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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Facing50 got a reaction from Imjustmee in Puppy   
    Am I missing something (ie; do you live with your MIL?) If you and your husband both want a dog, why would you let her opinion dissuade you? I don't think someone should get a dog on a whim, but it sounds like you've thought about it and it might be really good for your husband. That whole unconditional love thing from dogs is kind of hard to beat as a mood-lifter.
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    Facing50 reacted to clk in How can this math be possible ? The Sleeve is not working.   
    Yes, you need to invest a few minutes in searching out the stall and broken stall threads here. This is just a normal part of the process, despite how frustrated you feel. A stall is three weeks or more at the same weight.
    My typical loss pattern was to stay the same weight for roughly two weeks of the month, gain three pounds during my period and then lose any weight I would lose that month in the last week to ten days of the month.
    It was like that almost every month.
    I had two 9 week stalls. On average, I lost just over 6 pounds a month, but in reality I had entire months where I lost nothing or lost only one pound, followed by a month where I'd drop eight pounds.
    My diet never varied enough to account for the changes. PdxMan posted a really informative post on stalls some time last year, and ButtertheBean has posted one or two, also.
    They're normal. They happen with WLS and without WLS.
    The best thing you can possibly do for yourself, no matter how hard it is, would be to try to let go of any time-related expectations you have. You can't expect to lose weight every time you step on the scale. It will discourage you. So long as you generally keep heading in the right direction, you will continue to lose weight and you will reach goal. This is not a race, this is about losing the weight and keeping it off for the rest of your life. Every pound gone is one gone forever if you take this time to do the head work that should accompany the lifestyle changes you've made.
    The sleeve works, you just have to be patient.
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    Facing50 reacted to desertmom in How can this math be possible ? The Sleeve is not working.   
    I wish I had kept one thread going for the past 10 months with all my ups and downs with stalls.
    I dont really want to say this but,get use to this.I would only lose weight one week out of every 5 and even had a 7 week stall.Yet I have lost 130 pounds in 10 months.That is without the extra 10 I came home with from the hospital.
    And this thing about the math..lol...let it go,you'll just drive yourself crazy like I did.
    Again,having said that,I had to keep my calories around 800 and my carbs at no more than average 40 to lose weight fast.I didnt exercise and I still dont drink enough Water,am a tea addict!
    I have been on at least 100 diets in my life and have never lost the weight in the strange way that I lost it with the sleeve.There is just no explaining it but also no changing it,I tried!
    Good luck and be patient and do what you have to do!
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    Facing50 reacted to gmanbat in How can this math be possible ? The Sleeve is not working.   
    Keep in mind that the exact same thing would have happened if you had not been sleeved and just ate what you ate. It's just that you have invested much money and suffering and expect a result from it. Very understandable. I would mortgage my house and bet the money that you will drop eventually with the great discipline you are showing.
    I have been through many illogical stalls in the last year. Your body doesn't care about math. It does what it does and doesn't tell you why. Brats, aren't they?
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    Facing50 reacted to june13sleever in Use Your First Six Months Wisely   
    And don't buy hair clips from the people in the mall!!! Go on ebay they are way cheaper!
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    Facing50 reacted to doxieville in Use Your First Six Months Wisely   
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    Facing50 reacted to Butterthebean in Use Your First Six Months Wisely   
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    Facing50 reacted to GeauxForIt in Use Your First Six Months Wisely   
    I stand by my original post...extremes got us here and extremes will serve us NO better on the "other side".
    If you're gullible enough to believe some ridiculous post on a public forum instead if your surgeon, nutritionist and HUNDREDS of successful sleevers, by all means, go ahead with your bad self.
