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    odetteNYC reacted to Eressa76 in Hospital Bound   
    4/4/13 On my way to the hospital for surgery. Very excited and ready to begin my new sleeved journey.
  2. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to clk in She's here!   
    I've just been far too busy to post an update, so forgive the delay. We didn't just welcome a new baby, we're also still in the midst of an overseas move and life has been both crazy and sleep deprived.
    We welcomed our newest daughter Elisheva (Shevi) on 21 March. She was 6 pounds, 7 ounces and 20 inches long at birth. Delivery went as planned without complications. She's absolutely adorable, and she's been a lot of fun for our whole family since her arrival. If only we weren't so busy we'd enjoy this time a bit more! Our twins are adjusting well and my daughter, in particular, hovers constantly just thrilled to be a big sister.
    I have mentioned many times that my post-sleeve pregnancy was actually more challenging in some ways for me. I had more morning sickness, I was more tired, I had a great deal of trouble eating, etc. But I can say without a doubt that delivery and postpartum are totally different post sleeve, and I have never felt quite so good this quickly after a baby.
    Delivery went very quickly and smoothly and I never needed pain medications afterward. Within two days I felt tired but basically back to normal. Now that I'm twelve days out, the only difference in pre-pregnancy and post is that my body isn't back to normal yet. Recovery was about 1,000 times easier without the excess weight, which I found to be a pleasant surprise.
    I've also had a better milk supply than ever before. In the past I've struggled to maintain supply (I exclusively pump as every one of my four has had latching issues and pumping was easier for us) but this time around I'm pumping more than twice what I need each day and I already have a refrigerator and freezer full of milk. Again, this is different than before. I think it's mostly due to me just being a healthier person all around - I drink more Water, eat good foods, take my rest seriously (and whenever I can!) than I was in the past.
    As for weight I gained a total of 32 pounds with my pregnancy. My scale is currently packed in a box and I'm in a hotel room that lacks a scale (darn Army lodging) but as of the 28th I was already down 18 pounds. I'm sure when I'm able to weigh again I'll be down somewhere between 22-25 pounds. I am already able to wear my pre-pregnancy 5/6 jeans...but they would have a bit of unsightly muffin top just now so I'm waiting to actually wear them out. Other than that, I'm back to my usual sizes in everything but bras. Those I'll need to special order, apparently!
    I'll post some pictures of myself in a few days, but the reality is that even though I feel a bit messy and "loose" around the middle, there is no way I look like I just gave birth less than two weeks ago. If I had some decent Shapewear (again, packed in boxes) I think I'd be able to wear most of my pre-pregnancy wardrobe.
    In any case, we're all doing well we're just really busy. We're enjoying Elisheva as best we can with the stressful move, and we can't wait to be settled in our house so we can relax a bit!
    Attached are a few pictures of our adorable little princess.

  3. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to ladyred312 in January sleevers......what's your weight loss so far?   
    And I always eat slowly and take 20 minutes at least to eat every meal... And I don't drink 1/2 an hour before or an hour after each meal... But my main problem is being 28 and going out drinking with my friends... I have never been so aware of the calories in alcohol... And I should probably start working out now since I haven't done that yet
  4. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to Newme48 in Soooo much regret   
    Laura you are awesome! You guys had me rolling on the "suing" post! I enjoy reading your advice and comments on here!
  5. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to No game in Soooo much regret   
    I don't know if I feel super sad for you or want to chuckle! "Welcome to the week out what the f**k did I do to myself this time" club
    What you are feeling is so normal major surgery is not easy! I know some say well "I was up and back to work in one day"! Not true for everyone!
    The Protein Shakes are not negotiable though just know they are "medicine" your body needs!
    Oh and most importantly save this thread so you can reread it in a couple of weeks when your feeling good, for a good chuckle
    Take care,
  6. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to Jackie0384 in Gastric Bypass Surgery Progress Pictures   
    One year out from surgery. Starting weight 234.....today 132. Still have 20 lbs I want to lose. So close to my goal I can taste it!

  7. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to No game in Has anyone gotten independent insurance post op?   
    I think it was very sweet of you to take time out of your evening to give such detail about this.
    And am sure the op is grateful! Don't sweat the small insignificant stuff
  8. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to makemyownluck in Has anyone gotten independent insurance post op?   
    Melissa, you think I went to the trouble of responding that in depth to give misinformation? Furthermore, you think she needs advice from a stranger to do her own research? Take your advice, but not that from someone who actually knows something about it, huh? Great advice. Sheesh.
    With that attitude, why would you even join a community like this?
    Sweetcurves, if you need any other info, feel free to inbox me.
  9. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to TakeCareGirl in Just over six months VSG, just over 100 pounds   
    Here I am one Easter later and 100 pounds down. I am also off my diabetes and high blood pressure meds.
    This week has been the first time since my VSG that I've struggled with my eating. I take this as an opportunity that life has its ups and downs, this is just a blip in the big scheme of things, reminder that food will be a challenge for me and I will continue to need to put a lot of focus towards my health and happiness. Nonetheless I am determined to continue my progress towards better health and long life! I am extremely thankful for the support on this journey so far. This board and my friends are a godsend!
    My daughter and I are headed to China in December - her homeland tour - and I am determined to scale the Great Wall! I have a lot of training ahead on endurance to do it, but I will do it!

