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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Jenilou78 reacted to Nette Fosters in Learn From My $16,000 Mistake   
    I read what you shared and I understood what you were saying- I've thought similar thoughts over the years.
    I won't tell you to "snap out of it" because that never worked when people said it to me. But when I was ready, when I felt sufficient motivation to make my own health my priority, I did snap out of my "hmm...the band didn't work" bad attitude and I followed the rules even though I thought some of them were stupid. And I've started losing weight again after years of not losing and even gaining.
    If someone had judged my success when I'd already been banded for years and yet I weighed 200 pounds, they might say it was a failure. But once I ramped up my movement the scale started moving again. (In the past two weeks I've lost six pounds.) decided to try slow jogging (thanks to "Couch to 5K") and an hour of Wii aerobics instead of my usual slow stroll through the neighborhood that counted as my exercise before. And I started logging my food on "Lost It!" and learning about nutrition. And I stopped making restaurant lunches and dinners my main form of socializing with friends.
    You're so right! Eating in a restaurant isn't the same anymore, it can turn into a gurgling, slime-flowing puke-fest at its worst. (Whenever I fly on a plane, I bring home a few "air-sickness" bags to tuck in my purse for emergency band situations. And strong zip lock baggies tucked in a purse work in emergencies too.) I felt embarrassed asking for my husband to pull the car over because I ate a few bites too many and was about to throw it all up. It's gross, isn't it? But I'd rather excuse myself and go PB in the bathroom than stay morbidly obese and eventually die from a heart attack, stroke, asthma, diabetes, you name it. I don't want to have to test my blood and give myself insulin shots. Drops of blood here and there, insulin vials in the fridge, a "sharps" disposal box on the bathroom counter... That's kinda yucky. And out of control diabetes leads to blindness and amputations. Also kinda...yucky. Having an oxygen tube under my nose all the time and carting around a little personal oxygen tank due to heart failure....there are all sorts of indignities and humiliations that come from long term morbid obesity. If I have a choice I'll choose an occasional PB that reminds me to listen to my body and not always try to take just "one more bite."
    Being healthy is my priority now so if I'm meeting a friend nowadays I'm focusing on talking with my friend and not making the visit about the restaurant food we eat. I'm more likely to invite a friend to sit and talk while sipping a coffee or iced tea at a cafe than a restaurant. Or I invite a friend to walk or shop with me. Now that I'm trying healthier coping skills when life is hard (talking about what made me upset instead soothing me feelings with food) I'm losing weight.
    I know I sound like I'm lecturing. I'm sorry, that's not my intent. But I relate to you and I went years feeling the same way you did. And after a while, enough of life's little "lessons" finally snapped me out of my bad attitude (going back on blood pressure medicine after being able to go off, hearing about friends and family's preventable health issues and the impact they had, struggling to communicate with a person I love who was paralyzed from a stroke, etc.)
    A few years ago, my band story looked like it ended poorly. But it hadn't yet ended. Every day I get to choose the thoughts and actions that are resulting in me now authoring the future I'd prefer.
    I'm not perfect. And on some days my attitude sucks. But I'm not giving up on myself. I'm going to follow the rules, work harder, change old behaviors and learn new skills. None of that is my natural style but I know where following my natural style has led me and where it will eventually lead. I'm choosing to work towards health instead.
    Wherever you started, wherever you're at now, wherever you're heading, I wish you blessings and health and happiness. I hope you find what works well for you.
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    Jenilou78 reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in Learn From My $16,000 Mistake   
    i dont regret my $30,000 band.
    it gave me my life back.
    and if complications occur, i will deal
    but now, i am living and i am grateful.
    (sorry you and others have/had issues)
    but not everyone does.
  3. Like
    Jenilou78 reacted to KassieRose in Learn From My $16,000 Mistake   
    Sure, you are welcome to share your opinion here, but to say that you don't want people to make the same mistake as you is ridiculous. Not everybody has issues with their band, and a good majority go into it knowing it isn't "all roses" and that there is a chance of it not working. It sounds like you weren't mentally prepared for it either and thought it was going to be some miracle fix. Not to say that it's the reason the band didn't work, but I think it heightened your disappointment and frustration when it didn't.
    If you have cancer and a doctor says you can have a surgery that might help, but it might not, would you get it? Of course you would. I am almost 9 months out, lost almost 90 pounds, have never thrown up, and never gotten stuck. How's that for a success story for you?
    For every failing band there are multiple people who have success. Just because you and others haven't had luck with it, it doesn't mean that nobody should try it.
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    Jenilou78 reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Learn From My $16,000 Mistake   
    I'm sorry you had problems, but it's obvious something was wrong with your band from the day it was placed. Maybe it's in the wrong place, maybe your anatomy simply doesn't work well with the band, I don't know. But I do know the fact you've been living on slider foods since the first month being banded means something is wrong.
    I might also add you have a 4cc band. There's a reason those are no longer used in the United States- because the company said there were way too many complications with them and now only approve the larger bands. Again, that is completely not your fault, however it stands to reason that band was too small for you from the beginning hence forever being too tight even when empty.
    I hope you find what you're looking for after it's removed and I mostly hope you find good health. But please don't come on here acting like everyone who is banded is making a mistake.
    We're not you and the statistics are in our favor, especially with the new bigger bands. I've lost almost 150 pounds in 9 months and I couldn't be happier. I never PB, I've never vomited, and it's extremely rare that I get stuck. In fact, I can and do still eat whatever I want without any problems. Some of us are extremely happy and successful with our bands.
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    Jenilou78 reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Wow U Eat That!?   
    As other stated, there are decent fast food choices, but you have to really do your homework to know them in advance. I understand someone who travels a lot or is away from home looking for something quick and easy, but in those cases, it's still their responsibility to make the healthiest choice they can.
    I am a firm believer nothing is off limits with the band except carbonation. If someone wants a Whopper, go for it, it's their decision. However, if someone is eating Whoppers and Big Macs regularly, they have zero room to whine about "Oh no I'm gaining weight! My band failed!"
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    Jenilou78 reacted to clarks4willie in Wow U Eat That!?   
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    Jenilou78 reacted to clarks4willie in Wow U Eat That!?   
    Hi all:)
    Start my journey - 3/12 weight- 223.5 lbs
    I was banded aug 15 2012. @201 lbs
    Currently holding steady @ 190 and dying to see the scale move, And I'm struggling. It's work everyday to stay away from food. BUT I'm not eating Fast food! By any means. Just haven't found my 'green' I guess. And still learning.
    BUT it floors to see people eat Mc'd , burger King, Popeyes ect ect. That have been banded!!!
    Dont get me wrong..I'll enjoy a cream puff, or peice of chocolate here and there. But NOT everyday or even a whole peice. I'm not perfect by far. But Fast Food Days are over for me. Sorry if it sounds judgmental. But my brain doesn't process how that's ok. And it's because I'm struggling so hard, mentally and physically to get it all 'right'. Have a great day all:)
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    Jenilou78 reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in Does The Patient Fail Or Does The Device Fail?   
    both can and both does and both will
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    Jenilou78 reacted to lyndeeboo in I Am An Addict And I'm Tired Of It :(   
    I’m really thinking about doing the lap band again. I had signed up a few years ago, then became pregnant so that stopped my Quest. My Husband’s open enrollment is coming up and I’m pretty sure I will have him add me again. My insurance doesn’t cover ANY bariatric surgery, weight loss programs, etc. Not that I feel ‘entitled’ to everything, but it does amaze me that my insurance SPECIFICALLY says they don’t cover bariatric surgeries, weight loss programs, etc. but that they DO cover dependency programs (drugs, alcohol, etc). Ummmmm, food IS my DEPENDENCY!!!! It has caused me to have high blood pressure, borderline diabetes and who knows how many other health issues!!! I guess people that don’t have an eating problem have a hard time seeing that I can’t just STOP eating, that I can’t just STOP making stupid food choices (fried foods, heavy carbs, sweets, etc) but I truly can’t! I mean, do those ‘people’ that think it’s easy to just drop 100 pounds by stepping away from fattening foods think I LIKE shopping in plus-sized stores? Do they think I LIKE only being able to find 60-year old woman shirts instead of cute, trendy shirts? Ummm no. If I could lose the weight I would. I’ve tried. I just don’t have the willpower. I don’t think that the lapband will solve my problems over night. I have heard countless times that it is 10% band and 90% person. Well I have 90% in me…it’s that 10% that I’m missing. Most of the time I WANT to eat better. Most of the time I WANT to make better choices, it’s just that every once in awhile I screw up SO badly (Chinese buffets, candy, over eating, etc) that totally messes up and cancels everything GOOD that I’ve chosen to do.

