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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    lentz1bj reacted to guthsj in how to break through the dreaded 3 week stall?   
    Mine was a week 2 stall. My last post was Wednesday in which I hadn't lost anything for 7 days. I didn't change anything up, just kept plugging along and I have lost a pound a day since Wednesday. The waiting game stinks but hang in there the stall wont last forever.
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    lentz1bj reacted to lsu2868 in how to break through the dreaded 3 week stall?   
    It is a waiting game. Mine has been going on for 2 weeks but is slowly starting to ease up. I have dropped 3 lbs this week, 3 more than the previous 2 weeks combined of 0lbs. I would say you definately need to drink more Protein and lots of water! I still drink 2 to 3 shakes a day for my Snacks or sometimes as Breakfast. And a minimum of 64oz of Water but prefer more when I can.
    It will happen, just keep exerciseing as well. You may not see lbs fall off the scale but you should start seeing inches fall. Even during my stall, I have gone down 2 pant sizes in my waste. Hang in there and keep us updated.
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    lentz1bj got a reaction from grateful-1 in Stall at only 6 days post op...Sad :(   
    Oops, I AM** going to lose the weight! Of all the typos.. lol
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    lentz1bj got a reaction from grateful-1 in Stall at only 6 days post op...Sad :(   
    I weigh in every day, knowing that's not a great idea, but I'm just a day further out than you (9/3) and was curious about loss in the first few weeks too. I hit THE SAME stall, but finally yesterday saw the scale move and have lost 4 lbs in the last 2 days getting me down to my first goal - 50 LBS since Feb at my first Dr. appt!! I expect some stalls and plateaus but not that early on so I can relate to your concern. I've had to tell myself that I'm not going to lose the weight, but it will take a year or MORE! Keep your head up and keep us updated on your progress
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    lentz1bj reacted to prestons_nana in Stall at only 6 days post op...Sad :(   
    It happened to me as well! VSG on 8/21, and down 17 lbs. I am a lap band revision and they say that can be slower. We are just used to diets that never worked, and it's scary thought that I'm the one it's not going to work for! That is why we have this forums so that we can speak up!!! And we always hear about the ones that lose mega pounds the first 6 months. Chin up and keep on keepin on..
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    lentz1bj reacted to SerendipityHappens in Dies anyone feel like they werent sleeved?!?   
    I had similar concerns... even in the hospital I drank 80 ounces of Water in a single day... I also ate at maximum ammounts when I was on purees and only stopped because the measured amount of food I gave myself was gone.... I didn't feel my restriction until I started eating chicken.. then it was like WAMMO! THERE IT IS!!!!!! Now I do little tricks to make myself feel restriction when I want to enjoy foods that "slide"... for example.. tortilla chips and cottage cheese are both sliders for me, BUT if I eat them together it sticks and gives me satiety with a small portion. Also a small amount of cashews at the end of a meal will help me feel full as well.
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    lentz1bj reacted to ElyQuint in Do you feel you settled for your partner because you were fat?   
    Brilliant gamergirl!
    I think I sabotaged a lot of prior relationships as a result of my weight related perceptions of myself.
    I settled on the man who refused to allow me to use my weight as an excuse to push him away.
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    lentz1bj reacted to Disabledaccount in Do you feel you settled for your partner because you were fat?   
    So I had an interesting conversation with a young gal at a local VSG support group. She's 4 months sleeved has lost 50 pounds and is on top of the world. She loves the male attention she's getting and feels ilke the guys that are now interested in her would have been 'out of her league' in the past. Before she barely dated and felt like she was grateful for any attention she got so kinda settled and dated whoever.
    As someone who hasn't dated much and has been overweight all my life, i'm curious about dating after surgery. For single folks, how did your dating life change? For married folks, any changes/tensions.
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    lentz1bj got a reaction from CantHateYourselfThin in September 2013 Sleevers :)   
    Feeling better and better every day! Today is day 5 and yesterday I tried oatmeal and cream of Tomato Soup. I'm feeling like my old self again! Not too sore! I'm even sleeping on my stomach with no pain @youcanthateyourselfthin you keep us posted too! Sending good vibes your way
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    lentz1bj reacted to CantHateYourselfThin in September 2013 Sleevers :)   
    Keep us posted lentzbj !

