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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    ArtSong got a reaction from Itsmedani in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    Looking umm down and seeing something other then my boobs or 1st and 2nd tummy roll
    Running down steps and not worrying that I'll set off a 5.0 quake
    Not making that sound when I get up out of a chair
    And not to forget that clapping sound that happens when I move fast and it's not my hands yeah never hearing that again will be nice lol
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    ArtSong got a reaction from mariamitani in Doing p90x again   
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    ArtSong got a reaction from Ms skinniness in Super Saturday Weigh In   
    Still 208
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  4. Like
    ArtSong reacted to Cinco in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Thanks for all the support! Those stalls are frustrating. I must have a very tiny sleeve , as I am lucky to get in 2-3 oz at time. I get my Water and Protein most days and have no room for anything else. I still have a long way to go ....
  5. Like
    ArtSong got a reaction from bdlok in I hurt my husband's feelings   
    Lmao no your not evil and my hubby does the same but his is a huge bag of Reesie cups EVERY week he Has a very athletic build 6"0 175lb and eats junk all the time. Lucky for him I could care less about junk chocolate food he brings home a bag of chips I'll kill him lmao
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  6. Like
    ArtSong reacted to greenfamily004 in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Good morning beautiful friends!!! How is everyone doing???
    Everyone sound in and give us an update please.
    Today I lost pound. ????????????????????
    I'm now at 145 ..... Day of surgery I was 215
    Every time I look in the mirror I am just shocked at the person looking back at me. Today as I glared at the reflection if myself my thoughts were wow..... This used to be a morbid obese person. I never thought it possible to feel the way I do today.
  7. Like
    ArtSong got a reaction from Wls4me in Vet's Forum   
  8. Like
    ArtSong reacted to Alikfield in Favorite workout videos   
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred
  9. Like
    ArtSong reacted to Lulu1513 in Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?   
    Thanks guys! Thinking back on it, the times I wasn't very tired after running were when I had a Protein Shake right after I was finished. I will make sure I have one every time from now on. Are the energy squares from nuts.com paleo friendly?
  10. Like
    ArtSong reacted to SleeveGirl-TX in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
    My latest updated photo:

    215 pounds down by CandyTX, on Flickr
    Life is very good.
  11. Like
    ArtSong reacted to rsmont77 in Super Saturday Weigh In   
    Finally hit 198 :-)
  12. Like
    ArtSong got a reaction from SleeveandRNYchica in Why am I a Slowwwwwwwww loser?   
    I know why I'm slow now and why I am getting a Rny in June. Long story short I need the Rny for the metabolic reset. 6 months only down 35 lbs and not lost weight for 12 weeks and 14 weeks for inches. It is so true that everyone is Different and we all work in odd different ways. After more test then I can count and doing my best and seeing Countless number of specialists I'm ok with knowing why and how to fix it.
  13. Like
    ArtSong got a reaction from Beautyandbeyond in Offended? Dating and weight.   
    Really this is even a question in your head?? He is to drunk to know what he said and sent. You are hot now you were hot before you are smart now and then O and you can do better Shop around men are like shoes you can always get a new one Don't ever forget that you have to be happy in every way if your not happy no one your with will be. Now get out there and try on some shoes make them work for it
  14. Like
    ArtSong got a reaction from Beautyandbeyond in Offended? Dating and weight.   
    Really this is even a question in your head?? He is to drunk to know what he said and sent. You are hot now you were hot before you are smart now and then O and you can do better Shop around men are like shoes you can always get a new one Don't ever forget that you have to be happy in every way if your not happy no one your with will be. Now get out there and try on some shoes make them work for it
  15. Like
    ArtSong reacted to wordygirl74 in Wakeup call today - even MORE sure I'm making the right choice!   
    I have 2 children, 6 and 3. Today my hubby and I took them to the zoo. We were getting ready to leave and my 3 year old son looked at me and said "You coming with us mama?", all wide-eyed and surprised. My husband is always taking the kids places and a lot of times I don't go with them. I just can't keep up with all of the walking. I end up with sore knees, ankles, back, out of breath and not enjoying myself at all. So to hear my 3 year old say that, and realize that at his young age he KNOWS when I'm not with them as a family... it broke my heart. I am scheduled for surgery 6/10 and I know it's the right thing for me. But hearing that from my son today... ugh... it just slayed me to the core. But now I know without a doubt this is the best thing for me AND my family!!
  16. Like
    ArtSong reacted to No game in Sueing!   
    Here you go,
  17. Like
    ArtSong reacted to Zen in Offended? Dating and weight.   
    Yeah I'm not too sure about this guy. He's not bright enough to realize he sent you the video with him talking about you in the background.
  18. Like
    ArtSong reacted to clk in She's here!   
    I've just been far too busy to post an update, so forgive the delay. We didn't just welcome a new baby, we're also still in the midst of an overseas move and life has been both crazy and sleep deprived.
    We welcomed our newest daughter Elisheva (Shevi) on 21 March. She was 6 pounds, 7 ounces and 20 inches long at birth. Delivery went as planned without complications. She's absolutely adorable, and she's been a lot of fun for our whole family since her arrival. If only we weren't so busy we'd enjoy this time a bit more! Our twins are adjusting well and my daughter, in particular, hovers constantly just thrilled to be a big sister.
    I have mentioned many times that my post-sleeve pregnancy was actually more challenging in some ways for me. I had more morning sickness, I was more tired, I had a great deal of trouble eating, etc. But I can say without a doubt that delivery and postpartum are totally different post sleeve, and I have never felt quite so good this quickly after a baby.
    Delivery went very quickly and smoothly and I never needed pain medications afterward. Within two days I felt tired but basically back to normal. Now that I'm twelve days out, the only difference in pre-pregnancy and post is that my body isn't back to normal yet. Recovery was about 1,000 times easier without the excess weight, which I found to be a pleasant surprise.
    I've also had a better milk supply than ever before. In the past I've struggled to maintain supply (I exclusively pump as every one of my four has had latching issues and pumping was easier for us) but this time around I'm pumping more than twice what I need each day and I already have a refrigerator and freezer full of milk. Again, this is different than before. I think it's mostly due to me just being a healthier person all around - I drink more Water, eat good foods, take my rest seriously (and whenever I can!) than I was in the past.
    As for weight I gained a total of 32 pounds with my pregnancy. My scale is currently packed in a box and I'm in a hotel room that lacks a scale (darn Army lodging) but as of the 28th I was already down 18 pounds. I'm sure when I'm able to weigh again I'll be down somewhere between 22-25 pounds. I am already able to wear my pre-pregnancy 5/6 jeans...but they would have a bit of unsightly muffin top just now so I'm waiting to actually wear them out. Other than that, I'm back to my usual sizes in everything but bras. Those I'll need to special order, apparently!
    I'll post some pictures of myself in a few days, but the reality is that even though I feel a bit messy and "loose" around the middle, there is no way I look like I just gave birth less than two weeks ago. If I had some decent Shapewear (again, packed in boxes) I think I'd be able to wear most of my pre-pregnancy wardrobe.
    In any case, we're all doing well we're just really busy. We're enjoying Elisheva as best we can with the stressful move, and we can't wait to be settled in our house so we can relax a bit!
    Attached are a few pictures of our adorable little princess.

