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LAP-BAND Patients
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    sheila2050 reacted to Skyjack1 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I walked by a mirror in a store and didn't recognize myself. It wasn't me I didn't look that big. Anyway I did some research for about a week around the end of July and had my surgery August 9th in Mexico.
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    sheila2050 reacted to Red_Charms09 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I woke up one morning and realized my life wasn't going anyway. My boyfriend/ child's father started cheating and had no interest in me anymore. Co workers suggesting better eating habits for me as if they were my mate. I've learned to avoid shopping with friends and family because I hate what I look like in dressing room mirrors. I'm ready to live and stop living in a shell like a turtle.
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    sheila2050 reacted to sil222 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Mine was my daughter , I had my 2 nd child when I was 38, I'm 39 now , and I want to be there for her, I want to be able to be active for her and my son . I am nearing 40 and I had this great need that I wanted to make a major change in my life, I want to be the grandma that zip lines :-) not wheelchair bound because of her weight .
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    sheila2050 reacted to bikerchick519 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I took my then 10 year old daughter to a Water park that had a lake that you could kayak or canoe. She was insistant that we each get a kayak. I told her I wasn't gonna fit in one but she persisted. I wedged by butt in one and it immediately sunk in the sand and got stuck. The kid working the area had to push me out and as soon as he did it tipped over. I then got in a canoe and rowed away. There were a lot of people in line watching and it was mortifying. I am 5'7" and was about 250 at the time. I knew that day I had to do something. There were also a couple of water slides with weight limits that I was slightly over. I can't wait to go back and do it all this time.
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    sheila2050 reacted to Wheetsin in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Mine wasn't related to an event, or a trigger weight, or anything like that. I was just tired of being fat. And tired of saying, "If I can't do it on my own by this time next year..."
    I guess what I'm saying was that it was a slow process, rather than an event.
    I think it was more outside events (e.g. getting a recommendation for a surgeon, realizing it could be done, realizing...) Keep in mind this was 2005 when the only WLS you really heard of was RNY and it was far from mainstream knowledge.
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    sheila2050 reacted to Katie713 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Joe...I have a similar list

    Went to a concert to see my favorite artist and could not fit into the seat properly and so had to squeeze in sort of sideways and was in pain all evening.
    Standing in line for a ride at Universal Studios with my grandson and not being able to even get on the ride - he rode alone and I had to wait at the exit
    Seeing a picture of myself as I really was - at the end of my rope
    Huffing and puffing when walking, even from the parking lot to my office right accross the street
    Never feeling full - no matter how much I ate.

    Thank God I found out that I qualified for WLS with Kaiser, I had been praying for a way to change my life and the option presented itself. I am so pleased with how much better I feel and look!!!
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    sheila2050 reacted to kmoore in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Father passed away at age 63 of massive heart attack. He was not obese and only had hyperlipidemia (controlled with med). He also ate healthy and exercised daily.
    There are other reasons for me, but none that matter nearly as much as that one.
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    sheila2050 reacted to sassypants in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My main reason was being pretty much housebound.
    Even in my house I couldn’t stand to cook or clean and I couldn’t walk from the top to bottom in one go I had to rest between floors it’s a 3 story house.
    This year I hadn’t left my house unless in a car, I also cancelled going to my nephews christening because I couldn’t sit in the car for 3 hours to drive there without my back being in extreme pain, I couldn’t stand or walk for as much as I needed too once there and finding a outfit.
    I did get a size 38 pair of pants but no top or shoes I could wear it depressed me more than anything else.
    I have other reasons but they are personal to me.
    I was on the waiting list to be approved for 2 years but the main reason for me is that I was pretty much a shut in because of my back and knees.
    Middle of last year I tried to go ikea with my mum she drove I by passed most of the store and went straight to the bottom level which is pictures kitchen stuff rugs etc sat on a bench while she did all the looking around.
    She met me we got half way in the ground floor I started locking up and shaking with pain I sat on the floor, when I felt better I started to go again had to walk through the warehouse bit I got down one isle so locked up and in so much pain I just started crying and forced myself to walk to some stairs near by to sit on and just cried while my mum tried to find the quickest way for me to get out.
    Took me over an hour to get out because I would walk for 5mins be in so much pain I had to stop and wait and rest then go again and over and over.
    Was the most humiliating experience ever just being stared at like I was insane and the staff constantly passing by asking if I was ok, am I sure and giving me odd looks.
    The weight on my body was too much for me and nothing they did helped my back, the bigger I got the less I did the more pain I was in and round and round it went.
    I think that’s why I was cleared suddenly this year instead of end of next year like it originally said.
