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    senickisncis reacted to LaBelle509 in Holy Crap...   
    very happy to see things are moving along for you!
  2. Like
    senickisncis reacted to Failure in Holy Crap...   
    Yeah they suggest the almond milk over the soy milk. They told me not to mix a lot of soy milk in one time, but with PCOS I don't think I have much issue with having "too much" estrogen as we are lacking a bit of it, lol.
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    senickisncis reacted to Patrick Curl in Holy Crap...   
    I read that soy milk has estrogen in that can hold on to fat, one glass a day is good, but I'd mix it up a bit - I bought this delicious almond milk - it's called "So Delicious - Almond Milk Plus" it has added protein as a bonus - like 5 grams of protein, so will help get that extra protein in, and it only has 1 grams of carbs, and 40 calories, and 2 grams of fat, very low sodium too. Gives my choco-coconut protein powder mix a nice nutty flavor.
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    senickisncis reacted to TheCurvyJones in 39 Days... Excited?   
    Totally1 Not only do I probably know more about nutrition than they do, but I probably eat better as well. I know all about low fat low carb high low glycemic superfoods that rev your metabolism.... so while you much on Cheetos and ham with mayo on white bread when I've eaten a grilled chicken salad with olive oil and lemon juice every single day for lunch this week--- save your lecture about 'just eating less and exercising more'. If 'Put the Fork Down' worked, we would all be thin.
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    senickisncis reacted to JennieDK in 39 Days... Excited?   
    Your entry is really insightful. So much of it I can completely understand. I was recently at a meeting at my church for kindergarten parents, during which they talked about nutrition. When they talked about families that are overweight, they made it sound like we sit around eating cookie dough and laying around in our pajamas all day. I hardly have the time to do everything I need to do on a daily basis, yet I am known to hit the gym at 4:30 in the morning or 9:30 at night. People don't get it. I'm tired of people seeing my weight as a character flaw.
    Good luck for you! Keep us posted!
  6. Like
    senickisncis reacted to TwinsMama in Protein Shakes & Feeling Full   
    Good idea to eat a meal at lunch and shake for dinner.
    There are about 34 carbs in the shake. That could be high. I normally do peaches (keep me full longer than strawberries my fave). I'll play around with not adding the fruit and see what happens.
    My Nut told me to eat at least 3 servings of fruit a day so I've been trying to add them to something so I don't get bored.
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    senickisncis reacted to melinda48 in Protein Shakes & Feeling Full   
    How many carbs are in the shake after you add the fruit, yogurt etc...Maybe that particular mixture has a little to much sugar? I know I'm that way as far as if I eat anything early in the day that has too much sugar, I'm starving by 1 or 2.
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    senickisncis reacted to Traci J. in Protein Shakes & Feeling Full   
    Have a good lunch and do your 2nd shake for dinner
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    senickisncis reacted to TheCurvyJones in Dropped The Bomb....   
    December 21st. I will definitely post about how things are going!
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    senickisncis reacted to funinthesun00 in Dropped The Bomb....   
    Lol. This is why I have only old my mom and my husband. What is your surgery date? Would you mind telling me about your experience afterwards, since i'll be right behind you?
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    senickisncis reacted to TwinsMama in Calorie Counting   
    Good idea. High protein foods are a good option. I haven't had jerky in forever. I'm going to check that out.
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    senickisncis reacted to TwinsMama in Calorie Counting   
    Great idea, didn't think about that!
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    senickisncis reacted to TheCurvyJones in Dropped The Bomb....   
    That's awesome that she's so supportive! People are actually kind of ticking me off. "You did research this, right? Are you going to be able to let anyone know how you're doing?"
    Naw, I just picked a guy out of the phone book in some 3rd world country and decided to let him poke some holes in me and mess around all up in my guts and I also decided to spend 2-3 times as much as other people to have it done, just for the heck of it!
  14. Like
    senickisncis reacted to funinthesun00 in Dropped The Bomb....   
