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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    docbree reacted to boosh10 in Rheumatoid Arthritis meds and surgery   
    Don't go out of your way to find out, but if she happens to mention the name again, I'd appreciate it. I definitely would bring it up to my doctor @@GreenEyes604
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    docbree reacted to Rogofulm in What do you see when you look in the mirror ?   
    This is a really interesting topic! My wife gets on me because while I love the compliments, I usually deflect them with a, "Yeah, but I still have a ways to go." Or, "Yeah, but I'm no longer filling out my wrinkles, so I look like a shar pei dog." And when I walk by a mirror or other reflective surface, my eyes go straight to the (now smaller) soft roll around my belly. Why do we do this??? Is it being hyper-critical of ourselves? Or is it just that we want so badly to get to the new place that we critique our progress harshly during the trip? Realistically, I know that I look and feel a whole lot better. Everybody keeps telling me how much better/healthier/happier I look. So why do I deflect it? Must be old habits dying hard! BUT...I will say that now that I'm within sight of my goal, I'm beginning to accept that this IS the new me -- wrinkles and excess skin and all. So in the past couple of weeks, I've started responding more positively with, "Thanks for noticing, I feel great!" That's the message we should be telling ourselves!!! So, I guess as they say.... "Fake it 'til you make it." Accept our changing selves as we are right now, and be proud of our accomplishments all along the way. Don't obsess over what's not there yet, because if we can keep to the program and make good choices, we'll eventually get to our goals (or close enough to be comfortable). And during the journey, we need to work hard to learn and internalize new habits that will help us to eat healthfully for the long haul. That's my hope, anyway.....
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    docbree reacted to gowalking in What do you see when you look in the mirror ?   
    I just read a post about how long it takes to see what others see and I thought this was a good topic to bring up on the forum.
    Most of the time, we ask this question in terms of seeing the newer, smaller versions of ourselves but this is really about what we see or don't see whether we're bigger or smaller.
    For me..I never really saw how large I was when I looked in the mirror. Then I would be shocked and mortified when I'd see a picture of myself because there was no doubt I was a very fat woman. What is it about folks like us who cannot see what is obvious? I don't know that answer, but it's an interesting question.
    So...what happens when we lose the weight? For me, and many others, I had a terrible moment a few weeks after hip replacement surgery, and about ten months out of band surgery. I was about 170 lbs. at that time and down about 90 lbs. from my heaviest. My hair was thin and looked terrible...my face was saggy and I saw an old woman staring back at me when I looked in the mirror.
    It was so bad that I found myself in therapy shortly thereafter. I needed to get help to recognize myself. Thank goodness I was seeing a professional because once I went back to work after being on disability for two months, no one recognized me in the office...because I looked so much thinner and was not on the cane much anymore. If not for my therapist, I might have gone crackers during this time.
    So while she has helped me, I am even nearly a year later, still struggling with what I see versus what everyone else sees. I am surely getting used to the way I look now and my head tells me I am thin...pictures bear this out, and I do find that I can recognize myself when I look at my reflection.
    What I still struggle with is that I feel like I'm still a fat girl who has managed to figure out a way to fake it. Because I look thin, people think I've always been this way and have no idea what it's like to be thinking about staying in control all the time when it comes to food.< /p>
    Just yesterday, I was in an all day training going out of my mind. I found myself nibbling much of the day. A little bit here, a little bit there. I even had two Cookies after lunch and I never do that. What I was thinking though was that if I was still fat, I'd be embarrased to go for those cookies knowing that everyone would be wondering why I was eating them considering how big I was. But because I'm not big anymore, no one paid attention. The problem was....those cookies were as deadly for me yesterday as they would have been 145 lbs. ago.
    I have my therapist tonight and I'm going to talk about this. I want to do everything I can to not put weight back on and that includes high calorie crap that gets past the band with ease. I may have lost all this weight, but I am still very much a work in progress and still need this site for the help and support you all give me.
    Sorry for the length of this post...but would welcome your thoughts and comments.
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    docbree reacted to Alfie in Barretts disease   
    thank you docbree. I will. Just had my psych today
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    docbree reacted to jessiquoi in I am booked for a gastric sleeve in December. VERY NERVOUS and need a friend   
    just me, but i wouldn't want to go alone. other people have gone alone and done fine. i think it has to be what you are comfortable with.
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    docbree reacted to bobbyswife in AGGRAVATED   
    I would be most concerned about this... what if you need help after surgery? And they don't answer the phone?!?!?! Might need to look into a new surgeon!
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    docbree got a reaction from resipsa89 in Help! Can't burp!   
    Now I think I understand what my surgeon was saying about carbonated drinks. He said you can eventually have them if you want, but pour them over ice to remove most of the carbonation (disclaimer: I know not all surgeons allow this). Then he said you pay for it by having to fart a lot (his words). So, I guess if you can't burp, that's where it goes .
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    docbree got a reaction from Jennifer Rogers in My body feels awful...   
