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ChristineS NY

LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    ChristineS NY reacted to Lissa in So I've Been Know To Complain Alittle   
    I have copies of every mammo I've ever had because of a mass in my left breast. It hasn't changed and is probably related to breastfeeding many years ago. (I had mastitis twice.) Don't let the doctor's ill-advised phrasing scare you. Just go have the mammo and cross that worry off your list when it comes back normal.
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    ChristineS NY reacted to Webchickadee in So I've Been Know To Complain Alittle   
    Sending you many many many positive vibes! Our family has been heavily touched by breast cancer.
    But there's also a good chance that the "mass" is just an area of calcification and it's nothing. So stay positive and wait to see the results and go from there. One day at a time dear. Worry now will only make you feel stress you never needed to go through if it turns out to be nothing.
    Let us know how things go! And good luck!
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    ChristineS NY reacted to rdoactv in So I've Been Know To Complain Alittle   
    Best of luck. My prayers are with you that it turns out to be nothing. It could be a shadow or dense tissue as the isotope you were given for a cardiac study isn't specific for "c"cells. Im a nuclear med/PETCT/xray/ and CT tech. I hope this is the case. But stay positive, as, IF something has been caught in the pretests it can be taken care of. Hugs to u.
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    ChristineS NY got a reaction from Faganberry in July Sleevers   
    So cool to see so many of us for July 2nd!
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    ChristineS NY reacted to Faganberry in July Sleevers   
    I'm July 2nd too! I have only told my hubby and 3 very close friends, and my mom is going with me. I mentioned to my family that I was looking into it a couple of months ago and they *threw a fit* so no more information for them. I don't need to hear it Getting super excited!
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    ChristineS NY reacted to Ready for the new Lay-Lay in Today Is My Surgery!   
    Today is the day!!! It is storming!!!! I am choosing to think that the storm is here is wash away my past of obesity, depression, and low self esteem. I am claiming today a low weight loss, a low blood pressure, a healthy surgery, a doctor is will do his absolute best, a quick and healthy recovery, and I just claim VICTORY over it all!!!!!!!! Please have me in your thoughts and prayers today!
    Thank you
    In Jesus name
  7. Like
    ChristineS NY reacted to ladyarwenrose in July Sleevers   
    mine is July 2nd. I'm nervous about some things, disappointed at some of the people that wont support me, but overall extremely excited. I can't wait for July 2nd to be here! I stay busy at work so I don't think about it much there. but it's constantly on my mind when i'm at home. my boyfriend keeps me busy so it's not too bad. i've become obsessed with this website though.
  8. Like
    ChristineS NY got a reaction from joybl in New   
    Welcome to the forum! Your story gives us pre oppers lots of encouragement!
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    ChristineS NY reacted to sexysleever in Cant Wait To See Ms Kitty Again!   
    Cant wait until I'm able to look down and see ms kitty again...... It seems like nowadays I have to lift my stomach to catch a glance lol........
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    ChristineS NY reacted to 1maryreigel in "worst Decision I Have Ever Made Update"   
    Well hello everyone,
    As you read in my earlier post "worst decision I ever made" I have had a really rough time since I had my sleeve surgery on May 3,2012. I am happy to report that I was once again put in the hospital on Tuesday for dehydration. My doctor decided to go back in and do a scope on me to see if he could figure out what all my problems were coming from. When he went inside my tummy with a camera there was a piece of scar tissue that appeared to be causing a little obstruction. He also stretched my esphogas. He also went back into two of my incesions to check the outside of my tummy. The staple line and all else was perfect. He removed the piece of scar tissue and I have actually been able to eat a small amount of food today and was able to drink some fluids and hold them down.
    I feel better today than I have in the last month. I actually have been up all day moving around and doing stuff around my house. Before I was so weak and sick I slept most of the day.
    I just want to thank everyone who gave me so much support and sent me lots of prayers through this difficult time in my life. I feel like I am finally on the road to recovery : ) Still have a little ways to go but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...
    Everyone have a super blessed day : )
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    ChristineS NY reacted to girlfriday in Any July Sleevers Yet?   
