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    KeeWee reacted to SuperFab in My Dr. Says If I Gain 1 More Pound I Will Be Given An Extra Month Visit But....   
    This is actually comical. Trusting ourselves is what got us here. Listening to ourselves is why we're FAT. Listen to your NUT and your surgeon. I've read on here a million times; surgery can fix your stomach but not your head.
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    KeeWee reacted to caroline2 in My Dr. Says If I Gain 1 More Pound I Will Be Given An Extra Month Visit But....   
    I got fat from not eating properly and from pigging out. I'm responsible for every pound gained over the years.
  3. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Tizzielish in My Dr. Says If I Gain 1 More Pound I Will Be Given An Extra Month Visit But....   
    superfatty, your last comment is not just comical but reflects some fundamental misunderstandings. I didn't get fat because of overeating. And no one gets fat if they are able to listen to their inner guidance and follow it, not from overeating.

    Do you read any scientific studies about obesity? Increasingly medical science is proving, through random-access controlled studies, the kind that meet the top industry standards, that obesity is rarely the result of pigging out o food. That is such an outdated attitude. Obesity is increasingly seen as an illness in and of itself.

    I know some morbidly obese people eat copious volumes of food but not all that many. And why do they? Increasingly SCIENCE is revealing that folks who compulsively overeat do so because of underlying health reasons. Sure some of it is in the head and if that belief works for you, stick with it, honey.

    But increasingly obesity is being understood as the result of underlying, untreated, unrecognized health issues.

    I didn't get fat by pigging out on food. I got fat by taking several medications for over ten years that have now been shown to damage the body's metabolism and cause rapid weight gain. AS I watched myself morph from a normal sized thirty-something to a morbidly obese person, I wondered what the heck was I doing? Did I get up in the night and binge eat while sleepwalking? Did I go into psychotic trances and swing by fast food joints? Cause I never pigged out.

    Have you ever eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one sitting? I have. My first time was when I was in my fifties and my skinny close friend showed me she filld her freezer with pints of fancy ice cream to eat for dinner when her husband traveled. Until that moment, it had never occurred to me to eat more than a modest serving of ice cream.

    And I was the only adult in the house when I packed on the drug-influenced rapid weight gain so that meant only I bought the food in. I wasn't unconscoiusly binge eating. I packed on weight because the drugs I took damaged my metabolism.

    Gosh, what unenlightened thinking to believe people only get fat from pigging out.

    And if you think I am making up my science: three of the drugs I took have had class action law suits against them, and the plaintiffs (the victims) won. They couldn't sue for weight gain because fat is not a protected class in this country (i am a lawyer so if I sound like one, that's why) but they sued because each of these three drugs, in addition to damaging the metabolism and causing weight gain also tended to cause the onset of diabetes. And guess what? I developed diabetes, and not Type II but Type I. Type I's are usually skinny but those cursed drugs made me fat.

    Not every fat person pigs out. In fact, relatively few do. Cling to that if you must.

    And yes, it is about our heads as much as our bodies. Which is why I still say to Ms Kee Kee: trust yourself. Anyone that doesn't trust themselves, I feel sorry for them. Maybe some obese people did not always trust themselves but two weeks before bariatric surgery is a good time to start.

    How are you going to change the head game if you don't trust yourself? I won't give my power over to health care professionals. Sure I want their advice but I don't just see allopathic doctors. If I have the surgery, still an if for me, for I have lost 90 pounds on my own -- altho that could simply be the result of my Type I diabetes and I just think it is all the changes I have made in what I eat.

    Did you read the post about the gal whose own doctor said if she didn't eat anything she's gain because of her hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is real.

    There are a million stories in the naked city, and in the land of fat people. Don't assume everyone got fat the way you did. And I am not even assuming how you got fat altho you seem to suggest you pigged out. I didn't. I have never eaten immodestly and I have always swum laps at least five times a week for decades as well as other exercise. I got fat because of health conditions. You just watch. In the future, obesity is going to be given respect as a medical condition and not stigmatied as fatties pigging out. You stigmatize yourself that way.

