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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from Cinders in BC Sleevers   
    Cinder sounds like you are doing great. Keep it up. Mostly I am doing good and hoping/wishing to lose at a faster past as I am rather impatient.
    I am now eating a little more real food such as Soups, crackers, toast but in limited amounts. I am having a hard time knowing when to stop and than 30min later I am stuffed and ill because I ate too much. A bit of a learning curve I guess.
  2. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from Tbrendon in Any September People   
    Shewolf thanks for the pep talk, my medical does not cover a therapist, I am kinda broke as I was self pay on the surgery. May 1st is tomorrow so I will start a new month with a new diet plan.
  3. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from ArtSong in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Artsong; So Sorry to hear you need more surgery to fix the problem. Glad to hear you now know the problem. Wishing you the best to come.
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    Jordan1923 got a reaction from ibehere10 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Hi Artsong
    I know how you feel I am right there with you. I have lost 30 pounds since day of surgery and will be hitting 6 months on the 24th of March. I too thought it would be a lot faster loss. I too am wondering what the hell I spent me my money for.
    The one thing that really bugs me is in the Morning I weigh 118.7 and in the evening I weigh between 3 and 5 pounds more, making it really difficult to decide how much I have lost. I am now not counting losses unless it is also a loss in the evening.
    I have been exercising regularly and starting keeping a journal again. I am having trouble keeping on the presurgery diet so I have given it up for now. Hopefully with counting each and everything again I will be able to see whats wrong.
    on a more postiive note congrats to everyone else most of you are doing fabulous.
  5. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from newgrandmother in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    newgrandmother thanks for the info. I will try and remember to only grab healthy Snacks.
    It is quite motivating to see everyone else doing great, it makes me think I can too.
  6. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from newgrandmother in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    newgrandmother thanks for the info. I will try and remember to only grab healthy Snacks.
    It is quite motivating to see everyone else doing great, it makes me think I can too.
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    Jordan1923 got a reaction from tami88 in In Mexico ..OCC   
    Congratulations Tami glad to hear all went well.
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    Jordan1923 got a reaction from newgrandmother in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Happy Dance day 2 of returning to the pre surgery diet. I have broken the 200lb mark which for some reason was really important to me. I couldn't believe it. I woke up this morning and weighed myself stark naked 198.1. So I went and had my Breakfast drink, went to the pool for an aqua class. Came home and weighed myself dressed with shoes and weighed 199. I want it to be nightime now so I can weigh myself to see if after the whole day I still weigh less than 200lb. I am so excited. Thanks everyone and greenfamily for just telling me to do it. Exciting to see what the next few days will be.
  9. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from newgrandmother in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Happy Dance day 2 of returning to the pre surgery diet. I have broken the 200lb mark which for some reason was really important to me. I couldn't believe it. I woke up this morning and weighed myself stark naked 198.1. So I went and had my Breakfast drink, went to the pool for an aqua class. Came home and weighed myself dressed with shoes and weighed 199. I want it to be nightime now so I can weigh myself to see if after the whole day I still weigh less than 200lb. I am so excited. Thanks everyone and greenfamily for just telling me to do it. Exciting to see what the next few days will be.
  10. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from nurseghana in In Mexico ..OCC   
    I also still get dizzy sometimes. But is gets less and less as time goes on.
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    Jordan1923 got a reaction from N/A in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    well said green and parker
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    Jordan1923 got a reaction from tami88 in Dr. Ariel Ortiz - Check list - Adivce   
    If you are crossing the border at TJ/San Diego make sure you have a rolling suitcase as you will have to walk through the border on the way back with your bag
  13. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from tami88 in Dr. Ariel Ortiz - Check list - Adivce   
    Hi Tami
    I was sleeved by Dr Ortiz in Sept. They pretty much supply everything you need. I would suggest a book to read and toothbrush/paste. They supply the gown/houscoat/slippers/underwear while in clinic. For the hotel and wear to clinic loose fitting clothes such as elastic waist pants/sweat pants and t-shirts to walk around in. You will need money or charge card to purchase meds before you leave the clinic to take while staying at the hotel.
  14. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from N/A in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    what is pcos I have only lost 25 lbs since day of surgery on Sept 24/12 I am the slowest. 22lbs lost prior to surgery.
    I have been stalled for over a month. Real bummer. I was at the doctor yesterday and he said most people lose to quickly and that causes Hair loss and illness so I should try to lose slowly but not stalled. Well I agree but easier said than done so I am finding out.
    But the rest of you seem to be losing quite quickly which I would prefer.
  15. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from Velena in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Thanks for the encouragement on my new bike. I will have to buy a helmut, our laws say a helmut must be worn. Haven't had a chance to shop yet. Hopefully this week sometime.
    You are doing really well down 70lbs since Sept. I am a little slower than that, haven't reached a 30lb loss yet since my surgery day Sept 24. I ate way too many sweets over Christmas.
    Well on to the New Year and hopefully better results.
  16. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from Velena in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    brandywine click on the follow this topic and you will receive emails that post the link to the stream.
    I weighed myself today and oh no I gained 3 lbs since xmas christmas morning. What the heck, too much nibbly candy and treats around here I think.
    My New Years Resolution is to start a more serious exercise program. I got a new bicycle for Christmas. I wonder if still know how to ride one, it has been many a year.
    Happy New Years all.
  17. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from kparker0501 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Merry Christmas was great, hope all yours was. Losing slow but still losing yeah!
    Got a new digital scale for Christmas, it says I am 201 first thing in the morning. Getting excited I so want to break that 200 make in the evening weighin.
