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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Dignity reacted to PdxMan in delayed onset muscle soreness   
    From my research, I have learned about lactic acidosis. Lactic acid builds up in the muscles when we exert ourselves through strenuous exercise and can cause you to feel muscle soreness. Proper stretching post exercise can help to move the acid out of the muscles, but from what I understand, it takes a combination of a few things.
    First off is proper hydration. If you are not peeing clear, you are not hydrating enough. This is critical in relieving yourself of the acid.
    Proper stretching post exercise helps the circulation which again, removes the acid from your system. Stretching should be dynamic pre-exercise, not static and a combination post. If you are not familiar with the difference, Google it.
    Keep moving afterward to continue healthy circulation. Some folks will rigorously exercise and then go sit on the couch. Have ever ever done this and noticed how difficult it is to get up after? Yup, acidosis.
    Exercise again soon after. This is going to not only help with the circulation, but also trains your body better in the production and removal of the lactic acid. Exercising once or twice a week is going to keep yourself in a chronic state of slowly removing the acids. Keep trying to find opportunities to exercise throughout the week. You should only be taking 1 to 2 days off per week.
    Massage ... goes back to the whole circulation thing. Not only will this physically push the lactic acid out of the body, but aids your circulation in it's removal, too. You can do this yourself with some of the foam rollers or the myriad of other devices out there.
    Good luck and just keep moving!
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    Dignity got a reaction from DarbiMolly in What do you ride?   
    I ride a 2007 Honda Shadow I bought this past July.....with 50 miles on it. Sweet bike. My first cruiser but have alwsys had bikes since i was a kid. I am now 57 and in my 6 month preop insurance waiting period. Looking at maybe a Jan 2014 surgery date....can't wait.
    My husband says if I do okay after surgery, he will have weight loss surgery as well...he rides a Norton and we would like to experience Sturgis next year....hope, hope hope....we may find it alittle too rowdy for our old bones, but who cares! We are not getting any younger!
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    Dignity got a reaction from LipstickLady in Today is my one year mark since my VSG! Pictures inside.   
    I soooooo love Bariatric Pal just because of the inspiration from people like you, Lipstick!! There is always a relevant and inspirational story to help where I am at in my journey....awesome job!!!
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    Dignity reacted to Formerly Fluffy in When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)   
    Very inspirational! I love to see a "happily ever after" after the band! :-)
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    Dignity got a reaction from LindafromFlorida in Energy levels   
    I need to correct my last post. I was sleeved 2/25, not 3/25.
    So I am 6 weeks+ out from surgery. My energy level is very low most days, but occassionally I get a good day of energy! Wish I understood the chemistry of food. I am totally eating all Protein (60-80 gms per day). My Water intake is still low...around 50 oz per day. I have lost about 30 lbs post op....going down slowly. Have 50 more to lose. I know if I did not poop out so quickly when I exercise, I would lose more. I am just grateful to be able to drag myself out of bed everyday...
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    Dignity got a reaction from Belle24 in Energy levels   
    I had surgery 3/25 and I was lethargic beyond description until just the last couple days. One day I could only do a minute and a half on my nordictrak....i kept trying....now I can do 12 minutes....Yesterday and today I walked outside. My energy lasted a few hours, then I was fatigued again. I have found that if I keep Protein Water with me all the time, drink regularly, I revive some. My doc says my body is adjusting from burning carbs to running on protein. Protein is fuel for me. My brain keeps craving carbs and sugars, but so far, as long as I have protein immediately handy, I can get by the cravings. I just love how little it takes to fill me up, now.....
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    Dignity got a reaction from Butterflyhigh in How Important Is In-Person Support Post-Op?   
    Butteflyhigh: I have no overt support system in place, by choice. This is my secret. I am 13 days post op and find it difficult to keep my mouth shut! I am so damn excited about losing 20 lbs, I want to shout it from the rooftops!! I was in the hospital two p.m.s . My surgeon automatically set me up with a visiting home nurse to check on me for a few days, more if I needed. That was reassuring. He also gave me his personal cellphone number, if I had any problems. I had none. So on day 5, a Sunday a.m., he called me to see how I was! I was flabbergasted! All that said, I have lurked daily on this forum for months, gleaning everyones' circumstances, and that helps me immensely. I will need to find a local support group and exercise group/ facility, once I am cleared for activity. I look forward to socializing with others in the same boat as me. Good luck.