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    ArtSong reacted to N/A in September Was Your Progress?   
    It's my six months surgiversary today. Wow! :)
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    ArtSong reacted to srpiccollo in Why am I a Slowwwwwwwww loser?   
    We all got in this mess by handling other issues incorrectly right? It might be different for everyone so why is it so hard to believe we will get out if it a little different too? Most of our doctors have different ideas on what stages we go to and how fast, etc. the reason they do not all agree is because they have all had different patients with different results. So do what your doctor tells you. If you can't seem to break a stall or want to try something that helped someone else- more power to you. If you want to eat around your sleeve (which I really hope not) then it is still your choice. No one here is your mom or your doctor. I do think some of these posts that are being negative are just concerned. Maybe they have been there and trying to help. Their scolding may not help you but if it helps someone from falling off the wagon then go them. Above all I am just a slow loser who wants to do the best I can and like all the advice I have seen. Sometimes I think how crazy someone people are just skip over their posts. That's just me and my 2 cents
  22. Like
    ArtSong reacted to Lulu1513 in Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?   
    I have a question for you all: is anyone else feeling really exhausted after running? Today I did week 6 day 1 and I honestly wanted to lay down and take a nap when I got home. I've noticed I've been feeling like this the last couple of weeks. I don't run very fast (4.5 mph) so I don't think I'm over doing it. I have been increasing my speed a little bit during the jogging portion to keep from getting bored but its not for very long and still not fast. As far as diet goes I'm eating about 800 calories, 80 grams Protein, about 80 oz Water, and less than 45 carbs a day. I'm only 4'11 so I think 800 calories is a lot. Any advice guys?
  23. Like
    ArtSong reacted to gmanbat in Can't.....stop....looking at this site!   
    I joined Jan. 13, 2012. Fascinating place. It's like an interactive two dimensional reality/game show... only everybody loses.
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    ArtSong reacted to SleeveandRNYchica in Why am I a Slowwwwwwwww loser?   
    Thanks Kirk, I have taken a backseat on the forums and have decided to take down all my personal data. I am so tired of seeing people get beat down. I do that to myself enough.
    On another note I have been researching subcutaneous fat for us pear shapes and talked to my NUT about it and we do tend to be slower losers. So yeah I have been cursed or blessed with hips and ass depending on how one views it. My husband would say blessed!
  25. Like
    ArtSong got a reaction from SleeveandRNYchica in Why am I a Slowwwwwwwww loser?   
    I know why I'm slow now and why I am getting a Rny in June. Long story short I need the Rny for the metabolic reset. 6 months only down 35 lbs and not lost weight for 12 weeks and 14 weeks for inches. It is so true that everyone is Different and we all work in odd different ways. After more test then I can count and doing my best and seeing Countless number of specialists I'm ok with knowing why and how to fix it.

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