it.
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    tlynn4love reacted to daluvoflife in New and scared :-(   
    I'm so glad I have others feeling like this and I'm not going through it alone. It felt like everyone seemed so ready and here I am being a punk LOL. Well since I have been coming here I'm starting to feel so much more better. Thank u all for your wonderful words

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