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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Crystal927 got a reaction from general_antiope in Welcome, Feb Bandsters!   
    Hey! Now that I figured out how to "join the group" I'm posting my reply I was perplexed when it told me that I cannot reply to this topic.
    Anyways, I'm Crystal from Alabama. Unlike many of you, I don't have a date yet for my surgery, I have to attend a BEGIN class next Tuesday and then they will call and schedule my surgery. I received insurance approval last week after doing a 6 month doc supervised diet. I really can't wait to have this journey even more underway!! Like Felecia, I struggled with the decisions to do WLS. Not sure why you struggled but for me, I was one of those people who felt like I'd be taking the "easy way out" I never thought of it as a tool that helps you along in the journey that you are indeed still the one making the food choices and exercise choices. So back in 2010 I gave this weight loss thing my very best effort...I worked out at Curves, did Zumba 2 times a week, got into fitness bootcamp, did >10 5k's and trained for and finished a half marathon. At my peak, I was working out 4 hours a day and working a fulltime job. It was an incredible year and I learned SO much about myself. I am strong and determined. When I crossed the finish line of that half marathon, it was one of the best days of my life because I had completed something that no one else ever expected me to, but worse than that, I never expected or believed that I could but I did. With God all things are possible! Over that year I lost a little more than 70 lbs. I absolutely breaks my heart to admit that in the last two years since then I have put most of that back on. Its just not realistic for me to live that like that year every year...I mean 4 hours a day? So the last two years I've thought and prayed over this WLS topic and I've done my share of studying and reading up on it. I think I'm pretty well educated in what's about to take place in my life so hopefully there won't be many surprises. I've found Protein Shakes that I like, I've been taking chewable vitamins for about 6 months now, I had my last carbonated beverage May 28...and I'm trying to make conscious efforts to not drink with meals and to take smaller bites and chew alot. I really just can't wait to get back into a routine and see some positive results...I look forward to watching everyone's journey and enjoying encouraging each other along the way! I'm ready to start making myself a "rewards" list for certain milestones along the way and achieving them one by one on the way to the life I've always wanted! Good Luck to all!!
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    Crystal927 reacted to Shanna H in Tomorrow is the day, nervous!!   
    First, I want to congratulate you on make the decision of a lifetime to become a "bandster". Second, I can totally relate to your nervousness. I have had many surgeries and I still was nervous. It is the fear of the unknown but you will be in excellent hands. Just think, you are making a very exciting change in your life so you are probably nervous about that as well. We are all here for you and hope to hear about your journey to come. Feel free to write me anytime. xoxoxo ~ Blessings ~
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    Crystal927 reacted to MandaMom23 in Any February 2013 Bandsters?   
    Anyone else started their pre op diet? I'm on day 3 and so far so good. My willpower has REALLY been tested though, Friday night I sat through my family eating fried chicken...and last night we went shopping with my mother in law and everyone got mcdonalds. I didn't cheat though, I just kept reminding myself that if I cheated I'd be continuing the cycle that got me here in the first place. I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself.
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    Crystal927 got a reaction from destynee1 in Fitness shoes!   
    Listen to Lee!! Socks are almost equally as important as shoes! I have loved Nike socks, not sure the style name but they have a band around the arch that keeps the sock from twisting or shifting, and they have the "tabs" on the back that helps with preventing blisters. I have a hard time with blisters and these were the best I found...until recently...I ordered some Injinji socks...and while I haven't put in any major miles in them yet, I have worn them all day and they felt great. The ones I got are actually "toe socks" which sounds weird, but I was prone to getting blisters on the bottom of my toes (odd I know) all I can figure is my feet are made weird and my toes are just hugging each other or something causing that friction, these socks keep that from happening!! And they have the tab in front and back. That's just two that I have found that work for me...the idea of buying one or two pair and trying them out is great advice, I have a drawer of socks from buying more than one and not liking them (new balance and Adidas mainly) good luck!! And depending on what part of FL there is a great running store in Pensacola and if I'm not mistaken they have one in ft Walton beach too I just can't think of the name of it right now. Bummer. I can find out if that's close to you though!
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    Crystal927 reacted to LJCBF in Fitness shoes!   
    Awesome !! Let me know how it goes and good luck : ) get some good socks too its very worth it!!
