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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    docbree reacted to flowerchild in Antidepressants   
    Im on Effexor and Wellbutrin. I have taken Celexa and Prozac and had weight gain. No weight gain on my current regimen.
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    docbree reacted to No game in Antidepressants   
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    docbree reacted to johnlatte in Carbonation - is there any?   
    I doubt that it has been studied specifically. That's probably why there are so many schools of thought. There is a post on thinnertimesfourm.com (can't post a link) that seems to be a good as explanation as any from a bariatric surgeon. I personally never have bought into the whole "it will stretch your sleeve" idea. It doesn't seem physically possible as the gas is going to dissipate in both directions and doesn't spend a tremendous amount of time in the stomach. I do buy in to the fact that soda (regular or diet) is totally an unhealthy food item and I can see how it could make you feel uncomfortable. It does that with a regular stomach if you drink enough. There have been scientific studies that drinking diet soda still leads to obesity even though there's no sugar involved. For me, I just decided that there wasn't enough room in my life for soda, so I gave it up. I was a heavy diet soda drinker, but really had no problems kicking it. I'd rather be healthy.
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    docbree reacted to NotANewbie in Am I A Success or Failure?   
    Thank you everyone for the amazing support. I will PM those who welcome me to do so. I am really feeling a lot of guilt but I know I have to do something positive.
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    docbree reacted to No game in Am I A Success or Failure?   
    Comfort.. It's why I ate. Numbing myself with each bite, from what? Past trauma? Disappointment? Boredom? Life? The answer? All of the above.
    As you know a lot of us struggle with addictive personalities here. If you've been around here you've heard me talk about my problem with the pain meds at night, I started taking them in the evening ( the same time I did my best eating) long after I "needed" them.. I shocked myself because drugs or alcohol have never been a problem for me.
    It's like an addiction is waiting around every corner just waiting for me some days. I've been sick this last week and had bad allergies to top it off. I have always stayed away from Benadryl because I have a bad drugged type reaction and then it knocks me out. Well a few days ago I got so desperate I took one, worked awesome! I went back for more the next night. Last night I couldn't find them, my husband took them. He said I know you just want to knock yourself out.... Was he right? Maybe.
    We have additive personalities, and we are sneaky beings. So we are always looking for ways to fill that hole. My husband knew about the pain meds in the beginning because I told him. That's how he knew to take the Benadryl away and confront me on it. You need to do the same.
    Shine a light on the problem, talk to a close family member, friend, and counselor. And us of course,
    I talk about my daily struggles here, sometimes in real time as I am trying not to binge. It makes me sad that you can't come here as "you" because this does not take away from your successes and value here as a person, but I will respect your privacy.
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    docbree reacted to lwilliams65 in Am I A Success or Failure?   
    I'm sorry you are struggling with an alcohol problem sweetie but you shouldn't have to hide who you are for fear of judgement. If "we" judge you than you shouldn't take advice from us anyways. I understand being embarrassed or feeling like you failed but YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE. Consuming that much alcohol that often is very dangerous. Part of the reason we all get surgery is because we want to be healthy. It's not worth it love to get surgery and lose all that weight if you are just going to pick up something else that's just as dangerous. I think if you went to therapy it would really help you, quite frankly I think the whole world needs therapy lol. But the reason I say therapy is because maybe there is an underlying issue that you aren't even aware of. I'm going to school to be a drug and alcohol counselor so I'm actually learning about all this. If you ever need to talk you can private message me and I WILL NOT judge you. Sometimes people don't even know what's bothering them or drawing them to have an addiction until they start talking to someone they can trust and then it all spills out.
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    docbree reacted to Healthiernewme in Am I A Success or Failure?   
    Like people keep saying ... this surgery is not on your head. We all have problems we deal with. Now that you don't have food to fall back on, you are focusing on something else. Now is the time to get some help to work thru why you have turned to alcohol. Sure, everyone here can offer advice, but what you need to do is put in the work and go get the help you need. I pray that you look for and find help. Get to the root of the problem.
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    docbree reacted to bradsgirl007 in Help! Severe pain!   
    Soooo....after having two more "attacks" I finally had my gallbladder out. Just thought I would update everyone. Thanks for all your input!
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    docbree reacted to SleeveNZ in Help! Severe pain!   
    Its your gallbladder .... cant believe your doctor didnt pick that up at your 3 month check up from your symptoms!
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    docbree reacted to petra1124 in Help! Severe pain!   
    Gallbladder pain is horrible, it feels like you are having a heart attack. I would go and have an ultrasound of your gallbladder just to be sure. Also, if you press down right under your ribs on the right side of your body, if it is tender then it is most likely gallbladder! I had mine removed 3 years ago and what you are describing sounds similar to what I went through. Horrible back and chest pain!! I thought I was having a heart attack! This is especially common in women around the age of 30 who have recently lost weight.
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    docbree reacted to Oregondaisy in Help! Severe pain!   
    It could be a gall bladder attack. do you have your gall bladder?
    A lot of people have to have their gall bladder out after WLS.
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    docbree reacted to Webchickadee in #160 lost 1 year post op (w/ pics)   
    Wow! You have done amazingly well. I am SO GLAD you followed your instincts and had the surgery done, despite the lukewarm reception from your doctors!
    Your life now must be completely different......and as you mention, the small risk of surgery is nothing compared to the nearly certain risk of disability and death from morbid obesity.
    Enjoy your new lease on life BenisaMartim4, you worked hard to earn it!
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    docbree reacted to cartmansnj in #160 lost 1 year post op (w/ pics)   
    Very inspiring. Great work by you and God.
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    docbree reacted to amylu in #160 lost 1 year post op (w/ pics)   
    What an inspiration you are! Thanks for sharing. You look AMAZING!!!
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    docbree reacted to NerdyMHC in #160 lost 1 year post op (w/ pics)   
    You look amazing! Congratulations!
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    docbree reacted to BenisaMartim4 in #160 lost 1 year post op (w/ pics)   
    Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I've dropped by, but I just want to give an up date and a word of encouragement. I had my one year post-op yesterday. It was a bit late (2/14/12 surgery), but anywho. I was down #160 (335-175), twenty dress sizes (28-8) and over 252 inches. If I can do this, anyone can. I had my toes in the grave. I was on 21 meds and the doc told me I would die that way...whether I lost weight or not. Because of my problems he (my PCP) didn't think I would lost a huge amount (50-60#), but he encouraged me to have it do so I could 'feel a little better about myself.' Well, I'm glad to say I proved him wrong. I did lose weight and a lot of it. I also lost all of the meds and the cane/walker/wheelchair. I am a WALKING miracle. I give praise to God for my healing. Now because I was instantly miraculously healed, but because he allowed me to find the path and the means (insurance) to get what I needed to be healed. I do believe God instantly heals somethings in some people, but I also believe he uses the hand of good physicians to administer healing. This is the way he chose to give me mine. I encourage anyone that has had a long, unyielding struggle with obesity to talk to a doctor about WLS... Sleeve in particular. If you are on the edge trying to make up your mind, take my advice. Do it! You are sick? In pain? Lonely? Depressed? What are you holding on to! You have nothing to lose, but all of that. Are there risks? Yes. Is it hard? Yes. But come on. We all know the fat has a 100% chance of causing complication/death. Is it really that much of a gamble to take a 1% chance with a surgery. You're more likely to get killed in a car wreck on the way to get your next fast food burger. Do yourself and your family/friends a favor and choose life. I did and I would do it again and again.

