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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to laddie1229 in Scars And Incisions   
    Banded 12/29, I have one incision bout 2" long and 2 very small ones and two about the size of the tip of my pinky. They got infected and still haven't healed completely. If you're worried about scarring, Wal-Mart has Vitamin E oil you can use to help minimize the scarring. If you are planning on Tummy Tuck those will be much larger. Good luck and happy banding!
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to ValAnn in Scars And Incisions   
    Just had surgery on 1/27 so mine are still pretty ugly! I had 5 incisions as I had a hiatial hernia repair at the same time. The scariest looking one right now is the port incision. It is larger than the others and is still causing me some pain, very tender and ugly looking. Granted, I am just out of surgery one week today so I do expect they will start looking better. However, I have 5 children so my stomach already looked like a road map with all of the stretch marks beforehand so I'm not really too concerned about scarring. My days of 2 pieces are long over I was told to use Mederma or something similar after I have healed to help with the scarring. I believe there is a thread of scar pics....if you dare.......lol!
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to Lalola in Long Time This I Have Been On This Site   
    Hi All,
    I haven't been on this site in a while. I have been busy with this crazy life! I just wanted to share that the Lap Band has changed my life and I am so happy. I had my surgery on August 4,2011, I weighed in at 256. This morning I weighted 188lbs. It has been a lot of working out and really watching my portions. I currently have 5.5ccs and I do feel restriction. I get stuck sometimes... god is that awful.... but it is always because I have tried to eat too fast or not chew enough.
    I came to share this with you, because i was thinking how much this site helped me in the beginning couple of months. I had so many questions and concerns. It felt so good to see that people were making progress and taking time out to give us newbies advice.
    So, to any of you just starting out... be patient,exercise (it's not so bad ) and follow your Dr.'s advice. It will come off, really!!!
    Good luck everyone!
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to horsegirl315 in Never Had Surgery Before...nervous!   
    I'm freshly banded, surgery was Monday. I had never had surgery either, and let me tell you, I was the biggest baby about the whole thing. Until I got there. The preop period was actually relaxing. I changed into my johnny, and hospital socks. The nurse had me get in the bed, took my blood pressure, and temp. She brought me a warm blanket and I watched tv until anesthesia came to visit. I told them how I'd never had surgery, and was afraid of being nauseous. They gave Mr a patch behind my ear, and I got anti nausea meds in my iv...the iv didn't bother me at all, like getting blood taken. Before I knew it, i was getting a happy shot, and being wheeled into the OR. The rest is history. And also a mystery, cause I don't remember it...lol!
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to journey4me in Does This Really Work   
    I am a newbie and just had my lap band just a week ago and I have lost 12pounds so far. It takes work on your part it is not a fix all. The lap band gives you a tool that helps you control your appetite. They say that the weight loss at 3 years can be equivalent to the gastric bypass at 3 years. The gastric full bypass comes with a lot of health changes as well and once you do it you cannot change it. It matters to me because of the difference in medication absorption. good luck.
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to Southern Bell in Time Off Work?   
    I am having my surgery Friday morning as well. I am planning on going back to work next Thursday the 9th. I am getting a lil bit nervous. I had an emergency c-section and recovered well so I hope I recover quick from this.
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to chefgirl in Time Off Work?   
    Had a hernia repair done also, surgery was a Friday and I was okay within the week but took two weeks off. I guess it depends on your work situation. I felt because of the restrictions with eating I might feel weaker but it wasn't so bad. Glad I took the extra time off anyway.
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to jennilamb007 in Soda Questions   
    I was told to avoid carbonated beverages because it fills the stomach with gas and can stretch the new pouch. I used to have a 12 oz bottle or two a day and I quit cold. I am glad I did because I feel loads better not having the false high of the soda. My head hurt like all get out the first 3 days but after I got over it I felt great.
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Is The Liquid Diet Is A High Protien Low Carb Diet?!   
    I have to agree with Jess55. Granted I'm no doctor, but unless your surgeon gets you back onto real food a lot faster than mine did, I don't see how you could get enough nutrients to adequately meet a baby's nutritional needs with breast milk.
    Have you meet with the nutrionist? They would be the one to tell you if the lack of nutrients will effect your baby.
    Again, this is strictly my opinion, but if I were in your shoes I'd halt the diet until you talk to the nutrionist about this issue specifically.
    Best wishes to you.
