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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    piercedqt78 got a reaction from jnfisher in my boyfriend doesn't approve of the surgery   
    Hi Chad, welcome. I will say this, my husband has always been with heavy women, and I was no exception. He married me when I was a size 18. He wasn't totally on board on with the surgery either, and we have a 12 year old daughter. I wanted to be able to be her mom for the long haul. I wanted to be around to attend her wedding, and also to see her have kids of her own. My ever expanding waistline wasn't going to let that happen. I was on track for a stroke, type 2 diabetes, and who know what else. He didn't threaten to leave me, but he wasn't very supportive. He didn't attend my seminar, or any of my pre-op meetings. He even tried to talk my PCP out of clearing me for surgery. I did everything on my own, and pushed forward to save my own life and health. I had a lapband, for almost 8 years, and had complications, he wanted me to have the band removed, and not have the sleeve. I had only lost 40 pounds, and I was gaining that back quickly. So I again pushed on without his approval, or support. Now I'm down from 244 pounds to 115, and he is so happy with my energy level, greatly improved health, and my renewed self confidence. He now attends my followup appointments, insists on taking me to my NUT appts, and has been great about ordering foods that I can share with him, so that I can eat healthy, and not be stuck with 4 or 5 meals worth of leftovers. After he saw the amazing results, and how the surgery improved my life he sat me down and said how sorry he was for not being there for me through my struggles with my weight, and the 2 surgeries. He said he was afraid he would lose me and didn't want to even imagine life without me. And he said that seeing me going into surgery and then coming out with drains, and not being able to eat was really hard for him. He explained that he knew I was struggling, but out of fear he didn't feel able to support me the way he should have supported me.
    What I want to say is that you have to do this surgery for YOU, and no one else. Don't let anyone talk you out of doing what is right for you, and what is best for your health, and future. Don't let your boyfriend talk you out of getting the surgery that is being covered. I don't want to sound like a jerk, but he is your boyfriend right now, what if you break up and your insurance changes in the mean time, then you may or may not have coverage for your sleeve. Just think of this as a lifelong decision that will affect you, and who ever is in your future. Don't let someone's fear keep you from taking charge of your body and health.
  2. Like
    piercedqt78 got a reaction from jnfisher in my boyfriend doesn't approve of the surgery   
    Hi Chad, welcome. I will say this, my husband has always been with heavy women, and I was no exception. He married me when I was a size 18. He wasn't totally on board on with the surgery either, and we have a 12 year old daughter. I wanted to be able to be her mom for the long haul. I wanted to be around to attend her wedding, and also to see her have kids of her own. My ever expanding waistline wasn't going to let that happen. I was on track for a stroke, type 2 diabetes, and who know what else. He didn't threaten to leave me, but he wasn't very supportive. He didn't attend my seminar, or any of my pre-op meetings. He even tried to talk my PCP out of clearing me for surgery. I did everything on my own, and pushed forward to save my own life and health. I had a lapband, for almost 8 years, and had complications, he wanted me to have the band removed, and not have the sleeve. I had only lost 40 pounds, and I was gaining that back quickly. So I again pushed on without his approval, or support. Now I'm down from 244 pounds to 115, and he is so happy with my energy level, greatly improved health, and my renewed self confidence. He now attends my followup appointments, insists on taking me to my NUT appts, and has been great about ordering foods that I can share with him, so that I can eat healthy, and not be stuck with 4 or 5 meals worth of leftovers. After he saw the amazing results, and how the surgery improved my life he sat me down and said how sorry he was for not being there for me through my struggles with my weight, and the 2 surgeries. He said he was afraid he would lose me and didn't want to even imagine life without me. And he said that seeing me going into surgery and then coming out with drains, and not being able to eat was really hard for him. He explained that he knew I was struggling, but out of fear he didn't feel able to support me the way he should have supported me.
    What I want to say is that you have to do this surgery for YOU, and no one else. Don't let anyone talk you out of doing what is right for you, and what is best for your health, and future. Don't let your boyfriend talk you out of getting the surgery that is being covered. I don't want to sound like a jerk, but he is your boyfriend right now, what if you break up and your insurance changes in the mean time, then you may or may not have coverage for your sleeve. Just think of this as a lifelong decision that will affect you, and who ever is in your future. Don't let someone's fear keep you from taking charge of your body and health.