  4. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Ree in My Dr. Says If I Gain 1 More Pound I Will Be Given An Extra Month Visit But....   
    Quoting 'Amazon13'
    "I think you need to come clean and be honest with yourself about your eating habits. In your post you say you don't eat a lot and then answer a post and say that you do. People just don't get fat by eating little amounts of food twice a day.
    You need to admit that you were eating two or three times a day, copious amounts of food.< /strong> You may need a nutritionist to help you understand what kinds/how much food you should be eating at a meal.
    As has been said here many times before, the sleeve is just a tool it won't instantly make you lose weight. Make sure you seek counseling before you enter into such a life altering surgery; good luck."
    I know your comment wasn't directed at me but I felt compelled to respond. In my case that is exactly what happened, I ate 2x a day, sometimes only 1x a day and I gained weight very fast. My meals were not big, in fact I never wanted to eat and a doctor even told me he could sow my mouth shut and I would still gain weight because that is what hypothyroidism does to people. Admittedly though they were not healthy food options either when I finally would eat. I honestly feel like if I had known what hypothyroidism was or if someone even clued me in and mentioned that I should get it checked I would have saved myself years of gaining tons of weight. It wasn't just my eating habits that were affected, it was my everyday life. I would wake up for the day and an hour after waking up I would fall back to sleep and sleep for hours. That's how bad my thyroid beat my ass. Right around the time I probably developed hypothyroidism I was living at home still with my mom, I had a bedroom in the attic. My mom never bothered me, she was too busy with my younger siblings. I went to bed on Wednesday night and when I woke up I went downstairs and it was dark out and all the lights were off and everyone was asleep, so I just thought I woke in the middle of the night, so I went to back to bed. When I finally saw my mom she asked me where I was all that time and I was confused. She said I was missing for over a day and then told me it was Friday afternoon. Apparently I slept through Thursday completely, waking up around 3am on Friday after going to bed around 10pm on Wednesday. I was always just so tired and never had any energy to do anything at all. Before I turned 18 years old I was very active, had loads of energy and loved being around people, I was also at a very healthy weight (115 to 118 pounds). All I gotta say is that hypothyroidism sucks!
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    KeeWee reacted to Chellemetime in Am I the only one that doesnt miss food/eating?   
    Funny. That's my plan for Thanksgiving. To have my protein first and then one small bite of each of the other things and I already know I probably won't be able to eat a bite of all of them and that's ok. I love the fact that my sleeve has my back and won't allow me to continue to eat when I'm really already satisfied.
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    KeeWee reacted to mistysj in Am I the only one that doesnt miss food/eating?   
    I love it that I can eat just a little of something and be satisfied. We had a thanksgiving celebration here on the weekend (no official thanksgiving in Australia and I miss it so we have a big party every year) and I had my 50 grams of turkey and a spoonful each of stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, and cranberry sauce. For dessert I had a bite of my husband's pie. And it was lovely. Even better, I enjoyed the cooking, the socializing, and was able to really take the time to count my blessings. Plus all the compliments from those who have not seen me in a while! I didn't stress about what I would and wouldn't eat. I knew my sleeve would take care of the quantity I could fit in so I made sure I had enough Protein and a taste of everything I cared for.
    It was an utterly refreshing and affirming experience.
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    KeeWee reacted to skikyd in Am I the only one that doesnt miss food/eating?   
    I do not miss food.
    I feel freedom from food.< /p>
    I eat what I need or want( with boundaries
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    KeeWee reacted to Indigo1991 in Am I the only one that doesnt miss food/eating?   
    I hope it will for both of us :-)
    It's also something to do with the fact that I really love my new life and I don't want to do anything to set me back. It's not a conscious thought just something that now runs in my background thinking... As you said, I love the company of friends and family, the food is almost incidental now. Lon may it continue!
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    KeeWee got a reaction from SuperFab in My Dr. Says If I Gain 1 More Pound I Will Be Given An Extra Month Visit But....   
