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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    slvrsax got a reaction from Kindle in Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC   
    Hi all, its so great to catch up with everyone and see updates and progress. B2B I can SO relate to the Ross comment. My biggest problem these days is keeping my pants from falling down! I like buying work out clothes better than regular clothes. I am having trouble making the shift to dressing in a flattering way rather than dressing to cover everything up. No more baggy and black! I am really addicted to Zumba now. I take 3-4 hours of classes a week. I think my staples may have had a little latin heat in them! I just can't get enough! I swung a golf club last weekend for the first time and signed up for golf lessons. I can't get over how life changing this surgery has been!
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    slvrsax reacted to Am1e in Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC   
    Back at OCC today with my hubby! I forgot to get a pic with Dr. Ortiz at the beginning of my journey, but I am 6 months post op today!
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    slvrsax reacted to back2barb78 in Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC   
    Hey everyone. Hope all is well with you all. I've been working like crazy and am now taking a few weeks off for vacation (yay!!). Doing well and loving my sleeve. I've developed a new horrible horrible habit- going to Ross! OMG- I'm so bad with the clothes shopping. I can't help myself if I see a cute dress- gotta have it. Hi- my name is Tamara and I'm a shopaholic
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    slvrsax reacted to gastricsleever in Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC   
    Thats awesome and i think its a great idea to get a head start. my surgery was 2/17/14 and i started preparing myself in october when i signed my paperwork and got my surgery date. i started making small changes like substituting 1 meal for a Protein Shake. i bought all kinds of Protein Shakes to find ones that i really liked. i stopped drinking soda and alcohol...i believe thats what led my post-op diet to not be as challenging. i didnt think the pre-op was too bad either. i dont lose as much as other people, but i am happy with my weight loss. i feel great and have no complaints about my decision, it was the best decision i ever made!
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    slvrsax got a reaction from Kindle in 14 Days to go before I get sleeved, what should I know?   
    Prepare yourself for a wonderful journey. It can be challenging at times but mostly very rewarding!
    I was not expecting to have buyer's remorse post-surgery, but I did. For about five days. I've learned since that it is totally normal, but when it happened to me it really freaked me out! It cleared up in about five days when I started feeling better.
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    slvrsax reacted to 1Day1Life4Now in Ladies, what do you consider your ideal dress size ?   
    I truly have no idea what my ideal dress size should be but I selected an 8 as it seems more reasonable to me as a goal. I am not hung up on numbers for size or weight as I prefer to focus on being healthy and fit. When I get to my ideal weight, what ever it may be, and my ideal size, who knows what it could be, I'll know it by how I feel. I still have a ways to go as far as weight loss is concerned but I feel so much better and am able to do so much more. I have energy and I feel strong... how can a dress size compete with that??? When I look at a person I don't think to myself is she a size 6 or a size 14, no, I notice if they are fit and comfortable in their own skin, if they are... they are at their ideal size.
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    slvrsax reacted to makemyownluck in How has your view of others changed since surgery?   
    I understand completely where you are coming from... But here's what I think the fat acceptance is trying to accomplish --
    EVERYONE has the right to be happy. Regardless of their size. Yes, you could resolve a lot of medical issues by losing weight. Accepting your size doesn't mean you can't be committed to a healthier lifestyle, these aren't mutually exclusive things. But as humans, we all come in different shapes and there's absolutely no reason that anyone should be shamed for it.
    I do think there is a difference between "I'm fat and I love being fat!" and "I'm fat and that's okay." But still, to each their own. If someone is happy being 500 lbs, then it's not up to me to tell them they shouldn't be.
    I feel like obesity is the last thing that's socially acceptable to discriminate against. An airline doesn't make gay people buy two tickets so their gayness doesn't offend the person sitting next to them... Our society makes any other form of discrimination socially unacceptable, but it's still funny to ridicule a fat person or okay to treat an overweight person like an animal. It's not fair, and the fat acceptance movement, to me, is about getting society to see that no matter how big you are, you're still a human who deserves respect.
    No matter how big or small, it's not up to me to tell someone else how to live their life, even if it's under the premise of "it's about your health". Skinny people are just as unhealthy as fat people are, but they don't get shamed for eating potato chips or enjoying an ice cream cone and that's really just not fair.
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    slvrsax reacted to gastricsleever in Hola! Orale! Seems Mexico is my option   
    I went to Mexico alone in February. Went to the OCC with dr Ortiz. I don't regret my decision at all. I had the best care I've ever received at a hospital while in Mexico. Would do it again in a heart beat. I spoke with Gloria as my coordinator and she was more than helpful. I emailed questions for months before actually booking my appt. then when I was ready to schedule my appt, they offered me a surgery date a week and a half later! Yikes! I wasn't ready for that soon! Lol I would say you'd probably be able go get an appt in June.
