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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Bandista reacted to BLERDgirl in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    Just thought of a few:
    The first one I noticed when I came home from the hospital. My feet weren't swollen. I had forgotten what it was like to have feet that weren't puffy.
    The second is pretty big for me. I haven't had an episode of hives since I before my surgery. I don't mean ordinary hives, I get full body, painful itching hives. No matter how many allergy test the doctors runs they can't figure out why. I have no idea if it's the limited diet or what, but I am grateful. I did have one instance of facial swelling when I went from pureed to soft foods, but I was having facial swelling & hives at least once a week prior to surgery. Once in 7 weeks is not bad.
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    Bandista reacted to pink dahlia in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    Today, my hubby and I went up to the mountains for a day trip. I put his bright orange hunting XL sweatshirt on OVER my jacket for extra warmth. It was still a loose, comfy fit. Before WLS it would of been snug just by itself, and I would of just looked something like a short , large human pumpkin !!
  3. Like
    Bandista reacted to Teachamy in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    Someone came up to me today looking very serious and said, "what are you doing?" I said, "what do you mean?" They repeated the question. Then they said, "you've lost so much weight! How did you do it?" My real NSV is that I've been at goal for so long now, I had no idea what he was talking about! I used to hear that several times a day, now people are used to the skinny new me. It felt pretty good!
  4. Like
    Bandista reacted to tamg26k in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    Not so much of a NSV for today, but one in general - I no longer get headaches. I used to get them pretty frequently but I can honestly say that I haven't had a headache of any sort for over 4 months! Maybe it is giving up caffeine or eating better, I don't know which, I just know I am headache free!
  5. Like
    Bandista reacted to NewLife'sGr8 in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    My bedroom has been commandeered.
    Getting out of the shower, I realized I forgot to grab a fresh pair of undies.
    Put on my 'skinny jeans' commando
    no camel toe! None. Zip.
    So I just went with it
    TMI- I know
    Still, a personal NSV
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    Bandista reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    sometimes i have one daily and sometimes i have them and dont realize it...
    i still consider me just walking a NSV that i am forever to my WLS of choice for..
    oh, and putting my own socks on w/o asking my ole man to do it for me♥
  7. Like
    Bandista reacted to SherB in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    Went looking for some tops since mine were literally falling off of me. Went to Plus size store Catherine's and realized that the smallest size tops were a bit too big. =)
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    Bandista reacted to loser2014 in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    I was able to "shop" in my closet for a smaller pair of jeans for the first time. I am 5 weeks out from lap-band surgery and have not lost a single ounce over the past 3 weeks which is getting mighty frustrating. BUT, I must be getting smaller if my jeans are getting looser. Plus I feel better. 15 lbs = almost 2 gallon milk jugs. So I actually feel less weighed down.
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    Bandista reacted to carolk36 in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    I bought a couple of outfits in the "regular" woman's department. It was so exciting to not have that W or X attached to the size!
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    Bandista reacted to lark60 in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    I was sitting in a clinic waiting room and was wearing my winter wrap. I had several people complement my wrap but the complement I was not expecting was when someone asked me if I was cold (I live in Tucson AZ so the weather is "always warm") and when I said yes she said it was because I "didn't have any body fat"!!! I almost corrected her but stopped and smiled at her comment.
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    Bandista reacted to Kya Wolf in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    My "big girl panties" are too big. I am down a size!
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    Bandista reacted to JustWatchMe in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    Here is my NSV. This upcoming weekend I'm helping my nieces move furniture into their 3rd floor apartment. Why is this an NSV? Never in a million years would I have been able to climb the darn stairs, much less cheerfully volunteer to carry furniture up three flights! I can't wait to be around these twenty-somethings and get some good exercise!
    *cue Urkel*
    "Did I say that!?!"
  13. Like
    Bandista reacted to tamg26k in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    @@Ginger Snaps
    Thank you! I used to go the gym all of the time when I was In my 30's. Now in my 40's, I need to dust off these old bones and get back to it! Slow and easy to start!
    Side note to everyone - all of the posts here and across the forums are really helpful to all of us. Thanks to everyone, hopefully we inspire each other to keep moving forward!!!
  14. Like
    Bandista reacted to NewLife'sGr8 in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    I Didn't see this thread until later...
    Otherwise, I Would've posted my thread: NSV A Waist in here, instead creating a new nsv thread
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    Bandista reacted to NewLife'sGr8 in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    I found my waist.
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    Bandista reacted to Babbs in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    Shopping the other day, I griped (jokingly) to the sales clerk about not having a certain top I wanted in extra large. I broke down and bought a large, thinking "I will be able to wear it soon enough". I got home, tried it on, and it FIT! I was wearing size 1X top at my largest
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    Bandista reacted to finediva in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    Not having to ask the sales clerk if the shoe came in wide width.