  3. Like
    piercedqt78 got a reaction from Angi~2014 in diet pepsi lovers?   
    I have a regular dr. pepper once in a while with no problem. For those that want the taste without the carbonation, go to Sonic and order a diet (whatever soda) made into a slush. They make it into an icee type drink using the flavored Syrup, but not the carbonation. It taste the same, and has the same caffine without the bubbles. Just a word or warning though there are a few calories in the slush mix, but not enough to derail your progress. I lived on diet dr pepper slush with cherry and vanilla when I was on the liquid only phase in the first days post-op. The cold liquids helped with swelling and also kept me hydrated.
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    piercedqt78 got a reaction from Angi~2014 in Jacksonville, FL   
    Do you go to the support group meetings? I never seem to be available to go, my daughter is in jr high, and always seems to have homework or my hubby is working and I can't be at the meeting, due to her needing to be home and in bed for school the next morning. I was banded before my sleeve, and had major complications, so I was revised to the sleeve last May. I LOVE my sleeve, it was the best thing I could have done.
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    piercedqt78 got a reaction from LindafromFlorida in FL - Jacksonville   
    The 28th works for me. So that's 3, anyone else? I will see where I can set up for a group on the 28th.
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    piercedqt78 got a reaction from Beach Lover in FL - Jacksonville   
    I will have at least 2 trash bags of women's clothes. I believe they are sized 12 down to about about an 8. I will bring them to the first meeting if anyone wants them. They are casual clothing, but all are nice, and better name brands. I buy them at a local resale shop, the money goes to support a local domestic violence shelter. I don't pay a ton for them, and I'm really picky about buying better quality. I will gladly give them to anyone that wants them, all I ask is that when you lose out of them you pass them on to someone that is post-op.
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    piercedqt78 got a reaction from Beach Lover in FL - Jacksonville   
    My name is Mandy I have been in contact with Alex and I will be working with the Jacksonville chapter for local support meetings. We are working to have the first meeting in June. Please feel free to give me your best times/days so I can try to make this is accessible as possible. I will be talking to St. Vincent's Riverside today about using their meeting room. Also let me know if there are any particular guest speakers you would like to see. I'm thinking about a healthy cooking demo, maybe some plastic surgery seminars, I have someone that can help you pick out the correct workout/running shoes and he will offer discounts at his sales location. Any other requests? I figure I will talk to the local hospitals and see if they will allow us to host in their conference rooms, and we can either rotate areas or if there is a good central area we can make it a set monthly location.
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    piercedqt78 got a reaction from BKLYNgal87 in Discouraged and Heartbroken.   
    I didn't read the 5 pages of replies, as I felt they were personal and for you. I will say that I'm a firm believer that cancer is just pure evil. Please take the time to take care of yourself, I know that is hard, but the more you take care of yourself, the more you can take care of your Bear. I lost my father to an inoperable brain tumor when I was 12, and then my grandfather (an angel in my eyes) when I was only 20. Cancer ravaged the men in my life, and it was very hard for me to grieve and let the anger go, it took me several years to allow myself to love my husband, out of fear that he too would leave me too soon.
    I believe the coffee maybe a factor in the reflux, there are several low acid coffees on the market, and they really do make a difference. Also ask about protonix, it's cheap, has been around forever and works really great on acid.
    I also have a suggestion for the fudgesicles, buy sugar free pudding mix, and make it with almond milk, freeze in popsicle molds and have those, they are only a few calories and really help boost Protein intake. I lived on them during my "whole liquid stage" You could also get the pre-made sugar free puddings and freeze them, they are more limited in flavors, and are about double the portion of a popsicle mold but much easier. I make them for my daughter and her friends, sometimes we layer chocolate and banana, or cheesecake pudding with strawberry and cream pudding. I will make the cheesecake for myself and the girls with crush oreo's into theirs. Since I don't care for oreos (I know I'm un American) I'm not tempted.
    Last but not least know that your bariatric family is here, we may be miles away, but we are never more than a keyboard and monitor from you. Prayers and love to your family tonight, and always~Mandy
    PS: feel free to email me, my address is in my signature. I'm online and check my mail several times a day. Even if you just need to vent, or want someone to tell you that you are stronger than you realize. (((hugs)))
  9. Like
    piercedqt78 got a reaction from Alex Brecher in FL - Jacksonville   
    http://www.cummer.org/ you can explore the gardens in the photos, it's really beautiful there.
