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Finding MeMe

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Finding MeMe got a reaction from MJ's comingN2form in Excess Skin? How Bad!?!?!   
    I am 45, 57 started at 250 now down to 180 and I have no, zero excess skin. I do however workout everyday and I lift wts so I have quite a bit of muscle mass. I wouldn't be afraid of the excess skin issue, it depends on your age, genetics (body type) and how long you have been fat/your skin has been stretched out. Good luck to you.
  2. Like
    Finding MeMe got a reaction from lyndynojo in My Stupid Question #2 -- Good Calories Bad Calories   
    Honestly, I don't count calories (and I know I should). I am in the habit of eating what I want, and when I want it, I also work out daily. If I happen to eat ice cream or frozen yougurt or baked whatever, I know I will burn it off the next day. I work out every day for at least 60 min so I know that what ever I eat, I will burn it off during my next workout session. Calories in calories out, bottom line, too easy.
  3. Like
    Finding MeMe got a reaction from lyndynojo in My Stupid Question #2 -- Good Calories Bad Calories   
    Honestly, I don't count calories (and I know I should). I am in the habit of eating what I want, and when I want it, I also work out daily. If I happen to eat ice cream or frozen yougurt or baked whatever, I know I will burn it off the next day. I work out every day for at least 60 min so I know that what ever I eat, I will burn it off during my next workout session. Calories in calories out, bottom line, too easy.
  4. Like
    Finding MeMe got a reaction from lyndynojo in My Stupid Question #2 -- Good Calories Bad Calories   
    Honestly, I don't count calories (and I know I should). I am in the habit of eating what I want, and when I want it, I also work out daily. If I happen to eat ice cream or frozen yougurt or baked whatever, I know I will burn it off the next day. I work out every day for at least 60 min so I know that what ever I eat, I will burn it off during my next workout session. Calories in calories out, bottom line, too easy.
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    Finding MeMe got a reaction from dexter in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    You go girl, If I was down 100 I would just melt away started at 250 and at 180 I am the ultiimate "Hotness".
  6. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to mokee in My Stupid Question #2 -- Good Calories Bad Calories   
    Finding MeMe,
    Went to profile page and saw your picture and you have done fantastic. Keep up whatever you are doing you look great.
  7. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to Tia Noel in Hair Loss For People With Already Thin Hair   
    I'm worried about this too but I think I have a good solution...
    TRACKS!! Glue-ins of course. Just glue some in and your hair will look more full. I get tracks all the time!!
    The trick is hiding the track itself because with thin hair, the weft of the track can be thick and bulging. But to fix that all you have to do is split them right down the middle. BOOM! Thinner tracks easy to hide in thin hair!
  8. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to BenisaMartim4 in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    I have enjoyed reading this thread, but probably for a different reason than all of you. I just want to give a shout out of encouragement to you all. Six months ago I too was on here posting all the things that I wanted to do (or not do) when I got thin. Tonight I was able to read through all of your posts and check off all of my accomplishments. IT IS AWESOME!! I am enjoying things now that I never would have even dreamed of this time last year. I go for my 6 month post op tomorrow and I am down 111# total. If I can do it, you can too. Sooo, ROCK THOSE SLEEVES PEOPLE!! WOOHOO!!
  9. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to LizInTexas in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    LOL... this is a great thread
    I'm looking forward to the day when I can stop worrying about starting a fire because of all the friction created by my thighs rubbing together when I walk.
    Not having to shift around in each direction put my socks on and tie my shoes.
    Not having to chase down sales people who ignore me after they've clearly noticed me (invisible me!)
    Not getting "those" looks of disgust and pity (ewwww, but bless her heart, poor thing).
    Not having to strategize on where to go/where to sit/how to fit.
    Being able to finally tell my significant other that if he doesn't want me, then someone else will (and know it)
    Not being paralized with fear that the airline will make me buy a second seat
    And last but certainly not least, not having to end another friendship because I overheard them tell my significant other that he could do SO much better than me! (but at least I never have to hear her say "I'd commit suicide if I ever got fat" again....)
  10. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to lessofmeismore in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    Hehehe a bonus skittle!!!
    Best thread ever
  11. Like
    Finding MeMe got a reaction from dexter in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    OMG LOL and at dexter you guys are hallarious, reading this is too funny but true. I can't wait to read your latest blog post because you guys will be losers before you you know it.
  12. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to Lisa :) in Too Little Calories? Anyone Lose Weight With 1000?   
    I'm 9 months out, down 108 pounds with about 50 to go. My weight loss is slow...about a pound a week but I'm still losing!! I'm super active because I've been doing triathlons and I train a lot. I currently take in anywhere between 1400 and 2000 calories a day. I know that when I don't get a least the 1400, I stall. The body is like an engine....you have to feed it fuel in order for it to burn!!!!
  13. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to Sherry77 in Excess Skin? How Bad!?!?!   
    I was told the amount of excess skin also is determined by how long the skin has been stretched from the weight. I am really hoping that since I have only been this heavy for about 2 years it will bounce back.
  14. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to SML1997 in No More Staring!   
    This is amazing. I know exactly how you felt. I hate going to company meetings and always being the biggest person in the room.
    Congrats to you.
  15. Like
    Finding MeMe got a reaction from JDHenin in No More Staring!   
    Ohhhh that's sweet enjoy your sleeve and your new life...
  16. Like
    Finding MeMe got a reaction from tabbymonroe in Excersise   
    Lissa is on point, I always worked out heavy before surgery and so was doing the eliptical, power walking, and lots of lower body workouts at around 10 days out. Talk to you physician it depends on how you are healing, your previous fitness level and your energy level. Good luck to you.
  17. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to Rootman in Ghrelin and memory / learning?   
    Wow this is depressing - arrggh another side effect too! - seems that ghrelin boosts learning and memory, and something else, but I forget

