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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About need2bthin!

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a wife and mommy! I love my family and my life, looking forward to a healthier me!
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  • Interests
    sewing, reading, swimming
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  1. need2bthin!

    Gastric sleeve revision?

    I suppose I should clarify my weight gain is less than 10 lbs (fluctuation). I just don't feel the restriction I once felt. Now I still measure food and exercise. So I've not necessarily fell off the wagon. I just want to ensure my pouch is not stretched out or developed a enlargement at the fundus, in order to hear of weight gain in the future.
  2. need2bthin!

    Gastric sleeve revision?

    Thank you for letting me know this is an option. Is the cost about the same as the first time?
  3. need2bthin!


    My hair fell out like crazy. I'm 5yrs post op and still not at the thickness I was pre op so I purchase cashmere hair extensions 😉 best purchase ever
  4. If you don't mind me asking what was the reason, weight gain? Also how do they perform it? Did insurance cover it? Thank you
  5. I had my sleeve 5 years ago and I can tell I've lost a lot of restriction that I previously had. Has anyone had the fundus revision?
  6. need2bthin!

    5 years and it is never too late

    I am in the same situation. I had considered doing a sleeve revision to give me the restriction again.
  7. I have seen several people mention gaining weight after 5yrs post-op. I too am starting to experience weight gain and no longer feel the restriction like I use to when I eat. Had anyone had the revision to help get back on track?
  8. need2bthin!

    What does your daily menu consist of?

    This has really given me some meal suggestions and I am sure it has others. I had never considered oats before as I was told by my NUT (which was a nut) that it was forbidden.
  9. need2bthin!


    I thought I was the only one who felt like their tailbone had grown at least 2 inches since surgery :-p. I bought an ortho cushion for my car seat and a knee pillow for sleep, due to knobby knees.
  10. I am curious as to what other sleevers daily intake consist of? How far along are you 6 month, 1 year, or so? Are you in a maintenance phase or are you still losing? How much water do you consume and vitamins? Okay, GO! Thanks
  11. need2bthin!

    Labor day Challenge

    CW: 159.8 GW: 154.0
  12. need2bthin!

    5:2 Links and info

    Also would anyone be interested in a 5:2 buddy?
  13. need2bthin!

    5:2 Links and info

    Would some mind posting their meal plans for the 500 cal days? I am 1 year out right now and I have noticed I am grazing... I haven't gained any weight but I don't won't to either and I need to stop this grazing!!! thanks
  14. need2bthin!


    I have heard about fitbit. Could someone explain it to me, and is it worth the money? Did it help you? Thanks

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