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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Blog Comments posted by blackanese25

  1. just a big thank you to everyone... i feel terrific which is more than i can say for a few months ago.. And I am getting back into my habit of working out.. I think i just went so hard right after surgery that my body said its time for a break.. so now that im getting better with a balancing act of work out and rest i think this time around will be much better...

    Ssilian- I can honestly say this was the best decision of my life so I am glad that i can be an inspiration to someone.. I know that you will not regret making this for yourself.

    100%- congrats on your numbers as well.. its so weird thinkinng that we were carrying basically a small child on our backs ... its just nuts sometimes. but im sure your results are amazing too.. just feels good doesn't it? :)

    Hopefully I will have a much better blog next week and I can stick to my regimen. Again thank you all!!!

  2. im definitely staying hydrated water is really all i drink.. and btw i apologize for such a late response.. which is also why i havent blogged in 3 weeks.. the exhaustion thing really wore me out but im back in full swing now.. and im realizing that i just need to slow down a bit.. ive been goin full speed for 5 months and my body just finally said.... we are takin a break. so now im just gonna be more mindful about resting a few days out of the week so i dont burn myself out again!

  3. thank you guys! I know im gonna mess up.. lol.. hell thats a given, i just want to make sure im doin everything i can to better myself, for as long as this sleeve will let me. Cuz i know that as time goes by its gonna get harder to lose especially the closer i get to goal and I wanna get there and then some. I dont want to look back and go, damn i screwed myself over and if i would have just not done that i could be at goal by now.. no regrets...its what im aimin for! I work out diligently, hell probably more than i honestly need to but my goal is not just to hit a certain weight, but to maintain it.. and by god as my witness.. IM GETTING INTO A BIKINI!!! LOL

  4. thank you for understanding and not reaming me a new one.. lol.. I will do better, in all reality, im sure im still gonna cheat every once in a while, but i will do my best to keep it to the bare minimum.. again thank you all for your support!

    and frumpy.. that is so funny we are really close in everything, and we share the same birthday.. lol small world.

    well good luck to you all as well on your journey!

  5. just wanted to say thank you for the kind words of support! i have actually been resting for the past 4 days now.. not one lick of a work out..lol its been tough, but i know my body really needs the rest.

    Dorrie im sorry to hear about the family troubles.. makes mine seem really insignificant..lol i know i just need to not complain cuz i guess it can always be worse right?! however im glad that you got to see family.

    so far i have tried motrin, heating and icing, and salonpas patches.. it helps a little, but unfortunately the one thing that would help which is my epidural injections i can't get until i have my insurance back. so hopefully it will just correct itself in time.

    jennifer, that is where all my issues are to L3-4-5 its not fun i can say that much.. and i know that you can't work out right now, but have you tried the swimming pool.. that might be something to do until you can really start working out. it would at least give you resistance training and help tone muscles as well as speed up weight loss in a low impact environment.

    anyways, hope you ladies have a good week. and i will keep you posted on my recovery, cuz i really wanna get back into the swing of things.

  6. thank you guys!!! it means a lot.. im tryin really hard and workin my butt off ... lol.. literally... and jayhawk and new chapter.. you both are gonna be successful i know it, cuz ur takin the first step and already on this site.. this was the best decision i have ever made and it really helps havin the support of everyone here. Jay good luck to you hun.. and keep us updated on your progress one month and you are joinin the LOSERS!!!!! that is exciting!

  7. At least you had fun girlie!!! Sometimes we just need to do that, blow off some steam and let our minds go from workout workout workout, weight loss weight loss weight loss... know what I mean?One thing I've gotten to know about you in the short time is that you are a tough one and you'll get back on track ASAP :) Hey, and look at you !!! You're only a few Lbs away from ONEDERLAND!! Whoooo!! Get it girl!!

    thanks irene!!! it was definitely nice not to have to worry about the gym, but i know i need to crack down. and now that im back to reality.. lol but now ive actually gotta get to business cuz im gonna start training for the tough mudder.. dont you live in the sac area.. would you want to do tough mudder?

