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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About juny

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    Bariatric Guru

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  1. I was given 2. One for the night before, one the morning of. I was told if I had a reaction not to use the second pad so I didn't.
  2. well sometimes being the only sober one in the room is no fun...also i've seen a 2 year vet post on these forums how she's been a beer drinker 2-3 times a week. It has carbonation and she's fine. Be extremely careful on the first go around of course but have a little fun!
  3. juny

    Weight gain?

    When I left the liquids are started the softs/mushies. I gained 4lbs in a couple days.... i didn't think about it too much. Figured at some point the weight would come off. It has, it just took a week or so. I think its a time of the month thing, I seem to gain 2 weeks before and it takes a bit to lose it. The sleeve will work if you let it. Don't get hung up on the numbers.
  4. I was also on the long full liquid diet, 8 weeks as well. I was good for about 7 of them. I was switched to blendered pureed week 9 but my birthday was on the 1st so I opted to start my pureeds a week early. I think it's lead to a few problems with my choices. After 2 months with only a shake I'm at a complete loss as to what to do for my foods now. I'm also only supposed to eat 3 times a day, which bothers me. I'm more comfortable having 5-6 small meals. Since I'm mostly on soft food now, my carb count is higher and it looks like I've gained 2lbs on the scale because of it. Also I'm tired of being on a diet, or rather any kind of food restriction which I think is having me act out a bit foodwise. Water doesn't sit well on an empty stomach and after 2 weeks of clear liquids right after surgery I cannot tolerate any of the crystal lights, mio, gatorades,etc that are added to water. I don't drink tea or coffee. I do well w/ chocolate milk and my protein shakes but the shakes are a meal according to my nut so I can't have too many of those. And since I'm still on blendered I'm not really eating anything that keeps me any kind of full. Refried beans are still not on my list or I'd eat them, I can eat scrambled eggs but I don't have time before I go to work. I think my main issue right now is that I'm still not really able to establish a pattern of eating so I'm just feeling a loss as to what to do because I'm not really able to eat enough protein between 3 meals. I'm sure it will work out once I'm off restrictions but it will be another 6 weeks before that. I guess I just feel like I'm still in between the surgery and getting back to the regular every day business of food. I think right now my biggest issue is the water because, it doesn't sit well I'm not getting enough.
  5. A lot of people on this forum actually still take nsaids. there's some debate whether its ok after surgery. The reason is that dr's are worried about ulcers because of the way those drugs effect the stomach lining. My nurse did say that after a year occasional use is fine. There are a few people who take them on a daily basis w/o issues.
  6. I felt the same and it's totally normal to be freaked out by the enormous change you've just made to your life. It's a big adjustment, you're not even 2 weeks out right? the first 3 weeks were EXTREMELY challenging for me. I completely freaked myself out. I had crying jags and slept maybe 2 hours in an entire day. It was awful. But I got through it and so will you. It's amazing how much progress you can make in just 3 weeks. It's going to take time to get back to yourself but you will get there. Unfortunately there is no way to speed that part up. I can't even count how many people I told that I just wish it was 5 months from now. But I'm 2 months out and way better. The addict in me still wants to eat with wild abandon but I know it's never going to be like that again. At least I don't think it can to the degree it was.
  7. i also love posts like these. I didn't have the surgery to live on slices of turkey and cheese sticks for the rest of my life. 600-800 calories a day just was never me, anything less than 1000 and I just feel like I had no energy but couldn't sleep. My nut told me the Protein shake I chose was too high in calories. I ignored her advice, I know shame on me. Right now just w/ the shakes I'm getting in 600 calories a day and that's before about 400 calories of Soup for dinner. . The whole 600-800 calorie thing made me feel like I was screwing everything up right out of the gate. I'm transitioning to blendered/pureed food this week after 7 weeks of full liquids. If I stay w/in a couple hundred calories of 1000, I'll be happy. I'm just looking for smooth transitions that don't get me sick and keep my energy levels up.
  8. just my 2 cents Told my mom. she spent the entire time trying to talk me out of surgery until and including the day. I told my dad, I was going to chicago for a couple days.....yeah i live w/ both my parents. After surgery I had a few complications and stayed an extra couple days. My mom and I decided to tell my dad that I had a haital hernia repair. A few weeks later, he's figured out on his own that I had wls. We don't talk about it. He's not the parent he was before the stroke and I just don't feel like letting him in the door on that one. My mom has become the more hopeful one. She's so excited and thinks I now did the right thing. I spent a solid month out of my mind w/ worry and anxiety after surgery, wasn't sleeping at all. It was not a great time. But since coming out of that, I'm so much more myself and feeling pretty good about the future. You have a right to keep things private until you come to terms with this on your own time. You have a right be as private as you need to be until then. Telling them its gallbladder surgery is not the worst thing in the world and will give you the time you need to deal with the changes.
  9. I'm only 6 weeks post op now, still grieving. It probably doesn't help that I'm still on full liquids so nothing but Soups and Protein shakes. But it gets easier every day and I know I'll be able to get back to food again. Right now I'm craving fish and cauliflower and an egg broccoli thing i make...I have cheated on sweets, ie dairy queen chocolate ice cream, that passed fine. But right now I just want real food, no matter how little it is. Right now my biggest challenges are self sabotage and sense of frustration. I'm working on it w/ my therapist. HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend seeing a therapist to get you ready for surgery. Someone competent to your needs. I so wish I'd had it. When I had surgery, it was like falling off a cliff and it took me 3 weeks to walk out. I had crying jags, was only sleeping about 2 hours a day, and had panic attacks like you wouldn't believe. None of those things are me normally and it was hard to get through it by myself.
  10. juny