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    Crystal927 got a reaction from donna12 in Pre op diet.. Need help   
    The Protein not the nectar...bad aftertaste with the nectar!! I order from mybariatricpantry.com great customer service and fast shipping! And you can order samples so you don't waste money on lbs of the powder just to learn you don't like it!
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    Crystal927 reacted to This Girl Is Losing It in Anyone cheat on their preop diet?   
    I am on day 4 of a 14-day pre-op liquid diet, and daydreaming of enchiladas. But they'll stay there, in my dreams, because to me, the pre-op diet is about proving to myself that I can do this, no matter how damn difficult it is. I mean, I know it's actually about my liver, but to me it's about inner strength. Oh yeah, plus I'm down 11 pounds in the 4 days!
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    Crystal927 reacted to babykins529 in January 2013 Bandsters Unite   
    Had my pre-op labs and appointments done this morning. Met up with a nice lady who was banded 3 weeks ago. We were in seminar and class together. She was self-pay, so she didn't have to wait for insurance run-arounds like I did. We exchanged numbers, and it's great because she lives in the next town over from me! She said everything went great and it's the best thing she could have done for herself. It's nice to have someone close by who is a month ahead of you.
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    Crystal927 reacted to jsws91 in Pre op diet.. Need help   
    cookie flavored Water... lol that made me laugh...
    I am still a few months out from surgery, but need to find some Protein shakes too. good info..
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    Crystal927 reacted to destynee1 in Fitness shoes!   
    Thanks all of you!! and Crystal thanks for sharing your story!! OUCH! I definitely don't want that to happen! eep!
    My bf owes me shoes.. so I am gonna have him take me lol.! thanks a ton guy and gals! <3
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    Crystal927 got a reaction from destynee1 in Fitness shoes!   
    Hey! I thought I'd throw out my two cents worth on shoes I learned the hard way if you are going to be doing anything that amounts to much (mileage or hours working out in the shoes) you should go and be fitted by an expert, one who can look at your pronation/gait so that you don't end up hurting your feet/ankles and end up on the couch due to injury. I trained for a half marathon back in 2010 and I didn't know anything about shoes and wearing the right ones...so I did what any girl would do and bought some cute ones haha turns out they were all kind of wrong for my feet...I finished the race with bloody feet and 3 toenails that turned black and fell off...also caused an issue with a tendon in my foot b/c the shoes weren't supporting my feet correctly...so SUPER long story just to say that you should go to a sporting goods store and find out if they have someone working there who does that...I went to a store here in my hometown that sponsors alot of races in the area and they have someone staffed that does just that. I ended up needing a "neutral" shoe and the first pair I bought was by Brooks...(i've had several Brooks now they are great) Currently I'm wearing some by Mizuno they are great and are even super cute! Its amazing the difference, and I didn't even realize the others didn't feel good! So thats my rant on shoes, haha sorry for the novel...Good luck to you!
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    Crystal927 reacted to catfish87 in In need of a mentor/buddy   
    Hi Kara,
    I'm from Collinsville, just across the river. I got my band in Sep 09, so its been a while. I started at 322, got down to about 235 in six months. I had an issue with my band early on, ( band had come undone ) ate way too much due to no restriction, gained back to about 270, got it corrected and am almost to good restriction now I think. Im currently around 245. Its definately a learning proces and takes dedication to following the "rules". I would be happy to answer any questions about my experience with it. And knowing what I know now, I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
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    Crystal927 reacted to SeaSounders♥ in Any February 2013 Bandsters?   
    This is great.. Can't wait till I join the Feb13 BandWaggon... will find out my tenative date on Monday!!
    Pros about getting a Feb Band that I keep telling myself to get through the pre-op appointment phase
    1. You bypass the holidays
    2. Its winter and cold so by the time your able to work out it again it should hopefully feel like Spring
    3. && by the time its summer you will be looking GREAT!!
    Good Luck Everyone!!
  14. Like
    Crystal927 reacted to Banjo257 in In need of a mentor/buddy   
    You bet crystal, anything I can do. Pre op, and post op.
    I stalked below the radar also. Information is power! And I was mostly looking for what not to do, rather than what to do.
