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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/25/1958
  1. Happy 55th Birthday LYNDSY.G!

  2. Happy 54th Birthday LYNDSY.G!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary LYNDSY.G!


    cheesy black bean burgers

    i missed the lentil taco back, will you repost???

    Large band VS Small Band

    be very careful about taking asprin or Advil, you don't want to chance band erousion... ask you doc about what meds you should be taking for pain. Lynn

    Large band VS Small Band

    after most fills its advisable to stay on clear liquids for 12 to 24 hours. then go to softs for a few days before attempting normal foods. My doctor suggested warm broth, he said it relaxes the muscle. also after PBing I usually swell for several hours. Hope this helps Lynn

    Large band VS Small Band

    yep your right, its all about anatomy and what ya look like on the outside has NOTHING to do with what your parts look like inside. I think it must kinda be like feet or something. A Big person can have very small feet and visa versa!!

    Large band VS Small Band

    Thanks for the responce and all of the responces. Since my last post I have had emergency Gallbladder removal surgery!!!! That may have been part of my problem!!!! I now believe after my second fil of .5cc (first fill 1cc) I had a Gallbladder issue that inflamed my stomach??? Still not sure? My lap surgeon also took out my GB. Yesterday was the 10 day post op visit and he took the opportunity to re-fill the .5cc that I had un-filled. I on clear liquids for a couple days and have my fingers crossed all will go well.
  9. Hi fellow bandits, I wanted to start a thread on this subject because I have the smaller of the two bands. My freind has the larger of the two bands. We are about the same weight and dont know why some docs use one or the other. I was banded on 4/9/07. Had my first fill on May 24th he put in 1cc. I was VERY tight and had problems eating most everything for about three weeks, LOTS of PBING!! My next visit I refused another fill, knowing I was still pretty tight. I had my next fill on Thursday the 12th of July the doc put in .5cc. I had some loose cream Soup for dinner that evening. Woke up the next morning took my meds they immediatly got stuck, not enough to PB but was uncomfortable for some time. Anyway by Friday evening I was having problems swalling Water, this went on all weekend. I called the docs service. the doc called back suggesting warm broth to relax the stomach. that didnt work and I ended up going in first thing Monday morning to have the .5cc removed. I had lost 8 lbs in 2 1/2 days. Not weight! I lost 8 pounds of Fluid and was very dehydrated. I'm wondering if these problems are more likley to happen to people that have the smaller band, because I keep reading about people have 3 or more fills since their April surgery date with no problems. My friend is on her third fill without any overfill problems she has the larger band. I'm kinda scared to go in for another fill !!!! Hope someone out there has some infor for me. Sorry so Loooooooong Lynn:confused:
  10. Hi out there! Yes I do feel my band. I think its typically after I've eaten, if I take a deep breath I can feel... I guess the restriction which is the band. It doesnt hurt or anything. But yes I do feel it sometimes. The port is another story. I have had pain in that sucker since installation... hahahah sounds like contruction...LOL Mostly when laying down or bending over I really feel that darn port, and forget about the underwire bra's. I've given up on them, they all seem to put pressure on the area thats closed to the port and hurts way to much.:kiss2:
  11. LYNDSY.G

    What do you do after you PB

    I'm kinda new to this, I was banded in April with some complications. I didnt get my first fill till about 5 weeks ago and had LOTS of humm I wont call it PBing, because I wretched!!!!!!! I think you need to REALLY pay attention I mean REALLY pay attention to what you eat in the first weeks after a fill. If it feels like maybe its not going down right ITS NOT. Try something else on your plate, in my expreiance taking another bite at that point is just asking for a wretching episode... When I've had a really bad wretching episode I usually wait for the next meal or next day to try solids again. Hope this helped.
  12. LYNDSY.G

    Going Green

    <p>I've had my issues. Bad Port pain for almost 10 weeks!!! No support from my surgeon! However his nurses were wonderful and helped me through it all. I had my first fill about a month ago and have been PBing almost everything solid I eat. I think its a learning curve - the eating thing. I'm getting there though, just have to learn to pay attention to eating. However NO regreats this is the best thing I've done for my health in years-well besides the quiting smoking!! I go to the doc today as a matter of fact and I'm anxious to see how much weight I've lost.</p>
  13. LYNDSY.G

    Going Green

    I was banded on 4/9/07 and this has been driving me crazy ever since... hahahah. My good friend was banded in Feb of this year and never heard of such a thing... Never thought to ask if she drank Grape Crystal light... Who New??????? How 'bout you when were you banded??
  14. LYNDSY.G

    Going Green

    OMG YES!!!!!!!! I am drinking the Walmart brand of the on the go Grape drink!!!! I've been freaking out about this!!! Thank you sooooo much for replying. Geez what a topic...hahah!! LOL thanks again....
  15. LYNDSY.G

    Going Green

    Hello out there, this is a very delicate - embarrassing subject... Here goes. Ever since I've been banded when I go to the bathroom my #2 (trying to be polite!!!) is green!!!! I asked my Dr about this, and he laughed... to my utter embarressment!!! Has anyone out there had this happen, or am I the only weird case???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
