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LAP-BAND Patients
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    leannel90 reacted to drehn88 in First one for May???   
    Two days post op and I'm feeling much better. This morning was rough. I think the swelling is worse in the morning because it was hard to get liquids down to take my pain meds. I really want to stop taking the medicine, but I'm pretty sure that's what keeps me from feeling bad. Pain is still in the left side of my abdomen (like a pulled muscle), but I think the gas pain is pretty much over. I hope this helps those of you not banded yet. I know it makes me feel better when I hear other people feel the same way post op.
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    leannel90 got a reaction from Creekwood in First one for May???   
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    leannel90 got a reaction from m1aman in Any thoughts on starting exercising?   
    I recently found an app called FIT Radio. they make sure to play music that has the right amount of bpm (beats per minute) and keeps you going. You can choose the genre, and the app is FREE. I couldn't believe it. Also, if you check mens or womens fitness magazines or websites and scroll through all the home exercises, maybe you'll find one that grabs your attention and you think you might like. Most of them are archived for free and you can print them off. I just invested in a treadmill for the exact reasons you mentioned, except here in Canada where I'm from it's the COLD that's ridiculous. Instead of spending money on the gym, this is a one time expense that fits with my lifestyle. I justified it by calculating the money I will save in one year by no longer eating out. Turns out I could have bought a Gold's Gym!! Find something that you love - don't set unrealistic goals, and know that you can do it. 1 minute off the couch doing a jumping jack is one minute you're not sitting on the couch.
    You've totally got this! Good luck!!
  4. Like
    leannel90 got a reaction from allie1516 in help!   
    You don't have to drink your Protein (I don't think). My nutritionist said that she'd much rather I chew my Protein and eat "real food" than drink my protein. Talk to your nutritionist. I believe though, in order to get your proper protein in for the day, it can be a real boost. It is also vital to the healing process immediately after surgery as you're still on liquids for weeks after your surgery in most cases and protein helps to HEAL you. One of the best effects is that it makes you feel full longer. Definitely ask your nut to help out. Many of the Protein Shakes out there aren't milky and there are other ideas out there. Get your medical team involved - they're there to help!
  5. Like
    leannel90 got a reaction from m1aman in Any thoughts on starting exercising?   
    I recently found an app called FIT Radio. they make sure to play music that has the right amount of bpm (beats per minute) and keeps you going. You can choose the genre, and the app is FREE. I couldn't believe it. Also, if you check mens or womens fitness magazines or websites and scroll through all the home exercises, maybe you'll find one that grabs your attention and you think you might like. Most of them are archived for free and you can print them off. I just invested in a treadmill for the exact reasons you mentioned, except here in Canada where I'm from it's the COLD that's ridiculous. Instead of spending money on the gym, this is a one time expense that fits with my lifestyle. I justified it by calculating the money I will save in one year by no longer eating out. Turns out I could have bought a Gold's Gym!! Find something that you love - don't set unrealistic goals, and know that you can do it. 1 minute off the couch doing a jumping jack is one minute you're not sitting on the couch.
    You've totally got this! Good luck!!
  6. Like
    leannel90 reacted to daisychains7 in Feeling pretty miserable   
    The biggest hurdle is mental. I promise, all of this will be worth it.
    Remind yourself that you did not go through a painful and expensive surgery just to sabotage it over one meal. You'll have plenty of time to enjoy real food later on.
    Drink plenty of hot tea, go for walks, and check in here when you need the extra support. We have your back.
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    leannel90 reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in help!   
    yes i have drunk the Protein Shake w/o milk (and as lee said toss in some ice and with a vitamixer, we got a party)...i couldnt take the muscle milk taste so i have used whey extreme from Walmart in chocolate for 10+ months now...i also drink one every day (to help my Protein quota and because i like the taste).....and have put in the freezer to make my own slush..just depends on your taste...and what you like or dont like.
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    leannel90 reacted to Jean McMillan in Tighter Isn't Always Better   
    How do you like your band? Tight? Tighter? Tightest?


    Americans love MORE: more of anything and everything. More food, more fun, and (for some of us) more fill in our bands. But striving for maximum fill in the effort to achieve maximum weight loss can be a terrible mistake.

    Fat folks become obese enough to qualify for bariatric surgery because we’ve been eating more, more, more, so it’s not surprising that bandsters long for more, more, more fill. The tighter the band, the better, right?

    Wrong. Here’s why: tighter doesn’t automatically yield more weight loss. It can cause eating problems, side effects and complications that none of us want. It can compromise our quality of life. It can make us miserable when all we hope for from bariatric surgery is a better life.