    Before surgery (28, 335#) and on my 1 year Surgiversary (8/10, 178#)

    At my 1 year post op (8, 175#) holding my old size 28 skirt.

    Side view. Now a size 8.
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  17. Like
    docbree reacted to No game in How will this be different?   
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    docbree reacted to Butterthebean in Can't stop losing   
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    docbree reacted to It's all new in Can't stop losing   
    Ok, I think it is easy to think what we "cannot" do. And I get it - we are trained to eat a specific way to maximize weight loss, and to be successful are very devoted to that. But you will likely have to broaden your thinking and become more Fluid in your approach to stop the weight loss.
    So, with your Protein shake mix in Peanut Butter. You need the calories, it will not excessively fill your sleeve. If you blend 2T Peanut Butter into your shake it would be a good start. Another option is to also add 1/2 or even 1 banana. Because it is blended your body will think it is a liquid and it will pass through the sleeve easily. It gets around the restriction issue.
    And, the thing about one ounce of cheese as a snack is that it is essentially a slider. So, 1/2 ounce of cheese is about the size of a dice, maybe a bit bigger. Chew it up, and it is much smaller. I would guess even a tiny tummy could handle that twice daily. Cooking your meat in olive oil, again, will not take extra room in your sleeve. Stop using egg beaters - use eggs. You need the calories. It doesn't matter if you get slightly less Protein. Get a minimum of 60-70. And your nutritionist was right - during the weight loss phase focus on protein at the exclusion of other foods. But it is time to switch your thinking to a more well rounded approach. You probably have to focus mostly on adding fats initially, but with some time will probably figure out how to add some carbs or veggies.
    Prioritize stopping the weight loss over arbitrary rules about sticking just to protein at all costs.
  20. Like
    docbree reacted to No game in Can't stop losing   
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    docbree reacted to kyllfalcon in Can't stop losing   
    I had to add carbs and high calorie foods to stop losing. Sigh.... I am forced to eat ice cream every day...
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    docbree reacted to No game in Pics- scars, skin, and stretch marks...OH MY!   
    Umm... It would be my dream fantasy to look that good after all of this is said and done !
  23. Like
    docbree reacted to No game in Worse photo ever!   
    Lol perhaps call yourself a "hungry bear"!
    And dude were you in some Irish gang??
    I will try and find one of me... I avoided pictures like the plague but there might be a few laying around.
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    docbree reacted to fyre_storm in Worse photo ever!   
    Ok we all have them. A picture we took and bam oh my god what was I thinking or OMG I look like a huge __insert huge animal or object___ so to break through that I will post my worse picture ever, that I am extremely embarrassed of. In hopes that everyone will do the same and NOT have to feel that shame again! So here goes:

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    docbree reacted to Ms.AntiBand in How Do I Delete My Profile?   
    You know.. If this forum had a time out corner I'd put you in it... Shame on you for saying what you said the way you said.
    *shakes head in disgust*

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