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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    anewme46 reacted to phatdivabbw in 4 Months Post-Op And Experiencing Pain   
    Thanks everyone! Pre-op and Post-op this site has been wonderful. We come here because we all are on a similar path. It helps me to hear if anyone else is experiencing the same issues I have. Ultimately, I will visit the doctor but I also feel a sense of support and encouragement.
    This can be a lonely road. My doctor didn't even know what SLIMES were. I had to explain its an internet term. Now he uses it when we meet. LOL
    Thanks everyone, Remember we are a TEAM! (TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MORE)
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    anewme46 reacted to DanaInNewOrleans in Wls Is Taking The Easy Way Out   
    Just last night I begged my husband not to tell his family about my decision to have this surgery. He was dumb.founded as to why I would feel this way.
    If people only understood. There is NOTHING easy about this. First, you have a person that has been tortured by the societal stigma of being fat. Being able to still face the world and all its prejudices takes a huge amount of courage. I know, I've been doing it since FIRST GRADE. But I persevered. Through my thin beautiful mother's disappointment in me, through elementary school, high school, college, professionally. Through my divorce and remarriage. Through medical diagnoses -- cancer, multiple sclerosis and lupus. Then you come to the decision to have SURGERY -- knowing the risks and the life changing consequences. But you are willing to risk your life and endure major, BODY/LIFE altering SURGERY for the chance to be finally be free of the self loathing and have peace in your soul.
    By the time you come to this decision you probably possess more courage and character than they could possibly understand and could possibly hope to possess.
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    anewme46 reacted to southernchic01 in Did/does Anyone Else Feel This Way?   
    Holy Crap! And I thought I was the only one! I am beginning my 4th week post op and down 16 lbs. I know...that is good...right? I have thought this very same thing over the last several days. Every time I eat something, I feel like it just don't go down right...wondering if somewhere down the line I have eat too much or if I have a leak when I get heartburn or if that basket of towels I lifted (that barely weighed 3 lbs) was too much...geesh...it's mind boggling what goes through our heads...wondering at what point I am going to break down and put that peice of pizza in the blender...LOL!...and wondering when I am going to sabotage this process. You are not alone in this, girl! I am just glad to know I am not rowing that boat all by myself! It helps to know that!
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    anewme46 reacted to Joisey01 in Did/does Anyone Else Feel This Way?   
    I had a nightmare about this very thing. The only one who couldn't lose. I was ridiculed just as I was in Junior High. Thank you for putting this out there. You just made me feel a lot better that I'm not the only one thinking this won't work for me.
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    anewme46 got a reaction from DanaInNewOrleans in Did/does Anyone Else Feel This Way?   
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    anewme46 reacted to DanaInNewOrleans in Did/does Anyone Else Feel This Way?   
    These are my daily thoughts and conversations with myself (the VST names are fictitious!)
    You Dana are daydreaming if you think this will work.... Ha! Here you go again...thinking you can actually win this battle...
    NO really, look... FattyCathy lost 101 pounds in less than a year, SleevaDiva lost 92 pounds in 6 months, TubbyMummy lost 50 pounds in 3 months.. don't be ridiculous Dana, do you really think YOU will be able to lose that kind of weight? YOU are different...you are destined to stay fat and live a half life...those others must have something you don't.
    No really, this could be different. ......Could this possibly really actually be different? Maybe, yes, maybe it can... .... oh please, don't get your hopes up. You'll let them poke 5 holes in your stomach, blow it up like you're 7 months pregnant and then slice off of 90% of it. FOR NOTHING. You'll be throwing up, getting nausea inducing bloating off 3 green Beans and having to concentrate like it's a full time job on sip sip sip sip sip, chew chew chew chew, don't throw up, did you get your Protein in today?, maybe I have a leak, uh oh- that pureed egg salad Soup did not agree with me, trying Protein powder brand #63 --taking one sip and gagging -- and on to brand #64...., oh thank God, it's been 4 weeks-- I can finally eat the Gerber pureed liver and brussell sprouts- yum!!........... all of this will be for NOTHING, because you are delusional if you think YOU will finally shed the monster that has consumed your life for 40 years. YOU are destined to stay fat -- and your surgeon will be dumbfounded by the fact that YOU (the failure) are not losing weight...he'll think, well she must be sucking down Haagen Daz by the gallon every day... wow, what a failure...Never thought I'd find a fat person that could not lose weight with this... Dana Must Be the First Person In the World who has been an utter failure at not losing weight under starvation conditions.. yep, he'll find you out...you are just a failure.....now just go back to worrying that if you die at home in the shower the paramedics will have to lift your 260lb naked ass to load you and then the funeral home will have to special order an Elvis Presley casket...... but maybe, Oh please God, maybe this COULD work?