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    lentz1bj got a reaction from CantHateYourselfThin in September 2013 Sleevers :)   
    I was sleeved Sept. 3 in Detroit, MI by Dr. Arthur Carlin (amazing man and an even better surgeon). Had a rough few days at the hospital. Recovery / waking up took longer than normal because I was so nauseous so they had to get that under control before they took me to my room. I remember someone whistling in recovery and groggily snapping at them to be quiet lol, not proud of that but in my defense I was feeling pretty lousy. The first night was fine, hard to get comfortable in the hospital bed, and Wednesday morning was rough. They stopped my IV meds and began giving me tylenol 3 with codeine which I couldn't tolerate and vomited both times I took it. The gas pain on day 2 was AWFUL but everyone here says walking is the best remedy and they sure were right. Getting my fluids in was very difficult but now at 3 days post op I'm home and just finished my first Muscle Milk since the pre-op liquid diet! My incisions look great and I'm having little to no abdominal pain, only when I take an aggressive sip, then my pouch immediately lets me know to take it easy and take smaller drinks. I still have a LONG way to go, but am already seeing the progress my sleeve is making. I'm less nauseous and able to drink more often without feeling yucky! I can't even think about solid food but the puree stage is right around the corner and for that, I'm excited! Good luck everyone, sending healthy vibes to everyone out there!
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    lentz1bj reacted to jillian109 in September 2013 Sleevers :)   
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    lentz1bj reacted to PGee in Liquids hurt, will it get better?   
    I can't add anything to what's been said already but wanted to pop in to reassure you it does get better.....early in the post op stage I found every day was different and things got a little bit better each day.....this has continued through all the stages......clear liquid, full liquids, pureed foods, soft foods, and now solid food......take your time, and know it will get better. Best wishes to all of our newly sleeved members!
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    lentz1bj reacted to gamergirl in Liquids hurt, will it get better?   
    The first week is tough to get liquids in. Every sip hurts. I likened it to having an elephant sitting on my chest. Yes it get better. Hang in there.
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    lentz1bj reacted to melmel11 in Liquids hurt, will it get better?   
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    lentz1bj reacted to HumorMe00 in September 2013 Sleevers :)   
    Surgery was 9/3 at about 2:30 pm. The first night was kind of rough. I think mostly because I only got pain meds upon request. If I had them on a regular interval, it probably would have stayed at a more tolerable level. Even so, the pain was mostly from the gas. The incisions are tender and my entire abdomen is black and blue and sore, but not super painful. Yesterday I was able to start Clear Liquids around noon. Walked and sipped all day. Things were pretty good until I switched from iv morphine to liquid Lortab. I've had tablet Lortab many times and never had it in liquid form - turns out I'm allergic. We've got that all straightened out and I should be heading home this afternoon.
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    lentz1bj reacted to mizzchrisv in September 2013 Sleevers :)   
    I am so happy this thread was started we are all so close to the same dates or on the sane date all around the same weight we can share our struggles and success like a September family haha lame I know but it feels good to know your not alone and remember we are all beautiful/handsome as we are and this tool is gonna help us stay that way..
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    lentz1bj reacted to MWilliams42 in SPANX- how soon after surgery can I wear them?   
    Slap some band aids on those and get your Spanx on!!!! Best undergarment EVER!!!!
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    lentz1bj reacted to BlueClementine in 14 days out and wow! What an experience   
    Today is 14 days post op, and this is my first post since surgery.
    8/20 I was the last patient of the day scheduled at 5:30, didn't go in until 7:30. When I woke up the only thing I could feel was fire. I was expecting pain, but it literally felt like my insides were on fire. Not pleasant. It was a VERY long night, but I managed. I was discharged the next day at noon.
