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Beach Lover

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    Beach Lover reacted to melissa130 in To tell or not to tell that is the question.......................   
    keep it to yourself!!! You will never regret it. You would regret telling them. There is no reason to give up the secret. I tell people I follow the Atkins diet and work out. I tell them I eat no junk food and very low carbs-- which is true.
    Your new diet and lifestyle is what will get you thin--- the surgery is just helping you get there. Keep it to yourself--- you will be happier that way.
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    Beach Lover reacted to No game in Things that make you go hmmmmmm   
    My big fat ass is natural, and it's definitely not good for me...
    Or anybody for that matter!!
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    Beach Lover reacted to Bredred in Things that make you go hmmmmmm   
    Arsenic is natural. That doesn't mean it's good for you.
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    Beach Lover reacted to KatInFL in Things that make you go hmmmmmm   
    When I first told my PCP (whom I have seen for 11 years and adore) I was thinking about VSG, he agreed that however I could lose weight was certainly beneficial in the long run. We had discussed at almost every appointment for years how I could have better success at losing weight and keeping it off (he had documented my many attempts at Weight Watchers, South Beach, and a run with Atkins). As we were wrapping up the appointment, he off-handedly mentioned he was now promoting Body by Vi and asked if I might be interested in trying it before doing something so "drastic" as WLS.
    I about fell off the exam table..seriously? I was being solicited for a multi-level-marketing scheme by a health care professional, at an office visit? Luckily, we had a long and well established relationship and I'm willing to give him a free pass on that instance.
    But I love how WLS is like the red-headed step child of attempting weight loss. Body by Vi? HcG shots/drops? Phentermine? Those are acceptable practices...but the procedures that have sound science behind them, with the best long-term results for patients are questioned as being "right"? It defies logic, to me.
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    Beach Lover reacted to johnlatte in Things that make you go hmmmmmm   
    So today I go to the ortho Dr. for my wonky foot...On the documentation, I put down that I can't take NSAIDS, like a good sleeve boy should. So the nurse handling my case asks me if I was allergic. I replied no, that I had had VSG and can't do the drugs. We go on to talk about about me having the surgery the weight that I have dropped etc. Well..now, this nurse was 300lbs if she was an ounce. She says, she'd rather do it the "natural way"...hmmm...okay good for you..then tells me that she is going to get hCG shots for her birthday...hmmmm...I tried to keep a straight face, and was super supportive of her doing her "natural" thing, but when she left the room, I had to...well...laugh.
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    Beach Lover reacted to SlimDreams in June surgery dates   
    Today's the day!! Good luck to all my 26th of June sleevers!!
    It's your anything like me your up early bc you can't sleep (it's 430am here in CA and I'm not scheduled till 1130, why can't I sleep?)
    Anyway good luck to everyone for smooth surgeries today!!!!!
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    Beach Lover reacted to DonRodolfo in How much pizza can you eat ?   
    I'm only four weeks out. pizza used to be one of my favorite foods and there was a time in my past that I could eat half of a large one. Today I see myself passing over the pizza for a better Protein source.
    Can someone pass me a box of tissues?
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    Beach Lover reacted to inarakatra in Judging...   
    I still have roughly 60 days. I've been reading several post from people who said they were having doubts. I couldn't understand why they would doubt. I'm so ready for this. Then yesterday I was laying in bed thinking, "Wow ... only 60 days left until I start my two week liquid diet...Wait...why is my heart racing all of a sudden? Oh ... what am I doing? Do I really want to do this? OMG...I thought those people were crazy and here I am." I do want to have this surgery, but the closer it gets, the nervous feelings and doubt are creeping in. I do want this and I will go through with it, but WOW ... that was sure a wake up moment for me. I can now say that I understand.
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    Beach Lover reacted to KatInFL in Curios question........What is your average weight loss each week?   
    I am averaging approx 3 lbs a week. It feels slow but when I look at the big picture, I know I'm doing pretty well.
    I think everyone wishes they lost faster, at some point. Slow and steady is healthy, according to my primary care doctor. I know I'd never have lost 3 lbs a week on my own, so I try to focus on that and do the best I can.
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    Beach Lover reacted to mytime2shine in June surgery dates   
    I wouldn't -- all I did was sleep, walk & sip
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    Beach Lover got a reaction from KatInFL in Curios question........What is your average weight loss each week?   
    I know there are some weeks that we don't lose weight and other times it's a great week but on the average what is your normal weight loss for a week? I am now 4 weeks and a few days post op and I would really like to see more weight loss than I have. I haven't cheated and started exercising. I just got back home from vacation and didn't cheat and will weigh myself in the morning but I think it will only be 1 or 2 pound loss. It just is coming off so slowly!!
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    Beach Lover reacted to Catherine707 in Curios question........What is your average weight loss each week?   
    I have been struggling with the same thinking! I am down 18 pounds in 6 weeks, and I thought it would be faster too. I realized I had "magical thinking" that the surgery would be my moment to blink my eyes and the weight would all be gone! Don't we wish!
    The people I find inspirational with their weight loss from bariatric surgery lost the weight over 12 - 18 months, I need to "get real" and quit thinking I should be losing 3 lbs a week!
    Instead of focusing on weight loss right now, I am focused on getting all my Protein, Water and exercise in each day. I KNOW the weight will come off if I stay on program and manage those 3 things!
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    Beach Lover reacted to Masko5 in Curios question........What is your average weight loss each week?   