    And all of these thoughts are in just the first 9 minutes since I woke up....
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    anewme46 reacted to Butterthebean in Things You Will See After Surgery   
    I'm seeing more money in my wallet, but Sonic and Chick Fil-A are going out of business.
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    anewme46 reacted to jennrus in Things You Will See After Surgery   
    1. Your neck.
    2. Your collar and cheek bones.
    3. Your vagina (or penis) and not in the mirror!
    4. A towel wrapped all the way around you.
    5. People checking you out.
    6. A lower grocery bill.
    Add your new visions.
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    anewme46 reacted to sassypants in Milkshake?   
    Sometimes I don’t; get this site!
    Instead of jumping on people for perceived bad choices that they never even had why not suggest a healthy alternative and save said person from making a bad choice?
    I was one of the people who suggested a healthy milkshake alternative hardly anyone does this its instant BAD POSTER BAD NO BAD!
    Its happened before people have given a healthy option the Pasta thread is one mac n cheese another.
    How to make things you liked before but healthy now is far more constructive so why oh why is it an instant NO BAD! When there is no need to go there?
    Then the personal insults you have no idea what other things are going on in a person’s life what if they are sideburns but that’s a side effect to say pocs?
    It’s so crappy and rude to make personal insults on people who do not agree with you.
    Hey I have pocs and I have a tash and beard doesn’t make me a man but catch me on the right day and I am the bearded lady dose this mean you have the right to be rude to me and insult me for a medical condition?
    No it does not!
    No fat insults on this forum but everything else is up for grabs huh?
    btw i drink a shake every day it happens to be my Protein shake.< /p>
  10. Like
    anewme46 reacted to Penney in Milkshake?   
    I made a chocolate Protein Shake & put 2tbs of Chocolate pudding powder sf/ff. It was thick like a Milk shake, I could of blended ice in it & it would of been exactly like one!
  11. Like
    anewme46 reacted to Lissa in 2 Days Til Surgery Freakout!   
    Red, I'm a year out and 112 pounds lighter. I feel completely normal now, except for only being able to eat smaller amounts of food. VSG saved my life. That is my story and I'm thrilled with the results now!
  12. Like
    anewme46 reacted to Raine in Bariatric Surgery Do's And Don'ts   
    Well said LMD, well said. Whether you know it or not you are a mentor to many of us. Just saying
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    anewme46 reacted to alliecat1095 in Help, I Need To Know It Gets Better   
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    anewme46 reacted to joseph in Scared Of Disappointing People   
    Fu,ck people, you do this for your self, seriously.
  15. Like
    anewme46 reacted to Drewc577 in Less Than 48Hrs   
    Everything went well!! I was sleeved yesterday @ 0730. Just started my 2oz of Water every 1hour. If all goes well ill start with Protein at 10:00
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    anewme46 reacted to princessrahniya in Surgery!   
    Bout to roll off to be sleeved! .....
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    anewme46 reacted to ProudGrammy in Quite Possibly The Best Day Of This Year So Far.....   
    this could be the best thing that will ever happen to you
    congrats on getting your approval so fast - i thought i heard someone crying with joy
    you are embarking on a wonderful journey to health, happiness - and a great new you
    good luck

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    anewme46 reacted to Justine13 in Quite Possibly The Best Day Of This Year So Far.....   
    I am officially APPROVED for surgery!!! Submitted on Monday and the fax came yesterday but the lady was on vacay. Shooting for a Sept 10 date! Soooooooo relieved. Aih an emotional time. Of course I cried . Life is good right now. Ahhhhh'
  19. Like
    anewme46 reacted to Ready4success in Looking For A Buddy With Similiar Stats   
    Hey everybody, I start my pre-op liquid diet this Tuesday 8/14 to be sleeved Tuesday 8/28. I'm looking for a buddy with similiar stats, and who has been or will be sleeved this month (August).
    I'm 5'7", and I weigh 282. My surgeon's goal weight for me is 160, so I have 122 pounds to lose. Anybody out there similiar? Thanks

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