    eating too soon?

    what has your dr/nut said? They had me on clear liquids for 2 weeks, followed by 6 weeks of full liquids...which i'm still on. It's been difficult. Most people end up doing a 2x2x2 diet. 2 weeks clear, 2 weeks full, 2 weeks mushies to softs. I'd kill for some cauliflower and fish at this point.
  11. have you tried really thinning out your Protein and maybe making a protein fudgsicle? Even if it's not the amount of protein you need, it might be better than trying to dump a whole lot of protein in your system at once. The first month sucks and there's no getting around it, I felt the same way. When you're uncomfortable and frustrated about how hard even the simplest stuff is, it's really hard to feel like you made the right choice. I promise that feeling will start going away. I know everyone told you how it's supposed to go, but it's really important to do what's best for you, if it means you don't get all the protein in w/in 2 weeks of surgery, it's ok. Best of luck!
  12. hw: 325 weight before preop: 300 cw: 267 Sleeved 2/5 33lbs total, about 11% of my bodyweight
  13. juny

    "Head Hunger"

    I'm at 6 weeks and I wouldn't just say it's head hunger, somehow it makes it seem less serious than I feel like it is. I"m completely FIXATED on food. I'm still on a full liquid diet and It'll be another month before I'm on to soft foods and it's just wearing on me. I want to go out to eat and be like I was or at least have a couple of bites of what I used to eat and can't and I think about it all the time. When I'm not thinking of what I'm going to eat I worry about not being able to eat what I used to eat (the type not the quantity). I'm not like everyone else on this forum who plan on living on turkey slices and string cheese for the rest of my life. I have a running list in my head of the things I want to eat again! My therapist says i'm grieving....I'd like to know what not grieving looks like.
  14. juny

    Please be honest

    pain for my stomach was almost nonexistant, was a nauseous but it was mostly controlled. However the bougie they stuck down my throat just wrecked it. I had and still occasionally have spasms in my esophagus. They aren't anything painful now, just irritating. The spasms were extremely bad for about 10 days after surgery, to the point where if i drank anything it triggered the spasms that felt like a charlie horse in my throat, it was so upsetting. But I did recover, relatively quickly and so will you. edit- my surgery was 2/5/13
  15. juny


    dude, i've been dying for just one of the sliders from white castle, I dont even need the top bun! maybe i can liquify that sucker when.....

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