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    Facing50 reacted to Banned member in Use Your First Six Months Wisely   
    lol about the poster who said the OP statement was "factual". OP is entitled to his or her opinion but that doesn't make it true or right for everyone else. I'm sure OP wasn't saying that everyone should follow what they did but it would suck if someone felt the need to starve themselves just because it worked for someone else. I guess since most of us have been at one extreme of the weight scale, they may tend to think that going to the other far end will be better. I worry about what vicious cycle this could lead to such as anorexia, bulimia, etc. What happens when people get into the habit of starving themselves every time they gain a pound of Water weight? Just because we all are/were fat that doesn't mean that we are immune from developing eating disorders. I'm sure I'm not the only person that cringed while reading the OP. I do agree that you should try and maximize weight loss during the 6-12 month period after getting sleeved but I don't think starving or telling someone that they should exercise for 4 hrs is the way to do it. JMO. I hear from a lot of vets that during the weight loss phase you should aim for around 800 cals and that to me sounds a lot more reasonable than the under 500 cals advice or the person who mentioned you can survive on water only. To me it just doesn't sound like a "way of life" lifestyle. I don't know about anyone else but I've done the crash diets and I couldn't sustain them in the long run and that's what the advice sounded like coming from the OP, one big crash diet or a quick sprint to the finish. I just feel that if I crash diet to goal, I wouldn't have learned a damn thing about what it takes to be healthy and deal with my issues when it comes to food. To each their own I guess
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    Facing50 reacted to iggychic in Use Your First Six Months Wisely   
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    Facing50 reacted to Butterthebean in Use Your First Six Months Wisely   
    That is a very good article. But the thing that kinda gets lost here is that exercise has many, many benefits besides weight loss.
    Also, weight loss and improved health are not necessarily the same thing. A balance of both are my goals. The keyword being....balance.
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    Facing50 reacted to chad2rad in Use Your First Six Months Wisely   
    Whatever I decide to do with my food and activity choices has to be substainable over the long run. The first year, six months is a gift.
    I don't want to be injured and then be unable to workout.
    I hope to choose well each day, and quick to forgive if I mess up.
    I think one month out now I am feeling better and time to kick it up a notch. Thanks for the reminder.
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    Facing50 reacted to It's all new in Use Your First Six Months Wisely   
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    Facing50 reacted to It's all new in Use Your First Six Months Wisely   
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    Facing50 reacted to twoolley in Use Your First Six Months Wisely   
    It is nasty, and was uncalled for. I doubt you liked being judged by "skinny people" before your surgery. It's not very appropriate to turn around and behave that way to another forum member.
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    Facing50 reacted to swizzly in Use Your First Six Months Wisely   
    I don't eat "so much" -- I eat a normal amount for a woman of my size, age and activity level, and all of it is healthy food. Also, my "goal" was randomly selected, my surgeon doesn't set them, neither does the doctor or the Nut. So I picked a weight that I was when I was in my teens...quite some years ago. I'm a normal BMI and am very fit, in excellent shape. My original fake "goal" was 68 kg, so I did hit that one a few months ago, then I lowered it just for the hell of it. But there isn't a real goal, I just picked one cos everyone on the boards always asks for one. I continue to lose inches and get in better shape by my workouts.
    My only point was that there is more than one way to do this. I've been successful at this, whether you agree or not is irrelevant to that fact.
    ETA: I have no desire to be super far under my new, random lower goal. I don't need to be under goal. ??
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    Facing50 reacted to GeauxForIt in Use Your First Six Months Wisely   
    Work out four hours a day?! That's hilarious. And ridiculous.
    Yes, take advantage of the do-called "Honeymoon Period" to make healthy, PERMANENT changes. Going to extremes is what got us all here. And going to new extremes will not serve us well either.
    Be aggressive, but be smart, too.
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    Facing50 got a reaction from No game in Week 3 Issues   
    Regarding the Constipation, after one awful episode where I literally had cold sweats and was nauseaus for hours, I am really careful to avoid it now by making sure that I eat at least half a cup of lentils every day. High in both Protein and Fiber. Combined with enough liquids (make sure i have at least 60 oz), they seem to be enough.
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    Facing50 got a reaction from makeupbarlady in Week 3 Issues   
    After the surgery I lost for two weeks then stalled completely for two weeks, then lost for two weeks again. I would not be surprised it that is a pattern for me, basically following my period (stop losing while ovulating, lose several pounds while on my period.)
    It seems like everyone has different patten, and the stalls are discouraging no matter when and how often they come. I love the fact that I can't get discouraged and eat half a cheesecake now, though.