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    Dignity reacted to belunos in My biggest (and only) disappointment with WLS   
    My disappointment is from still being hungry. My appetite is there, even if my capacity isn't.
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    Dignity got a reaction from Sarahjane79 in Michigan Sleevers   
    Cool! Walk, sip, sip, pee, walk, sip, sip, pee, walk.....I'm practicin'....hehehe.
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    Dignity got a reaction from Sarahjane79 in Any February 2014 Sleevers?   
    SarahJane......good for you! Read your post to my husband. He cracked up over your comment about your roommate's visitors!! Note to self...take earplugs to hospital....hehe
    Hang in there !
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    Dignity got a reaction from LindseyHeth in Any February 2014 Sleevers?   
    Wynblade....I am the 25th, too. So is LindseyHeth.....can't believe this is really gonna happen!
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    Dignity got a reaction from Jencovi in Any February 2014 Sleevers?   
    You guys are so awesome. You're my heros!!
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    Dignity reacted to LindseyHeth in Any February 2014 Sleevers?   
    Awesome!!! You're doing great! Now just keep it up!
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    Dignity reacted to JurneeOfOne in Embarrassing Question - What To Tell Casual Friends   
    I have told no one of my surgery. Not even my husband. Everyone thinks I am having surgery because of ulcers. I have no idea what I'm going to do when my husband come to the hospital. I don't know if the doctor is going to tell him. I hope not. I hope my husband doesn't start asking questions. Do I feel bad..... Yes, of course. I'm doing this for me. I didn't want negative feedback on my decision. I didn't want opinions, questions, or concerns. I know my family will support me but they talk to much. My mom has always told me the best person to tell you secret to is yourself. So that is what I did.... Kept it to myself. Now, the ulcer wasn't a complete lie because while on this gastric sleeve journey I found out that I had ulcers but they healed with medication and diet. Don't get me wrong I feel guilty........ BUT; I have worked so hard for my family and friends. Put so much before myself and woke up one day realizing I didn't know who "I was" anymore. I was 5'4 200 lbs with bad knees and back. I spent 10 years in the military proudly before getting medically discharged. I was so consumed in my family and everyday life that I couldn't tell you what made me happy anymore. I had faked my smile for so long I couldn't even tell you what was real and what smile was fake. So I needed to do things for me. Mentally..... Spiritually ....... And physically! That is what I have done. For 3 years I have slowly got back to me and I am happy. So I made this choice for me and me alone. This was my gift to myself. Yes it was selfish not telling my husband and family and I maybe wrong, but I am proud of myself and I love me!!! My husband loves me and my family. Right now I am going through my pre op liquid diet my surgery is 1 March 2014. And nobody knows that I'm having gastric sleeve surgery but me.
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    Dignity reacted to SuperFab in Marijuana   
    Hmmm... Let my chime in. I have 3 kids. Ages 17, 19 and 22. If they were to go out and "party" I'd much rather them forgo the pills and liquor and instead use marijuana. It's safer. Period.
    I could lose my child over a pill OD, alcohol poisoning or even drinking n driving. But, if my kid were to smoke "too much" pot what are they gonna do? OD? No. Eat? Probably.
    How can you come here and post, when you, personally, have never even tried it? Oh yeah, because your children had it blown in their faces. Well, not to be morbid, but if their parents had been abusive in a different way-say being burnt with a curling Iron, would you be against curling irons?
    The parents were the ones abusing those children. Pot didn't make them do that. They weren't sitting there smoking pot and then all of a sudden not care about the welfare of their children and decide to abuse them. They already had that tendency and blowing it in their face was only one way to act that out.
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    Dignity reacted to LilBoo007 in Marijuana   
    I use a vape pen... Can't afford a valcano but wish I had one!! I don't make baked goods anymore that's why I drink the tea. Take 3 cups Water 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 gram really finely ground herb and boil at least 30 minutes or longer then strain the water in cheesecloth. Then you can add your favorite tea or sometimes I use sugar free cocoa mix and a bit of Creamer. The effects aren't immediate as its ingested but they last a long time. You must use the butter when you heat the water because if you don't have any fats in the water like butter or heavy cream then the THC has nothing to bond to and the whole attempt in in vain!
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    Dignity reacted to LilBoo007 in Marijuana   
    When I do I have 1 thing afterward... A single 3oz. cup of sugar free fat free pudding made with skim milk. If I want something after that my hubby can only give me tea or water.. That way I stay in control I my calories and good intake!!! I do not use mj recreationally it is medicinal. What I have found out is it is much easier than I expected to curb the cravings post RNY
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    Dignity reacted to Scout1234 in Fear of Failure   
    The fear of failure gets me on the treadmill every morning….
