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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    slimagainsoon reacted to Taradawn15 in Can't stop losing   
    Hey Everyone,
    It's been forever since I've been on here, but I just wanted to see if anyone else has had this same issue. I'm starting to get frusterated. I'm 17 months out from my surgery and was very fortunate to have had a mostly smooth weight loss journey along the way. A few hick ups here and there but for the most part a very successful journey, physically and emotionally. However right now where I am struggling is with stopping the weightless. It's so weird to be on the other side of this weight issue, first overweight and now underweight. Let me tell you people are just as cruel when your underweight as they are when your overweight! I've had a very stressful last 3 months with health issues with my children the Army moving our family and my husband coming home after a year gone to Korea. With that stress I have found it easier to avoid food instead of running to it when I'm stressed. Now I clean or workout when I'm overly stressed. Anyways I had stalled out at about 140, which was 10 pounds below my doctors goal for me and 5 pounds above my personal goal. However I was very happy with it, a size 7/8 looked great on me. I sat there for about 3-5 months and was hoping to stay there. I upped my calorie intake to 1100-1200 a day and was doing good, till January when I moved and, well life happened. I've tried to keep my calorie intake up but most days I get between 900 and 1000 a day, and my weight is continually falling the last 3 months. I've lost 30 pounds, 10 pounds a month which is my fastest weight loss ever and I am now underweight and way to skinny am I hate it. I am a size 2-4 which is smaller than I was when I was in JR High my husband is not thrilled with it as I am super boney, my ribs are constantly showing and my hips jut out like crazy. He's constantly afraid of hurting, which he accidentally does all the time. It's super frusterating, have any of you ever experienced this? How did you get the weight back on afterward? Any suggestions/support would be super appreciated. Thank you all and I hope you are all still enjoying your journey.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to Katcloudshepherd in I just want to cry   
    So for 18 days you lost 1.8 pounds A DAY!
    Then your body probably said : "WHOA--wait a minute here!"
    Take it one day at a time and do what you are supposed to do and your body will likely begin loosing again.
    You didn't gain all your weight in 18 days did you?
    It still takes time to lose it even with weight loss surgery.
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    slimagainsoon got a reaction from Disabledaccount in Don't you hate when doctors blame everything on your weight?   
    I suffer with chronic back pain due to degenerate disk disease. Before I lost my weight, the doc encouraged me to lose weight and I would feel better. Ok, why do My back feel just as bad as when I had the weight on. Anyway, just needed to vent as I take these pain meds and put this ten unit on.
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    slimagainsoon got a reaction from Disabledaccount in Don't you hate when doctors blame everything on your weight?   
    I suffer with chronic back pain due to degenerate disk disease. Before I lost my weight, the doc encouraged me to lose weight and I would feel better. Ok, why do My back feel just as bad as when I had the weight on. Anyway, just needed to vent as I take these pain meds and put this ten unit on.
  5. Like
    slimagainsoon got a reaction from Disabledaccount in Don't you hate when doctors blame everything on your weight?   
    I suffer with chronic back pain due to degenerate disk disease. Before I lost my weight, the doc encouraged me to lose weight and I would feel better. Ok, why do My back feel just as bad as when I had the weight on. Anyway, just needed to vent as I take these pain meds and put this ten unit on.
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    slimagainsoon got a reaction from GoldyGirl in Stomach Hurts, Need advice AND Your thoughts.   
    . I am ten months out now, but when I was four month out my stomach would hurt so bad and constant throwing up. I had to have another upper GI scope. My sleeve had to be stretch due to my sleeve being too tight. I pray that meds or stretching of your sleeve will help.keep us updated! Praying for you!
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    slimagainsoon got a reaction from TexasMiss in Finally joined the club...arrived at Onderland!   
    Congrats! Way to go!
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    slimagainsoon reacted to CowgirlJane in Head space / feelings about weight loss and maintenance   
    Globe... back in the last century... 1984 to be exact, I was one of about 3 women in my entire college campus that used the weight room at general times. That was the time when they still told women that lifting would make you heavy and ugly... It was intimidting to say the least but I liked it and even then recognized that muscle mass would help with weight management and that being stronger was a good, not a bad thing.
    I had taken a female only PE class to learn how to use the equipment and it was all set up for us. Anyway, one time during "open gym" I needed a plate moved that had always been in the right place... I went to lift it and it didnt even budge... me with 30 or so guys in there and I felt about 2" tall. I decided to skip that exercise..and just pretend it didn't happen...haha...I was so self conscious you cannot even fathom. I was fit but had such low self esteem, i scarcely felt entitled to be there... Anyway this super hot guy casually walks over, picks that plate up with one hand and moved it where I needed it and walked away. I KNEW everybody was watching every move I made but at that moment I realized that although I may have been unusual, I wasn't necessarily unwelcome. It changed my attitudes about being there. I eventually got to benching 100+ and only trusted guys to spot for me due to strength issues - and I never had a workout partner, I would just ask any dude standing around and was NEVER turned down.