    @@Jennifer Rogers - it sounds like you may have orthostatic hypotension from dehydration. I think you should call your surgeon. You many need IV fluids
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    docbree reacted to bobbyswife in You people on this site...   
    Well, you are all just awesome. I have been on countless "diet" websites before and they are just awful (MFP is the worst). So many clique's and people who act like they're better than you. I have never before experienced an online environment that is so welcoming. Even when people disagree, they usually don't get catty or ugly. I think that speaks volumes to the nature of people on here. So, "thanks" to all of you. It gives me a warm fuzzy as I look forward to surgery knowing that you'll all be there for me, just like you are for everyone else.
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    docbree got a reaction from resipsa89 in Help! Can't burp!   
    Now I think I understand what my surgeon was saying about carbonated drinks. He said you can eventually have them if you want, but pour them over ice to remove most of the carbonation (disclaimer: I know not all surgeons allow this). Then he said you pay for it by having to fart a lot (his words). So, I guess if you can't burp, that's where it goes .
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    docbree reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Gastric leak   
    Yes it can cause havoc. Sorry you are in so much distress.
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    docbree reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Gastric leak   
    It was the ' it would take serious effort to do that' I found unfair. I just wanted you to know that I did not eat way to much to get a leak. So many times patients are not equipped to handle complications because they are simply unaware of the fact that they happen more then we think. And even if one person gets a leak it is awful and unfair. No one is ever prepared for the long haul of complications. Maybe I could have said it better. But i am not perfect and I am always so sad when people end up with complications.
    This is supposed to be a good experience. Positive and supportive. And those that are like me feel like we did something wrong to have these things happen to us. It is like being sucker punched in a way. There is enough to deal with without complications...
    That is why I responded quickly to your comment @@georgiare . Not personal just wanted to clear up the comment mentioned above. Sorry if i offended you. Not my intention at all. I promise you.
    Thank you for bringing your feelings to my attention.
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    docbree got a reaction from Jennifer Rogers in Can I take ibuprofen?   
    You need to call your surgeon's office and see what they say (and let them know that you took it and how much). As a general rule, ibuprofen is not allowed after bariatric surgery.
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    docbree reacted to Elode in Prayer please   
    Thank you guys so much! I am officially sleeved and feeling wonderful! No gas, very little pain and I'm up walking. Your prayers have worked! God is GOOD!!!
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    docbree reacted to jmonique78 in Approved!   
    Just got back from Fremont Kaiser. Saw surgeon, nutritionist, and coordinator. Surgeon approved me!!! So just need to loose 4lbs to go on wait list then 5 more to schedule actual date!!!!
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    docbree reacted to jmonique78 in Approved!   
    Went to my psych eval and it went great! I'm also down 2.5lbs from this monday!!! Which means only 1.5lbs until I'm on wait list then 5 more for surgery!!
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    docbree reacted to ProudGrammy in Passed psych eval :)   
    i demand a recount and 2nd opinion
    they had to give me the once over two times
    glad things are getting wrapped up
    finishing jumping through the hoops and hurdles of insurance
    ready for the official approval and blessing
    i understand you are stressed, excited, nervous
    all those things we love/hate pre WLS!!!
    self sabatoge?? nawwww - don't go there!!!!
    i went through my own funeral right before surgery
    "maybe" indulging in one or two foods pre-op would be ok
    don't go overboard
    butttt, it isn't necessary to have that food funeral
    remember, in the not too far away future you will be able to eat all foods you like
    llllllimited portions (couple of bites)
    those bites need to be calculated in your calorie intake
    start using MFP
    write down EVERY bite you eat
    be honest
    keep track of your Water intake and exercising too
    you are approaching the big day
    you have been doing your research
    one year on the board
    seeing and listening to all the wise people on the board (especially me!! )
    learn/practice pushing yourself and drink as much Water as you can
    stop drinking 30 minutes before you eat
    don't drink with your meals!!!
    don't drink after you eat for about 45-60 minutes
    the above #s are from my NUT
    do whatever your NUT tells you always
    IMO water rules are the hardest to learn and deal with in your daily new life
    practice eating very slowly
    chewing thoroughly
    put utensil down between bites
    use a small plate
    i know you can/will comply with all the rules
    you know what to do
    can't wait to welcome you to sleeveland
    the wonderful world of health and happiness
    i will be the one throwing the confetti!!!
    good luck
  18. Like
    docbree reacted to ProudGrammy in Passed psych eval :)   
    my doc told me not to gain any weight
    but loosing 5%, 10% wasn't required
    some docs/insurance do require that you loose 5% , 10% of your initial weight
    weighing 350 lbs you must loose either 35 lbs or 17.5
    but, on the other hand
    the more you loose pre op, the better
    obviously that means you have all the less to loose post op
    follow all the necessary rules for WLS
    practice as you get ready for the big day
    these are rules you will be following for the rest of your healthier, happier, longer life
    good luck
  19. Like
    docbree got a reaction from Jennifer Rogers in My body feels awful...   
