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LAP-BAND Patients
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    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from ♕ajtexas♕ in Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?   
    This is what I posted on a thread about this today.
    No one cares if someone can't spell well or makes a lot of errors.
    However, when I read a post that honestly looks like it was written in secret code by a drunk 3rd grader and makes zero sense because it's written *that* badly, I totally ignore it. If I need a secret decoder ring just to make sense of it, I won't deal with it.
  2. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from iolorelltull in Why Didn't I Listen?   
    I know scheduling is rough, but you need to make going back to your doctor for a slight unfill a priority. A band too tight can lead to slips and worse complications. You definitely don't want to mess with that.
  3. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from iolorelltull in Why Didn't I Listen?   
    I know scheduling is rough, but you need to make going back to your doctor for a slight unfill a priority. A band too tight can lead to slips and worse complications. You definitely don't want to mess with that.
  4. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from saramatos11 in Oh My Stars, I Can't Eat Anything!!!   
    You are too tight and that is definitely nothing to "grin and bare". You're putting yourself at real risk for a slip by being too tight. Call your surgeon for a slight unfill as soon as possible.
  5. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from A New New Dawn in Dr. Oz   
    I'm watching it right now, honestly it's awesome. Lisa is saying how it's a tool, and how if she doesn't deal with her emotional stuff she'll gain it back. Dr. Oz even said he thought bariatric surgeries were the most under-used out there. They're both actually very informative. I'm rather impressed!
  6. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from A New New Dawn in Dr. Oz   
    I'm watching it right now, honestly it's awesome. Lisa is saying how it's a tool, and how if she doesn't deal with her emotional stuff she'll gain it back. Dr. Oz even said he thought bariatric surgeries were the most under-used out there. They're both actually very informative. I'm rather impressed!
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    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in So Mad With My Self!!!!   
    The above posters advice to journal what eat is what I'd do, too. Also, are you sticking to a cup or less of food per meal? Unfortunately just because you're eating salads often doesn't necessarily mean you're eating healthy or low calorie. It's all entirely dependent on what you put in the salad.
  8. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! reacted to A New New Dawn in So Mad With My Self!!!!   
    Have you tried using "myfitnesspal" to log your food intake? Many times people feel like they are eating healthy or within a certain calorie range and don't realize just how much they are taking in. Salads can be very unhealthy if adding cheese, dressing, etc. Also, many people don't realize how many liquid calories they are taking in. I think a food journal would be a good first start. Also, salads are ok but you should be eating protein first, salad next. The protein is going to fill you up and keep you satiated. Good luck to you!
  9. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from Jim1967 in Losing Weight Is Such A Juggling Act...i Should Have Joined The Circus   
    Hang in there, Jim. You're doing so well already! I know it's frustrating but don't let that frustration diminish how amazingly far you've come already. I really think the calorie increase will help you a lot, too.
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    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! reacted to marfar7 in Pizza Ordered! Ready For My Pina Colada!   
    Who said you can't have alcohol after being banded? I've been banded for almost 3 yrs now and enjoy an occasional glass of wine or margarita. You just have to watch the calories. There's nothing about the band that would preclude alcohol. Except that it lowers your inhibitiions on eating crap! Enjoy one in a while!
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    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from mrsclark2408 in Smoking Preop & Postop   
    Excellent!! You will be so happy once you've quit. The quitting itself sucks, but oh my gosh, I love being a non-smoker. You don't realize how awful smokers smell until you quit. Now, I can't stand even standing near a smoker, let alone by someone actually smoking.
    I went out bought myself new perfume and Bath & Body Works goodies as rewards for quitting smoking.
    Plus, you'll feel better. You're getting the band now soon to be an ex smoker, just think how wonderfully healthy your body is going to be!!! It's exciting!!
  12. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from ErinMarie in Smoking Preop & Postop   
    I did a lot of research on these and ProSmoke had great ratings. I thought they were great, plus you can get different nicotine strengths, which really helps as you're weaning off them. The starter kits are really good deals, too. Here's a link: http://www.prosmokestore.com/
  13. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! reacted to mrsclark2408 in Smoking Preop & Postop   
    You are so right Mis73!! =) Thanks for the encouraging words!! I'm getting super stoked about my surgery... less than a month away!!
  14. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from mrsclark2408 in Smoking Preop & Postop   
    Excellent!! You will be so happy once you've quit. The quitting itself sucks, but oh my gosh, I love being a non-smoker. You don't realize how awful smokers smell until you quit. Now, I can't stand even standing near a smoker, let alone by someone actually smoking.
    I went out bought myself new perfume and Bath & Body Works goodies as rewards for quitting smoking.
    Plus, you'll feel better. You're getting the band now soon to be an ex smoker, just think how wonderfully healthy your body is going to be!!! It's exciting!!
  15. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! reacted to mrsclark2408 in Smoking Preop & Postop   
    Well, I think I got my answers.. my surgery is Sept. 28th, so Ill definitely have to quit smoking by the first of September. They told us 6 weeks prior is efficient enough, but then I was told by the nurse that she seen patients not stop smoking b4 or after surgery. I need to quit anyway, I've been smoking for over a decade & it's time to seize the nicotine! I deifnitely think I'll try E-cigs! =) Thank you guys for your feedback!!