    You’re not impressed by all that? You’re willing to risk everything in the pursuit of skinny? Then try this on for size. A tight band doesn’t guarantee weight loss. Just the opposite: it can stall your weight loss or even make you gain weight.

    Do I have your full attention now? Good. Listen up and I’ll explain why tighter isn’t always better.


    Traditionally, the adjustable gastric band has been considered a “restrictive” weight loss surgery. Bandsters were taught to look for signs of restriction: the proofs that their bands were working. Instead of paying attention to her own eating behavior and lifestyle, the bandster waited impatiently for the flashing signs, ringing bells and slamming doors that would stop her from overeating. The idea was that the small upper stomach pouch would “restrict” food intake and result in weight loss. Sound familiar?

    That was well-intentioned thinking, but it was wrong. In the past 5 or so years, band manufacturers and bariatric surgeons have come to believe that it’s a mistake to eat and eat until you set off your band’s emergency warning system, for the reasons mentioned above. Unfortunately, the re-education process is slow going, and in the meantime, the restriction fallacy lives on. Even now, approximately every third word out of a bandster’s mouth is “restriction”. It’s a catch-all term for the feelings that limit how much a bandster eats. Post-op band life tends to become a Quest for enough fills to reach the Holy Land of Restriction. Next stop: Skinnyland.

    Or not.


    Soft Calorie Syndrome is one of the least publicized dangers of a band that’s too tight. Psychologists would call it a maladaptive behavior, that is: a nonproductive behavior that prevents you from adapting to situations, or changes in yourself or your environment, in a healthy way. It can begin as an attempt to deal with or avoid an unpleasant experience but it does not solve the original problem and eventually becomes dysfunctional. You can read more about maladaptive eating behaviors by clicking here: http://www.bariatricpal.com/page/articles.html/_/healthy-living/is-your-eating-maladaptive-r50
    A bandster experiencing Soft Calorie Syndrome is responding to the unpleasant experience of eating with a band that’s too tight by eating the soft and liquid calories that slide most easily past their gatekeeper band. Instead of eating the healthy and solid foods (like dense animal Protein, veggies, fruits) that provide the most satiety (both early and prolonged), that person favors easy-to-eat food that’s often junky and high in calories (for example: potato chips, ice cream, milkshakes). Even healthy foods( like yogurt, cottage cheese and, fat-free/sugar-free pudding) can fall into the soft calorie category, and they don’t provide any better satiety than the junky stuff. The net result is that you end up consuming more calories than you need because the soft stuff doesn’t provide enough early and prolonged satiety. And the result of that is a weight loss plateau, or even weight gain.

    I discovered the perils of Soft Calorie Syndrome for myself when I traveled to New York City to attend a trade show when I was about 8 months post-op. I had gotten a fill the day before I left, and by the time I got to New York I had realized that my band was too tight for me to tolerate. I couldn’t eat any solid food, so I spent the next 3 days eating soft, high-calorie, low-satiety foods like creamy Soups, milkshakes, and ice cream. I was just trying to survive long enough to go home and get an unfill. My maladaptive eating behavior achieved a temporary goal (comfortable survival) while sabotaging my long term goal of losing weight. In fact, I gained weight during that trip and ended up feeling disappointed in myself. I promised myself no more fills on Fridays and no more fills the day before a business trip. I called my surgeon’s every time I suspected my band was too tight and found that even tiny unfills could make all the difference in my quality of life as well as my weight loss.

    I know I’m not the only person who’s discovered the perils of Soft Calorie Syndrome. I also know that you’re not alone in believing that more fill is better and that unfills will slow or stall your weight loss. A few months ago I talked about this with a smart and successful bandster named Denise. When her surgeon reacted to her too-tight band by suggesting an unfill of .5 cc, her dazed and frightened face made him reassure her that she could start being re-filled in a month. The month ahead scared her, but she agreed to the unfill, and discovered that rather than returning her to Bandster Hell, it had restored sanity to her eating life. She said, “I was able to eat again. Solids went down easily. bread was on my menu. Meals lasted me several hours. I didn’t snack because I was able to eat enough to keep me satisfied.”

    When Denise went back to her surgeon a month later, he was delighted her hear her say that she didn’t even need a re-fill. She told him, “I can eat anything, but I’m not eating everything.”

