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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Mstlawrence in November sleevers here   
    Question for all you November sleevers--I'm 12 days post op and have been recovering quickly and well, albeit a bit run down and weak. Yesterday, I went shopping/walking around a mall with a friend, and we walked the mall a few times. This was more standing/walking than I've done since before surgery. I could feel myself getting tired, and I started feeling a stitch (like I'd been running) on my left side of my abdomen, and have been feeling that since last night. It's like a cramp or muscle soreness.
    My question is, has anyone else experienced this, and is this any cause for concern?
  2. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Mstlawrence in November sleevers here   
    That's a lot of what I heard as well, but I was noticing little rumblings of hunger very quickly after surgery--your Protein fills you, I promise. I'd be willing to bet that it's a holdover from your old habits and comforts. Use the year(ish) to learn and enforce new, healthier habits, and start your relationship with food over again. The hunger might be there, but you have total control over how you satisfy it
  3. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to jacqueline5678 in November sleevers here   
    I never stopped getting hungry. But it hasn’t been a problem for me because I feel full very quickly. Just make sure you’re eating the right things and weighing/portioning your food and you’ll be fine. I WAS disappointed though, that I never totally lost my appetite, I have to admit. No hunger seems like a great tool.

  4. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Niye in November sleevers here   
    I’m a little concerned everyone I spoke to and all the research I did explained to me that I won’t be hungry for a while but I woke up 4 days after surgery and I’m really hungry. Could this pose a problem?
  5. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to sinead in November sleevers here   
    Isn’t it amazing how different advice is from surgeons!!! I have lost 24lbs but most of that was from pre op!! Hope you are doing well too!

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    SeaSounders♥ reacted to dr3am3rstarz in November sleevers here   
    My first two months after surgery I didn't have any cravings or anything like that, I didn't have any hunger until actually just recently, I mean I am a year out from my surgery just last week and I just now started to feel hungry again. It was a super weird feeling, because I haven't felt it since so long so now we're trying to figure out you know what that means to me and how to keep myself from overeating like I did in the past. This year was challenging. I even had to have a piccline in so I could administer fluids with added potassium during 7 months of my first year. Hydration is key, and you seem to have that down, sometimes some of us have trouble. Talk to your surgeron or follow up doctor to see if there are any other options of you are reading this post and experiencing the same problem. If you can get the Water in, then do it, if you can't work with your doctor to see what you can do. There is always an option.

    sw: 334
    pre-op: 314
    cw: 213

  7. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Niye in November sleevers here   
    No I’m starting to feel the same my doctor said if should take me 15min to drink one of those small plastic cups but I cn drink two or three in 15min. All the sipping is getting on my nerves I just want to down a bottle of Water.
  8. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Patrick powers in November sleevers here   
    Am I the only one that doesn't seem to have a problem drinking as much as I want to? They told me after the surgery I wouldn't be able to drink much at a time but I'm not having a problem at all. I can drink as much and as often as I like without feeling full in the slightest. I'm really worried food won't make me feel full as well

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Niye in November sleevers here   
    Hello I’m 3 days post op
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    SeaSounders♥ reacted to CamillaCallie in November sleevers here   
    Thank you so much for the tips!

  11. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to JavaKnut in November sleevers here   
    My first week I would measure everything in 2oz servings into a small glass or little condiment-like bowl. I kept an eye on my clock on the wall and knew that I needed to finish those 2oz each 15 mins. Sometimes I would substitute 2oz of Jello just to have some mouth feel. That got me on track very quickly. At the top of every hour the 2oz were Protein Drinks - either Isopure the first 3 days, or Premier Protein once I moved to thick liquids. I stopped measuring on week 2 as I know how much I can sip. I know I can take 1oz sips now and do my 2-3oz in just a matter of a couple minutes at the most. I am still hitting the top of the hour with Protein, although now I can mix in hummus, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.
    It is very easy to slip and get distracted and lose track of time. Just keep on it. The more you set a schedule and routine early on, the easier it is to keep up with and will establish automatic reminders for yourself.
  12. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to CamillaCallie in November sleevers here   
    The milk of magnesia worked! Thanks everyone - I definitely need to hydrate more, I'm trying to drink as much as possible. I go anywhere from 40-64oz. And that's not good enough. Working on it though!

  13. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to JavaKnut in November sleevers here   
    I am working on trying to get some more Fiber in my mushy foods this week. Next week I will move to soft foods which will make it easier to intake it. I found some cottage cheese that has some added fiber and some fortified milk. Hopefully those will help for the next few days.
    Also the biggest help is to make sure you are getting your Water intake. I set my goal for 70oz daily and am routinely able to exceed that. The water apps I was using were telling me to intake 110-120oz a day based on my weight. I also try to make the majority of my daily water be actual water. Granted, premier Proteins count 11oz each (I do at least 3 a day). I try to only have one of the Vitamin Water Zero (or drinks like that) be part of my count. I am not fond of fake sugar, but with having to avoid real sugar these days I try to keep my intake of the fake stuff as low as I can.
  14. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to CamillaCallie in November sleevers here   
    This is really insightful, thank you! Yeah I was the same, I was averaging 1.8-2.5 pounds a day.