    July 2nd here!
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    ChristineS NY reacted to mrslittle in July Sleevers   
    Hey there...I'm new to this site & just have been confirmed for a date of 7/15/12. I'm really excited, scared & nervous! Glad to see ter are other July sleeves, nice to meet you all, I'm Sharnae!
  13. Like
    ChristineS NY reacted to NOELEVON in Today's The Day!   
    So day 1 post op. I'm using the restroom a lot due to the iv fluids. I'm very sore. Everything else is ok...for now. Scoot over I'm coming to the bench!
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    ChristineS NY reacted to Aussiegirl in Nsv Turning Crappy Days To Happy Days   
    This journey is definitely a learning experience and I keep learning and seeing new possibilities.
    Having what I would say is a less than great day at work, frustration, moodiness (me and others), TOM and just feeling like things are not in the best place.
    So this morning, I felt the need for a pick me up...went for the chocolate (alcohol would have been preferable but it was 10am), had 2 bites and that was enough to take the edge for a bit. Not wanting to succumb to the food hunger, had a tea and went to the gym to work out some frustration...a healthier way to deal with stress.
    Anyway at the gym, i tried (have been slightly attempting for a while) to do a sit up. I have never done a sit up (i dont even remember doing this as a kid). And all of a sudden I COULD!!!! It felt easy and simple, like i should have been doing it for years....my body just decided that it could.....score, definitely a fist pump, blog moment ))))))
    For lots of people the action of doing a sit up is nothing but to me it is huge!! And it another one of my physical goals that I have achieved.
    FYI I am stalled right now with another 30 or so pounds to go...but when I have these kinds of wins, the weight doesnt seem as important.
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    ChristineS NY reacted to jenz531 in I Got My Approval!   
    Hey submitted it on Friday and I called today to see if they had it and she's like I see here that ur approved happy birthday to me!!!!
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    ChristineS NY reacted to Amoe in Hey All   
    Hey everyone on the loser's bench. my name is Amy. I started my Journey in Feb when I got a call from a local Bariatric doctor wanting to see me after recieving a heart wrenching letter from my sister. :wub: So my sister and I went in and he was on board to help even though I was uninsured. He said I was too big to safely perform the procedure here so I needed to lose 75-100 lbs and once I did that we could move forward. He told me to call him and keep him posted to my progress that way he wouldn't have to charge me for an office visit. He hoped to meet with me again in 6 months to maybe have a better idea of when we might be able to schedule a surgery. In the meantime he set me up with the Bariatric coordinator and nutritionist at the hospital to meet with regularly. Well this past year I jumped on the HCG band wagin and had already lost 40lbs gaining 20 back once I stopped. But I learned alot while on the diet and now that I have something so big to look forward to ( a new life) I figured maybe this would give me what I needed to kick it into high gear and lose the weight as soon as possible no matter how drastic it may look to others. Also I am nothig but agrgumentative, andI set my goal forApril and no one was going to tell me different. So with a cal count of 500 cals or less a day and 2hrs 5 days a week in the pool I went from 550 the first of feb to 480 mid apr. When I made the appointment with the dr and he saw my progress he was astonished and shock my hand that day saying he was on board and we were doing this. My surgery was scheduled for the first wednesday in May. I went in for preop the went prior to that and the day before the surgery I get the call saying my ekg came back bad and I would need to cardio. So the next day I was there and was given a all clear by him right away after he gave me an echo, and blood work that came back fine. So my new date was set for May 16th two weeks ago today. Sofar so good. I had no complications in surgeryand have had no set backs since I got home. I am trying to just learn my new tummy. I have just started the soft food stage which from my dr includes (eggs, tuna, deli meats, refried beans) I am excited for this because I was having an awful time wanting the Protein Shakes so now I feel I have better variety. Everything I have tried so far has gone well. I did have an egg white and cheese omelet (part of one anyway) last night that made my tummy get after me a little bit, but I think it was more the speed I was eating no what I was eating. So again just learning my tummy and