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Everything posted by angelakay2

  1. angelakay2

    Need Surgeon Recommendations In The Houston, Tx Area

    I used Dr. Waggoner. His staff is AMAZING! The post-op nurse is a sleeve buddy herself. Dr, Waggoner is super nice and came to see me twice post-op. He is at the new hospital on 290. North Cypress Medical Center. i had a private room and again, the staff was great! Dr. Waggoner also has post-op groups and they cater in a food type for whatever stage you are in. i,e., liquids, pureed, etc, etc http://www.cypressweightloss.com/
  2. angelakay2

    Surgery Tomorrow! Eeek!

    Thank you all!! I am soooo looking forward to some real peas!! CJ- I would be licking the glass of the vending machine!
  3. angelakay2

    Surgery Tomorrow! Eeek!

    I chose green for my font color for a reason that I will get to in a moment. The huge news is My surgery is in 7 hours and I am sleepy but obviously not asleep! I am nervous but surprisingly calm. I wonder what the heck I will be like in the morning?!? I told the nurse that until I am knocked out I am subject to walking out from my nerves. She didn't believe me. All I have to say is...SAY I WON'T! :ph34r: I hit 16 lbs loss this morning and got out of the 300's! Wooooo hooo!!!!!! Now for my green story. I was at a friend's house and after using the restroom I washed my hands and reached for a paper towel only to notice it had green peas designed all over them. Okay, I am a fat girl who has been starving for 2 weeks. Really?? Haha. I went out and asked my friend how many carbs she thought were in that paper towel because the peas looked delicious! Sometimes I crack me up!
  4. Amy!!! First and foremost...Congrats on your smoking AND your losing! You are doing fabulous!!! As for the Gatorade, I was told i couldn't have it yet but will definitely keep that in mind when I can! I have been drinking Water and diluted apple juice.
  5. Thank you so much! i am usually the one with that response! I will say a prayer and let it go!
  6. angelakay2

    About Time Cinammon Swirl Protein....

    What brand?? Sounds good!! Must share!!! hahaha
  7. I am 3 days post op and had to stay in the hospital an extra day and a half. I get these wierd feeling after I sip on something. They feel like hunger pangs but I am simply not hungry. I have tried cold, warm, room temp, etc. Also, How long did the dizziness and nausea last? I walk whenever I can. Please tell me I'm not the only one windering why in the heck I did this???
  8. angelakay2

    Oh Dumping Syndrome...

    I don't think I want to experience this! I wonder if it's forever triggered by sugar...
  9. angelakay2

    Muscle Milk?

    I actually didn't mind the muscle milk and surprisingly enough, the banana creme wasn't horrible either!
  10. angelakay2

    Is It Gas Or Something Else?

    I think a lot of my issues were coming from them keeping me on morphine around the clock. I told them I did not want anymore pain meds so I hope this is just residual meds left in my body. As for walking, I feel the same way so I started walking around the house. Just walking whenever ad wherever I can. I hope you feel better soon as well!!!
  11. angelakay2

    Is It Gas Or Something Else?

    I will definitely let you know!! I am hoping to feel much better real soon because tis dizzy/nauseous feeling sucks!! I will say though, as far as pain goes the gas was the worst. I feel so thursty I want to chug a giant glass of Water. I know I won't but I would like to!
  12. angelakay2

    Drainage Bag

    That's a good idea!! Right now I pin it to my clothes to keep it from dangling but obviously I would not have anything to pin it to in the shower!
  13. Good luck and I will pray for all of us to have a speedy recovery!!! I'm nervous, scared, excited, etc, etc, etc
  14. angelakay2


    I just started mine but I am also just starting my journey with surgery tomorrow! Here's a link! http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/user/29365-angelakay2/
  15. angelakay2

    Pool Party

    They were probably jealous of the confidence you have! Good for you!!!!
  16. angelakay2

    SBS 5mths Out

    You look fantastic!
  17. angelakay2

    May 2012

    You already look Amazing!!! Good job!
  18. angelakay2

    I Lied.....

    Okay, okay! I lied but not intentionally. I said I would not neglect my blog and what have I done? tsk, tsk, tsk. I have my surgery Wednesday morning and I am starting to become a chicken! I don't just mean a little nervous I mean full on growing feathers! Eeeek! All I can think about right now is if I am making the right decision to let some man cut more than half of my stomach off. I will say that I have lost 14.5 lbs so far! Woohoo! Of course it's been tough but worth it. Also, on a body the size of mine no one (including me) can tell. Tomorrow I plan to spend the morning wrapping up some loose ends and then hanging at the pool with my 10 year old since Mama won't be able to swim with her for 2 weeks. Now, if you do not want to endure my venting you may stop reading So, my husband is active duty in the Army and came into town for my surgery. He decided he wanted to eat out (we were already out). i suggested the ONLY place that I could eat, which was Boston Market because they have non-creamed spinach and water. He INSISTED on Golden Corral. Well....we all know that is a buffet!! Seriously? Your 300 lb wife sitting and watching you eat from a buffet while I have a cup of spinach and some water??? To add sprinkles on top he made a trip to the dessert bar. I was soooooooo mad!!!!! Uuuugghhhh!!!!
  19. angelakay2

    I Lied.....

    @gramaof4-Thank you! i am keeping my chin up! Congrats on 85 el bees!!!!! Holy cow I hope I do that!!! Mine kept telling me hw bad he wanted cookies and milk tonight. seriously??? @Awesome62-My family is in Florida but my friends have been trying to very hard! i would lost without them. My husband just seems to be oblivious or selfish. I'm still deciding! Keep me updating on your surgery next week!! @seltyl-I was so proud of myself for not cheating but your cheat sounds delicious!!! lol! Have a safe trip and good luck!! Keep me posted!!!
  20. My surgery is tomorrow morning! I am actually tired but can't fall asleep!! Good luck!!! Just remember to say a prayer and don't worry!!!
  21. angelakay2

    My Big Day Tomorrow!

    Haha! I'm sure after surgery I will be more than willing to trade dates with you!
  22. I am so excited to see pics!!!! Congrats!!!
  23. angelakay2

    Photo Nsvs

    Congrats!!! It's a big deal when you only recognize yourself by your purse! hee hee
  24. angelakay2

    Love All The Nsvs!

    Oh!!! I love it!!!!!! Thanks!
  25. angelakay2

    Help! Gotta Choose Surgery By June 19!

    I have read and read and read and still felt informed when I read this post! Thank you!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
