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Blog Comments posted by dpeeler28

  1. i hear ya on the no energy thing! im exhausted.....i'm horrible about weighing myself, i think i'm gonna have the boyfriend hide the scale for a week lol! i havent lost any since my first week home and i'm 3 weeks out so getting a little discouraged. not gonna lie, i'm not following EXACTLY what the doc said to do (such as i refuse to drink skim, and i will add some SF choc syrup to my milk as well) just little things....i cant hardly eat anything BUT on the plus side, i am feeling much better this week,and iwas able to enjoy the outside with my kids today : ) im a very impatient person i am totally ready to feel normal again too!

  2. as of tomorrow im one week out and today is the first day i have really been able to get up and around for more than 10 minutes. whenever i drink things, i still get the bubbly feeling and tend to burp when i take in a lot of air when i swallow....i think that is something that should start to go away after a while.....i realy have to be aware of how big my drinks are. the smaller i take, the better they go down and then less bubbly,gassy feelings

  3. seein someone for the mental side of this is something i have strongly considered, but i just don't have the money for that right now....it's a miracle in itself that i'm even getting the surgery done! i have a great support system at home, and i know they are there if i need to talk things through, but I have to be able to open up and i'm not good at that at all....i'm a very independant and stubborn person, and i hate admitting i need any kind of help. the surgery itself was admitting defeat(at first) but i DO need help with my weight, i can't do it on my own....now i just need to get my mind wrapped around that with the emotional/mental issue and i will be good to go! thanks for all the input : )

  4. i am completely willing to make the changes, it's just harder than i had oringinally expected! Obesity is not my excuse....there'a a lot to my life history that i am not going to divulge to complete strangers that would explain why YES food is my best friend.....i understand it's not living and breathing but it still is my best friend. my issue is not a "well i never feel full" it's a mental issue....i'm not the type of person to hand out hugs or console in an animal(it's just my personality)...i chose food....as a child, my family chose food....it's a life time of habit and emotion that i am going to have to break....I get frustrated really easy and tend to giveup. BUT i haven;t given up this time, i did dust it off and came back at it with a vegance today...and i'm doing great!(so far lol) i appreciate all the feed back and the "tough love"! i will get through this and be happier and healthier in the long run!

  5. the first day was actually a breeze for me, and now on my 4th day (i think) im not having 'real' hunger. it's all my brain! it's that i'm missing the food and i give in, so now i am going to have to come up with a plan to stop sabotaging myself!! if we don't see it, we can't eat it right? the protien shakes really do fulfill your true hunger....i start out my days on a great note, when i'm truly hungry and have a no sugar added instant breakfast and i'm satisfied....then it's all down hill lol! i think we need to set ourselves up for success and throw everything out(or at least get it out of sight) that we cannot have...it's the only way(for me i think) to get through this pre op diet crap! I KNOW we both can do this, it's just a matter of mind over food!

  6. i think while being overweight we tend to allow people to "belittle" us. every big person wants to be accepted and looked at as "normal" (whatever that may be). but at some point YOU have to accept yourself! never apologize for who you are!! i originally felt the same way, and over time and with positive people in my life, i realized that if people looked past me because of my weight then it was their loss, not mine! i have yet to have surgery, but instead of having the surgery for happiness(i used to think this was the magic "happiness"), i am having it to be healthy and live a longer life. i have finally accepted that i am a big girl, and the only person that ever held me back was myself! food is an addiction, and obesity is a sickness. you have to forgive yourself for allowing this to happen, but love yourself enough to own up to it and fix it. take one day at a time and keep your chin up and ALWAYS love who you are!

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