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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Goodnurseg

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    Guru in Training

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  1. Goodnurseg

    Surgery - December 27th!

    1/2 cup or 4 oz.
  2. Goodnurseg

    Its been 3 weeks!

    I'm 3 weeks out an down 15 pound since surgery. It may not sound like a lot but when have I ever lost that much in three weeks before? Never! :-) I measured before surgery and I wish everyone would have, it's great to know how many inches you're losing when the scale doesn't seem to move quick enough. Last time I measured I'd already lost 5.5 inches from my waist. I'm betting the inches have poured off you too!
  3. I was also sleeved the 27th. Sorry your having this difficulty. I can get the shakes down but really just don't like all the sweetness all day. I ordered som unflavored nectar protien powder from Amazon. It hasn't arrived yet but the reviews on it were pretty good. I'm hoping to be able to add it to broths and things that aren't sweet in order to help get my protein in. I've heard people suggest sippy cups so you don't take too much at one time?? Keep something with you at all times,, set a timer if you must to remind you to drink..... Hope you find the answer soon. Best wishes.
  4. Goodnurseg

    66 and sleeved!

    Good for you! Just an FYI, my numbers weren't going down as fast as I had expected but when I checked my measurements,,, WOW ! Don't get discouraged even if the scales move slow, our bodies do crazy things but it will all fall into place if you keep doing what your'e supposed too. Best wishes and good luck to you.
  5. Goodnurseg


    I thought I was just sick of all the milk type protein drinks and I'm not a vanilla fan but this is the last one I had so I tried it. Glad I did. It is sweet though.
  6. I'm not sure I should have started a new thread for this, but I HAD to tell everyone I've actually found a protein drink that really taste GOOD! Vanilla tort from the nectar line mixed with 8 oz skim milk. It's not just good for a protein drink it's good for non dieters as well. Seriously yummy!
  7. Goodnurseg

    Sleeved december 26, 2012

    What day were you sleeved?
  8. I sooooo know it's not funny but your Donald Trump scenario gave me a good chuckle. I hope you keep a good humor about this and it ends quickly.

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