    And this is me exactly!!! Never felt hungry til I go all day then I eat a huge meal and be set til the next day..I just need to work on old habits. I want to do it the healthy way. We obviously all have bad habits to break. I want to eat 3 proportioned meals vs my 1-2 heavy meals. I've began making changes but I still feel like I'm eating more now..it may be healthier but its more...imma be focused on increasing my workout and balancing my meals and Snacks. Good to know someone can relate..thx
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    KeeWee reacted to luv2plumb in Liquid Diet Starts Today!   
    WOW a taste test. I never thought of that. Lol. I'm going today to try some of those Protein Shake ( do a little research) that's you guys ROCK !!
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    KeeWee reacted to Andrew0929 in Liquid Diet Starts Today!   
    I start mine Tuesday 11/19 for 3 weeks with surgery 12/10.
    Soups not allowed on mine but I can have 3 oz chicken or cod.
    This morning we went out for Breakfast for perhaps my last full breakfast (I spared nothing).
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    KeeWee reacted to luv2plumb in Liquid Diet Starts Today!   
    We'll good luck to you please keep us posted of your success , I'm also worried about that " last meal" idea. Cause like the morning after a wedding or some type of celebration where people eat a lot I wake up starving. Lol. Lol.
  13. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from longtimecoming7 in What Do You Look Forward To?   
    Hmmm....Top of the list by far, shopping anywhere and developing my style has me super excited. Taking pictures WITH my family instead OF my family. Fitting back on my favorite ride at six flags. Attend events previously RSVP'd. Feeling I can market my business more efficiently. I want to play my daughter in tennis, her fav sport. Being pulled closer to my husband with every hug. Looking forward to looking how I see myself in my head...lol...I can go on for days...I might be adding more daily..lol.
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    KeeWee got a reaction from gamergirl in Am I the only one that doesnt miss food/eating?   
    I can't wait!!! Life will feel like life again. I May begin to like food again once it stops trynna control me...LOL!! No man nor morsel shall control me!!
  15. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡ in Is It Just Me?   
    I definitely got this too. I'm getting the sleeve but when I mention it, I thought the responses would have been all positive but surprisingly enough, I was met with unexpected comments and reactions that almost made me lose "friends" until I gathered my emotions. I decided I'd be more selective in my sharing to not just close associates but real close friends and family only.
    Not that they will agree with me but I'm more incline to take their feelings and thoughts a bit less harshly since I know they've considered my feelings already.
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    KeeWee got a reaction from I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡ in Is It Just Me?   
    Exactly!! Sometimes you'd be surprised to see that if they had the knowledge on the surgery and its benefits, the guts to face the risks and complications or the benefits to cover the surgery and aftercare, maybe they'd be right along with u on ur journey. U never know why someone says anything negative about something with only positive intent..go figure!!!
  17. Like
    KeeWee reacted to loveelaura in My Dr. Says If I Gain 1 More Pound I Will Be Given An Extra Month Visit But....   
    I was similar to this. My typical work shift has always been 6am to 2pm. I would eat nothing at work (too lazy to pack anything and didn't want to spend money to go out) so I would eat a huge meal when I got home from work and that was it...
    My dietician prompted me to eat 3 meals a day. I did well for about a week and then tapered off. I would snack at work on things like PB crackers or nutro grain bars and then come come and eat my huge meal. I had another visit with her and she told me I need to get in the 3 meals. I told her I have a hard time stomaching anything in the morning due to being on the go at work and then getting nauseous. She suggested a Protein shake within an hour of waking up. I can do that! I was still having trouble eating a true lunch at work though so now I have another Protein shake! And! When I go home from work, I don't have to eat right away and when I do cool dinner, it's protein packed! I've dropped a couple pounds in the last couple weeks. Woohu! I can't wait until after surgery so I can eat smaller portions and feel satisfied though. I won't be sleeved until January so between now and then, I'll be transitioning myself to pack a lunch of protein packed items.