    I still have major issues with my back and right knee, still haven’t gone anywhere on my own not in a car but when I do instead of porters taking me in a wheelchair around the hospital I walk.
    So that’s my straw that broke my back lol
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    sheila2050 reacted to traceyinflorida in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Mine was an inspirtation. A friend of mine (and past diet buddy) ran the NY Marathon. She had been around the same weight as I was and had bypass surgery about four years ago. I had always marveled at her weight loss, and even met with her several times to discuss the surgery. I kept thinking I would try to do it on my own, rather than undergo something so drastic. Well now, here I was at my highest weight ever, feeling tired, disgusting and miserable, and there she was running a MARATHON!! That was when I decided I had put my life on hold long enough and immediately started steps to get the surgery. It took me nine months from that decision to the actual proceedure, but now I am finally on my way to being a happy healthy person like she is. I do not really see the NY marathon in my future (I hate to run and always have, even when I was thin) but who knows. Either way, I know now that the future now looks bright for me and I will have my own "marathon" moments as a new, healthier, lighter me!
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    sheila2050 reacted to shrinkydinkme in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    everything especially loosing 60 pounds only to put back on 80 over the next year and a half.... then when I heard about the Sleeve, I knew it was for me. A couple years of looking into bypass and not being able to do that to myself. Talked to Sleevers and researched it and was ready to go.... while waiting the 6 months for surgery a 4yr old asked, "Why are your legs so big?" that sealed the deal for me.
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    sheila2050 reacted to theoldmusicbox in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My 14 year old son has been running cross country for the last 2 years. There are 1000 other reasons I wanted this surgery, but, the thought of me being able to go running with my son, still is something that drives me to push harder.
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    sheila2050 reacted to dexter in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Hurting a lot and listening to my knees sounding like rice krispies every time I sat down.
    That and going to the drive in movies and feeling the camping chair slowly bend closer to the ground until it wouldn't close up any more.
    We wanted to go to Six Flags before school starts but I got so depressed thinking about walking, riding and just sitting while everyone had fun, we decided to cancel. And that depressed me even more. We cancelled a mini vacation because of my weight.
    Been toying with the idea of WLS, but I just got sick and tired of being sick and tired, you know?
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    sheila2050 reacted to bigjoe102 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    What was the final thing that you encountered that made you say this is enough? I have had numerous.
    1. Leaving a wife and 2 sons, Husbandless and fatherless.
    2. Not being able to get on amusement park rides with my sons.
    3. Not being able to take my wife to a concert, because i could not fit in a seat.
    4. Avoiding restuarant,movie theaters and sports complexes with tiny seats.
    For me, walking through a a department store and some little child looking at me like im a alien had to be one the hardest things.
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    sheila2050 reacted to DanaInNewOrleans in Is It My Imagination That The Mexico Sleevers Seem To Have Less Complications?   
    I agree with this too. I think extra care and attention is given because of the fact that their followup is limited.
    I also think the great treatment so many Americans are benefiting from in Mexico is the same treatment that wealthy Mexican citizens receive. In reality Mexico is basically a country of only two socioeconomic classes -- the very wealthy and the very poor. They don't have much of a middle class. Maybe I've got it wrong but I kind of look at it like "Boutique Surgeons" and "Boutique Hospitals/Clinics". Many surgeons and boutique clinics around the world have cashed in on the same business model. It's a win win win -- for American patient (or Canadian or British or whatever) who gets very personalized quality medicine, for the surgeon/staff-- they're making a killing!, and the country itself that benefits from the economics of medical tourists.
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    sheila2050 reacted to aviiva in Is It My Imagination That The Mexico Sleevers Seem To Have Less Complications?   
    I had mine in louisville ky by dr. david geller. No complications no pain no nausea or vomiting. I can't say enough how wonderful he is. I had a hernia repair and would not have known unless he told me. I was sleeved on 4/4 down 62lbs about 25 more to go. My bff had hers done in mexico she also had no complications.
    Sent from my SPH-D700 using VST
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    sheila2050 reacted to Kristine in Is It My Imagination That The Mexico Sleevers Seem To Have Less Complications?   