  15. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to JavaKnut in November sleevers here   
    No typo - over 42lbs now, and that's 20 total inches. Every Sunday my wife helps me take a variety of photos in the same spot, same clothes (and down to skivvies just for me and family to reference), and then I grab the measuring tape and I use the "Body Sizes" app on my phone to track measurements for Waist, Hips, Chest, Biceps, Thigh, Forearm, Calf, Neck, Shoulders. I then take those numbers and put them into the Baritastic app, which tells me I am over 20in lost.
    I also track my heart rate, blood sugar, blood pressure, Water, walking, exercise and all through the Samsung Health app and the Samsung watch I wear.
    I use "Hydro Coach" to track my water intake - which integrates and sends the info into the Samsung app.
    It is great having all my numbers on hand for when I have my Dr and nutritionist appointments. I can pull up graphs and show them my progress on all of it.
  16. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to JavaKnut in November sleevers here   
    Definitely contact your doctor and make sure they do not have any concerns. They told me as long as I am passing gas it is not a blockage, just more of a slowdown. Definitely is uncomfortable and makes it very hard to go as you aren't supposed to push hard. I definitely see a stall in daily weight loss if I don't have a BM. When I was on Clear Liquids only, I was going as much as 3-4 times a day - liquid lightning! Granted I was also on a antibiotic for that week as well. Once I moved to full liquids and more Protein it backed me up a bit and slowed me down on going.
    The weight stalls I see go away each time I get a BM if I get stopped up for a day or so. I am averaging 1-2lbs a day easily. Some days I swing as much as 3-3.5.
  17. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to CamillaCallie in November sleevers here   
    No, the recommended weekly but I get too excited! Definitely need to start weighing in once or twice though so I don't freak out. And you're so right, more water!! Thank you!

  18. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to bogglesauce in November sleevers here   
    Prune juice! Specifically Sunsweet Plum Smart Light. Worked for me!
  19. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to GlennaMary in November sleevers here   
    Did they tell u to weigh yourself daily? It fluctuates so much, I would do once or twice a week. Don’t worry! Hang in there! Drink more water! 😊

  20. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to GlennaMary in November sleevers here   
    Hi! My doc said I could drive as long as I don’t take pain meds. And I was sleeved 11/22!
    I wasnplanning I’m getting out this weekend for a bit.
    Doc also said I could likely expect a stall in my loss around 4-6 weeks, sounds like where you are!
    Keep up the good work! 😘
  21. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Patrick powers in November sleevers here   
    I know what you mean I haven't lost anything in around 6 days now and I'm very discouraged. But I had the same problem. Milk of magnesia worked for me but I have to the some every few days. They told me that the Protein Shakes caused Constipation and it would get better after I'm on solid foods. If it doesn't get better you probably need to contact your Dr about it

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

  22. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to CamillaCallie in November sleevers here   
    So I've been on a 3 day stall now and can't figure it out. Well, it might have to do with not having a BM in a while. I took some milk of magnesia this morning I pray it works. It's been 2 weeks and I take a stool softener every day so I'm starting to freak out. Any advice?

  23. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to sinead in November sleevers here   
    Sleeved 11/07. On soft foods. On a stall with weight loss. But otherwise in good health. Still sore getting out of bed and can’t wait to go back driving as suffering from cabin fever!!! Don’t see the scale moving down but have noticed the weight loss in my clothes!

  24. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Fabtastic in November sleevers here   
    We share some commonalities... my surg was 11/28... when I woke up they told me I had hernia repair done! I was released from hospital on the 29th! I took it easy that day sticking to clear fluids! But on the 30th I tried all day to get Protein in... I managed about 40grms. Today is a new day, I have already had two shot glasses full of protein drink!!! Yes it makes you feel full, like a bomb hit your stomach!!! I been told no more than 1 to 2 oz at a time!!!

  25. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Mhy12784 in November sleevers here   
    40 pounds = 20 inches? A typo somewhere?

    And them screwing up and giving you dextrose instead of saline is absolutely ridiculous. I would have thrown a **** fit about that, that's pure incompetence. Not to mention your blood sugar being out of wacky delays healing and opens you up to infections (and surprise you got one).
    I'm more surprised that the PA was changing IV fluids though, that's something I've never seen one do in a hospital I've worked at. I mean they're absolutely capable, but it's not normal.

    Glad you're doing well now though

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