    OMG I was just gonna start a thread about this.....I'm 5 weeks post op and I'm only down 24.5 and though I know it's a slow process -I'm wondering when I'm gonna look in the mirror and say "HOLY CRAP WHERE'D ALL THE WEIGHT GO?" Just wondering when are my "fat" pants gonna start falling off my not so Fat ass! The bad part is I'm exercising (walking). Because now I may have a fractured foot....fun fun fun!
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    Beach Lover reacted to soccergirl88 in Curios question........What is your average weight loss each week?   
    I'm 6 months post op and in the last 3 months I've only lost 20 pounds so that's about 6 pounds a month. I think average weekly loss depends on different factors such as calorie/protein intake, exercise(or lack there of), etc. everyone is different. My doctor keeps reminding me how impossible it would have been for me to loose 70 pounds on my own and that I should quit complaining and be happy lol.
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    Beach Lover reacted to jacee in Curios question........What is your average weight loss each week?   
    But it is coming off..slow and steady wins the race.
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    Beach Lover reacted to kae21879 in June surgery dates   
    One more day. Tummy grumbling but I can make it another day. Tomorrow is the big day. Can't wait to weigh in at work so I feel better about not cheating this weekend.
  18. Like
    Beach Lover got a reaction from HappyCat in Sleeved Twice - My Story   
    This is a good example of believing and knowing what should be happening with your body. You handled this correctly. I am so glad you got that 2nd chance and things are moving in the right direction for you now! I'm sorry you went through the first one and it was such a disappointment but I am also glad you shared your story to prevent this from happening to others. I wish you the best outcome ever!! Keep us posted!!
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    Beach Lover got a reaction from HappyCat in Sleeved Twice - My Story   
    This is a good example of believing and knowing what should be happening with your body. You handled this correctly. I am so glad you got that 2nd chance and things are moving in the right direction for you now! I'm sorry you went through the first one and it was such a disappointment but I am also glad you shared your story to prevent this from happening to others. I wish you the best outcome ever!! Keep us posted!!
  20. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to Vixynne in broken   
    She is wrong; flat-out, pig-headed wrong, to say the changes in you are the reason she strayed.
    You made positive changes for your health, your energy level, your confidence, your appearance, with her in mind. You sacrificed and risked so much in a major surgery and fought your way to a lower weight day in and day out; and you did all of this with her in mind.
    Her infidelity didn't happen because YOU changed. It's because of flaws in HER, not in you. For whatever reason, she couldn't accept the new version of you, even though on the inside--the part of you that should connect with a soulmate--that inside never changed a bit.
    I know you're hurting right now, and words can't fix that. Only time can. But trust that the flaws in her that led her to stray from your relationship would have come out for one reason or another, whether you were sleeved or not. If you hadn't had the surgery, she might have cheated because one of you aren't on the "right" career track, or over financial strains, from a mid-life crisis, or simply because she just got bored!
    It hurts to invest so much time in someone who isn't giving you anything back. However, ten years is better than 30, or 40. As Maya Angelou says, "when someone shows you who they are--believe them." What your gf showed you isn't who you thought she was, who you saw her as, who you dreamed of being with--but it's who she is, and THAT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.
    You will find that person who is the perfect fit for you, who will Celebrate everything about you at ANY weight. Meanwhile, give yourself the time you need to heal your heart and learn to trust enough again to find Ms. Better Than This One by A Country Mile--she's out there!
    (P.S. When you find her, send Ms. Doesn't Deserve You a lovely thank-you card for getting out of the way and letting your find your true happiness!)
  21. Like
    Beach Lover got a reaction from LonghornNiner in broken   
    I truly feel bad for you. Please work on the shame and guilt for your weight loss and how it would affect her. Who would ever think that doing such a positive thing for yourself would be a negative in someone else's eyes especially your girlfriends. You deserve to be happy and proud of your accomplishment!! From what I am picking up on your personality and loyalty to loved ones you are a prize and another girl will recognize this one day. Give yourself time to heal and keep going forward with your new life. I promise you even if you don't see it or feel it right now you have an awesome future! Keep us posted we all care!!
  22. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to Nicolanz in broken   
    One thing I've noticed from cheaters is they don't take responsibility for their actions. It's always the other person's fault. "You don't do this, you're not the same, blah blah! " There are far better ways to end a relationship than straight up betrayal!
    I'm so sorry you're going through this. I can't even imagine how you feel. I hope you find peace and move on. 10 years is a long time and it will take time to heal. I can assure you that you are not broken and you will find someone who appreciates you! Focus on you now. Good luck to you!
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    Beach Lover reacted to Paul11011 in Boobs?   
    This thread is worthless without pics....teee heee hee. Sorry ladies, I could not resist.
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    Beach Lover reacted to Lisa'slosinit in Boobs?   
    i was sleeved dec 8 and was wearing a tight 44 DD .....now almost 3 months later i am a 33DD. After about 3 weeks out my fiance told me my tummy was not lifting up my boobs anymore...LOL!!! He seriously is looking into surgeons / costs for a boob lift when im thru losin.i definatley can tell they dont feel like they weigh 30 lbs a piece anymore!!!!i never really thought about having to go bra and panty shoppin as well .....but girl ...i cant do saggy draws !!!!
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    Beach Lover reacted to lucky8mb1 in Boobs?   
    Mine have always been disproportionately small. Even at almost 300lbs, I was only a C cup. Anyway, I always lose in my chest/breast first, and this time has been no different. I can't fill out my C cups anymore.
    I've gained and lost hundreds of pounds over the past 19 years and have breastfed two children until they were just over a year old. My breasts are a wreck and pretty much always have been. I will absolutely be getting an augmentation and possibly a lift if I need it, once I hit my dr. goal of 160lbs. I'm turning 35 this year and for once in my life I want nice boobs!

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