    I'm also going to Dr. Alvarez. I am scheduled for January 18th. I told my mom in sort of a tricky way. First when I told her I was looking into this surgery with a local Dr. I then casually mentioned that there's a doctor who'd I really like to go to, who is the best and wrote a book about it, but I just didn't know. I mentioned that the VSG is the only surgery he does and that he won't even do lapbands anymore because of the complications that go with the band. She asked more about the the doc I mentioned. I then explained that he is in MX and everyone just raves about him, but I didn't know about going to MX. I then threw in that not only is he better and more experienced, but he's also less expensive than this local doc I was considering. She said, she'd go to MX to the better doctor. I couldn't believe it! Never in a million years did I think my mother would be supportive. She is very afraid of me becoming a diabetic and having to have shots the rest of my life.
    At first she thought I was rushing into it, but when I told her I was looking into the lapband 5 years ago, but after researching it, I decided against it because of the complications, she realized how long I have been struggling and researching this. She was adamently opposed to the lapband. I read lots of posts to her from people on this board (and reviews of Dr. Alvarez) and it seemed to convince her. I feel incredibly lucky to have her support!
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    senickisncis reacted to Simply Samantha in Calorie Counting   
    I like to snack on baybel light cheese and beef jerky. Neither are my favorite food so it limits the snack altogether
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    senickisncis reacted to LezzieLez in Calorie Counting   
    Congrats for eating healthy as well! I find it hard to beat mid-day cravings.
  17. Like
    senickisncis reacted to LezzieLez in Calorie Counting   
    Be careful with bringing snacks in as well if you are a snacker. I have to limit what I bring inbecause if I bring in 3 days worth of snacks, I can eat it in 2. I leave oatmeal (with less sugar) packets and sugar free applesauce. These are my least favorite snacks so I am less tempted to eat them all in one day.
  18. Like
    senickisncis reacted to TwinsMama in Tempted To Diet To Lose More Pre-Op   
    Thanks for your comment DaybyDay. I'm probably going to be Feb too. I love the Egg Face blog. I never saw that quote, I like it.
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    senickisncis reacted to DayByDay in Tempted To Diet To Lose More Pre-Op   
    Good for you. The more you lose now the less you have to lose later. I have also set some goals for myself. I'd like to lose about 23lbs that would put me down about 53 pounds before surgery. Just two difficult months to get through. My surgery will probably be in February. Just checked the last item off my todo list so now I just need to get a firm date.
    I also worry about doing the surgery and not make my goal or able to maintain. My fav quote, "At any given moment you have the power to say: this is NOT how the story is going to end." - Egg Face
  20. Like
    senickisncis reacted to TwinsMama in Tempted To Diet To Lose More Pre-Op   
    TheCurvyJ wow..you are down to only 8 lbs left before your personal pre-op goal? Fantastic! I'm glad I'm not the only one who set my own goal. Good for you for sticking to it and making it. Wow...just wow! Great job!
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    senickisncis reacted to TwinsMama in Tempted To Diet To Lose More Pre-Op   
    LezzieLez I agree, wow, you already have your date, that's great! If I could get under 300 I would be glad. Good luck to you and yes, making the changes now seems like it would make for a smoother post-op process. You've given me motivation I needed today. Thanks for that!
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    senickisncis reacted to TheCurvyJones in Tempted To Diet To Lose More Pre-Op   
    Yes, just for lighter weight on my bones and feeling more comfy on the plane, I want to be under 240 when I hit the table. 8 lbs to go. Whatever I lose after that is gravy but I want to see 239 or lower when I get on the plane in December.
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    senickisncis reacted to LezzieLez in Tempted To Diet To Lose More Pre-Op   
    For myself, my goal is to be under 300lbs as well before my surgery 2/21. I am starting slowly - making more conscious efforts to substitute the horrible foods I love with the healthier foods I love. I also started strength training and will continue that well after my surgery.
    Part of my worries is regaining the weight afterwards. I feel that self control is a strength that we have to build/ exercise to see its full potential so why not start now?
  24. Like
    senickisncis reacted to Threetimesacharm in Question For Veterains And Confession   
    Measuring is good, put your food in a small bowl and use small(baby) utensils. You have to consciously be aware of how you are eating. Deliberately put your fork down between each bite. If you can do something else while eating read, watch TV. Good Luck you can do it!
    I think in the long term if you will continue to eat fast and when you can handle more food you will then start eating too much.
  25. Like
    senickisncis reacted to sheila2050 in 1St Surgeon Visit   
    Best of luck, keep us posted. Is your surgeon qualified to handle the extra risks you describe?

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