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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    mamachef got a reaction from Cheer Mama in for the girl who got pregnant ...   
    Hi! I am feeling great! I lost a total of 70 lb then have stayed right there... but baby is growing right on track! Which means I am still losing and he is gaining what he needs. I have 7.5 weeks until my c-section and I can't wait I am very excited. I can tell things are still changing... I still drop clothing sizes. Still don't reccomend anyone getting pregnant this soon it's HARD but I have more energy than I did in either of my 2 previous pregnancies.
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    mamachef got a reaction from Cheer Mama in Additional pregnancies easier after the sleeve?   
    Third pregnancy has been way easier in some ways but there is the restriction issue... it is HARD to get the right calories. There are things that are harder like combating cravings because I can't just eat a bunch of chocolate... and I forget to eat and then nothing tastes good... but yeah I have a lot more energy and getting around has been easier. I have a scheduled c section in 5.5 weeks and will will be bringing my little man home in 6 weeks.
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    mamachef got a reaction from Adahlia in Miscarriage close to 2 years after sleeve   
    After the baby was gone you also got rid of the relaxin hormone which relaxes not only your joints but also stomach muscles making it easier to get food. I am so sorry this happened to you I am 35 weeks and every little thing has me worried this time...
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    mamachef got a reaction from Simpley_ke in Quick Question   
    I have gained maybe 10lb back... Baby is growing great and I am also healthy. As long as you stick to your rules and don't think "im eating for two" only take on the extra 300 calories a day you should be fine. Also at the start of my 3rd trimester when I actually started to see the scale go up... I stopped looking so now at 32 weeks I have NO CLUE where I am a at but hubby said he would tell me when I went over the 10lb mark :-) lol
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    mamachef reacted to Kelsnikol in 14 weeks pregnant 5 months post op glucose test ugh!   
    I switched so I see my new ob monday and he said.he would do the accu checks since I cant do the test. My surgeon even said the jelly Beans were a no! So im glad I changed!
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    mamachef got a reaction from Kelsnikol in fluids for ultrasound   
    I use a straw and practically have a stream of Water going down my throat constantly... slow enough that I don't get full but just enough that I can get it all down.
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    mamachef got a reaction from jstraits in 21 y/o first time mom 7 months post op   
    Keep some cheese cubes or slices in the fridge and a healthy trail mix in your purse... nibble on it to ward off nausea... you don't need extra calories until about 15 weeks at which time you will only need 300 extra calories per day for the duration of your pregnancy. That looks like half a Peanut Butter and jelly sandwich (just to give you an image) I studied nutrition in college and took an interest in pregnancy nutrition also I am currently 18weeks... If you let your head tell you that you have to eat more you might gain weight. I am 18 weeks and still loosing and my OB is not concerned. You might not be able to see a midwife because of the surgery but good luck there are a lot of things that have to be done differently. This is my 3rd pregnancy and it is being handled very differently :-)
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    mamachef got a reaction from Nina723 in Pregnant With Sleeve Surgery?   
    We had a MAJOR birth control FAIL!!! First time we had set after surgery we got pregnant even with 2 forms of birth control... I am 17 weeks now and there hasn't even been a mention of the staples being a concern and I am ALWAYS emailing my surgeon and his staff asking questions.
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    mamachef got a reaction from shayv123 in Prenatals   
    Yeah my NUT, head nurse of my program and OB were concerned that the vit a and D would be too high and can cause birth defects. Ask your OB they are going to know better than your nut if your nut only focuses on bariatric.
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    mamachef got a reaction from Twylad in 2nd stall   
    Change up your workout routine and also take a look at what you have been eating... sometimes cutting back to no carbs for a day or two will jump start your metabolism again :-)
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    mamachef got a reaction from dreamscometrue in Update :-)   
    Well we are 4 days from 17 weeks! We are doing GREAT!!! doctors seem to be happy with everything in 5 days I will be 20 weeks post op and a total of 72 lb gone! ... This has not been easy. I throw up almost every day because on top of pregnancy nausea I am still learning the pouch. I have continued to lose but have managed to slow down. This month I lost 6 lb and there is no way to stop that from happening this is why we are told to wait... I am full of info on this so if you gals have any questions feel free to ask... I am an open book
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    mamachef got a reaction from Nina723 in Pregnant With Sleeve Surgery?   
    We had a MAJOR birth control FAIL!!! First time we had set after surgery we got pregnant even with 2 forms of birth control... I am 17 weeks now and there hasn't even been a mention of the staples being a concern and I am ALWAYS emailing my surgeon and his staff asking questions.
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    mamachef got a reaction from melissapaige84 in 8 months post op...wanting baby but scared emotionally   
    The first thing my surgeon said to me when I told him I was pregnant was not to even step on a scale if it was going to bother me... He said as long as tou stick to the maintaining diet and only add 300 calories per day (thats all the bean needs) I would be fine... I am 3 months pregnant and have still lost weight because I was super sick. It is an emotional roller coaster but you will be ok... the weight will come off like it did before it isnt like pregnancy can reverse surgery... you will still have the same tool after the baby is born and it will be much easier to lose any weight you can gain. As long as you dont see pregnancy as an opportunity to do whatever and eat whatever, you will be GOLDEN!!!