    The first 3 days were very rough, pain was bad, gas pains were brutal, my stomach was very inflated and I couldn't get comfortable to save my life. Forget laying down flat. The pain in my chest and stomach just trying to swallow Water was excruciating. I managed.
    By day 4 the pain was minimal and I was up and about doing normal household things, but I tired easily.
    By day 5 I could drink a little better without so much discomfort. But god forbid I take a sip and then laid down. In fact, sometimes the only way I could stand to drink was walking around. Being vertical felt much better than horizontal.
    By day 7 the swelling in my stomach was greatly reduced and the pain was gone, except the occasional twinge. I started walking regularly a couple times a day just around the yard and neighborhood, and have tried to stay active, stretching and moving some small weights around with upper body, no problems there. Again, I just tire easily. I've followed the liquid diet to the letter, and week 2 I started full liquids. Soups hurt if I'm not careful. Water goes down easily now. I'm basically living off Protein Shakes and Isopure clear drinks, broth, and the occasional Soup with unflavored Protein added.
    I'm never really hungry, but I do know when I need to feed my sleeve - I start to feel slightly nauseous in my tummy or an acid feeling. A little bit of protein, it goes away. Im managing 60-80oz liquids and most days I hit 70-80 grams protien. I am so glad I've done this, but the first week was hard! Harder than I expected and I thought I had a grip on the situation!! lol, the things we tell ourselves....
    So I got on the scale today and I'm down 17 pounds. I almost freaked. I re-weighed myself a dozen times, and the number was the same! I also took full body pictures of myself, which I had not yet had the bravery to do.
    So today is a great day! I feel really good physically and mentally, I know I'm doing what I'm suppose to, and the weight is coming off. Its a beautiful feeling!!
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    lentz1bj got a reaction from sohio44811 in September Surgery Dates?   
    Hi! I'm scheduled to be sleeved on Sept 3! I start my liquid diet next Tuesday and I'm excited for that! I'm getting really nervous about the surgery though. I cry almost every day LOL I'm hoping it's normal to be so emotional about this! I'm so happy I found this forum - I have very supportive friends and family but it'll be nice to connect with people who are experiencing this too!!
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    lentz1bj reacted to On A Mission in STRESSED & SCARED   
    I was feeling pretty overwhelmed before my surgery as well. I found out two days before my surgery that nothing was off the table on a permanent basis. It really surprised me as I have family members who went the bypass route, and there are some things they will never be able to eat again. Not so for us. For sure there are things we cannot eat while we are in the weight loss stage and expect to be successful. But otherwise we will be able to have our favorites again someday, only in moderation. I am happy with that! I will be able to order my favorite foods in and wont be able to eat it all, but that's okay! I will just be able to have it again the next day and possibly the next! I have had absolutely no buyers remorse. I am only out 3 1/2 weeks, but I couldn't be any happier with my decision. Motivation can be found all over this site with the success of our fellow bloggers!
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    lentz1bj reacted to Happy Healthy Pete in September Sleevers...! Come on in and chat!   
    Hi I'm September 4th. I'm in my two week pre op diet stage now.
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    lentz1bj reacted to CarryOn7 in September Surgery Dates?   
    Just thought I would get the Ball rolling, find out when your surgery date is scheduled.
    Mine is scheduled for Sept 9. provided my Blood Labs are all good, what ever that means. :/
    I am having mine done in Blackfoot Idaho.
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    lentz1bj reacted to NewSetOfCurves in Need encouragement.   
    Jeanie, any type of surgery is scary and it is okay to be scared; but low BMI or not, you have struggled with your weight for a very long time. We are all here because we struggled with our weight and suffer from some form of food addiction. I for one refused to feel guilty or let other people judge me because I chose to utilize a technology to make myself healthier. People utilize technology everyday to make their lives easier, we are no different. My husband too never--EVER--made a comment or judgement about my weight, but I wanted to be healthier. I wanted to stop the weight gain. I wanted to be better. Don't let the fear of judgement from other people stop you from making yourself healthier. This is not about them, this is about you. Your life. Your health. Your future.
    Good luck tomorrow. We shall see you on the other side!

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