    I think there are 2 levels of success on this journey:
    1. Lose some weight and get healthier but still for the most part…..overweight. This is still a success but they cheat on the diet and does not commit to a regular exercise routine.
    2. Get down to goal weight and fully dedicated to lifestyle of fitness for the rest of your life
    Good luck to all considering this procedure……which path will you take????
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    Dignity reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Fear of Failure   
    This is not another failed diet....glad i got that out. This is a journey that you will be taking to learn who you really are and what caused you to become heavier. This is a journey because it will take place through your entire life...There is no failure!!
    There is however fear, worry, gains, losses, proud moment, happiness, pride, confusion, one step back and two steps forward. Figuring out the unknowns and really finally figuring out how to fix your brain. It is quite the trip let me tell you...
    In the back of every ones heads we have the fear of failing!!!!!!!!! It is a history of conduct that we are used to in weight control issues...the sleeve will give you an edge to find out how you think about some things and really get to know who you are.....
    It is all very rewarding...I had my surgery 15 months ago and I am not the same person who had this surgery....I am finding out who I really am and that is great...she is not so bad you know!
    I think about the beginning of my journey and I smile because it was my turn to repair the damage. It was my turn to do this to better my health. It was now me that was going to feel the same things as everyone else on this forum.
    Stay close and keep positive but never let your guard down.....You are going to do this because you are not sure you will so you know you will have to work for it...Nothing is worth having unless we work for it....K
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    Dignity reacted to steveelea in Booked for the 27th of Feb....starting to get nervous! Anyone Else?   
    Haha love it blondebanshee.......That's GOLD!!!!
    I feel your nervousness Maggieb11.....i am in tears almost every night thinking what if something goes wrong but I am trying to think like Dignity......Time to change our lives for the better guys......this time next year I wonder how we will all be doing. I am sure it will be FANTASTIC!!!!
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    Dignity got a reaction from SuperFab in Booked for the 27th of Feb....starting to get nervous! Anyone Else?   
    Yep, the 25th cometh for me.....i am so excited that maybe THIS time I will get healthy, energetic, and oh yes, maybe less fat. Can't bring myself to "skinny" yet. Don't wanna jinx me......
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    Dignity got a reaction from Jencovi in Any February 2014 Sleevers?   
    Hi Glad I found this thread.....i am on day 4 of pre op diet. Surgery 25th. Cannot believe it has been 8 months since I started down this slope! Almost there!! You all keep posting after your surgeries so i know what to expect....i really am in disbelief that I am almost there. The liquid diet keeps reminding me this is real!
    I have not shared this surgery with anyone but my husband. I know my brothers, who have never had a weight problem, would criticize and belittle me, as they always have, because of my weight. One brother even made fun of our mom because she was heavy. He was always trying to tell her what to eat, then tell everyone about all the bad food in her cupboards. Well, mom passed away a short while ago( COPD), and am I here, big as life, to make my brothers eat crow! I will be thin AND healthy! You know, the funny thing about my critical brothers, is they both thought their personal appearances were important enough to have rhinoplastic surgery (nose jobs) in their twenties. I, however thankfully, was blessed with a cute, albiet fat, little nose..... I am having weight loss surgery to be stronger and healthier. If I happen to look good as a result, what a bonus!! Sorry for the rant. I must be in the liquid pre-op diet crazy stage! Keep posting folks! It is soooo encouraging!
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    Dignity reacted to steveelea in Booked for the 27th of Feb....starting to get nervous! Anyone Else?   
    Hi All,,,,,,,After waiting almost 3 months after getting my band out I am heading in to be sleeved on the 27th of Feb.
    I am now starting to freak out a bit....how is everyone else doing??
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    Dignity got a reaction from SuperFab in Booked for the 27th of Feb....starting to get nervous! Anyone Else?   
    Yep, the 25th cometh for me.....i am so excited that maybe THIS time I will get healthy, energetic, and oh yes, maybe less fat. Can't bring myself to "skinny" yet. Don't wanna jinx me......
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    Dignity reacted to vanceheather5 in Pre op diet   
    Hi I am in day 4 of my pre op diet. I am scheduled feb 10th for my gastric sleeve. I am wondering if there are some filling recipes anyone has found for the pre op. I'm starving!

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