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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    ncdeking reacted to DLCoggin in realistic weight-loss expectations, question for older veteran female   
    Well I don't qualify as an older veteran female but I've got two out of three covered. Lol. I'd just like to second what Destin said. The numbers you read are averages which simply translates into "some lose more, some lose less." It does not translate into you "can't" lose whatever you want to lose. I started at 285 with a BMI of 35. Today I'm 153 with a BMI right around 22.9 and my weight has been in the 151-156 window for over a year and a half. There's absolutely nothing special about me. No big red S on my chest. You don't have to go any further than this forum to read lots of stories of folks who have accomplished even more - much more.
    P.S. I was 62 when I had my gastric bypass - age is not a factor.
    You're gonna love the new you!!
  2. Like
    ncdeking reacted to DestinClair1983 in realistic weight-loss expectations, question for older veteran female   
    You can definitely reach your goals and lose 100 percent of your excess weight, but it will require dedication and hard work, sticking to your nutrition goals such as adequate Protein intake, adequate caloric intake, Water, etc, exercise. I believe that the average 66% excess weight loss you mention includes people who lose all their excess weight and those who either lose very little or regain because they don't stick to the plan. It's all about adhering to your nutrition plan and exercise because if you do, there's no doubt in my mind that you can lose ALL of your excess weight.
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    ncdeking reacted to Dee_1111 in What is your WLS Motivating Mantra?   
    Mine is..and I say it all the time..and write it a lot..is my all time motivation saying. specially when I standing in front of a cheese cake...lolol
    "This Body Feels Better, Than (any) food Tastes"
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    ncdeking reacted to kristy3k in Welcome Gastric Bypass Veterans!   
    Went to my one year post op appt yesterday. Iron and Protein was on the low side. He told me to take a second iron... Ugh have Constipation issues and start drinking a second shake... Double ugh. For one... Am I stupid to think of it like empty calories... Yes I am... Just suck it up! Anyway he wanted me to way 175 when I first started... I'm now down to 162.. And want to got to 158... He rolled his eyes and laughed when I told him I just wanted to be in the normal bmi for my height. I know it's just a number.. But it's right there within reach. Losing about 1-2 pounds a month now if lucky. But feeling great!
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    ncdeking reacted to GlendaB in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    I am 2-11-2013 I have lost 108 pounds. I am 2 pounds until goal is met. I weigh 136. I would tell all in the beginning the surgery does all the work but at about the 6 month point it's time for you to get busy and do the work. Exercise is the key. I do 60 minutes a day. The hunger is back. I also log my food daily thru Loseit app on my phone. The challenging part is now. Just remember the surgery is only a tool the rest is up to you.
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    ncdeking reacted to Dee_1111 in Life 4 years Out   
    March 1st 2014, I will be 4 years out and living in maintenance. All the trials and tribulations of surgery behind me. Life has settle down and routine has taken over. My yearly visits to my surgeons office are pretty uneventful. My lipids are stable because my Vitamin regiment is stable.
    What I chose to eat is also routine. I don't veer off my food list very often. Boat loads of fruit and veggies, chicken, salmon, etc.. I try not to incorporate different foods in my plan because that seems to be where I get into trouble. I slice and dice, add spice and bake, sauté, crock pot, and broil the same foods just different ways with different spices and flavors. But I found very early on that if I incorporate different cultural foods into my eating plan is where my troubles can begin. for instance, I had to give up (American) Italian food..we all know why..lol. I had to give up most French dishes, we all know why..not that these cultural dishes don't have healthy choices, I just wasn't makin'um. So to eliminate the drama I cause when I veer off, I don't veer much. Food is now a lesser priority then before, is all. When my pouch cries, I first drink Water, just to make sure it's not thirsty first, then after that, it still tapping me, I feed it. At this stage I can pretty much tell what my pouch wants, I seldom get thirsty in the mouth anymore, its my pouch thast thirsty, took me a while to recognize the difference. Strange as that sounds it's a fact. My pouch is its own childish entity. At this stage I have also recognize the difference between my brain wanting food and my pouch wanting food. In order to be a successful GBP (Gastric Bypass Person) you have to get to know your body, listen to it, and tell it NO if you have to. I think I'll end this here, I'm a thought blabber..lol..I'm sure I'll be writing more. Its nice to have a place where my babbling might actually help someone..lol..thanx for listening
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    ncdeking reacted to pookybear in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    I can't seem to get used to this new site, so I'm not here often anymore. But here's an update on me. My 10 month pics, taken at the end of December. I started at 419, weighed in at 399 on the day of surgery. Last time I weighed myself I was at 277. Down 122 since surgery 2/27/13...total of 142 lost so far.