  10. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to ProudGrammy in proudgrammy is proud!   
    big NSV - me posting these pictures
    as DH posted pic - he looked at me and said "I don't remember you looking like that."
    Either do i!!!! strange!!!
    the times they are a changing
    i feel like the happiest person in the world
    I'm enjoying life to the fullest
    what a great "thing" i did for myself, having WLS
    235 lbs
    130 lbs
    59 years young
    still 5'3

  11. Like
    odetteNYC got a reaction from Huntingnurse in Ladies - Your Thoughts?   
    I'm hair crazy , my hubby is 41 he has all his hair. I don't even allow him to wear a hat .. But I must say their are some hot men that are bald starting with you lol .. Either way it depends in who really .
  12. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to NewAshes in PEOPLE WHO ONLY DID 3 day liquid pre op diet   
    yeah I agree well the only time I really call people fat is if its a fat ex or my bfs sister but I only called her fat ONCE and she hates me lol but I never call any one I don't know fat because I don't know their struggles and it really is hard being fat...
  13. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to makemyownluck in PEOPLE WHO ONLY DID 3 day liquid pre op diet   
    I agree with prior posts questioning why you would have this surgery at 30 BMI. Seems quite extreme.
    But, to each their own.
    There are people here who have struggled with major weight issues for their whole life, and have lots of medical complications as a result, and are seeking surgery to improve their health and extend their life. In my opinion (which, I realize you didn't ask for it, but oh well), this is strictly about vanity. I just don't understand why you'd do this to yourself considering your current weight.
    I know this won't deter you, but this is an open forum, and that's my two cents. Luck for you, they'll take anyone's money in Mexico...
  14. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to BigFrank in PEOPLE WHO ONLY DID 3 day liquid pre op diet   
    I am done with Rollagirl, she can't be helped by me or anyone on this site. For the rest of the readers here, and there are MANY, if you have a 30 BMI and are considering surgery please read this next couple of sentences. I know people are their own worst critics so it's hard to see yourself from the outside, so look at me. Attached again, is a photo of me at age 19 at a 27.5 BMI. Imagine this guy with 20 more pounds which would have put him at a 30 BMI. Does he look like he needs gastric sleeve surgery?

  15. Like
    odetteNYC got a reaction from Kimmy1813 in before and after   
    I think something is wrong with your pants ... Oh yea congrats on losing 65 pds . I almost forgot what I was looking at in this pic . Great job to the both of you ! :-P
  16. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to RebecaSparkles in before and after   
    I second the whistles. Coming along nicely. Do you have tickets to that "gun show"?
  17. Like
    odetteNYC got a reaction from No game in What about "the girls"?   
    Where are you ?? I wanna see some more sexy pics ...
  18. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to *Dean* in 7 months post-op! Before/After Picture   
    You look amazing.
    (Disclaimer - I'm a guy and I think like a guy) You're right in a group of three girls there's sometimes 'the fat one' but there's almost always 'the hot one'.
    You're lucky you have supportive long term relationships with them. You've gone from 'the fat one' to 'the hot one' in 7 months. Most girls would be insanely jealous!
  19. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to amytug in 7 months post-op! Before/After Picture   
    You look amazing! I had to do a double take, actually. So what kind of workouts do you do? What do you typically eat in a day? I hope you don't mind all the questions, it's just that I love to hear from those who have done this thing!!
  20. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to SweetSaso in 7 months post-op! Before/After Picture   
    Congrats on the weight loss!

    88 pounds is a very good amount of weight lost in just 7 months! i started at 231 also and am almost 5 months out with only 65 pounds lost am 165 pounds now, and i cant wait to be where you are today. I just wanted to say you are so beautiful and you have a great smile (no homo) lmao. keep us updated and keep up the great work!
  21. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to maharet111 in Just when I thought I was making progress   
    I would be showing them some sign language every time they did that to me.
  22. Like
    odetteNYC got a reaction from scorpio2479 in Comparison pix   
  23. Like
    odetteNYC got a reaction from scorpio2479 in Comparison pix   
  24. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to COnative in Frequently Asked Questions   
    I would love to see a tab at the very top of the page where we have Forum, Community, Photos. And have a tab that is labeled "frequent questions' and in the pull down menu: stalls, Hair loss, Vitamin ideas, Protein Shake debate. I don't know if this will help. Or if there is a tab for frequent questions and then it pulls up a search where you can enter your question easier and get answers faster from previous posts? But you kind of have that already. hmmmmm.
    Somehow it is getting missed.
    Thanks! And I am looking forward to the new version of VST!
  25. Like
    odetteNYC reacted to McSleevey in Bummed...had to postpone my surgery   
    Great News! I am not going to have to wait until May. Surgery is on for this Thursday! I am very grateful for a series of fortunate events. Cross your fingers for me!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