    No supervised weight loss required, just. 3 day to 2 week liquid diet depending on your starting weight.
    I did research for a year on dr Ortiz and a other dr....ironically, I can't even remember the name of the other dr I was researching.
    I am not even 3 months out and down a total of 67.4lbs since January and I feel fantastic!
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    slvrsax reacted to CowgirlJane in Newly diagnosed Celiac post Sleeve..Gained 30 pounds at 7 months out. Help!   
    Victoria, it is not hopeless.
    I don't REALLY know much about true stretching of the sleeve, but I DO know how to keep that feeling of restriction.
    They key is eating small quantities, eating low carb and avoiding sliders. Doing a week or something of a liquid diet can certainly help get that "restricted feeling" back, but you don't have to do anything that radical.
    My advice is clear the sliders/junky/celiac make you sick foods out of your house. DOn't buy em and you won't eat em.
    Focus on staying hydrated, not drinking with meals and eating basically dense Protein and veggies. Avoid or cut way back on fruit (sugar), liquid calories and anything that just goes down too easy (crackers, popcorn, etc.). Go back to basics.
    I am 2.5 years out from surgery and you may have read my post about shockingly losing my appetite. I think some of the replies hit the nail on the head.. once you get used to eating little, your appetite decreases. When you get used to eating lots... your appetite increases.
    If you really are binging, you might want to consider counseling or some kind of support group for food addiction. That is a tough one because we all think we are food addicted at some point - but me - I was mostly hungry all the time pre-sleeve.
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    slvrsax reacted to Recycled in EASY WAY OUT!   
    C'mon......it's just the idea of people not understanding the whole story that is really bugging us about that "Easy" crack.
    In truth, losing the weight is easier than any efforts I made before......not to mention I'm actually changing my lifestyle and eating healthy this time.
    OK, OK..... I know there is the whole "life risking" surgery thing and recovery pain and mini meals and no gulping and tenny bites and chewing endlessly and loss of taste and and and. Plus there is still that reality that I have to change my eating habits to eat less......and healthy and exercise and take Vitamins and pretty much everything that any other weight loss would entail........So where is the easy part.
    Who cares what anybody says or thinks. You not going to change their minds or way of thinking.
    All I care about is reaching my goal and regaining my health and my life. Convincing others of how I got there is of no consequence. When someone comments to me about the Easy way out.....I just say....."Yep, I shoulda done it years ago"
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    slvrsax reacted to Kindle in Dealing with family/friends   
    I told my sister about my surgery because I wanted her to come with me. I didn't want to tell my parents because I didn't want to worry them and have to deal with all their questions. But my sister talked me into telling them because she knew they would be very upset to find out later. (Honestly I just think she didn't want to get in trouble for not telling them herself;)). Turns out they were totally supportive. Freaked out at first, of course (especially the Mexico part) but I shared all my research and even links to these forums so they could read about it for themselves. Even though my dad kept asking "have you changed your mind yet?", they never tried to stop me or make me feel bad about my decision. Love my mom and dad!
    Campergirl good luck with your travels and surgery...I have read only good things about Dr. Quinones.
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    slvrsax reacted to Kindle in To the folks who had their surgery in the US and comment on the Mexico forum...   
    These are the kind of uninformed, ignorant comments we don't appreciate. No working sewers? Seriously? Do you really think we all had our surgeries in a back alley with dirty instruments? The facility I went to is a Center of Excellence, which exceeds standards of most of the hospitals in the US. Your comment is not one of concern, it was a prejudice statement from someone who has no experience with the situation.
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    slvrsax got a reaction from O-Town Body Rock in To the folks who had their surgery in the US and comment on the Mexico forum...   
    SO with you on this! I went to Mexico out of financial necessity. I simply couldn't put my family into the kind of debt a US surgery would have burdened us with. I am almost 5 months out from surgery and knock on wood, so far so good! I actually received better care in Mexico than I do in the US. I do have acid (had it before surgery too but didn't know - it was discovered during surgery when they found thick scar tissue from the years of acid) and am seeing a GI doc next month at the recommendation of Dr. So (in Ariel Ortiz office). I will address it on the front side rather than let it go on and find trouble later.
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    slvrsax reacted to Patricia Tate Johnson in To the folks who had their surgery in the US and comment on the Mexico forum...   