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to ValAnn in Time Off Work?   
    I had my surgery last Friday(1/27) and plan on going back to work tomorrow. I honestly thought I would feel better than I do at this point. Today is the first day that I have not been walking around my house holding my stomach as I also felt like it could drop out at any time!! I had a hernia repair at the same time so maybe that is part of the longer recovery process. I also had never had surgery of any kind and was maybe a bit too optimistic about how quickly I would be feeling better. Take your time and don't rush it.....trust me on that one.
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to n2animals in Time Off Work?   
    I also had a hernia repair and went back to work after 5 days off.
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to horsegirl315 in Out Of Surgery!   
    Thanks for all your support! I stayed overnight at the hospital, which was good cause I def needed a nurse to help me get up to pee from all the iv fluids. She also gave me pain meds in my iv when I needed it, along with anti nausea. I went for my upper gi the morning after surgery, and got the go ahead to start on liquids. I was discharged at 330 when they decided I was tolerating the liquids. The drive home was hell. Felt like we hit every bump on the way home. By the time I got home, I was in pain, about a 5-6. I took a shower, took some liquid loratab. Once I made it to the couch, I had my head propped up with a pillow, and a rolled up blanket under my legs. It has been hard to sip the 60 grams of Protein Drink I'm supposed to be having per day. I'm still not having any feelings of hunger, which is crazy. I've been mostly sleeping with some walking when I get up for a bathroom break. I have lost a few pounds too. I'm taking 15ml of the loratab every three hours, and I haven't had much pain other than the occasional gas bubble and soreness.
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    Quinnmc79 got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Is The Liquid Diet Is A High Protien Low Carb Diet?!   
    You should just check with your Dr and nutritionist to make sure you are getting enough calories while breastfeeding, and also what they recommend. Bottom-line is though, if you're not comfortable or have any concerns about breastfeeding, you probably should wait until you feel at ease
  14. Like
    Quinnmc79 reacted to TracyC in Who Have You Told You Were Banded?   
    I was very selective at first. I was banded on November 18, 2011 and walking into surgery, my parents and boyfriend were the only ones I'd shared with. I was optimistic about the band and new in my heart I was making the right choice for me. The position I didn't want to get into was defending my decision to anyone. It was my choice to make and one I didn't make lightly. I researched for a long time before finalizing my plans. That all being said, I live in a two family home with my "father in-law" downstairs. I was worried he might think I was sick. We have dinner together a couple times a week so he would notice a huge difference in my eating habits. Added to that, Thanksgiving was the following week and I was on liquids. My boyfriend was the one to tell him. After being asked for my reasons, we were able to move on. When he understood that I was concerned with the sleep apnea, diabetes and other weight related health issues, he was very understanding. I want to be around for my 5 year old son. That was my biggest reason for making this decision. A decision I would make again. I don't regret having the lap band surgery, I just wonder why I didn't try this sooner.
    My last comment would be, it's ok to be upset at him for saying something, but did you ask him why he told her? Perhaps he needed someone (from outside the situation) to talk to about what you would be dealing with and going through. Maybe he had concerns he was afraid of sharing with you. Just a thought. Best of luck in your future success.
  15. Like
    Quinnmc79 got a reaction from Mariaband in Is The Liquid Diet Is A High Protien Low Carb Diet?!   
    I think it depends on what type of shakes your Dr/intuitionist recommends.
    I go to true results, and they don't sell shakes, but my nutritionist recommends EAS Advantedge shakes, which are lower cal, low carb, no sugar, and high protein... she also like pretty much all of the EAS line (Myoplex, etc)
    Some shakes can have alot of sugar in them == lots of carbs, but also lots of Protein. Then there are some that are "zone" balanced... higher protein, but also some carbs and fat....
  16. Like
    Quinnmc79 reacted to MSan914 in Liquid Diet Cheating Question   
    YOU will get used to the low to no carbs.............
    PRIOR to my LB I was a carb lover!!!
    now I get physically sick if I eat carbs.......haven't had any Pasta in three years!
    I have had a little rice, a few spoons of mashed potatoes.
    NO Bagels, donuts, etc.................and absolutely NO pizza dough!
    Good Luck!!!
  17. Like
    Quinnmc79 reacted to Nikki08 in February Bandsters?   