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    Facing50 got a reaction from Mastiff_mama in Depressed --- Need the VST Gang Reality Check   
    I am 50 too, but look at it this way: while all the skinny menopausal ladies are becoming unpleasantly surprised by their new little bellies, we are see our big ones go away. At a little over 5 wks out I've lost 16 lbs and feel so great! Like Orthoman said, if I'd lost this much this fast at any other point in my life it would have been a miracle.
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    Facing50 got a reaction from kathyhalls in omg never ever again..   
    I've heard that about rice and bread, that you have to be very careful with quantities because they swell.
    I am almost 6 wks out and started eating v. spicy food at about a week and a half, I just couldn't take the blandness anymore (I'm Indian, it is genetic ) I would buy thai Soup, ask for it extra spicy, then run it through the blender. So I'm pretty sure spice is not contraindicated per se, thank goodness.
  22. Like
    Facing50 got a reaction from gmanbat in To tell, or not to tell?   
    Ok, I am going to admit an embarrassing lie. I went to a new yoga studio yesterday and before the class started I told the teacher that I had had abdominal surgery five weeks ago so I would probably skip/modify the ab stuff. She was fine with that, but then after that asked me what type of surgery I had.
    I was totally unprepared for this, and did not want to go into it. Some people have been v. disapproving b/c I was not hugely overweight and did it mostly because of my diabetes, for which it is not yet really prescribed. So the reactions have ranged from the fact that I was taking the easy way out to lose 35 lbs, or crazy to have 85% of my stomach cut out on the chance that it could help the diabetes.
    The only thing I could think of was diverticulitis, for which my sister-in-law had had an operation. So I said that, and then she started asking me how much of my intestine they had taken out! Then a guy standing next to me said that his partner had diverticulitis, and did I have diet or other advice! When I started sputtering - I am a terrible liar - he clearly felt bad and tried to back off, saying he knew how "personal" illnesses like that could be.
    Anyway, now I feel terrible for (a) lying and ( making him feel awkward. I am going to take this as an "oh what a tangled web we weave" lesson and figure out a non-commital, non-lying response and tell the truth if that does not suffice.
  23. Like
    Facing50 got a reaction from Mastiff_mama in Depressed --- Need the VST Gang Reality Check   
    I am 50 too, but look at it this way: while all the skinny menopausal ladies are becoming unpleasantly surprised by their new little bellies, we are see our big ones go away. At a little over 5 wks out I've lost 16 lbs and feel so great! Like Orthoman said, if I'd lost this much this fast at any other point in my life it would have been a miracle.
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    Facing50 reacted to NurseGrace in What type of fish can I eat a semi large portion?   
    Not to be confrontational but let me maybe share with you why I relate to people who don't want to tell people about their surgery.
    A few years ago I had a lapband, I told everyone, because I had that same mentality that you seem to have, might as well be honest right? Everyone knew. Well, I started having extremely serious problems with the band and eventually gained all the weight back. EVERYONE KNEW. It was embarrassing and I learned a lot from it, but everyone watched me cut myself open, do all that to myself, suffer so much, only to have a very obvious failure. This time around I am NOT doing that to myself again.
    I am a little more stealthy than some, and I dont need to come online usually to ask strangers how to help me hide things because I can manage on my own just fine, but I understand them. If you had experienced public humiliation like that you might understand a little better why some people just will not share this information with people who are not our close confidants.
    There's also something to be said for not over-sharing Over-sharing is so common these days with the Facebook mentality that everyone has. Wanting a little privacy is OK, and I think its a healthy thing to maintain some privacy.
  25. Like
    Facing50 got a reaction from kathyhalls in omg never ever again..   
    I've heard that about rice and bread, that you have to be very careful with quantities because they swell.
    I am almost 6 wks out and started eating v. spicy food at about a week and a half, I just couldn't take the blandness anymore (I'm Indian, it is genetic ) I would buy thai Soup, ask for it extra spicy, then run it through the blender. So I'm pretty sure spice is not contraindicated per se, thank goodness.

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