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    mamachef got a reaction from melissapaige84 in 8 months post op...wanting baby but scared emotionally   
    The first thing my surgeon said to me when I told him I was pregnant was not to even step on a scale if it was going to bother me... He said as long as tou stick to the maintaining diet and only add 300 calories per day (thats all the bean needs) I would be fine... I am 3 months pregnant and have still lost weight because I was super sick. It is an emotional roller coaster but you will be ok... the weight will come off like it did before it isnt like pregnancy can reverse surgery... you will still have the same tool after the baby is born and it will be much easier to lose any weight you can gain. As long as you dont see pregnancy as an opportunity to do whatever and eat whatever, you will be GOLDEN!!!
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    mamachef reacted to clk in 8 months post op...wanting baby but scared emotionally   
    It is very hard. I would like to sugarcoat that for you but I'd be doing you a disservice.
    I was two years out and easily maintaining when I chose to get pregnant. I gained pretty normally - between the hormone shots and pregnancy I put on 35 pounds.
    That was half of the hard part. Gaining weight - even for a good reason - is very difficult if your focus for the past two years has been losing and maintaining. I didn't gain too much at all. I looked great (or so everyone said) and when I was at my due date people insisted I was "too tiny to be due any day soon!" My daughter was born at a healthy weight with no complications. I had no complications myself. No gestational diabetes (I was diabetic prior to sleeve) or high blood pressure, no preeclampsia - just a nice, smooth pregnancy. Well, except the plague of morning sickness, but that varies by baby!
    By just a few weeks post op I had lost all but 15 of my pregnancy pounds. By less than a month postpartum I was in my pre-pregnancy clothes, though I admit I was in the biggest sizes and even they were a teeny bit snug. Not uncomfortable, just not quite as roomy as they'd been before!
    So as far as that goes? That part was pretty easy. But losing the final seven pounds has been a challenge for me. I'm doing it but it's slow going. My daughter is seven months old now and I'm still trying to six more pounds to get back to my goal weight.
    But in all fairness, it took me a long time to lose those final pounds the first time, too. This might just be my incredibly frustrating norm.
    In the end? It's worth it. It's oh so incredibly worth it. My twins are five, so I'd forgotten sleepless nights and I'd forgotten how hard little babies are to take care of but I'm so grateful I did this, even though I'm frustrated by these last few pesky pounds.
    There's never an ideal time, really. You're always going to worry about the weight and even if you never chose to have another child, you'd STILL worry about some day regaining the weight. If you want another child, go for it.
    I do encourage you to stick to a very good diet during pregnancy, though, and keep away from indulging bad habits. I wasn't as careful about my quality of carbs because all meat and dairy gave me morning sickness for several months of my pregnancy. Breaking that carb monster was HARD after she was born, and getting rid of the nighttime snacking habit (because I'd wake up hungry in the middle of the night while preggo) has been a real challenge.
    But it's definitely possible to lose weight at any point post op - your sleeve is the same from about one year out and will still restrict your quantities if you make solid choices.
    I do suggest you wait until at least a year post op to give that sleeve time to really reach it's capacity, so that eating while pregnant isn't a chore or challenge. There's a reason for those guidelines - I wasn't able to eat more than one egg in a sitting until more than a year out!
    Good luck,
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    mamachef got a reaction from sixbuttons in 3 months out & baby crazy!   
    Take it from someone who is in the thick of it... I am 6 weeks post op and just found out I am pregnant... I am having to drastically change and monitor my Vitamin intake... I have to aim for 1500 calories per day... its a HUGE amount. My restriction is back like I am eating my first meal again. Its HARD. We had a birthcontrol failure and even though I am happy because we really want another baby, I am terrified and wish it hadnt happened so soon. Plus this early I am considered high risk so I have way more Dr appts and have to juggle those with seeing my surgeon more as well.
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    mamachef got a reaction from AshleyMidwife in im freaking out   
    I spoke with my surgeons head nurse. She emailed me a new nutrition plan with altered Vitamins and Protein guidelines. She is not super concerned. I mean they surely arent excited but she said "it happens and it just part of Gods plan"
    Not freaking out so much anymore. I will keep yall updated but so far it seems like everything will be alright.
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    mamachef got a reaction from TN_Vols_MiMi in Help! Need to lose 4 lbs before my surgery!   
    My NUT had me do lean protiens and veg only, 3 servings of non fat dairy and 80oz of Water per day. I lost 20lbs in 2 weeks... will power will get you through... no carbs or sugar
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    mamachef got a reaction from melissa73 in Sleeve in August   
    I am on day 4 of my new life. Although I dont really count days 1 & 2... I was sedated because I was so nauseaus. Got 30oz in yesterday so was released from the hospital. Never thought it would be so hard to drink 30oz lol... have to get to 60/day so I can start puree diet.
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    mamachef got a reaction from RebecaSparkles in IsoPURE NASTY   
    the only one I have been able to tolerate is apple melon... everything else has some horrible aftertaste... I dunno maybe because Im a chef my taste buds are pickier. ..
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    mamachef got a reaction from ladybug112000 in August 2013 Roll Call   
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    mamachef got a reaction from ladybug112000 in August 2013 Roll Call   
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    mamachef got a reaction from kw2walker in Full so fast   
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    mamachef reacted to awifeinmichigan in August 2013 Roll Call   
    I'm now Aug. 2nd.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