    Sadly my own emotional issues didn't let me overcome and deal with the unfamiliar attention I received elsewhere...and I did regain... but that is a different story - the gym became quite comfortable.
    I think .. and pardon me for being so forward to say this... but I think you are creating obstacles that are only partially true in realtity, but 100% true in your own head. My sons are 21 and 24 and while they say funny things about women at times, this generation has been raised with a different sensibility. I am sure there are plenty of jackasses.... but I also bet you can find someone to spot for you as needed and would welcome you - even if not a regular workout buddy.
    So, one thing I love about being 49... many, I go around like I own the place everywhere I go...haha. I no longer feel that smallness and unimportantness that I felt as a young woman so often. A male friend of mine told me that women seem to find their own at about 40.... and he may be right. I sure hope future generations find it younger cuz life is better when you feel entitled to live it fully!!!
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    slimagainsoon reacted to feedyoureye in Almost 9 months out. Opinions on going back on a full protein shake diet for a few weeks?   
    I still use shakes two or three times a week, but think real varied food is always best. I try and eat food that I want to eat after goal as well, just a little less until I get there. You have to do what you think is best, but you are so close to goal, why eat artificially to get there? It may take you a few weeks longer eating real whole food....
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    slimagainsoon reacted to RJ'S/beginning in be honest   
    It is a very long story....I got a leak and had surgery to clean it up...They induced a comma.. I was in it for 19 days...I woke up and could no longer walk or move and could not talk because they put a trakia in so I could breath...
    I got a category 5 ulcer on my butt from the comma and then I was soon moved to another floor...out of ICU ..There they looked after me and I ended up with 10 surgeries altogether as they were trying to repair the leak which would not heal.....Finally after 4 and a 1/2 months when everything else failed I had a surgery where they gave me both the sleeve and bypass......I had to lean to walk and talk and write again.....I have 12 incisions where most people have 2-5....I am still being treated for the ulcer on my butt almost 11 months later
    I lost all my hair as I was fed by IV for 5 months...and nobody told me I did until I saw it in the mirror at home....They even had to reteach me how to eat and swallow....I became addicted to pain killers and a detox Doc helped me through that.....
    This is just a small overview of some of the things that I went through.....
    But!!!!!!!!! I would do it all over again if I had to..I am so much better then I was before surgery....i can do so much more and the little things make all of it worth it for me....
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    slimagainsoon reacted to mom2five in 8 Months out, 131 pounds down, 18 more to goal with a pic   
    Just a quick update. I had surgery January 23, 2013. I weighed 274 and am 5 ft tall. Now, a little over 8 months out, I've lost 131 pounds and have 18 pounds to go to my goal! I weigh 143 right now. I'm really excited! I'm still not used to being smaller and I really don't see myself as being as small as I am until I see pictures! I feel great and have no health issues anymore! Love my sleeve!
    Here's a before/now pic
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    slimagainsoon got a reaction from A_ReNUDE_me in Too Small :(   
    It will level out! If you feel that you have lost too much you can increase your calories. However, its good to lose an extra twenty once you near goal because my surgeon told me that after five years its a fifty percent chance the weight can come back on. Noooo, I do not want to go back to the plus sizes. I am enjoying wearing size twelve. People keep saying don't lose no more, like I got control of how much to lose. However, I want to wear size ten. Good luck you will be fine, just keeping eating healthy and getting your exercise in. You can still have curves and be slim.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to Snufflegus in No soda? Need suggestions...   
    I gave up sodas about 8 years ago, at first I switched to the Walmart brand flavored waters (for the carbonation) about a month after that those were making me sick and I switched to diet lemonade, unsweetened teas, etc. to this day (pre surgery of course) I would take a sip of my hubby's soda to take a pill or it was the only thing in the car (during drives) and it would upset my stomach....so of course after surgery I don't even look at it!
  14. Like
    slimagainsoon reacted to royalsecret in 9 month check-in   
    Hi December Sleevers. I am so happy I made the decision to have this surgery! I am down 72 lbs., from 235 to 163. Went from a size 18 to a size 10 and feeling great. I have 13 lbs. till I hit my goal. :-)
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    slimagainsoon reacted to scarbedazzles in 9 month check-in   
    I didn't really get an "approved" vite list but I'm only four weeks post-op and doing Gummy multivites, gummy Calcium with D3, gummy B12, and a prilosec (Omeprezole) capsule daily. I've lost 29 lbs so far and haven't had a problem with the vites.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to Justinh125 in PLEASE HELP! Serious Advice Needed!   