    And that, my friends, is what healthy eating is all about.
  9. Like
    leannel90 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Second Thoughts   
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    leannel90 reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Carb Cycling- An Experiment Gone Right!   
    As many of you know, I was stuck for more than a month. I was monitoring my calories, getting in all my Protein and exercising, yet the scale didn't budge. I know, plateaus are normal, but they still suck. Around the time the plateau hit I also started taking birth control pills. I even gained 2 pounds, which for me was the deal breaker. I had to find a way to break the plateau and start losing again.
    So I started researching. Low carb, high carb, no carb, etc. I see so many variations on here! What's right? What's wrong? I already knew it was a matter of choice without a clear right or wrong answer, but I also knew individual body needs also played a very big part in it. During my research I kept coming across something called carb cycling, so I decided to look more into it.
    Carb cycling is essentially trying to optimize your metabolism by alternating high and low carb days. Body builders often do this to build muscle and burn fat before a contest but it's also very helpful for weight loss. Then one day I turned on Doctor Oz...and wouldn't you know it... it was an episode on carb cycling. Chris Powell, of The Biggest Loser, was on his show talking about he has all the contestants on the show carb cycle and how he does it. For me, this was the point I decided to give carb cycling a try.
    Chris Powell's method is specifically for weight loss so I decided to go with his (there's many out there). He has an excellent book called “Choose to Lose: The 7-Day Carb Cycle Solution”.
    His theory: No carb diets don't work. It's not sustainable long term and eventually it significantly slows the metabolism. Worse, people who cut out carbs usually end up gaining all their weight back and then some when they do suddenly reintroduce carbs. Carbs are the energy block of the body and a long term lack of carbs will cause the thyroid to slow down significantly.
    7 day diet/carb cycling: High carb day followed by low carb day, alternating daily. Start on a high carb day and always eat within 30 minutes of waking up in the morning. Always limit or omit carbs after 6pm.
    All this is within your own personal daily calorie allowance.
    High carb day/energy day:
    Preferably complex carbs. Protein, low fat. unlimited veggies.

    Low carb day/burn day:
    A little carb in the morning to boost metabolism
    Cut carbs the rest of the day.
    Protien, healthy fats, unlimited veggies

    3 of each/low carb and high carb. 7th day is cheat day
    Cheat day:
    Boost calories to boost metabolism
    Boost to no more than 1000 extra calories a day
    Cheat at Breakfast and lunch, not dinner. 6-12pm “behave”
    Cheat at a table. Not in a car, or at a sofa, etc. No “hypno binging”
    No leftovers allowed.

