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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About isajck

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 01/29/1968

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    music, internet, movies, reading, travel
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  1. isajck

    Steve Harvey

    Thanks for saying this. Someone with his personal history can never preach to me concerning relationships. Cannot believe so many have fallen for his BS. Steve is nothing more than a snake oil salesman selling basic common sense to people. There is nothing new or insightful in what he is spewing.
  2. From everything I have heard it is cheaper, not sure how much as I have not called personally. I'm waiting until I hit goal to start any inquiries.
  3. isajck

    Are you more hungry around time of cycle?

    I am more hungry and want to eat everything in sight. In addition I can eat more food but can only barely tolerate water. It is so strange but thankfully like others, the weight gain is quickly lost afterwards.
  4. I've seen several people talk about it on OH plus know a friend of a friend that had breast work through the program. I've not heard any complaints to date and outside of Mexico this will probably be the only I can afford the work needed to resurrect my body. LOL.
  5. I have not had plastics yet but have heard many good things about Dr. Monaco: http://drlomonaco.com/houston/ In all honestly since money will be a huge factor, when the time comes, I will probably go the resident program route with Baylor. There are many (I found some reviews on another forum) that have used them with good results. http://www.bcm.edu/plasticsurgery/index.cfm
  6. isajck

    What Did Your United Healthcare Cover?

    I've not gotten to that point yet but imagine, depending on how bad the skin hang is, they would cover at least a panniculectomy if nothing else.
  7. isajck

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    Thanks for the advice and good luck on the upcoming surgery!
  8. isajck

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    Single and a year out from surgery. The friends are all saying "it's time to start dating, place an ad somewhere" but how does one who never really learned the art of dating and/or dealing with members the opposite sex in romantic situations even begin to go about it?
  9. isajck

    shoe size

    I am 11 months out and down 1 full size from a 12 to 11. When I've lost weight in the past the lowest show size I went down to was an 11. I can live with that. I've already found more nice shoes at this size than in the past so no complaints.
  10. isajck

    Cancer Ward?

    Maybe it's just where certain tests are performed.
  11. isajck


    I had popcorn for the first time about three weeks ago at a movie theater. Only had a small amount and had no issues. Since that was so positive I went out and purchased some for the house...big mistake. It has not given my sleeve any problems but my mouth went into overdrive. It goes down way to easy and tastes so damn good. I'm making a conscious decision to stop eating it for those reasons.
  12. isajck

    It's Like They're Daring Me...

    I agree although they do look very tasty.
  13. isajck

    Exercise question for the VETS

    I've lost my weight without exercise. That is probably not ideal but the gym bores me to death. I tried it again recently and after two weeks I just could not go back. I will admit to feeling better after exercising (cardio and some weight training) but the sheer monotony of it drove me back out of the door.
  14. isajck

    Teeth correction needed as a VSG vet?

    Braces are a good idea to shift the remaining teeth back into position but if you've no molars left then implants (or something else) should be pursued. I had teeth issues that were resolved by braces over 5 years ago. I also have one tooth missing on each side towards the back and should have had a bridge or implants once the braces came off. I did not and am now dealing with subtle shifting of my teeth which will only increase as time goes on - not good! Once my financial situation is better I will look at replacing the missing teeth and possibly placement back in braces to resolve these issues once and for all. I was not planning on dealing with teeth again but will to pay for mistakes made in the past.
  15. isajck


    I had a six month requirement and you'd really be surprised at how quickly it passes by. I did not have serious co-morbids and even without any, my BMI alone would have qualified me. My doctor's office has a program that goes from initial consult to insurance paperwork submission so outside of attending visits, I had very little to actually do. It was a well oiled machine! Hopefully your surgeon's office is as organized because it made the whole process pretty much stress free (well outside of my own personal anxiety about what I was undertaking).

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