  10. Like
    piercedqt78 got a reaction from Splickety1125 in NSV and an emotional night and I couldn't be happier!   
    Tomorrow is your big day! Tell Dr. Uchal Mandy Reineke says hi! You are going to be fine. Keep me posted on your progress!
  11. Like
    piercedqt78 got a reaction from Writerjennifer in I hate the media and how they treat Morbidly Obese People!   
    I agree, but at the same time why isn't she beautiful the way she is? Not everyone wants or can afford plastics. I know if my insurance doesn't cover mine they won't be done, at least not for a LONG time. And until I started having health issues,(lower back pain, skin problems, and trouble with sitting on rolls of skin and causing pain and skin trauma) I never even considered plastics.
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    piercedqt78 got a reaction from kll724 in Feeling guilty for living in Florida...   
    Linda, that's beautiful!
    I'm from here originally but lived in Chicago for 17 years. I'm so happy to be back home it's not even funny. My daughter (she will be 13 in 2 weeks OMG!!!) says she misses Chicago and having 4 seasons. I told her I only seem to remember 2 seasons there, Harsh winter and the short road construction season. She has a bleeding disorder and the humidity helps her about 90%. In Chicago we dealt with bleeding bouts at least once a week, and averaged about 2 ER visits a month for cautery, we haven't had to go to the ER for a bleed since moving here almost 3 years ago! We discovered how amazing the humidity was for her 3 summers ago, we have a wedding, a family reunion and my Grandmother's 80th birthday all about 2 weeks apart. She and I came down and stayed with my Uncle for about 5 weeks, it was cheaper than going back and forth for all 3 events. She was perfectly healthy the entire time we were here. When we got back to Chicago I called a meeting with her pcp and her hematologist and was very blunt and asked why she was so sick in Chicago but perfectly fine in Florida. They explained that the humidity and the air quality played a part in her disorder, something I had never heard of before. They also explained the some kids in Florida may thrive and flourish in Chicago while some kids in Chicago may be better off in Florida. Each case is different, and each child reacts to outside stimulus in their own way. We got back to Chicago in early July and had packed and moved here by August 1st. My hubby stayed behind until Feb of the following year to wrap up the details of selling our home, and I did a ton of the computer work to help him get a job here in Jacksonville. My parents were amazing and allowed my daughter, and my self along with our little dog to stay with them until my husband was able to join us here. It saved me a ton of money because I didn't have to pay living expenses on 2 homes. And it gave me a chance to see the different areas around us, and to check out schools before commiting to a place to live. We sold our home in Chicago, and right now we are renting an apt, I have a few areas that I really like, and I'm starting to look into houses in those areas. We have one more year of middle school, and my daughter wants to attend one of the magnet type high school programs here in Clay county. She is looking into graphic design, advertising, or graphic arts with computer aided drafting. Most kids change their minds 100 times about the career they are interested in, we were told when she was in pre-school that she wanted to be an animator for Disney, her dream has never really changed all that much. Any of the careers she is looking into would let her make that dream come true. And thanks to the programs offered here in Clay county, she can finish high school with an associates degree, and she will only be 17. If she goes straight to college she can have her BA at 19. She is a brilliant young lady, and has amazing artistic ability. I'm glad her teachers have all encouraged her love and talent for Art, they actually take her abilities seriously and that has really boosted self esteem and self confidence.
  13. Like
    piercedqt78 got a reaction from kll724 in Feeling guilty for living in Florida...   
    Linda, that's beautiful!