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    ncdeking reacted to babs963 in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    It's so easy to slack off as we become more comfortable with our new self. I avoided the scale during the holidays and put on 5 lbs .. Just "tastings a little of this and that". For me I have to keep myself in check every day... If I don't I know I will fall into old habits. My hair started growing back .. Yay! But it started falling out again this week because of lack of not getting all my Protein in and not taking my Vitamins .. Blah! It's good to remind ourselves that this is a life long journey. It so good to check in now and then and get refueled with the support of others! Good luck all you fabulous February girls!!! (and guys) as we approach our one year anniversaries!
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    ncdeking got a reaction from babs963 in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    Hi all you February Post-Ops! I follow the boards but don't post all that often. I've noticed this thread has really slowed down and I'd like to get an update from you all to see how it's going. I've hit a major stall and I know it's because I've started to allow myself more carbs and even a bite of something sweet here and there. I had stopped recording my food in myfitnesspal.com as well. I started back yesterday and am being extremely "mindful" of everything that goes in my mouth. While I feel great and am very happy with my size L/14 body, I am still considered obese on the BMI chart. My ultimate goal would be to reach a weight that is considered healthy on the BMI chart, but my first goal is just to get to the overweight category! lol
    Let me hear from you all!
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    ncdeking reacted to Cecilia in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
  11. Like
    ncdeking reacted to Cecilia in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    Closing in on the 170's... I've been charting my food with MFP again and it definitely helps me get all my Protein in and focus on three meals, no grazing. Today I'm down to 183. I had hoped to reach my goal of 150 by my birthday in early October... If I can lose 10 pounds a month for the next two months I might be able to pull it off, but it will take diligence! I'm so grateful for the support I'm receiving here!
    p.s. I have begun to date again, and the weight loss has given me back my confidence! Not just to dare to date, but to realize when someone is not right for me, and not "settling" just because I think "I'm lucky to have a date at all."
  12. Like
    ncdeking reacted to mamafine23 in March 2013 Post Op "A New Life 2013"   
    My fitness pal app has been a lifesaver for me to keep track of everything I'm eating during the day ...you have to keep in mind how you got to the weight you did whenever you feel like skipping into old habits and stay away from everything that put you there...it's not worth it...this is an awesome support group here and we are all here for you
  13. Like
    ncdeking reacted to Cecilia in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    what keeps me going is this graph. If you don't use MyFitnessPal I would recommend it on the basis of this feature alone. Even when the weight loss seems impossibly slow, I look at the graph and it helps. Plateaus disappear and you see the overall trend!
  14. Like
    ncdeking reacted to ECUJenn in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    My hair is falling out BIG TIME. I'm trying not to let it bother me but it still does.
    I'm down from HW 344 to 248. My goal weight range is between 187-157 so I still have a ways to go. Been a bit stalled for the last few weeks but noticing positive changes in my clothes so trying to focus on that. So thankful to this forum because it helps me stay focused on the positives.
    At the blood drive I went to tonight two really awesome things happened: 1. My resting heart rate had dropped 30bpm and 2. They used a regular sized blood pressure cuff.
    Plus, one of the ladies there told me that she just loves talking to me because I have such a positive aura. The last few years have been really tough in my life but it all started to turn around in August 2011 and hasn't stopped. This is the best my life has been in years and I am trying to stay focused on it getting even better!