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    Bandista reacted to Ginger Snaps in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    @tamg26k Best wishes! If you have questions, stop them and ask. If it hurts, tell them so they can give you something else to do. Do one more rep when you think you can't.
    You can do this!
  19. Like
    Bandista reacted to tamg26k in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    NSV for this week is that I joined a gym! First training session is this afternoon!
    Wish me luck!!!
  20. Like
    Bandista reacted to Ginger Snaps in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    @@Bandista -- I understand how you feel. It takes some time before it kicks in but once you start getting that runner's high, it's a fantastic feeling!
    Keep up the great work!
  21. Like
    Bandista got a reaction from Miss Meg in My first surgeversary!   
    Hi there and congratulations -- you look great! I think you were banded on US Thanksgiving -- so much to be thankful for all-around. Best wishes for continued success. So glad you're here!
  22. Like
    Bandista got a reaction from meggs353 in Just banded Thanksgiving   
    Hi Aries, congratulations and best wishes as you're healing up! I found I did not need pain medication but even so on day four or five I had to address Constipation. The best thing all-around for me was the walking and I was just so excited (still am) and that carried me through discomfort which lessened each day. For full liquids I really liked the potato leek Soup found I the health food section of the regular grocery store -- comes in a carton. And I was cleared for egg drop soup, yummy! I loved my Popsicles during this time but really wanted savory, too. Good luck with all -- you're doing great! Just wait until next thanksgiving, oh my goodness, you won't believe it's all true.
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    Bandista got a reaction from o00 in What was your most recent NSV? (non-scale victory)   
    Short skirt and a long jacket.....yes! And tights; loving wearing tights this fall. Oh, here's one that I'm still not sure is real. The other day I did not want to get off the treadmill. What?! Who is this person? I never thought I'd get the "high" of exercise or even be able to approach it without dread. And now I am a real exerciser. Hardly seems possible. Yippee!
  24. Like
    Bandista reacted to Amanda Dutton LPC in Is Anyone Thankful for Me?   
    What are you thankful for this year?
    Your home? Your job? Your family?
    What are the other people in your life thankful for? What about your family? Your co-workers? Your friends? Do you ever wonder if any of them are thankful for YOU?
    We often spend our lives working for others, doing things for others, helping others. Where’s the time for you? Taking care of ourselves and focusing on our own needs is usually WAY down on the list, if it’s on the list at all.
    It feels selfish.

    So, what if I told you it was actually self-LESS?
    Yep, you read that right. Self-LESS.
    Stop. Breathe. Read this very carefully:
    If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else.
    Go back and read that again. And once more. Think about it:
    What happens when you get sick? Or injured? Or have a nervous breakdown because you Just. Can’t. Even.
    Again: If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else.
    Are you hearing that? That’s not selfish, that’s self-LESS. If you don’t take time for YOU, you won’t be able to do anything for ANYONE ELSE. You will break, you will fall, you will crumble.
    Give yourself a moment to let that sink in. While you are doing that, take a look at a few suggestions at how to make that happen:
    Give yourself permission to say “no.”
    Let’s go ahead and get the hard one out of the way first thing. You aren’t responsible for making sure that everyone gets everywhere or that they get everything they want. Granted, young children have more needs than adults, but I’m betting that if you sit back and think for a moment, there are times that if you said “no,” the individual would either: a) just do without it, or find some other way to make it happen. Often, you’re the “go to” person because people realize that you’ll say YES.
    Set aside a specific time for your self care and treat it like an appointment you can’t miss.
    You know that doctor’s appointment it took you 2 months to get? And how you made sure that nothing stood in the way of you getting to that appointment? Yeah, treat your self care time just as special. Program it in your phone. Write it on the calendar. Let your family know that you have an appointment that you can’t miss and that you won’t be available. You need this.
    Expect others to push your boundaries.
    Especially in the beginning. They won’t be used to you being so assertive, so the attempts to make you feel guilty for not dropping everything to attend to their needs may ramp up for awhile. It’s okay! Remember, this is expected. You’re preparing for it now, by reading this, so when it happens you will already know that it is temporary.
    By sticking to your boundaries and not giving in, IT WILL GET BETTER. If you give in now, you have shown that if they push hard enough, they will eventually get there way. Don’t stop.
    Remember: we cannot be good caregivers if we don’t practice self care.
    It’s not selfish, its self-LESS.
  25. Like
    Bandista reacted to Julie norton in Is my goal just a number I should let go of?   
    I say whatever makes you feel right in this world. I like to go by fitness and size pants. That is a good bellwether for me.
    I don't like the old insurance charts. I like to be in a comfortable and most important. Maintainable. Size. That's my deal and I'm healthy and happy
    In less than 2 weeks. I will have been banded 9 years. THAT I am very thankful for????????

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