    Just got my surgery date of 2/22 today. Insurance approval for BCN federal took 3 days. So excited! They used my Weight Watchers weigh-ins from 3 years ago as my supervised diet so I didn't have to wait six months. February will be a great month for all of us!
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    Quinnmc79 got a reaction from Bremartus in Time Off Work?   
    Thanks everyone!! My surgery is on a friday morning, so I'll probably try to work from home til at least the next Wednesday - just worried about the driving, and in and out of the car all day - like army mom said, driving and turning to look at traffic might be bothersome...
    we'll see! Thanks for all of the replies!
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to Cindy C in What Will It Cost Me To Get Weight Loss Surgery?   
    My out of pocket cost for my surgery was $2000. I saved that much at the grocery store the first year. While I spend a lot on clothes, I always have so that hasn't changed. The change is that I don't have to go to expensive "fat lady" stores ti buy size 10's. I can get them anywhere! Another financial change is my earning potential has gone up. Right or wrong, the fact is that HR directors are more willing to hire someone thin and fit than someone morbidly obese. Even if I hadn't had insurance and had to pay the $20,000+ it would have been a bargain. The benefits far outweigh the expenses. In the long run you'll come out money ahead.
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    Quinnmc79 got a reaction from Bremartus in New & Scheduled For Surgery Feb 24Th!!   
    Hi! I'm Marissa, from Austin, TX, and I'm scheduled for surgery on Feb 24th. I've been overweight for more of my life than I have not - and I am a perpetual dieter. I have tried EVERYTHING. I've had some skinny days in my life, but could never hold on to them long... thus, I have boxes and boxes of skinny clothes (size 6!) stacked in my garage, that I am just DYING to get back into. Sadly, I didn't get to wear those for long, and I should have known better than buying a bunch of designer clothes in size 6, since odds are, that I wasn't gonna be thin enough to really even enjoy them. But of course, I said what I'm, sure every perpetual dieter says.... I'm never gonna let myself get heavy again... I'm throwing out or giving away all of my fat clothes... riiiiiight. Then I was just stuck with a bunch of beautiful tiny clothes that now, if I tried, I wouldn't even be able to cram a thigh into....
    But I digress. My story. I am 32 years old, and tired of being overweight. Yes, I love to eat. That is the root of the problem. Dieting helps - sometimes. Not much, and it is a constant battle against the hunger. And obesity runs in my family. I have 2 aunts that have gotten RNY bypass, and an uncle and a cousin that have gotten Lap Band. My mom and brother are also overweight. And I am now at the heaviest I have been in my life -- if I was a drug addict, you could say I'm now hitting rock bottom.
    So I'm doing something about it. WITH MY MOM. Yep, we decided to take charge of our weight and our health, and we are getting the surgery done together - back to back. Its going to be quite the adventure, but at least I have a close support buddy to share it with every step of the way. At least family dinners and holidays will be a bit easier, since we'll have each other to lean on!
    And the countdown begins... here I come FEB 24th! This skinny girl wants OUT!!!
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to nelle1230 in New & Scheduled For Surgery Feb 24Th!!   
    Good Luck to you on your journey back to a size 6 (or smaller if you want) and to your mon as well!!!
  22. Like
    Quinnmc79 reacted to GLove in New & Scheduled For Surgery Feb 24Th!!   
    Marissa, how exciting! I will enjoy following your journey. I hope you post about it! Good luck to you and your mom.
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to Mck xx in Time Off Work?   
    unfortunately, i think it really does vary by person...
    my surgery was thursday and i'd planned to return this coming thursday. called my boss and and asked if i could cancel the vacation days & come back today (tues) & he said no. now im stuck at home, bored & being unproductive.. letting the few vacation days ive accrued pass me by! in my case i wanted to be safe instead of sorry because i really cant use sick time if i'd underestimated my recovery. i guess it depends too how flexible your work is. if you can go back sooner than youd said you would because youre feeling great, wonderful. or if youve got a sick day or two stored, keep them in mind.
    so basically... no straight answer to that question. lol.
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to legnarevocrednu in Time Off Work?   
    I had surgery on a Monday and went back the following Monday. It was fine for me. I was really tired the first day back, but I'm sitting most of the day so it was no big deal. Since you are active in your job, I definitely suggest at least a week. Good luck!
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    Quinnmc79 reacted to maxwellsmart in New & Scheduled For Surgery Feb 24Th!!   
    Good luck to you and your Mom on your journey...

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