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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About shastadaisy

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    Expert Member

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  1. shastadaisy

    closer and closer...

    Wow - well I am glad they did - they found stuff on the tests they wouldn’t have otherwise - you were the insurance expert - surprised you didn’t make a request for it - I NOW KNOW how critical it is and how important to my survival/health and outcome... Do some research on sleep on how the body fights loosing weight and enlighten yourself.
  2. shastadaisy

    closer and closer...

    Pulmonology is the b***h - they will make you do a sleep study because of your bmi.
  3. & I’m too damn old to participate in playground games.
  4. Feel like I’ve had enough judging in a lifetime of fat I support whatever decision anyone makes - and I expect that same consideration. In fake online life - and real life
  5. THANK YOU - I’m fairly confident I’ll have to have this - you just made me feel 1000% better.
  6. I’m just going to say it. I’m outspoken myself and through this journey (I’m 4 months of my required 6 month pre-surgical appointments) Why do some people find it necessary to vilify this surgery or that surgery? We are a community of like people. We, saying this as a fat person, are constantly vilified by others - if your not - believe me - someone at the grocery store just shook their head - someone at the gas station chuckled under his breath - someone....well you get it. So how come here - this place which I think is GLUE - are people so high and mighty that they can say what surgery is good or bad for others? Be open to the POSSIBILITY that lies here - be open to this place that is open and sharing and non-judgemental. Be open to GLUE. I feel better saying this. It may never be read by anyone else - I found this place in my journey - I am going to soul search and figure out whats best for me and honor the medical professionals expertise. I have many degrees - one of them is NOT medical. jumped off my soapbox.
  7. shastadaisy

    Why Can We Not Drink With Straws?

    they say it adds air to our pouch
  8. shastadaisy

    Halloween Candy Is Talking To Me Again

    At our school they can donate it to the military - have them pick out a few of their favorites and ship it all off overseas... just a recommendation -
  9. shastadaisy

    Breastfeeding After Vsg?

    what about the narcotics your on from surgery?
  10. shastadaisy

    289 Lbs To Go. Is It Even Possible?!

    What makes you so sure you will have dumping? 3 friends who have ZERO dumping whatsoever.
  11. shastadaisy

    Dr. Oz And Chris Powell

  12. My surgeon does rny/vsg/band I think the argument is going to be rny because of a) amount to loose and 2) t2dm - and now I’m doing my research - the long term studies can’t be very long term as the vsg has only been 4-5 years approved therefor result studies about the remission of t2dm aren’t as readily available - whereas rny has a much longer history and therefor they can prove that result - I’m conflicted
  13. Did your team try to encourage you to do rny? How did you decide?
  14. shastadaisy

    Annoyed With Questions

    I love this and will use this for the rest of my life. What a great comment.
  15. shastadaisy

    Annoyed With Questions

    I hate saying this - but maybe it’s a man or woman thing - I don’t see many men offended about their age or weight - we as women are conditioned -- just look at tv.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