    I find this an interesting topic. I am an RN and work in a large hospital just north of downtown San Diego. In all my years as a RN (just over 40 years!) I could tell you more horror stories than any of you want to hear about the care in Mexico. Patients are frequently sent to the border to call for an ambulance so they will be taken to US hospitals because hospitals in Mexico cannot or will not take care of their serious illness and complications. That being said, I am surprised to hear about so many positive outcomes and obviously satisfied patients that receive vsg surgery in Mexico. Clearly, there are some very good surgeons working in many of the border towns of Baja and mainland Mexico. I am also very sympathetic to the unbelievable number of patients that want (and need) wls surgery and their insurance companies will not cover the expense. Clearly wls (and especially a sleeve) is preventative medicine at its best. How much money will they save when they are not longer reimbursing physicians for treatment of your hypertension, type II diabetes, joint pain etc. Okay, I will step off the soapbox on that topic. I just feel that for those of you contemplating surgery in Mexico - do your research! As you read multiple posts on these forums from people that have had surgery in MX, you see the same names over and over - Dr. Kelly, Dr. Aceves, Dr. Alvarez just to name a few. Consider a surgeon with a proven track record of success, even if he is more expensive. Make sure there is some type of pre and post op education. Who will take care of any post op complications that might arise and will there be an extra charge for management of any complications? If you have insurance, get home and have problems, will your insurance now cover the cost of treating those complications? Make sure you can set-up follow up care questions with a dietician. Perhaps this can be done by email with someone associated with your Mexico surgical team, but otherwise find someone near your home. For those of you that do not have insurance, make sure the cost is all inclusive in regards to any complications. Otherwise you might consider saving a little over the stated cost to cover any unexpected issues. Clearly the complication rate is low, but when it happens to you those statistics kinda fly out the window.
    Best of luck to all. For those of you that have had successful surgery in Mexico, I am happy for you. Personally, I feel blessed I was not forced into this option. I know I am lucky.
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    sheila2050 reacted to O.T.R. sleever in Is It My Imagination That The Mexico Sleevers Seem To Have Less Complications?   
    I respectfully disagree. Yes, it is possible for anyone anywhere to have complications, but most reputable surgeons in Mexico go the extra mile to reduce the probability of complications. For example, over sewing The staple line is a redundancy that is not common practice in most American practices. Multiple leak tests over multiple days is another. Patients of Mexican surgeons will likely not have the same follow p treatment nor easy access to their surgeon once they go home, so extra precautions are taken to ensure the possibility of complications arising are minimized. Also the the short term care that you receive in Mexico is far superior to that provided here in the United States.
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    sheila2050 got a reaction from samsmom in Is It My Imagination That The Mexico Sleevers Seem To Have Less Complications?   
    I'm scheduled to have surgery with Dr. Kelly 9/26. It's costing $5500 all-inclusive. They will even take you out to eat (broth) after surgery and souvenir shopping, if you like.
    Dr. Kelly is also qualified in trauma care and transplant surgery.
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    sheila2050 reacted to shangefan in Considerin Surgery In Mexico....?   
    I had surgery with Dr. Almanza on July 9 and couldn't be happier. In fact, mine was a revision from lapband to sleeve and I had an excellent experience. I had very little pain following the surgery. I found the recovery house (which is staffed with nurses around the clock) to be very comfortable. The rest of the staff was very responsive and helpful.
    You will have people telling you to disregard doctors who use recovery houses or otherwise have different processes from what THEIR doctor does. Don't be swayed by that. Do your research and choose what works for you. Know, also, that just because someone charges more does not mean that they are necessarily a better doctor.
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    sheila2050 reacted to LeahDiarrhea in Considerin Surgery In Mexico....?   
  21. Like
    sheila2050 reacted to Raine in Bariatric Surgery Do's And Don'ts   
    Well said LMD, well said. Whether you know it or not you are a mentor to many of us. Just saying
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    sheila2050 reacted to NDN_RN in Anyone Recieved Plastic Surgery In Mexico?   
    If you do not want to go to Mexico, New York Eye and Ear hospital in Manhattan, is a world renowned for it's head and neck plastics, developed a cosmetic surgery fellowship that offers low cost surgery 3000-4000 per procedure. The surgeons are all board certified, have already done a plastics fellowship and have decided to super specialize in cosmetics. i had a breast lift for 3000 and a lower body lift (Full circumferance zipper) AND a Tummy Tuck for 3000. I did this after a big weight loss (that failed a year later) and although I have gained the weight back, I don't have saggy boobs or an apron. They did a phenomenal job.
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    sheila2050 reacted to NDN_RN in Anyone Recieved Plastic Surgery In Mexico?   
    The clinic mentioned above is word of mouth, not advertised.
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    sheila2050 reacted to NDN_RN in Anyone Recieved Plastic Surgery In Mexico?   
    That is for the post fellow docs. You have to ask for the plastics "clinic" on the 9th floor. Whole different fee base
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    sheila2050 got a reaction from ataylor in Considerin Surgery In Mexico....?   
    Well, I went with my sister with my birth certificate and marriage certificate (name change) and driver's license. You can get back in with these documents. Still, when we came back the border crossing guard asked me why I didn't have a passport and told me to get one!
    They also have something called a passport card now which can be used for land/sea travel only.
    If you search for passport requirements, you can find the US information.

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