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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chrissylu

  1. oh my...just ate two chocolate chip cookies! They were so good! Definitely going to the treadmill at 5:30p.

  2. Congrats. For mushies, I used scrambled eggs, tuna or chicken salad mixed up very well in a food processor, mashed potatoes, and the aforementioned items. As for drinks, I buy several of the Hawaiian Punch sugar-free, single-serve mixes. Some have no carbs, some have only 1 or 2 carbs per serving. I drink tea sweetened w/splenda sometimes too.
  3. chrissylu

    Lookin For The Gun Nuts.

    I like to shoot but haven't done so since before my father-in-law died last year. Usually, my shooting expeditions were with him and my hubby.
  4. chrissylu

    In Surgery Now

    God bless!
  5. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Nicole...I feel your pain. I'm so tired of this back and forth crap (pardon the pun)! I just knew that today would be my 50lb mark but no...stupid constipation. trying to find ways to incorporate more fiber into my diet but gotta take it slow...and drink more water.
  6. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Happy Monday everyone! I, too, was rather MIA over the weekend. Great job on the zumba JDI! I wish my knees could take it...I love zumba! So my lapband.com profile says I have reached 25% of my goal! yay!
  7. chrissylu

    Easter 2012 40lbs down

    From the album: chrissylu

    A few weeks ago I posted that I had a certain outfit that I wanted to fit into by Easter Sunday. Well...it was down to the wire..but...here it is. 40lbs down and this is an 18W suit. Resurrection Day is such an awesome day. Jesus gave His life and was resurrected so that I might be saved. He gave me new life (thus a resurrection through Him), and I feel like He is giving me new life again today. God bless you all!
  8. I need a nap. No workout this morning combined with turkey for lunch, and Chrissy's a sleepy girl!

  9. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    and now its caused hiccups. yay. i love (not) having hiccups at work.
  10. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    oh man! Eating lunch at my desk..kinda stuck on some roasted turkey. Ugh! Trying to breathe it away.
  11. chrissylu

    43lbs gone

    From the album: chrissylu

    Taken today. This dress is really too big now...but I cinched it with the belt at the waist. oh...and my shoes are too big too!
  12. Today is one of those days where I feel like I'm going backward. Though I've made amazing progress in the past three months, the past week is what is getting me down. It's the yo-yo plateau. You know, the same two pounds...back and forth, back and forth. Ugh! I am trying to step up my exercise and mix it up a bit. Watching my calorie intake. Trying to keep my water intake up as well. Those two pounds just won't leave forever! I know I should focus on NSVs like all the positive comments I'm getting from people; the fact that I have very few items in my closet that fit; the fact that I just got a pair of pants that are THREE sizes smaller than what I had when I started this journey. Isn't it amazing how two freakin' little pounds can trip you up in such a way. Okay....gonna try to be more positive tomorrow.
  13. chrissylu

    Spring into Action with Water

    My doctor said I should drink at least 64 oz of water a day, so I try to do that each day. Sometimes, its plain water, sometimes its mixed with sugar-free Hawaiian punch mix, sometimes its unsweetened tea with a little bit of Splenda. Its a GREAT day when I can go over 64 oz.
  14. chrissylu

    Becoming a Lean, Clean, Fat Burning Team

    I SO wish I could get my husband to exercise with me!
  15. chrissylu

    No Birthday Cake For Me ...

    I was banded January 25th. On April 25th, I celebrated my 43rd birthday, my 3-month bandiversary and my goal of having lost 45 lbs! I, however, did eat cake. But I'd "saved up" for it and only had a few small bites....just enough to say I'd had cake on my birthday. No special meal. But I like what you said about not making the celebration about the food. I had so many other things to celebrate, the few bites of cake was just a very small part of it. Congrats to you! i want a beach cruiser too! I have somewhat of a mountain bike and its soooo uncomfortable! God bless you!
  16. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    ValAnn...I'm waiting for half-price day at Goodwill stores (1st Saturday of each month) and just buying a couple of pieces to get me through. I also watch (on Facebook) for free apparel item days at Sears Outlet stores. They usually have deep discounts on clothing anyway.
  17. chrissylu


    From the album: chrissylu

    36 pounds gone...never to return. I love my band!
  18. chrissylu

    Restriction: the Holy Grail

    Great article. I'm a little over 3-months post-surgery and had no idea about "soft-stop signals" like sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose. Wow! And I thought it was just my allergies...could've been "stop signals".
  19. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Meredith...I posted a pic in my gallery yesterday. JDI130...I've hit a plateau...well...more like a yo-yo. I can't seem to get lower than 215 and then I'll bounce back up to 217. Its back and forth, back and forth. I'm trying to mix up my menu and my exercise but nothing seems to be working yet. However, I do have the NSV of the unexpected size 18 jeans! Still moving forward! Going to the 2nd Harvest Food Bank (Nashville) to sort and fill boxes of food for families that need them. Have a great day everyone!
  20. pulled pork for lunch. mmm

  21. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    okay peeps...I FINALLY lost another pound. Man, I wish the doc had given me a fill last week. However, on an NSV note: yesterday was 'free item of apparel day" at Sears Outlet stores. So, after work I took my little coupon and went shopping for some slacks. I have ONE pair of slacks that fit. So, I go in looking for 20s but I only find one pair so I pick up some 18Ws. Lo and behold, the 20 was a bit too big and the 18W pair fits! A size smaller than I expected...woo-hoo! So I picked out a white shirt and since the pants were $10 and then 75% off, I used the shirt as my free item and only paid $2.50 for the pants. My whole outfit, tax and all, was only $2.73!! Hopefully I'll have a pic to post later. I have some but I don't really like them. LOL. Have a great day everyone!
  22. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    JDI130...you beat me to it! And I had to have a BIDIA workout this morning myself!
  23. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Hi everyone! Haven't been on in a couple of days...busy weekend and then work yesterday. I can tell I've missed you all too. I haven't been doing so well the past few days. I can't seem to get past that 46 to 47 lb mark...and my doc didn't give me a fill last week at my 3-month check-up. He evidently thinks I'm in the green zone. However, I think I'm going to try Nicole's idea above. I had not thought about changing the calories up depending on whether I'm exercising or not. I have gone up some than when I first started, but alternating is a good idea. Great job Nicole! Hope things are going well for you! And for the rest as well. Have a great Tuesday!
  24. I am so down today for some reason. And I feel like if I could get my hand on a bag of oreos...I'd eat'em all. ugh!

  25. chrissylu

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Yay Meredith! So proud for you!!

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