    Wikipedia: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Ghrelin#Learning_and_memory

    I was poking around Wikipedia and found it. I wonder if anyone can report anecdotal evidence? It SEEMS that I am having one hell of a time expressing myself verbally these days and my spelling has gotten atrocious lately too, I see red squiggly lines all over the place when posting and often have to correct dozens of word's spelling. It sees that I am getting a little more stressed out lately too, things really bother me more recently.

    Seems like I am now more like Homer Simpson that Homer of the Odyssey.

  18. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to Lissa in Excersise   
    Yes. It's too soon to do anything more than walking. My doc said walking only for the first six weeks, then I could ease into weight lifting. Jogging would definitely be too much this early.
  19. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to Tanisha Nolen Sanyang in My Hight. Weight And Problem Areas   
    I'm 5'9 in quarter and I'm 180lbs now..my problem areas are my stomach. Between legs..inner theigs has loose skin.my belly has loose sking but its not a whole lot but I do need a tummy tuke..oh my breasts saggs a lot so I cpuld use an algumatation but for now I use gud push up bras from walmart..the smart and sexy collection and others and I use a long waisted support brief.. the heavy ones..walmart has decent ones made by hanes and the beauty supply has them too.thy cum wit the booty pads lol but u can take dem out if u wish but I use dem sumtimes becuz my butt lok flat sumtimes in certain clothes since my 126 lbs loss.bacally I want tp loose another16lbs and I wil be happy jusy to maintain..I will never stop exerciseing and calorie counting..that's the key!
  20. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to DivaK in What Is The Average Weight Loss?   
    This is great...Just ask yourself could you have lost 70 pounds in 6 months on your own...that is a lot of weight...keep up the good work and congratulations!
  21. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to Cookeeeeez in What Is The Average Weight Loss?   
    @ hm734
    Your body may be in what my doctors call "starvation mode"
    Basically it goes "wtf! Where's all the food I'm used to?! Stuff this I'm holding onto everything for dear life!!!!"
    This is a stage even anorexics go through (trust me!!!). Try upping carbs intake slightly a few days or jolting exercise routine and it may jiggle your weight loss!
    Ask around the forum for stall tips or see your NUT or psych for motivation
    Good luck!!!!
  22. Like
    Finding MeMe got a reaction from MJ's comingN2form in Excess Skin? How Bad!?!?!   
    I am 45, 57 started at 250 now down to 180 and I have no, zero excess skin. I do however workout everyday and I lift wts so I have quite a bit of muscle mass. I wouldn't be afraid of the excess skin issue, it depends on your age, genetics (body type) and how long you have been fat/your skin has been stretched out. Good luck to you.
  23. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to DivaK in Who Have You Told?!   
    The only person that knows is my husband. I don't really have "friends" that would understand and frankly might be jealous. So I will deal with the jealousy once the weight comes off. I have one "friend" that has started trying to lose weight because she knows I am going to the gym and don't eat like I used to...so now she wants to mimic me. I say more power to you! My hubby is my best friend and "real friend" so as of now he is the only one who knows..
  24. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to gelen's_change in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    Cant wait to wear something nice to sleep instead of a big ass shirt.
    I cant wait to dress my age.
    Cant wait for my stomach not to hang over my jeans. And always look like a rice sack wearing a belt.
    I cant wait to say " damn i look good in that dress"
    I cant wait for people to not judge me by my appearence but by my brains and heart
  25. Like
    Finding MeMe reacted to dar1983 in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    I can't wait to wear a pair of nice-fitting jeans with a belt, and my shirt tucked in!
    Looking foward to NOT standing on my daily commute because I'm embarrassed to share a 2-seater.

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