    Thank you for your post-I really appreciate it! Full disclosure, I am scheduled for surgery in Puerta Vallerta in August of this year and have (and continue) to research the facility and doctor. I am comfortable with my choice and am looking forward to my visit. I read a recent post about a particular individual's Mexico experience and I absolutely agonized about whether to respond or not. I decided against responding, because I didn't want to seem as if I was "attacking" the person or belittling her experience if I asked questions or expressed my viewpoint. What happended to this indivdual happened to her and while of course, I have questions and would like additional facts, I think it is important to try to understand her situation without making assumptions or passing judgement. In an open forum such as this it is dangerous to post generalizations/ambigious details about specific situations so I try to read and respond at "face value".
    The decision to undergo WLS is not one that I believe is reached easily by any of us; for many us, deciding to seek care outside of the United States adds another layer to the decision making processing. In order to be well informed, I believe that I need to hear both successful and nonsuccessful experiences, but with that in mind I also need to remember that each of us is a unique individual with our own set of circustances and one person's journey may not be my journey.
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    slvrsax reacted to brookiebaby81 in Sharing some thoughts..   
    I bought a Magic Bullet yesterday and used it for the first time this morning for my Protein drink! I did the normal scoop of protein poweder, 1 cup skim milk and then added in a banana. Oh my goodness! There are no chunks at all so I can drink it and it tastes delicious! So much better than just the protein and milk by itself! I would recommend purchasing one if you haven't already! I live in Iowa and purchased it at costco for $35.00! I couldn't resist!
    I find that in the evenings I am not hungry as much as I mentally crave food. All kinds of food. Good food, bad food, it doesn't matter. I think I'm going through with-drawls. I can't eat whatever I want, when I want and at the amount I want. Part of me realizes and is quite glad I can't because those actions are what got me in to this mess in the first place so many years ago, and the other part of me thinks about how long my stomach has been there for me. Always able to swallow my feelings. Never turned away from me or told me no or judged me when I couldn't control the things going on around me. It is definitely a wake up call for my stomach and brain with the hopes to finally unite in the right direction!
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    slvrsax reacted to Freedom fighter in Struggling...   
    You have done great! Really.I had my surgery same time as you (7 months ago) and the past 3 months have been slower. i've started jogging and eat 20g-25g of carbs most days.
    what has been working for me, is that on Sundays i eat whatever i want and whatever I have been craving the rest of the week. I will have a glass of wine and eat more carbs, but on monday im back with 100g Protein, 20-25g carbs, enough fluids etc. To have one day of little freedom made the world of difference to me, as it helps me to stay focused the rest of the week, because I know I can have it on Sunday.
    Hope this tip can help you to get back on track :-)
  17. Like
    slvrsax got a reaction from O-Town Body Rock in To the folks who had their surgery in the US and comment on the Mexico forum...   
    SO with you on this! I went to Mexico out of financial necessity. I simply couldn't put my family into the kind of debt a US surgery would have burdened us with. I am almost 5 months out from surgery and knock on wood, so far so good! I actually received better care in Mexico than I do in the US. I do have acid (had it before surgery too but didn't know - it was discovered during surgery when they found thick scar tissue from the years of acid) and am seeing a GI doc next month at the recommendation of Dr. So (in Ariel Ortiz office). I will address it on the front side rather than let it go on and find trouble later.
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    slvrsax reacted to O-Town Body Rock in To the folks who had their surgery in the US and comment on the Mexico forum...   
    ...when you read about someone who chose to have their surgery performed in Mexcio and unfortunately had complications, please try not to leave condescending comments about how you would never chose to go to a foreign country to have surgery or how you value your life too much to put the cost of surgery before your health, etc, etc. We are all trying to get to the same place with our health and have a common goal but just because we chose a different path than you does not lessen how we feel about ourselves, our families and so on. Alot of us who opted to go to Mexico did not have the option to use health insurance or were rejected by some of the same companies you used for your surgery.
    Not trying to cause drama at all and I'm trying to make sure I do not come across as trying to start something but I just had to put it out there.
    *Sleevers Unite*
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    slvrsax reacted to SnohoGal98296 in North Seattle/ Lynnwood, WA   
    Snohomish here, surgery date is June 11th, ack! It is getting closer!
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    slvrsax got a reaction from dreamscometrue in 4 month update with pics! (I'm a little late posting but oh well!)   
    You look fantastic! I had my surgery in December and we have very similar stats. I can finally shop in the misses section, felt like a kid in a candy store at Macy's last week!
    Congrats on your loss!