how to really eat right will be the key I think. Refried Beans and mashed taters do real well I have not been getting out and walking as much as I should (let the verbal assult commence) I know I need to, again this is something I need to just get use to. My start weight was 570 a year ago and well at 570 there is not much activity so I have become use to a seditary lifestyle and it is hard to come to terms that already that is not me. Since as of this morning I weigh in at 450 a full 120lbs since last year. Only 24 of that is post wls. So another thing I need to learn is how to get out and live. I am so use to keeping super busy with as little physical activity as possible because it hurts! Well now it doesn't so I need to just get going! Right now my only concerns are leaks I am so afraid I will do something that will cause me to hurt my new tummy and cause a leak, more time in the hosp, and more $$$ added to my bill. I am also afraid of eating too much or too little, but that where learning my tummy comes in. The first week and half I was scared to drink too much at a time because people kept saying sip sip sip so I did and I NEVER got all my fluids in. So what is a sip what is a gulp??? I discovered that I can drink normally I just can not drink like I am quenching a thirst (cup tilted back sucking down the fluid) that ladies and gentlemen is gulping (atleast in my case). As far as healing goes, I feel good. I have no real pain except muscle soreness, sometimes a sharp pain when I do stupid things like trying to stand unsupported using my tummy muscles or rolling over in bed, but I believe that is muscle too, I hope
    My incesions have healed except the spot my drain came out, but Dr just took that out last Thursday. It looks good, but not healed yet. I am super excited about this journey and excited to have a chance in my life to know what normal feels like because never in my whole life (since I was 2 anyway) have I been a "normal" size. But as my fav Author Dr Suess say " Why fit in when you were born to stand out" I don't think I will have any problem standing out no matter what size I am !!!!!
  17. Like
    ChristineS NY reacted to StrangelyNormal in Ignorant People   
    Use whatever u want. I got a lot of it from friends on here lol
  18. Like
    ChristineS NY reacted to StrangelyNormal in Ignorant People   
    I just posted my response to the lady who told me I was taking the easy way out. that diet and exercise was what I needed. www.youtube.com/shesstrangelynormal
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    ChristineS NY reacted to tonia in 10 Hours Post Op!   
    I had surgery this am, and I am feeling great! All went well. Just so thirsty and my throat hurts from being intubated. Swallow study in am then I get clear liquuds. Only ice chips today.
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    ChristineS NY reacted to NewLife2 in May 30Th Sleevers, Are We Ready?   
    Not nervous at all, yet!, on my way to hospital, surgery at 8am.
    Praying we all come out great!!!
    Good luck to us!
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    ChristineS NY reacted to brandymarie81 in My Fauxsagna   
    Turned out AMAZING! Whoever came up with it is a genius!

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    ChristineS NY reacted to heidihud in I Am 2 Days Post Op!   
    Finally on the other side!!!!!!. Had my sleeve tuesday morning. Surgery went smoothly....I stayed overnight and after passing the test (nasty liquid) was able to have liquids and some mooshy food for lunch, which was basically 1 tablespoon of mashed chicken and was cleared to leave at 5 pm
    .Making sure to take my pain meds every 4-6 hours and gas relief when needed. I had 1 scrambled egg for Breakfast ate it very slowly, lost 7 lbs from Monday looking forward to a new me!!!!!!
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    ChristineS NY reacted to diochick in Nsv! Feel Like I'm On Cloud 9!   
    My husband and I took our kids to the carnival in town, they had rides there. The last time I had been on an amusement ride was over 3 years ago, it was an extremely tight fit, and so embarrassing I stopped riding all together. I thought I'd give it a shot since I'm almost 50 lbs down. I fit in fine and there was a little room to spare!!!!! This smile hasn't left my face all day
  24. Like
    ChristineS NY reacted to LoriRay in Tomorrow Is The Big Day!   
    Well this is it! I am nervous but also excited. Just happy its finally here. Off to the hospital by 8 and surgery is at 1030. Will update after surgery tomorrow when I can
  25. Like
    ChristineS NY got a reaction from judy7120 in Protein Drinks...quick, What Is Your Favorite? Thanks!   
    Muscle Milk light chocolate at Vitamin shop and GNC

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