    Different people seem to shrink down at different rates. It doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong. It's also important to remember that ghrelin isn't the only hormone that regulates hunger. It's one of them, and this surgery does seem to decrease levels of it. But scientists have shown that when you decrease one hormone, frequently others "take up the slack" so to speak.
    I still feel hunger, and sometimes it's a pretty strong feeling of hunger. But I've found I seem to do fine as long as when I'm hungry, I eat the foods my doc wants me to eat. Small portions make me feel full, and then I'm not hungry anymore.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to Veruca Salt in PLEASE HELP! Serious Advice Needed!   
    As you stated it is not like before surgery. I don't get hungery but I feel very empty inside. I have to remind myself to eat because I work 3rd shift and it makes it hard to eat right. As for the first part of the questions, You will hit stalls and you may see that even though you don't see the scale falling does not mean you are not losing. You can lose inches and not lose wieght. I am going to say that is what is happening. Don't panic just yet. You can up your Protein, increase your calories, and start exercising. At 2 months out I was back to full time exercise. Try going out and walking.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to ebonisekim in Best and worst "compliments"   
    My best compliment was why you look great and them thinking a had a Tummy Tuck because stomach is flat .. The worst was that school started and my son bus driver had seen me the whole summer break if course the first day she seem me she said oh my stop rt there with the weight loss if you lose any more you will look anorexic .. Lol I took it as a compliment because I think she was just in shock about how much weight came off by the summer .. I been call a lot a names and skinny is one I could get use to
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    slimagainsoon reacted to stomlin75 in Way behind the 8 ball   
    I used to be on here all the time - back when I first had my surgery and a few months post op. I've slowly started coming back due to the realization that I haven't lost anything for at least 5 months and it's because I haven't been in the game at all. I am seeing posts from people that had surgery around the same time as me or much later, that weighed more than me at date of surgery, and they have reached far and beyond my wildest expectations for myself. I just wanted to get below 200 and if I had stayed on plan, I would've accomplished this. The thing is, I can eat almost exactly like I used to and I do feel hunger and I am addicted to sugar/carbs. It is nothing for me to put away a donut and not have a single feeling of fullness. This has been the case for a while now and I know that the same obstacles that prevented weight loss for me prior to surgery still exist post surgery - mostly head hunger and telling myself that I will "get back on it" tomorrow. It's a terrible cycle that perpetuates itself over and over as I give in to a craving or deceive myself into thinking that it's ok because I did lose "some of the weight". I just realized that the only goal I set for myself was to get below 200 but maybe breaking it down might make things a little more doable and I will feel less like a failure. To those who have accomplished their goals, great work and let me know if you have any tricks or tips that you could share. For those who might be in the same boat as me, I feel your pain and maybe it's time today to do something about it. Yesterday was yesterday and tomorrow is a long way off so for now, I am focusing on my actions today.
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    slimagainsoon got a reaction from 1gorgeousgodzilla in PLEASE HELP! Serious Advice Needed!   
    Hello, I was the same way, I am nine months out. My surgeon said that to eat every two hours. He said more is less. Eat six small meals and get your fluids in. It works! You are doing fine and be sure to walk or some form of exercise several times a week. No worries the weight will come off! At times you will have a stall. Try not to weight daily. Maybe once a week? Yes, the hungry pains will come back and sometimes ai may drink Water or a Protein drink if I am not hungry!
  21. Like
    slimagainsoon reacted to Brighteyes in Does anyone feel like this is just TOO good?   
    Celebrate your success. And when you can, be a blessing to others.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to MaryRS in Here we go! Would love some wisdom!   
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    slimagainsoon reacted to Sassygirl06 in Best scale   
    I am a firm believer in not weighing in very often. I measure instead...also I go by how my clothes fit. Those numbers on the s ale can drive you crazy! When you are working out, and eating more Protein you can easily not drop any weight, but be losing inches because of exchanging fat for muscle. While a pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh just that...a pound, the pound of muscle takes up less space, and therefore your number on the scale may be the same, but the size you are can change. I'm not sure if I am making any sense....but that is what I go by. Good luck to you!
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    slimagainsoon got a reaction from lilbearzmom in Calling all coffee drinkers   
    I use sugar free creamer! Love it!
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    slimagainsoon reacted to DUBrookie03 in 9 month check-in   
    Congrats to you all! I will hit 9 months on 09/24. I have so far lost 120 lbs. I am only 13lbs away from my final goal. I went from a size 22 to a size 8!!!
    I have a ton of energy, can pretty much eat what I want. Best thing I've ever done in my life.

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