    @@Jennifer Rogers - it sounds like you may have orthostatic hypotension from dehydration. I think you should call your surgeon. You many need IV fluids
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    docbree reacted to bobbyswife in My body feels awful...   
    @@Jennifer Rogers you have to make yourself walk! Blood clots are still a risk at 1 week post op. Please try to move around, but if you are dizzy make sure someone is assisting you. If you are THAT dizzy, go to the ER. Don't mess around with this. If you need fluids and are seriously dehydrated, they will have trouble getting a vein. My daughter has a brain disease and once got so dehydrated they had to tap a main artery to get fluids in her. You do NOT want to go through that.
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    docbree reacted to lisacaron in I threw in the towel, and gave up!   
    @@TatorTot I just read your post and I want to let you know that there are those of us out there that understand where you are coming from, and I am sure there are others on the board here who also battle mental illness. My stepson falls in this category and I know it is not always easy and it's even harder for someone who is trying to navigate all the hoop jumping required to make it to and through surgery.
    You can do this! If you want it, you can make it a reality. Yes your emotional eater, and so are probably 99.9% of the people on these boards who have had surgery. You can make it, if you put your mind and you heart behind what you want.
    We have all had to jump through hoops it's not an easy process, and it's a change in lifestyle that lasts for the rest of your life not when you feel like it you have reached a goal, it's forever. So if you can wrap your self around that understanding..then you are ready to go.
    Take a deep breath, get back on the program. Talk to you dietician, go for the therapy, honey keep going every day if that's what makes success for you, it can't hurt right? So go for it!!
    I come here when I need to vent or talk or share with others who are in the same places I find myself. You can come here too, but don't give up. Never give up, keep on going.
    You can do this...where there is a will there is a way and I believe that!!!
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    docbree reacted to Katcloudshepherd in I threw in the towel, and gave up!   
    Reading your post makes me so grateful I am blessed with a job with private insurance. I am a vet and am extremely grateful for that private insurance that allowed me to have this life changing surgery. Honestly, I don't know where to begin but to tell you YOU ARE WORTH the cost of this surgery. If my insurance didn't cover the surgery, I would have paid cash, taking out a loan if I had to. I was even looking into going to Mexico if my insurance didn't cover and I had to pay for it. Granted, I'm closer to Mexico and the traveling would have been easier for me.
    I went through the VA's so called weight loss program years ago. I've done everything to lose weight. Took Phentramine, (legal prescription speed) and lost 60 pounds. My blood pressure went so high I had to be put on blood pressure pills! Then as soon as I stopped--that 60 lost turned into an 80 pound regain.
    I absolutely HATE the archaic attitude at the VA. If being obese were so damn easy to treat and overcome--we wouldn't have to have 85% of our stomachs removed to help deal with being obese. I had a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, (VSG), to TREAT my obesity. I think what I find most offensive in the medical profession is this attitude that we just have to eat less and move more. This is a multi-faceted DISEASE. Just like cancer, heart disease or any other. It's NOT A MATTER OF CHOICE. Would anyone choose to be treated the way obese people are? By total strangers.
    My life is almost 180 degrees different than before surgery, or is that 360 degrees? I can't remember which one is a total turn around. I went through years of counseling to try and lose the weight, thinking it was attributed to childhood trauma. To fix my head, I HAD TO FIX my stomach. I can no longer stuff feelings down with food. I have depression and take Zoloft to deal with it. Since I've lost the weight, my depression has gotten much better. I will admit I went through a dark time when I had lost the weight and had to adjust to this new life but I AM WORTH IT. I used counseling, exercise and my faith to get through.
    PLEASE, PLEASE, don't give up the battle. Explore your options for self pay. I don't know if you want the surgeons at the VA doing the surgery. They probably don't do that many of them and frankly, I wanted someone who would be able to do the surgery in their sleep to do mine.
    I wish you luck and I'll keep you in my prayers,
  23. Like
    docbree got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Passed psych eval :)   
    Just found out today that I passed my psych eval, which was the last step in a long process. The information was submitted to my insurance this afternoon (to get approval for sleeve) and they said I should hear back within a week!
    I'm really excited - it's starting to seem like this is really going to happen. I first logged onto bariatric pal January 2013 - it's been a long road with many ups and downs.
    Now I just have to lost those last 12/13 pounds off to get 10% of my weight off. In some ways, it seems like my appetite has gone up a lot. I'm not sure if it's stress about the upcoming challenges, other things that are going on in my life - or some weird self-defeating behavior. I really hope I can get this back under control in time to get the rest of the required weight off. Any advice on this last part very appreciated .
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    docbree got a reaction from Recycled in Gastric leak   
    Please see my edited comment above. I have apologized for misunderstanding.
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    docbree reacted to Recycled in Gastric leak   
    Wow, you won't let this go. Of course a leak is serious. And typically the patient thinks everything is a leak.....especially the pain from gas. And I think the OP was asking "how far out is the risk of a leak" not if she has one???
    Lighten up.....I was trying to ease her worry, not add to it......
    If she thinks she has a leak, it's a question for her surgeon, not anyone on here.

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