    Mind you, this is the short version of all this. If this interests you, I'd strongly suggest buying his book for a better understanding. It's very enlightening.
    ...So this is what I've done for the last week. I am very happy to say, carb cycling broke my plateau, despite still being on the birth control pill too. I lost 5.4 pounds this week!
    I have decided I am going to continue to carb cycle. I am not a fan of the low carb days, but I am getting more used to them. Plus, I find my "carb cravings" have all but disappeared since starting this- something I didn't think possible.
    For me, it's working. I just thought I'd share the results of my little self experiment
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    leannel90 got a reaction from zburdeshaw in 180 pounds lost in 11 months   
    I know the time frame isn't supposed to matter...but its super exciting to know that I can this in a year or so!!
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    leannel90 got a reaction from zburdeshaw in 180 pounds lost in 11 months   
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    leannel90 got a reaction from daisies76 in May 10th, 2013 B.O.B   
    Mine is on the 14th. I am getting nervous...mostly for the loss of my old life though. I could go and eat anything I wanted anywhere I want. 8 days of liquid diet has taken care of that though. And I'm not pleased with how I look when I do that so this is the best way for me. Good luck...in no time surgery will be over and your new life will start.
    Yay for us!!
  14. Like
    leannel90 got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Yes, I know the answer is to call the dr, but in the interim until tomorrow, need help   
    I know you're not going to want to hear this but I think you should go to the doctor now. This seems like a bit of an emergency to me. And switch to liquids to be safe as well.
  15. Like
    leannel90 reacted to cat whisperer in First one for May???   
    I saw your post, Creekwood, on another thread - glad you have updated us and that everything went well
    I'm starting to get nervous about the actual surgery part now that I am adapting to the pre-op diet... by the way, you were right about it getting easier. This is day 7 and I am not nearly as cranky, emotional, or hungry.
    take care and hope you continue to feel better.
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    leannel90 reacted to Creekwood in May 10th, 2013 B.O.B   
    Mourning food. Oh, yeah I went through that too. I thought about all of my favorite foods in the beginning thinking ill never eat them again. Then I joined my fitness pal and I see banded people eating those foods, in MUCH smaller quantities. Good luck! You will do great!!!
  17. Like
    leannel90 reacted to ANewMe428 in BANDED TODAY   
    WELL I'M OFFICIALLY BANDED. Surgery went great. Very little pain. Just dealin with the gas. Im up walking every 30minutes & sipping my crystal light. About to try a sugar free popsicle.
  18. Like
    leannel90 reacted to mrsto in Second Thoughts   
    When I was anticipating this surgery, there were a couple of people who also said that I wasn't that heavy; not heavy enough to warrant surgery. Though that was nice to hear, the reality was.....YES, I was that heavy, and the number continued to climb.
    I also went through the gambit of feelings over the months prior to surgery; many of those months just getting to the decision to do it. As difficult as it is to wait, it's a blessing. This is a huge life changing step, and not one that anyone should jump into. Once I decided against having a gastric bypass, the lap band (+ plication) wasn't as scary, and I never questioned my decision. My behavior, the scale AND the mirror told me ALL I needed to know; if I didn't do something, I would continue to gain weight, and eventually have some catastrophic health event......probably, death.
    I don't know how old you are, but ask yourself this..... Is there anything you are going to miss eating, more than you miss feeling good about yourself? Instead of focusing on what you'll be giving up, try & focus on ALL that you'll be getting in return; especially, a beautiful HEALTHIER you. Imagine not dreading getting dressed in the morning & looking in the mirror. Imagine how it will feel being lighter on your feet, not dragging around the ball & chain of the extra pounds. And the reality is, once you're well on your way with the band, on occasion, you can have a little bit of the things you love - in moderation. There is nothing wrong with fajitas, but you will only eat a small amount. Fried fish is never a good choice, but on occasion, if you have a taste for it, you can have a small amount. As long as you count the calories, and stay within your program, you are fine. However, with the band, Coke is something you will need to give up. Aside from all the sugar, carbonated beverages are a huge NO when banded.
    The bottom line is, you have decide what's more important to you; continuing to eat whatever you want when you want it....continuing to gain weight with more life threatening health issues, or putting the unhealthful lifestyle in reverse, and moving in the direction of good health and longevity. Type II diabetes is SERIOUS! In retrospect, is fried catfish really that important?
  19. Like
    leannel90 reacted to ZinniaMT in 94 lbs down!   
    Thanks everyone! Feels good to know that "100 Gone" is just around the corner!
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    leannel90 reacted to Creekwood in First one for May???   
    I was banded today and so far feel great! I had some gas pain/ incision/port pain earlier. BUT, it was never very bad. I'm just relaxing, sipping on Water, eating SF Popsicles, watching the REDS beat the Braves (hopefully!), and walking, walking, walking! When my gas pains were at their worst I walked around a while, took a gas x strip, moved my shoulders around, lifted my arms above my head and moved them around. It definitely helped. But, I realize that I have been very lucky so far! Good luck everyone!!
  21. Like
    leannel90 reacted to zburdeshaw in 180 pounds lost in 11 months   
    Thanks everybody. The key to my success is to lift weights and do cardio a lot. Also stay away from carbs lol. I have many supportive people in my life which helps a lot,
  22. Like
    leannel90 reacted to Creekwood in Feeling weak on pre-op diet   
    Feeling very good right now! Very minimal pain. Walking around like crazy, sipping Water, eating SF Popsicles. I slept for a few hours! Haven't had pain medicine in 6 hours and don't need any right now. I'm starting to wonder if the doctor actually put a band in Lol I did not think I would feel this great! I know it could get worse, but I'm enjoying it for now!! WALKING helps so much!! Burping has never felt so good either! The gas pains hit me earlier pretty hard and I walked, gas x strip and let out a huge belch. Instant relief! On a 0-10 scale my pain is a 1. It hurt worse when I stubbed my toe last week Lol. I have been lucky! Thanks for your support everyone!! I'm excited to progress through healing and start my NEW life!!
    Good luck to anyone on their pre-op diet, Doc said my liver was great and that made me feel like suffering was so worth it! YOU can do it!! If anyone ever needs to message me privately if you need to talk. I KNOW it sucks, trust me! BUT, I also know that you can get through it!
  23. Like
    leannel90 reacted to mda69 in Feeling weak on pre-op diet   
    Thank you for posting your struggles. I start this Thursday. I have been trying to reduce my food intake over the last few days. I can't imagine the liquid diet that is in front of me. One day at a time I guess. I'm ready and extremely excited to start. Glad to hear you survived and on your way to a new life. Again thank you!!!
  24. Like
    leannel90 reacted to Creekwood in Tomorrow is the big day!! Puree suggestions??   
    Thanks, yeah the Doc told me the procedure took 21 minutes. He was disappointed, he normally gets it done in 17. I asked him If he felt like giving me a partial refund for those 4 minutes, he laughed. I don't think I'm getting any money haha. I feel great. Very minimal pain. Walking. Water. burping. SF Popsicles are all my secret weapons lol
  25. Like
    leannel90 got a reaction from Creekwood in Feeling weak on pre-op diet   
    So happy for you. Heal well!!

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