  8. laurel you sound like your doing awesome!!!! its so funny its all i can do to keep sane sometimes.. and its weird cuz before i would go.. hmm ok i feel like goin to the gym.. then id get side tracked or just get lazy and go eh oh well.. maybe tomorrow... now if i dont go to the gym i almost get pissed off.. lol.. its amazing how your point of view changes when you know that you are losing weight!

  9. Hey jab, im glad i could give you a little motivation.. i like to think im a little bit lucky cuz i work at night so i have all day to get my workout in and it sounds like you have a lot of responsibilities. so anything you do is still better than nothing.

    My suggestion is to start out slow, maybe 30 min of walking after dinner or once the kids are down to sleep.. even if that means walking around your house. even the slightest thing that you can do dance while you are cooking, etc. just get your body moving... it is the only thing that has helped me from stalling. compared to a lot of people you and I have lower BMI's to start with so we have to work for each lb lost.

    If you need a motivational buddy id be happy to message you every day and just say.. HEY what did you do today?

    maybe this will help. here is a work out schedule for you to try,


    tuesday- cardio 30min

    wednesday- 3 sets of 15 wall push ups. (just lean against a

    while and do pushups)

    thursday- rest

    friday- cardio 30min

    saturday- 3 sets wall squats(back against the wall squat and

    hold position for 20 sec)

    sunday- rest

    try this schedule with your couch to 5k. and see if it helps..

    make sure that you are getting protein after you work out, it will help to rebuild your muscles.

    *just think of it this way, when you work out your body burns fat up to 45 mins after your done.. help your body out! and it will help you not to stall. Ive bee lucky I havent had to deal with any real stalls since i started because ive worked out since i could.


  10. I actually started doing real exercise about 1 week post op... but from the moment i got home i was walking everyday. Mainly because it helped with the gas, but the sooner you get going the easier it is. I have always been very active, even at my highest weight so having the energy hasn't really been an issue for me. I have been an athlete all my life, so i have a little more extensive knowledge than the average person about working out. I have shared my stats normally i put it as the first thing when i blog, but when the VST went down the other day it deleted everything, lol... but ill give them to you..

    Im 5'7"





    surgery was 12-12-11

    down 26lbs..

    you actually have a lower BMI than most people i think i started at 39BMI somewhere around there. And so we will lose weight at a slower rate than others but i found that with the working out im staying as on track as possible if not more than i guess the average person..

    Good luck on your surgery tho.. im sure you will do great.

  11. hey tiffany,

    I am 4 weeks post op today, and i am soooooooooo happy that i got the sleeve. I too haven't heard very many good things about the lap band, and i did a lot of research before i got my surgery.

    I don't want to try and sway you either way because it really needs to be your decision, but personally I just don't think the lap bad is a good idea. I guess to me adding a foreign object into your body just doesn't seem right to me, and the risk for it just didn't compare to the pros of the surgery in my view and it seriously didn't match up to the weight loss that people expected.

    with all the literature that i read thru, with the sleeve you can lose almost the same amount of weight as you would with gastric bypass, without all the complications.. Dont get me wrong there are a lot of risks with any surgery, it just seemed that this had the least amount when done correctly and had the greatest benefits.

    I personally love my sleeve. Im 5'7" started at 238.1 day of surgery and 4 weeks out im 216.8 as of this morning. Im not quite sure how much you have to lose, but in my situation i also started with a lot of muscle and since ive been an athlete all my life i know how to push myself in the gym. the higher BMI you have the faster you will lose the weight.. and although i weigh a lot my BMI was around 35 to start so its a little bit lower than a lot of peoples, but i still have to work my butt off.. and as long as i do that my sleeve will work its butt off too.. lol.

    Good luck in either adventure that you take, but know that everyone here is really supportive no matter what you choose!

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