    And what I will leave to with today, most important info, remember although everyone had good intentions, watch out for the doctor wanna bes that give out medical advise too freely. You have a real worry or problem, take it to your doc. Do that and you will do great!!!!!
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    Crystal927 reacted to B-52 in Fitness shoes!   
    Go to a reputable store that caters to runners.....have a "expert" analyze your feet and recommend shoes.....they will not necessarily be expensive.....
    There are too many issues anyone may have....pronation, supination, etc.....
    Although "Black Toe" is common, it is never desirable....and poor shoes, and socks for that matter guarantee it!
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    Crystal927 reacted to Lisa0203 in Fitness shoes!   
    As someone who worked at a Jazzercise for a few years, I was always told if someone asked for sneaker recommendations for dance/aerobics it is wise to tell them that cross trainers provide the best support. Running shoes don't provide enough support for the directional changes you make during dance. They also don't usually have a ton of grip on the floor allowing you to change direction more easily which takes a lot of stress off your hips, knees, and ankles. The Nike Musique and Ryka Studio D are worn by many of the women and fitness instructors of all ages and seem to be very popular.
  17. Like
    Crystal927 got a reaction from Banjo257 in In need of a mentor/buddy   
    Thank you so much!!! you've had great success already -26!!! Congrats!!! I've been kind of 'forum stalking' for about a year now as I wrapped my mind around the idea of the band...and I've really dug in and read a ton as I was completely my insurance required 6 months. The pre-op diet is whats been on my mind alot this week...i won't know what the guidelines for my dr are until the 29th when I go for his BEGIN class. But once I get those guidelines I'll probably be seeking some ideas on what you did, etc!
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    Crystal927 reacted to angelmf in Got approved   
    Doctors office just called I got approved. My surgery is going to be January 30th I'm so excited.
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    Crystal927 reacted to bar2373 in January 2013 Bandsters Unite   
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    Crystal927 reacted to Missmia9 in January 2013 Bandsters Unite   
    That is so sad! I wish I could come help you!!!! Hang in there and even though we can't help with the physical support.....we're certainly available for your emotional support!!!!! We're rooting for you and I will be praying that you DO have an easy time of it and that he comes to see how hurtful he's being.
    Blessings, Alicia
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    Crystal927 reacted to karanicole26 in In need of a mentor/buddy   
    I know a couple people as well who have had this done. My mom's cousin had it done last year and is sort of a mentor to me which is kind of nice. It's good to know that you're motivated just like me. I'm ready to get past the pre-op, op, and post-op stuff and get back to the gym and getting a new lease on life.
    I feel like I've done a lot of research and thinking but I know there is a lot more to learn. I think the greatest knowledge can come from people who have already had the procedure and people who are going through it with me.
  22. Like
    Crystal927 got a reaction from donna12 in Pre op diet.. Need help   
    Hey girl...I have some Syntrax matrix Protein that's 110 calories 1.5 fat 2 carbs and 23 protein it says you can mix with Water but I never have I always mix with fat free milk which adds about 9 G protein but also about 90 more calories. Their flavors are really good, I've got banana cream, strawberries n cream, and milk chocolate. I actually like them, like I want them haha I've been drinking them for several months now for breakfast.
  23. Like
    Crystal927 got a reaction from donna12 in Pre op diet.. Need help   
    Hey girl...I have some Syntrax matrix Protein that's 110 calories 1.5 fat 2 carbs and 23 protein it says you can mix with Water but I never have I always mix with fat free milk which adds about 9 G protein but also about 90 more calories. Their flavors are really good, I've got banana cream, strawberries n cream, and milk chocolate. I actually like them, like I want them haha I've been drinking them for several months now for breakfast.
  24. Like
    Crystal927 reacted to Onamissionn2013 in Any February 2013 Bandsters?   
    I'm February 14th too! What a great valentine present to ourselves!
  25. Like
    Crystal927 reacted to Banjo257 in In need of a mentor/buddy   
    Hi Kara, Hi Crysta,
    I got banded 12/17, one month today. Still very new so if you have questions the answers will be fresh in my mind. Congrats to both of you. You will like this site, it is so helpful, and for the most part the people are nice. Good luck to both of you. If I can ever help or just want to chat, I'm banjo257.
    : )

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