  18. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from kparker0501 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Merry Christmas was great, hope all yours was. Losing slow but still losing yeah!
    Got a new digital scale for Christmas, it says I am 201 first thing in the morning. Getting excited I so want to break that 200 make in the evening weighin.
  19. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from kparker0501 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Merry Christmas was great, hope all yours was. Losing slow but still losing yeah!
    Got a new digital scale for Christmas, it says I am 201 first thing in the morning. Getting excited I so want to break that 200 make in the evening weighin.
  20. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from kmoore in 8 weeks out and feeling doubt...   
    My surgery was Sept 2/12 and I am down 27 pounds and Dr said it was fine as long as you are losing. I seem to hold a particular weight for a few wks and then lose a couple. At least that is how the last 10lbs have been
  21. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from kparker0501 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Merry Christmas was great, hope all yours was. Losing slow but still losing yeah!
    Got a new digital scale for Christmas, it says I am 201 first thing in the morning. Getting excited I so want to break that 200 make in the evening weighin.
  22. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from AStephenson in Dr Ariel Ortiz- November   
    Hi Christy an astephenson
    The shuttle will take you or guest back and forth to the hotel whenever you like during the day, my sister left at dinner via shuttle , she was hungry and wanted to eat at the hotel, their is no place for guests to sleep overnight. The clinic is locked up tight, so only the staff can get in. The room has a comfy chair but it is not a fold out bed.
    No need to worry about the hotel, it is very safe and very nice. My sister came with me and stayed by herself at the hotel and even walked around the neighbourhood by herself during the day. The hotel has lots of staff and lots of security. We were not nervous at the hotel at all.
  23. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from DeletedAccount5000 in Dr Ariel Ortiz- November   
    Hi KSGirlmomo
    Bring loose fitting clothes. I brought way to many clothes. I spent most of my time in my pjs in the room or wearing my most baggy capris and t-shirt.
    Yes you will have a drain.
    Sunday: I flew down to San Diego landed at 545pm driver picked me up outside rather than at the info desk as posted. His sign was taped to window of Van this was annoying because I was waiting inside and looking for a person holding a sign. Then I remembered to turn on my cell and he has sent me a msg telling me to come outside. He then drove us to Marriott where would be staying for 4 nights well me for 3 because I would spend 1 night at the clinic.
    Arrived at clinic about 7:15 am the hotel shuttle drove us there. Gloria at the front desk speaks perfect english and so do the doctors. Some of the nurses have a little trouble.
    They had me meet with the nutritionist Dr. then the cardiologist for ekg. they weighed me, xray, asked more medical history, took a bunch of blood for lab work, then they took me to my private room which does not have a washroom, shared washroon down the hall a few feet. The rooms are pretty nice and the whole place is very clean. Nurse gave me a gown to wear and little slipper booties so no need to bring your own night stuff other than a tooth brush/paste. If you are bringing a friend they can wait in your room and reas while you have your surgery or go downstairs for a coffee. After I was dressed in gown the Nurse but in an IV and an IV port in my hand to administer drugs.
    Then the two doctors Dr. Ortiz and Martinez who actuall do the surgery came and met me. Then the nurse took me into the operating room where a couple of anethesiologist were already prepping. They hooked me while introducing themselves and the next thing I remember I was back in my room and my sister was trying to wake me up. Throughout the rest of the day and night they come in and give you various types of medicine, pain, antibiotics etc. At one point they make you get up and walk around. I was fine so I just walked around to washroom and stuff on my own after that between nap. My sister returned to hotel about dinner time so she could eat there and spend the night. Hotel shuttle took her back.
    Tuesday: Doctor comes around and gives you a prescription for various meds that costs about 156.00 us dollars which you must buy before you leave clinic to have at hotel and take home with you. Nurse shows you how to empty drain on your own at hotel. Its easy. Shuttle back to hotel.
    Wednesday: Back to clinic to have dressing changed
    Thursday: Back to clinic to have drain removed and xray and leak test. Then waited around for driving to take me back to San Diego airport.
    The hotel gives you all the chicken broth and popsicles you want in room or in restaurant. I did some of both. They maids leave Water for you although they forgot a couple of time but we called and they brought it right up. My sister enjoyed the food at the restaurant and room service and the prices are reasonable. My sister is a bit of a candy addict, they didnt have much in the little store so she walked about 3 blocks up the hill to Walmart to stock up. The area around hotel seems pretty safe. The hotel has a nice pool area that we lyed around at for awhile but you cant swim with drain and the water is cold.
    Any questions just ask.
  24. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from Cinders in BC Sleevers   
    Cinder sounds like you are doing great. Keep it up. Mostly I am doing good and hoping/wishing to lose at a faster past as I am rather impatient.
    I am now eating a little more real food such as Soups, crackers, toast but in limited amounts. I am having a hard time knowing when to stop and than 30min later I am stuffed and ill because I ate too much. A bit of a learning curve I guess.
  25. Like
    Jordan1923 got a reaction from ksgirlmomof4 in Dr Ariel Ortiz- November   
    Just had my surgery with Dr Ortiz on Sept 24, when you arrive you will have a meeting with the nutritionist and she will give you all the post op diet information you need. They also sell Protein and Vitamins, however they dont push a particular brand, she just tells you how much protein and when to eat what.
    They preop diet is actually 2 different diets one is liquids only that must be followed for 9 days the other is a 14 day diet that is partial liquid and partial food such as green salad only and diet dinner like smart choice or lean cuisine. I did the 14 day diet because I wanted to be able to eat something.
    The last day is liquid only and then nothing 8-12 before surgery.
    Hope this helps

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