    I’ve never seen a person (me) take SO long to lose 10 pounds, but go off the deep end for a few days and gain it ALL back, plus 5. I truly feel like a drug addict at times with my out of control eating. I know what I should eat….I can be headed to the store to buy something ‘normal’ and then I pass Arby’s and can’t resist pulling in to their drive thru. As I’m pulling in I will tell myself I will only get something small, a simple cold cut sandwich. As I pull up to the menu I see all of the delicious food, so instead of a cold cut sandwich with no mayo, I decide to get a grilled chicken sandwich, but at the last minute I change it to a crispy chicken sandwich with cheese AND ranch dressing, but I will not order crisscut fries…until the sweet lady in the squack-box asks if I would like to make it a meal…and since I’m thirsty anyway I say “yes please”…because I mean, if I’m already getting the sandwich and drink the Crisscut’s are practically FREE anyway..but I WON’T eat them all…and then when she asks what kind of drink? I say Pepsi, because everyone (according to the news) knows that diet soda ‘causes’ Diabetes anyway, so I might as well drink the GOOD STUFF if I’m going to drink soda!!!

    I pull out of the drive thru and before I’m even on the road I’m chowing down on my fries. I drive to the closest park (so no one can watch Miss-fatty gorge herself) and eat every, last bite of everything in the bag. Being SURE to check for any lost fries that may be hiding underneath the napkins in the bottom of the bag. When I’m done I’m remorseful. I ask myself WHY I ate all of that and WHY I needed to even stop in the first place. I vow to NEVER do it again and to make better choices from this point forward….but somehow I can never keep my word to myself.

    …Now tell me how I’m NOT the SAME as a Meth addict? Or an alcoholic??? I don’t LIKE my kids laughing at my fat butt when I bend over in front of them. I don’t like NEVER being checked out when I go to a bar with my Husband. I don’t enjoy always being told how ‘nice’ I am and that I have such ‘pretty' eyes. I want to hear I’m BEAUTIFUL. I want to put on a pair of pants and not have to jump up and down to cram all of myself down inside of them. I want to slide those same pants on and not say a silent prayer that they will still button and zip. I want keep my legs crossed more than a few minutes without the circulation being cut off and causing leg pain. I want to walk in to a store and not be breathless. I want to chase after my kids at the park instead of sitting on a bench waving at them when they ask me to play. I want to be healthy. Is that really too much to ask???

    End of my rant….just had to get it off of my chest. If you’ve made it this far, thanks!

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