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    ncdeking got a reaction from celebrate*me in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    It's official! I'm 1/2 way there!!! :D
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    ncdeking reacted to babs963 in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    Ok... Tape measure was much nicer than scale... Lost 3 inches overall since June 24. Tape measure is my new BFF! Scale--- You really need to work on our relationship!
  17. Like
    ncdeking reacted to babs963 in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    Well despite being very nice to my scale and walking 15 miles in the past 3 days, my lovely scale showed a .3 lb gain even though I took a nice poop before hand!!! ( sorry tmi). Off to befriend Mr. Tape measure.
  18. Like
    ncdeking reacted to BBdoodle in Please stop asking me!   
    I am a very slow loser, 14 months post op, have 23 more lbs to go and in a stall. My surgeon says I'm good at where I am right now and not to focus on my weight # but to keep eating properly, exercise... I run 5 miles a day, and Portion Control. I feel fantastic...I'm in a size 12, I would like to be a 8 or 10 but I will be satisfied with a 12 if that is what it is !!!
    I did not tell a bunch of people I had surgery only a very select few family members and close friends, I had 110% support. When people that don't know I had surgery they compliment me on the weight loss and ask how.. I say diet and exercise!!
    Someone once told me that when someone asks you a uncomfortable question that you don't want to answer just say "why do you ask"????? They stammer a bit and just change the subject.... it works for me every time !!! Hang in there you are doing fantastic, everyone loses at their own pace !!!! We are all different.
  19. Like
    ncdeking got a reaction from Anniesmom12 in Please stop asking me!   
    I also hate when people you're not close to ask "so how much have you lost now?" Eventually I'm gonna start saying, "A lot!" and leave it at that.
  20. Like
    ncdeking reacted to gerrykayred in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    As I write this I am sitting on one of my dining room chairs .................WITH MY LEGS CROSSED!!!!!!! (Comfortably)
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    ncdeking got a reaction from RonV0804 in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    NSVs I've noticed lately: (1) I now have a lap! (2) I no longer have to avoid booths! (3) I can cross my legs without using my hands! (4) I'm off ALL prescription meds! (5) I enjoy shopping again! I want to plan a girls weekend shopping trip! (6) I fit comfortably into movie theater seats! (7) I'm not always the biggest person in the room!
  22. Like
    ncdeking got a reaction from RonV0804 in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    NSVs I've noticed lately: (1) I now have a lap! (2) I no longer have to avoid booths! (3) I can cross my legs without using my hands! (4) I'm off ALL prescription meds! (5) I enjoy shopping again! I want to plan a girls weekend shopping trip! (6) I fit comfortably into movie theater seats! (7) I'm not always the biggest person in the room!
  23. Like
    ncdeking got a reaction from RonV0804 in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    NSVs I've noticed lately: (1) I now have a lap! (2) I no longer have to avoid booths! (3) I can cross my legs without using my hands! (4) I'm off ALL prescription meds! (5) I enjoy shopping again! I want to plan a girls weekend shopping trip! (6) I fit comfortably into movie theater seats! (7) I'm not always the biggest person in the room!
  24. Like
    ncdeking got a reaction from RonV0804 in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    NSVs I've noticed lately: (1) I now have a lap! (2) I no longer have to avoid booths! (3) I can cross my legs without using my hands! (4) I'm off ALL prescription meds! (5) I enjoy shopping again! I want to plan a girls weekend shopping trip! (6) I fit comfortably into movie theater seats! (7) I'm not always the biggest person in the room!
  25. Like
    ncdeking got a reaction from RonV0804 in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    NSVs I've noticed lately: (1) I now have a lap! (2) I no longer have to avoid booths! (3) I can cross my legs without using my hands! (4) I'm off ALL prescription meds! (5) I enjoy shopping again! I want to plan a girls weekend shopping trip! (6) I fit comfortably into movie theater seats! (7) I'm not always the biggest person in the room!

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