    I've found that with myself, if I try to change all my bad habits at once, I fail. That's why I chose having surgery so far out ( I'm self pay) so I can change my crappy habits and implement the things I need to do forever! This surgery will be such a great tool in helping me stick with things. My biggest "threat" so to speak is carbs. I can say I've been "carb free" for a week! Breads, potatoes and rice were my weaknesses. I cleaned out my fridge, freezer, pantry and cupboards of EVERYTHING unhealthy and donated the foods. I live alone so if I don't buy it, I ain't eating it! I'm spoiled in that sense because I don't have to worry about others bringing junk in or wanting junk so I'm not even tempted.
    Good luck!
  18. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from longtimecoming7 in What Do You Look Forward To?   
    Hmmm....Top of the list by far, shopping anywhere and developing my style has me super excited. Taking pictures WITH my family instead OF my family. Fitting back on my favorite ride at six flags. Attend events previously RSVP'd. Feeling I can market my business more efficiently. I want to play my daughter in tennis, her fav sport. Being pulled closer to my husband with every hug. Looking forward to looking how I see myself in my head...lol...I can go on for days...I might be adding more daily..lol.
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    KeeWee reacted to Lioness813 in What Do You Look Forward To?   
    Well..among many things I look forward to being a thinner healthier me...being that I'm on vacation with my family this comes to mind. Deciding on whether I want to go in a ride without having anything else cross my mind...like..."hmmm will I fit on the seat, will it buckle" etc etc. today went on a roller coaster with my oldest son and the complete panic set in when the attendant had yo come over and push down on the bar extra hard to it would lock. Never ins having to suck in my life fir that to happen lol. I was on and happy...and told myself never ever again. Thank you lord for this Lil reminder as I schedule my surgery date next week. Just one of many things I look forward too!
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    KeeWee reacted to SoccerMomma73 in What Do You Look Forward To?   
    Being comfortable....in chairs, on planes, on rides, in elevators. Whatever. Not fearing the bar won't latch or the belt won't reach of my fat will rub up against someone....life at <200 pounds is AMAING!?!! I can't even imagin life 40 pounds smaller.
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    KeeWee reacted to wildlyme in What Do You Look Forward To?   
    MsKeeKee, I'm getting more and more excited every passing hour. But Monday I could be trippin out. Lmao.
  22. Like
    KeeWee reacted to 2muchfun in Is It Just Me?   
    Agree with the others. food addiction is so different from other addictions. Nicotine and illegal drugs one can live without, but food is all around us and is a must to survive. Many people do not understand this and I'd gander a guess that many of those folks are obese themselves.
  23. Like
    KeeWee reacted to mrsto in Is It Just Me?   
    I think we've all gotten some of those same responses. My sister's first response was that her friend who got the band a few years ago, gained all her weight back; as if that was going to be a deterrent for me. I also got the "all you have to do" comments, but most of those people were also supportive of my decision.
    I'm convinced that the folks that make these types of comments, have zero clue what this is all about. They don't understand the disease of obesity, nor do they understand that WLS is only a tool……not a cure. I've been very selective about whom I discuss this with, and I'm glad. I don't really care what anyone else thinks, but I don't have the time or energy to educate them.
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    KeeWee reacted to I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡ in Is It Just Me?   
    My stance on the haters is this... it's my body, not yours. I'm doing what I feel is necessary to get to a healthy weight to live MY life healthily. I often think of these opinionated people and wonder if they have health conditions ie: diabetes, high cholesterol, or any condition that they take meds for. How would they like someone telling them not to take their meds? Just avoid the fat and cholesterol based foods, and exercise more, etc... They would look at you like you're crazy. They need those meds for their health. Well, this is the same situation, they choose to take medications for their health, and we choose to use a medical device for our health problem. Best wishes to you, and don't let others two cents affect you
  25. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from Tizzielish in My Dr. Says If I Gain 1 More Pound I Will Be Given An Extra Month Visit But....   
    Good luck Friday!!!

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