  21. Like
    slvrsax got a reaction from Ginger6367 in Woohoo greek yogurt!   
    The plain Fage with sugar free pudding (cheesecake) added is wonderful, just a few teaspoons. I bet the Torani sugar free Syrup would work too.
    I also like cottage cheese with sugar free raspberry jam too!
  22. Like
    slvrsax reacted to Indigo1991 in One year sleeved and loving it?   
    I can't quite believe that one year ago today, I was waiting to go into hospital for surgery...
    I had lost 16lbs pre-op, but still had over 70lbs to go at only 5'2". I had type 2 diabetes, was taking a serious combination of chemo and injections to control my arthritis and I was being urged to take medication for my high blood pressure. On the outside, I was professionally successful and didn't appear to care about my weight and its effects.
    Inside? Oh I cared. I was lethargic, miserable and probably depressed. I could barely go up a flight of stairs, wouldn't/couldn't walk any distance and my eating was out of control, although I would never have admitted it. I hated me and punished myself with food.< /p>
    But it was also my self-medication. It numbed the pain related to the rest of my life but was also the biggest cause of many of my problems. I ate when I was happy. I ate when I was sad. I ate when I was angry, in fact I ate in response to every emotion I experienced.
    Having become single after a 30 year relationship, I thought no one would ever look at me again... So a year ago today, I wasn't in a good or happy place. I was quietly desperate for a new life. I was hanging on by my fingernails because I couldn't see how I could ever lose weight.
    Looking back, it really is like looking at someone else. It's still me - but not me. The year has been ostensibly about losing weight but it has also been about the parallel changes going on inside my head. The lighter I've become, the happier I have become. It has been like a rebirth as the real me has re-emerged from where I have been buried for most of my adult life.
    It hasn't all been easy. But I stuck to what my surgeon asked of me at every stage, didn't deviate but that worked for me. It took discipline and patience but my sleeve has given me that. What a partnership! Every time I have struggled, it has stood firm. Yes, there have been occasions I have made bad choices. But with my better health (no HBP, no diabetes and my meds for arthritis now down to one injection per fortnight), my normal sized body and my positive outlook, those now consist of momentary lapses - I don't dwell or beat myself up, I forgive myself and move on.
    So life one year on, do I have regrets? None, not one. I am the person I want to be, I look how I want to look and I have so much hope for the future. Have been on some dates, go dancing, walking, travelling and have started running. I laugh all the time and have had such fun with friends old and new. Who would have guessed it! I have spent this year saying "yes" to invitations I would never dreamed of accepting before - and probably wouldn't have been invited to when I was miserable and angry with myself.
    I am living a life transformed, excited to be alive and looking forward to the many happy and healthy years that I believe now lie ahead of me. I will be eternally grateful to have been sleeved.
    I can't go back and comfort and console the girl who was waiting nervously for surgery a year ago and tell her it will all work out for the best. But her determination and courage is why I am here today, living life out loud. So I say to all of you starting out on the journey or who are coming behind me - I wish you well and if it works out half as well for you as it has for me, hold tight for a fantastic new life. And to those of you who have supported and believed in me over the last year, a heartfelt thank you.
    Jacqui x
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    slvrsax reacted to Leysi23 in Best Gastric Sleeve Doctors in Mexico   
    In having mine done May 8 with dr Ariel Ortiz @ the OCC in Tijuana after much research. Best of luck !!!!
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    slvrsax reacted to CowgirlJane in Awakening / Fear of Being Seen   
    My situation was different because I had a high visibility job and an outgoing personality even when i was obese. However, I was "sexually invisible" meaning not really feminine or ever portrayed myself as the least bit attractive.
    It probably doesn't matter what came first - the obesity or the invisibility - but now is the time to face it as you are wisely doing. When I was young, I regained weight after reaching goal because I could not deal with the attention. I would fear regain if I had those sort of emotions now.
    I am seeing a counselor and she has said a few very helpful things. One of them is to remind me that there were times in my life that I was very vulnerable, I did have reasons to be frightened/hiding/etc but that isn't the case anymore. This is growth, to find a new way of thinking and feeling that fits your current life, not how things used to be. I am strong, independent and don't need to hide or minimize myself anymore.
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    slvrsax reacted to AmyInOrlando in How soon after multiple procedures can you resume exercise (Zumba)   
    I'm addicted to Zumba and I'm planning on having a Tummy Tuck, face and neck lift, Breast Augmentation, butt and
    thigh lift and a brachioplasty. I'm not sure how many procedures they'll do at the same time, but how long after surgery can you resume activity such as Zumba

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