    I'm from here originally but lived in Chicago for 17 years. I'm so happy to be back home it's not even funny. My daughter (she will be 13 in 2 weeks OMG!!!) says she misses Chicago and having 4 seasons. I told her I only seem to remember 2 seasons there, Harsh winter and the short road construction season. She has a bleeding disorder and the humidity helps her about 90%. In Chicago we dealt with bleeding bouts at least once a week, and averaged about 2 ER visits a month for cautery, we haven't had to go to the ER for a bleed since moving here almost 3 years ago! We discovered how amazing the humidity was for her 3 summers ago, we have a wedding, a family reunion and my Grandmother's 80th birthday all about 2 weeks apart. She and I came down and stayed with my Uncle for about 5 weeks, it was cheaper than going back and forth for all 3 events. She was perfectly healthy the entire time we were here. When we got back to Chicago I called a meeting with her pcp and her hematologist and was very blunt and asked why she was so sick in Chicago but perfectly fine in Florida. They explained that the humidity and the air quality played a part in her disorder, something I had never heard of before. They also explained the some kids in Florida may thrive and flourish in Chicago while some kids in Chicago may be better off in Florida. Each case is different, and each child reacts to outside stimulus in their own way. We got back to Chicago in early July and had packed and moved here by August 1st. My hubby stayed behind until Feb of the following year to wrap up the details of selling our home, and I did a ton of the computer work to help him get a job here in Jacksonville. My parents were amazing and allowed my daughter, and my self along with our little dog to stay with them until my husband was able to join us here. It saved me a ton of money because I didn't have to pay living expenses on 2 homes. And it gave me a chance to see the different areas around us, and to check out schools before commiting to a place to live. We sold our home in Chicago, and right now we are renting an apt, I have a few areas that I really like, and I'm starting to look into houses in those areas. We have one more year of middle school, and my daughter wants to attend one of the magnet type high school programs here in Clay county. She is looking into graphic design, advertising, or graphic arts with computer aided drafting. Most kids change their minds 100 times about the career they are interested in, we were told when she was in pre-school that she wanted to be an animator for Disney, her dream has never really changed all that much. Any of the careers she is looking into would let her make that dream come true. And thanks to the programs offered here in Clay county, she can finish high school with an associates degree, and she will only be 17. If she goes straight to college she can have her BA at 19. She is a brilliant young lady, and has amazing artistic ability. I'm glad her teachers have all encouraged her love and talent for Art, they actually take her abilities seriously and that has really boosted self esteem and self confidence.
  14. Like
    piercedqt78 reacted to Ginger Snaps in I hate the media and how they treat Morbidly Obese People!   
    I think you hit something on the head here @jacileggs... Magazines want fit, healthy and attractive... not just fit and healthy. Too bad they aren't just focused on the fit and health part.
  15. Like
    piercedqt78 reacted to LindafromFlorida in Feeling guilty for living in Florida...   
    Love North Florida. In the summer heat I have a pool and air conditioning. In the winter, I have fireplaces. I just drove to Kansas and was thrilled to get back South to the Gulf and the Atlantic Ocean. Blessed to live here all my life.

  16. Like
    piercedqt78 reacted to Sharpie in Feeling guilty for living in Florida...   
    I am a Florida girl too. I know some people think it's too hot but I'll take it over snow, ice, sleet and rain anytime.
  17. Like
    piercedqt78 got a reaction from LindafromFlorida in FL - Jacksonville   
    I haven't been to either place, but I would prefer to call ahead and make sure we have seating etc. I figure max of about 10 people at first.
  18. Like
    piercedqt78 got a reaction from LindafromFlorida in FL - Jacksonville   
    I don't have very many at this point, but St. Vincents is willing to help promote the Sat group. Do you have a restaurant that you would like to go to? I only know of kickbacks in that area.
  19. Like
    piercedqt78 got a reaction from chevygirrrl in Dating after Weight Loss Surgery   
    I met my husband at a bowling alley. I was there with friends, and he was there with co-workers. I told one of my male friends not to sit next to me, I didn't want the good looking guy to think I was taken. LOL Turns out my guy friend had worked with the guys I pointed to, and walked over to talk to them. I wanted to crawl under the table, as my bff has no brain to mouth filter (why we are besties) and I had no clue what he was saying. He pointed my direction, and I lifted the drink menu over my face like I was soooooo interested in the beer specials. What he was actually doing was showing them where were were sitting. When they finished their "team building exercise" several of them joined us on our lane for the next few hours of bowling, drinking and just a general good time. 3 of those guys asked for my number, only one was interested the other 2 were planning on telling him I had asked them to pass the # on to him. He called me a few days later and we started seeing each other for odd dates, I worked nights and he did daytime retail management, so time was limited. This was in Feb of 2000, I got hurt at work in late April, and he very kindly offered to come and sleep on the sofa and help take care of me. When I returned to work 6 weeks later, I asked if he was leaving or if he wanted a key. He took the key, and a few weeks later told me that we needed to talk. I thought for sure he was moving out and breaking up with me. He told me that he had never seen me wear jewelry so he didn't know my taste, he got down on one knee and proposed. We were married that Oct, in a bowling Alley (where else?) and have been together for 14 years this year. He's not a knight in shining armor, but he's also not a retard in a tin foil hat either. He is the father of my only child, my best friend, and the one person that I never have to doubt when it comes to having my back. Like Forest Gump says "we are like peas and carrots" he has always dated bigger girls, so I was a little worried when I started getting thinner. Just a few weeks ago he told me that I look amazing, and he is proud of my weight loss, and the fact that I did this to get healthy for myself, and our family.