  16. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from mrsclark2408 in Smoking Preop & Postop   
    I quit smoking 6 months before surgery because I know smoking can not only cause serious complications while under general anesthesia, but it can also severely hinder the healing process.
    A lot of surgeons require you to be smoke free for a month before surgery and will randomly test your blood for nicotine to make sure you're not smoking during this time.
    I've had surgeries as a smoker in the past and I can't tell you how much easier it was as a non-smoker. When I smoked, I was on oxygen for 2 days after surgery because my level kept dipping down. I had issues with my incision healing properly and just overall felt horrible. Since quitting, I've had two surgeries, one for Lap Band and one just two weeks ago for a strangulated hernia. I was a non smoker for both, didn't need oxygen after surgery, and my wounds healed so much faster and better.
  17. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! reacted to Sojourner in Smoking Preop & Postop   
    You are supposed to stop smoking pre op...my surgeon requires 1 month no smoking pre op. If he finds out you have been smoking, he will cancel your surgery. No exceptions.
    There are blood tests to check for nicotine metabolites, and I know my surgeon uses that test for pre op lab work.
    Smoking interferes with the body's healing process...never a good idea. Why not use this surgery as an opportunity to kick the habit?
  18. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! reacted to RahRahRah in 104Lbs? You Should Be Losing That In Like 4 Months.   
    Thank you all for the kind support and words of encouragement. I know my husband can be a d**k. Sometimes in 100% of what he says and sometimes in 1% of what he says. I know he is insecure, ugg, and despite my flip flopping back and forth I have stayed and we have worked stuff out together.
    i wont make excuses for him. I have wondered and asked him who screwed him over to give him this attitude but have moved on as I want to remain as positive with him. Last Christmas when I was in the approval stages he bought me many gradually getting smaller items of clothing like work out stuff and sexy stuff too and said it was something he looked forward to. So he does flip flop too. He wants to me be healthy and look great but doesnt want me to run away. Im not offended if you think he is a d**k, haha, I think he's a d**k on occasion as well.
    I will talk with him again about how much it hurts me when he comments like that. Just last week when he had a heart to heart with me about fast food choices that he thought would disappear (and to my fault, did not) he said he was concerned with telling me because I always become upset about it. And to be honest, its probably because I need to be truthful with myself about how inconsistent I am being (because I am embarrassed to admit I have slipped up) but also the way he bluntly tells me that I could have lost the weight on my own.
    I hate to sound like those abused woman that make escuses and say "but he loves me" but I agree about him having serious self esteem issues.
    I am so glad I joined this group- your support helps. I hope this blog helped someone reevaluate how they take non supporters and remember to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!
  19. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! reacted to Jim1967 in 104Lbs? You Should Be Losing That In Like 4 Months.   
    Wow, sorry to be harsh but your husband sucks and not only is he an unsupported d**k he sounds like a bully. He is obviously uneducated on what the band does and how it works.
    Good luck to you. You have a long journey ahead of you with that kind of support system.
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    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! reacted to LoozQuoils in 104Lbs? You Should Be Losing That In Like 4 Months.   
    I'm sorry if this is offensive, but he sounds like an insecure d**k. I'm sorry to say but it sounds like you are on your on (physically) but virtually you have support!! Good luck and check in often.
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    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! reacted to NWgirl in 104Lbs? You Should Be Losing That In Like 4 Months.   
    Have you told your husband firmly to stop buying the crap for you? Sometimes this change can be rough for our partners- they somehow get it in their minds that when we lose the weight, we will suddenly become new people who will move on to bigger and better fish.
  22. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from RahRahRah in Food Police!!   
    Next time he decides to comment on what you eat, you should respond "Do you really think you should you should be acting like my mother in the work place?"
  23. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! reacted to xsentrick in Worst Case Senario!   
    You're not alone. Food addiction is very serious...trust me, I know! When I first looked into the band I wondered to myself and worried...could I actually be THIS committed?!? You are correct in that it is about retraining the mind...learning new eating habits and just making better food choices. The band is no easier than a diet...it is just an additional tool, as you said. You can do this...you know what you have to do. No more excuses.
    I play guitar...not well, but I play. When I feel the urge to eat or I get mind hungry...I pick up my guitar and practice until my fingers are sore. Placing the focus elsewhere is what helped me. It might be able to help you. Take a up new hobby or revisit an old one. Something that you can focus on when those addictions come knockin on the door again......most importantly.....drink your water!
    I wish you success and joy on your continued journey. It's not too late to do it right.
  24. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from RahRahRah in Food Police!!   
    Next time he decides to comment on what you eat, you should respond "Do you really think you should you should be acting like my mother in the work place?"
  25. Like
    DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Whats Wrong With This Band?   
    Are you eating 1/2 cup to 1 cup of food total per meal and stopping when it's gone even if you're still hungry? Are you making good food choices and getting in all of your protein? Do you count calories?
    Have you had fills? Do you have restriction? All these things will greatly effect weight loss.
    I suspect there is nothing wrong with your band but rather you may have to make some changes to your eating habits.

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