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Mz Lyfe Changing

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Mz Lyfe Changing

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 07/14/1965

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About Me

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  • City
    St. Augustine
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  1. Mz Lyfe Changing

    1 Year

    1 year and looking and feeling great.
  2. Mz Lyfe Changing

    Almost out of the 200lbs

  3. It's been a whie since I havebeen on here. Hope everyone is still focus on your goal and letting nothing stop you from getting there. Hugs and Love you all Mz yfe Changing.

  4. Mz Lyfe Changing

    Mz Lyfe Changing

  5. I would like to encourage all of my Gastric Sleeve Fam to continue on your journey. Once you put your whole heart into it you will see it comes like second nature. Love Lyfe...Live Lyfe...Change Lyfe for the better!!! Love you all.

  6. I would like to encourage all of my Gastric Sleeve Fam to continue on your journey. Once you put your whole heart into it you will see it comes like second nature. Love Lyfe...Live Lyfe...Change Lyfe for the better!!! Love you all.

  7. I would like to encourage all of my Gastric Sleeve Fam to continue on your journey. Once you put your whole heart into it you will see it comes like second nature. Love Lyfe...Live Lyfe...Change Lyfe for the better!!! Love you all.

  8. Went from a size 26 to a 18!!!!

  9. Life Is Great When You Are Living Healthy

  10. Mz Lyfe Changing

    2nd Months

  11. 1 day away from 2 month ( 40 lbs. since surgery, but total since journey 76 lbs. ). Just wanted you to really see the numbers. Funny I was at the scale max 330 lbs.

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