    I said all of that to say this, I had planned to get a few beers and bowl a few games with my friends that night and met my future husband. I wasn't looking for anyone and he just dropped into my life. Sometimes the dating sites, looking too hard makes you walk past the one that you should have seen. Best of luck to those getting back into the dating scene.
  20. Like
    piercedqt78 got a reaction from Jenuine629 in Dating after Weight Loss Surgery   
    sometimes it's not the body changes that attracts people, but the confidence, pride, and self worth that makes you stand out.
  21. Like
    piercedqt78 reacted to LowRainRats in FL - Jacksonville   
    I would be interested
  22. Like
    piercedqt78 got a reaction from Jenuine629 in Dating after Weight Loss Surgery   
    sometimes it's not the body changes that attracts people, but the confidence, pride, and self worth that makes you stand out.
  23. Like
    piercedqt78 got a reaction from chevygirrrl in Dating after Weight Loss Surgery   
    I met my husband at a bowling alley. I was there with friends, and he was there with co-workers. I told one of my male friends not to sit next to me, I didn't want the good looking guy to think I was taken. LOL Turns out my guy friend had worked with the guys I pointed to, and walked over to talk to them. I wanted to crawl under the table, as my bff has no brain to mouth filter (why we are besties) and I had no clue what he was saying. He pointed my direction, and I lifted the drink menu over my face like I was soooooo interested in the beer specials. What he was actually doing was showing them where were were sitting. When they finished their "team building exercise" several of them joined us on our lane for the next few hours of bowling, drinking and just a general good time. 3 of those guys asked for my number, only one was interested the other 2 were planning on telling him I had asked them to pass the # on to him. He called me a few days later and we started seeing each other for odd dates, I worked nights and he did daytime retail management, so time was limited. This was in Feb of 2000, I got hurt at work in late April, and he very kindly offered to come and sleep on the sofa and help take care of me. When I returned to work 6 weeks later, I asked if he was leaving or if he wanted a key. He took the key, and a few weeks later told me that we needed to talk. I thought for sure he was moving out and breaking up with me. He told me that he had never seen me wear jewelry so he didn't know my taste, he got down on one knee and proposed. We were married that Oct, in a bowling Alley (where else?) and have been together for 14 years this year. He's not a knight in shining armor, but he's also not a retard in a tin foil hat either. He is the father of my only child, my best friend, and the one person that I never have to doubt when it comes to having my back. Like Forest Gump says "we are like peas and carrots" he has always dated bigger girls, so I was a little worried when I started getting thinner. Just a few weeks ago he told me that I look amazing, and he is proud of my weight loss, and the fact that I did this to get healthy for myself, and our family.
    I said all of that to say this, I had planned to get a few beers and bowl a few games with my friends that night and met my future husband. I wasn't looking for anyone and he just dropped into my life. Sometimes the dating sites, looking too hard makes you walk past the one that you should have seen. Best of luck to those getting back into the dating scene.
  24. Like
    piercedqt78 got a reaction from Jenuine629 in Dating after Weight Loss Surgery   
    sometimes it's not the body changes that attracts people, but the confidence, pride, and self worth that makes you stand out.
  25. Like
    piercedqt78 reacted to Bufflehead in Alternatives to sweet tasting protein drinks.   
    Unjury's chicken Soup protein:
    Use unflavored Protein and stir it in to beef broth, creamy soup, or miso or egg drop soup.
    Just remember that if you are adding protein to anything hot, you should use a food thermometer to make sure it is under 130 degrees.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
