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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    maryo reacted to marfar7 in New study shows that those who lose weight faster, actually lose MORE...   
    Ever since I was a kid I've always heard that the faster you lose weight, the unhealthier it is and the faster you'll gain it back, not to mention you will only lose so much weight. While in the car yesterday, I was listening to KLove radio (a Christian radio station) and they had some weightloss stats from Wake Forest University nutrition program:
    1. The fallacy that the faster you lose weight the easier it is to gain it back is untrue. Actually, the faster you lose, the more % of your excess body fat you'll lose. And you will no more gain it back than if you lose it slower. So that debunks the prior school of thought.
    2. Eating after 7 pm will slow down your metabolism. I knew this one was false and argued it on many occasion. How does your body know what time it is? Your body works on a 24 hr clock, not just waking hours.
    3. And my favorite (can't believe people actually think this): That muscle will turn into fat. Muscle is muscle, fat is fat. It's like trying to turn a bear into a tiger. one has nothing to do with the other.
    So us wls losers actually have a better chance of losing MORE weight in the long run than people who lose slower. Can we all know that the rate of loss has nothing to do with saggy skin. Thats 85% heredity and 15% luck (oh, and I think age plays a part too, the younger the better). It has nothing to do with exercising, expensive creams, or the rate of loss. While I'm losing pretty slowly (only 17 lbs in 7 weeks), I started at 174 (band to sleeve revision) so I knew it would come off a little slower.
    So lose away and don't worry that you're losing too fast. Eventually your body will slow down the closer you come to goal anyway!
  2. Like
    maryo reacted to fultont in Is it possible I have already stretched my new sleeve?   
    Was sleeved May 28th. Starting weight 194. Today 185. Still on full liquid diet (good thing smelling food doesn't add weight hee hee) I have no problem drinking an 11 oz Protein Drink in an 1.5hr. Greek yogurt 5 oz can be done in 2 settings. Vitamin Water with 42 gram New Whey added in to insure 80 Proteins a day. I feel full. Totally miss flavors (If I ever see a chocolate, strawberry or Van shake again it will be too soon) but I see soooo many saying 2 to 3 oz at a time.... Lord I hope I haven't stretched this thing already.
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    maryo got a reaction from MeMeMEEE in Anyone living in South Florida?   
    I live in south west Florida! I live in North Port...My name is Mary I have only been on for a few days as well. I am getting Sleeved on May 13th and would also like to meet people around the area!
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    maryo reacted to michelle4873 in OMG im done!   
    Just had surgery few hours ago, doesn't seem real! Woke up feeling crappy with gas pains under ribs and nausea but meds kicked in, my doctor said I did great, best case today, so my stats are now
    HW 305
    SW 273
    CW unknown lol
    Btw had surgery w dr brams Lahey Burlington ma
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    maryo reacted to AudOne in Where the May sleevers i just got my date!   
    May 13th here so excited but terrified also, never had any kind of surgery, never even been in the hospital
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    maryo reacted to JenMac in Where the May sleevers i just got my date!   
    Got my date today 5/13....super excited-nervous! A May group would be fun! Anyone else interested?
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    maryo reacted to valhughes in Where the May sleevers i just got my date!   
    Hi everyone I'm May 13th and can't wait to start this new journey in my life! Best wishes to everyone!
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    maryo reacted to natedinsmoor2 in Where the May sleevers i just got my date!   
    May 13th here (: congrats !
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    maryo reacted to Hazel Eyes in Anyone living in South Florida?   
    I also live in SW florida (Ft Myers ) to be exact and I have been on this site for about a month... I will be having my surgery on June 12th and can hardly wait. Mine is little different wont be having surgery here insurance didnt cover it.. So i am headed to Mexico like so many others. Different avenues for a us all but we are all headed in the right direction.... A healthier life.
    (Im so ready)

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    maryo reacted to tiffany1521 in Anyone living in South Florida?   
    Hazel I too am heading down to Mexico to get my sleeve done. I'm set for May 3rd and just happy that I'm starting a brand new chapter in my life.
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    maryo reacted to TBABCOCK in Any buddies in south west Florida?   
    I'm over in North Fort Myers. I had mine done on April 15th.
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    maryo got a reaction from TBABCOCK in Any buddies in south west Florida?   
    Im looking for buddies in the South west florida area I am from North Port and am having surgery on May 13th and am really nervous!
  13. Like
    maryo reacted to cerenatee in Scared $hitless   
    Ya'll I'm scared. Like real scared. Like don't know what to do, crying scared.
    I don't like being fat but I really don't have too many health problems yet. Just high cholesterol, I snore, I get tired easily, and my legs fall asleep a lot. I know other health problems are coming but they're not here just yet. Vanity is definitely a part of why I want this surgery but so is peace of mind. I'm tired of worrying about my health. Today it's high cholesterol but tomorrow it may be cancer. I lost my sister, my mother, and my grandmother to cancer within a 7 year period so cancer is consistently on my mind. My mom and sister were relatively healthy and thin and they still died so I know it's only a matter of time before my bad weight and bad genetics meet up. It's like a ticking time bomb and I'm always looking for it to go off.
    But the complications of this surgery, when they happen, are pretty horrible. And I don't think a lot of us make peace with that really. We just assume they're not going to happen to us. At least that's what I was doing. I can only speak for me. Now I'm really thinking about what I could be putting myself though and I just don't know. What if I'm the leak, the abscess, the stricture, the pneumonia, the excessive swelling, the blood clots, the 1001 things that could go wrong. By God's grace people like Iggy are here to tell us their stories, they have overcome, and they're way better but they went through hell and none of them think the surgery was worth the benefit. No one ever says if they're overall health is better but I'm guessing it's not since they're still being treated for the complications.
    Then some people don't even get those benefits. They're losing 20 lbs in 3 months, they're still hungry, they don't have a lot of restriction, etc, etc. WTF?!! All that money, time, and pain and you don't get the benefits? I know most people do but some don't and that's another negative I have to weigh. What if I go through all this for nothing? That would be so freaking awful.
    But the only alternative is to call off the surgery and try to lose the weight on my own, again, like I've tried 100s of times before. But even that's scary. What if I call off the surgery and I'm still in the same place next year, and the year after that, and the year after that, until I look up and 10 or 20 years have passed, but now my health is awful and I'm 100 lbs heavier and I'm living in regret for what could have been if I had just had the gastric sleeve performed back in May 2013.
    It's so much to think about and so much to consider and my fear vs my wants are blocking my prayers. I just don't know what to do.
    I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense but I just had ot get it out of my head. I'm hoping someone else has been crazy like this, or is currently freaking out themselves, and understands what I'm going through.
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    maryo reacted to SqueakyWheel&Ethyl in Hi New here....   
    Hi Mary,
    Yeah, we are all scared going into it. But, if you've tried and failed at traditional dieting, have done your homework, and really want success, I believe you can do it. WE can do it.
    I found it helpful to take all the material given to me during my visit to the nutritionist and retyping it in a format that would fit into my daily schedule. I planned all I would intake in the liquid Stages and stocked up on them, even typing out my own customized diet schedule. I was so groggy after surgery, having that material to refer to has been great! It's like I am being mother to myself by following what I had already planned and not having to MAKE decisions. Just read and do.
    Be sure to complete your profile and share your story. You can blog your experience on this site, too, and read other blogs for more helpful hints. And the chat room is always open with different folks milling about in it.
    Join some groups, too. Find one for May Sleevers. It's always good to compare notes with those on he same chronological path as you.
    And, make friends! This is a fantastic site and a REAL support group. Good luck!

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